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1、詞序與倒裝l“Those apples are very expensive”“Do you know_?”(A)how much cost them                          (B)how much they cost(C)they cost how much     &#

2、160;                     (D)how much do they cost【簡析】(B)本句選 how much they cost是因為它是間接疑問句,英語間接疑問句的語序要與肯定句相同,同時主句“Do you know?”已經(jīng)表示疑問了。我們可以說:I don't know what your name is但我們不能說:I don't know wha

3、t is your name2“Will a bus stop here soon?”“No,_.”(A)ten minutes ago just one went by(B)ten minutes ago one just went by(C)just one went by ten minutes ago(D)one just went by ten minutes ago【簡析】(D)just是一個常見的副詞,當 just的意思是 a momentago(剛才)時,英國英語通常用現(xiàn)在完成時,而美國英語則用一般過去時,這時just位置要放在謂語動詞前。本句just就屬于這種情況,當just

4、解釋“僅僅”(=only)時,just就要放在它所修飾的詞前面,如:He was just a little displeased他就有一點不高興。 I just wantedto ask you about the meeting我只是想問問你有關(guān)會議的事宜。3_would have known the answer(A)Clever anyone                    

5、0;               (B)Anyone clever(C)Anyone is clever                             

6、0;  (D)Clever is anyone【簡析】(B)不定代詞any,no,some所派生的詞,如somebody,everything,everybody,anything,anybody,anyone,somewhere等類似的詞要把形容詞放在其后,如:Have yon read anything interesting late-ly?你最近讀過什么有趣的東西嗎?4.According to the information,the newly-constructed highway is_(A)length twenty miles   &#

7、160;                        (B)in twenty miles of length(C)long about twenty miles                 &

8、#160;    (D)about twenty miles long【簡析】(D)在表示長度、高度、寬度的詞組中,形容詞和副詞要放在表示長、寬、高度的名詞之后,如six feet high(6英尺高),three meters deep(3米深)。5After the funeral,the residents of the apartment building_(A)sent faithfully flowers all weeks to the cemetery(B)sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each w

9、eek(C)sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully(D)sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers【簡析】(B)當副詞修飾動詞時,如果動詞是不及物動詞,其順序是“不及物動詞+副詞”,如果動詞是及物動詞,其順序是“及物動詞+賓語+副詞”,故選(B)。6We had English classes_(A)last term in school every other day(B)every other day last term in school(C)in school every

10、 other day last term(D)every other day in school last term【簡析】(C)當一個句子同時有時間狀語和地點狀語時,時間狀語通常都放在地點狀語的后面。7We left Chicago_(A)last Friday in the morning at 7(B)in the morning at 7 last Friday(C)at 7 in the morning last Friday(D)at 7 last Friday in the morning【簡析】(C)如果一個句子有好幾個地點狀語時,其原則是由小到大,如:She lives at

11、 Tsinghua University,in Beijing,People's Republic of China如果一句子中有兩個以上不同種類的副詞作狀語時,其順序是“地點狀態(tài)次數(shù)時間”,如:MrMokey arrived here safely the day before yesterdayHe telephoned from Tianjin three times yester-day8“Why doesn't Mary stay with relatives in New York?”“She_in Boston”(A)only has relatives 

12、;                               (B)has relatives only(C)relative has only             

13、;                    (D)has only relatives【簡析】(B)副詞only可放在句子中的不同地方,如句首、句中或句尾。only的位置不同,全句的意思或著重點就有所不同。通常副詞 only一般應(yīng)放在它所修飾的詞的前面。試比較:Mary has onlydistant relatives in Boston瑪麗在波士頓只有遠親。Mary has distant rel- at

14、ives only in Boston瑪麗只在波士頓有遠親。Only Mary has relatives in Boston只有瑪麗在波士頓有親戚。9I'd like to speak to_(A)the responsible                              &

15、#160;    (B)a responsible person(C)the person responsible                        (D)a person responsible【簡析】(C)一些以-able和-ible結(jié)尾的形容詞有時可作后置定語。available一詞就常作后置定語,如:Are there

16、 any tickets available? 還有票嗎?本句中 the person responsible是較固定的用法,意思是“負 責人”,(B)也可以,但意思不同。a responsible person的意思是“一 個敢于負責的人”。10You_(A)rightly answered the question(B)answered the question rightly(C)right answered the question(D)answered rightly the question【簡析】(A)right和rightly都可以表示“正確”的意思。在非 正式的談話中,rig

17、ht更為常用,但要用在動詞之后。本題答案(B)也對,但和(A)的意思不同。(B)的意思是“你回答的問題(指內(nèi) 容)是對的”,(A)的意思是“你回答這個問題是對的”(應(yīng)該回答)。11_for the phone to ring(A)She sat there hopefully waiting(B)Hopefully,she sat there waiting(C)She sat there waiting hopefully(D)She hopefully sat there waiting【簡析】(C)hopefully放在句中意思是full of hope(充滿希望)或hoping(懷有的

18、希望),hopefully放在句首時修飾全句,意思是 we hope或it is hoped that,如:Hopefully,China will win the world vol- leyball championship我們希望中國排球隊將會贏得世界排球錦標賽 冠軍。12Why are you still smoking?You_(A)should have given up it(B)should have given it up(C)ought to have given up it(D)should given it up【簡析】(B)當謂語是由put on,carry on,l

19、ook up,put across,work out,give up這類由一個動詞加副詞構(gòu)成的動詞短語表示時,如 果賓語是一個代詞,通常要把它放在動詞與副詞之間。 13He_ he could learn English in six weeks(A)imagined fondly                          

20、60;      (B)fondly imagined(C)fond imagined                                    (D)could imagine【簡析】(

21、B)fondly作“憐愛地”解,要放在動詞后面;放在動詞前面意思是“天真地、愚蠢地”。14Only by diligence and honesty_in life(A)one succeed                                  

22、    (B)one will be succeed(C)can one be succeeded                         (D)can one succeed【簡析】(D)英語的倒裝結(jié)構(gòu)分為二種,即全部倒裝和部分倒裝。全部倒裝句是句子的全部謂語放到主語的前面;部分倒裝句中,如果原句的謂語動詞是由二三個動

23、詞組成,第一個動詞就要在主語前加上助動詞do的適當形式。句中的only是副詞,當它位于句首,修飾的不是主語的話,通常句子中的主語和謂語動詞只要求部分倒裝。only倒裝結(jié)構(gòu)如下: 譯文:只有靠勤奮和誠實,人們才能成功。15So little_that the neighbors could not settle their differ- ence(A)they agreed                  

24、;                      (B)agreed did they(C)did they agree                       

25、;             (D)they did agree【簡析】(C)so是副詞,當它放在句首時表示強調(diào),句子中的 謂語動詞要部分倒裝。16So badly_in the accident that he was detained in the hos- pital for treatment(A)did he injure            &#

26、160;                          (B)he did injure(C)was he injured                  

27、0;                (D)he was injured【簡析】(C)譯文:他在事故中傷得很重,只得留在醫(yī)院治療。17Often_her not to be late for school(A)did we ask                  

28、60;                      (B)we ask(C)we asked                         

29、                  (D)we did ask【簡析】(A)副同 often(many a time)位于句首時,句子中的 主語和謂語動詞要用部分倒裝表示強調(diào)。18Before the detonation of an atomic bomb,never_(A)an explosion of such power had taken place(B)had an explosion of such powet

30、taken place(C)had been such an explosin of power(D)there had been an explosion of such power【簡析】(B)句首以否定詞 not,not only,never,no,hardly,sel-dom,rarely,scarcely,little,not until,no sooner(than),hardly (when)以及含有否定意義的短語 in no way(決不),in no case (決不),by no means(決不、一點也不),at no time(決不、從不),under no circu

31、mstances(決不),no longer(不再),in vain(徒勞)等 開頭的句子,后面主語和謂語動詞的語序要求部分倒裝。本句的謂 語動詞所以部分倒裝是因為never放在主語的前面。19Little_about what he is doing(A)do we know                           

32、;           (B)we do know(C)did we know                                   &

33、#160; (D)we know【簡析】(A)little是否定詞,當它位于句首時,就要求謂語動 詞部分倒裝。20Nowhere_that life always goes smoothly(A)it has been said                               

34、   (B)it is said(C)has it been said                                  (D)does it say【簡析】(C)句中的 nowhere修飾has it been said。試比較:N

35、owhere,it has been said,does life always go smoothly這個句中的 nowhere修飾go。因此,句子的意思就應(yīng)該是:有人說過,生活不是在什么地方都總是那么順利。21In no way_the amount of heat(A)the temperature equals(B)does the temperature equal (C)equals the temperature(D)does the temperature equals【簡析】(B)含有no的詞組常出現(xiàn)在句首,表示強調(diào),后 面要用倒裝語序。22_the first to use

36、 nuclear weapons(A)At no time China will be(B)Never China will be(C)Will China never be(D)At no time will China be【簡析】(D)譯文:在任何時候,中國決不會首先使用核武器。23He was told under no circumstances_the computer(A)he may use                

37、;                        (B)may he use(C)did he may use                     

38、0;             (D)he did use【簡析】(B)本句倒裝結(jié)構(gòu)是在賓語從句中,因為賓語從句的 句首是含有否定意義的 under no circumstances。24Under no circumstances_anything that will benefit our- selves,but at the same time harm the interests of others(A)should we do   

39、60;                                 (B)does one do(C)would we do            

40、0;                        (D)did he do【簡析】(A)譯文:無論如何我們也不能做出任何損人利己的事情。25Emile has returned,however,not before his employer contacts him_his position(A)will he resume   

41、60;                               (B)he resumes(C)resume he will              &#

42、160;                    (D)he does resume【簡析】(A)本句的倒裝結(jié)構(gòu)是在全句中的最后一句。否定詞not并不是否定 before引出的從句,而是否定he will resume,故選 (A)。譯文:埃米爾雖然回來了,但雇主在和他聯(lián)系(接觸)之前不 會恢復(fù)他的職務(wù)。26By no means_his plan to practise medicine(A)he has

43、given up                                  (B)has he given up(C)did he have given up        

44、0;                  (D)he did give up【簡析】(B)practise medicine意思為“開業(yè)行醫(yī)”。27On no account_to feed the animals in the zoo(A)visitors don't allow            

45、;                 (B)visitors are not allowed(C)are visitors allowed                         &#

46、160;   (D)do visitors allow【簡析】(C)詞組 on no account的意思是“決不”,因句首含有 否定的意義,謂語動詞要求部分倒裝。譯文:在動物園里,參觀者一律不得給動物喂食。28Hardly_he finished his speech_the audience started cheering(A)did;before                  

47、0;                    (B)had;them(C)did;when                           

48、;             (D)had;when【簡析】(D)Hardly/Scarcely謂語主語when/before(剛就),No sooner謂語主語than(一就),這種結(jié)構(gòu)可用來 表示一件事緊接另一件事發(fā)生,通常與過去完成時連用。譯文:他一做完報告,觀眾就開始歡呼起來。29Not until the compass came into use_on the sea(A)ships could travel     

49、;                          (B)and ships could travel(C)do shipe travel                 

50、60;                 (D)could ships travel【簡析】(D)until作連詞時可以和not連用,可置于句首,意思 是“直到才”。在這種情況下,主語和謂語動詞的倒裝是在主句中,而不是在not until的從句中,如:Not until I came to China did I know what kind of a country she is直到來到中國我才知道中國是個什么樣 的國家。譯文:直到應(yīng)用

51、了指南針,船只才能在海上航行。30_I couldn't lift the box(A)As I might try                                    (B)Try as I might(C)As try

52、I might                                    (D)Try though might I【簡析】(B)as作“雖然”講時引出讓步狀語從句,比though的意義要強。在這種從句中要把表語、狀語或?qū)嵰鈩釉~提到句首再

53、加as,再加其他成分。如:Search as they would,they could find nothing in the house盡管他們在這房子里到處搜尋,但是他們找不到任何東 西。Cold as it was,we went out雖然很冷,但我們還是出去了。Much as he likes physics,he likes mathematics better雖然他很喜歡物理,但 他更喜歡數(shù)學(xué)。本句是屬于實意動詞提到句首這一類。31_,I must do another experiment(A)Be it ever so late    

54、;                             (B)It is ever so late(C)It be ever so late              

55、0;                 (D)So late it be ever【簡析】(A)句中ever sovery。譯文:時間雖晚,但我必須再做一個實驗。32As we know,all animals need air,and_(A)so plants do              

56、60;                        (B)nor do plants(C)so do plants                     &

57、#160;                 (D)plants need so【簡析】(C)副詞so,neither,nor可用來引出這樣的一種句子:我們說某人、某事或某種情況,同剛才提到過的相同。在這種情況下,so/neither/nor 引出句子中的主語、謂語詞序必須顛倒。通常so 引出的句子,前面的句子一定是肯定句,而neiter/nor引出的句子,前面的句子一定是否定句,如:Wood can't conduct elec

58、tricity,nor can glass木頭不能導(dǎo)電,玻璃也是如此。本句中 so do plantsplants also need air。33“I found it easier to learn Russian than to learn English”“_”(A)I notice so                         &

59、#160;               (B)So I notice(C)So notice I                              &#

60、160;         (D)Did I notice so【簡析】(B)在用say,hear,believe,notice,tell,understand及其他許多動詞時,可以把so(同樣、也)放在句首,但后面的語序不顛倒,如:It's going to be a cold winter,or so the newspaper say今 年冬天將會很冷,至少報紙上是這么說的。句中的so是代詞,意思是“這樣、如此”,so I notice我也注意到了。等于:I notice that you found

61、it easier to learn Russian34“Can you tell me where my son is?”“Yes,of course,_!”(A)here your son comes                          (B)here comes your son(C)comes your son &#

62、160;                               (D)your son here comes【簡析】(B)副詞here,there放在句首時,主語、謂語的語序 要求全部倒裝。如果主語是人稱代詞則不須倒裝,這種結(jié)構(gòu)常用在口語中。結(jié)構(gòu)如下:Here/There不及物動詞主語(名詞)

63、,Here/There主語(代詞)動詞。試比較:Here comes the bus!Here it comes!35There_the proofreader overlooked on the page(A)a mistake is                              &#

64、160;        (B)is a mistake(C)a mistake be                                     

65、(D)be mistake【簡析】(B)譯文:在這一頁校對員漏掉了一個錯。36Flying demands a much greater supply of energy_ other forms of transportation(A)than do most                            &

66、#160;        (B)most than do(C)than most do                                     (C)do

67、 than most【簡析】(A)句中than do most other forms of transportationthan most other forms of transportation do。than引出的比較狀語從句,如果主句較長,可以借助于倒裝來保持句子的平衡。37_from the tenth floor when the policeman pointed his pis- tol at him(A)Jumped down the burglar(B)Down the burglar jumped(C)Down jumped the burglar(D)Jumped t

68、he burglar down【簡析】(c)當句首的狀語是方位詞,如down,up,on,in,out 等,或是因為主語太長時,謂語動詞可全部倒裝,如:Down came the ceiling天花板掉下來了。Across the river lies a newly built bridge新 建的一座橋橫跨這條河。這種句子中通常無賓語,常常是說明了主語在哪里。附加疑問句1Let's listen to the radio program that the teacher mentioned,_?(A)do we      

69、                                         (B)don't we(C)shall we     

70、60;                                      (D)will we【簡析】(C)祈使句后可以加一個簡單的疑問句,使口氣變得 客氣一些。在 Let's 的祈使句后,通常用 shall we

71、?在 Have some beer 這類祈使句后則用 won't?祈使句后面的疑問句還有 will you?won't you?would you? can you?can't you?及could you?它們的區(qū)別:一般won't用于邀請,will及would用來告訴人們該做什么事。在祈使句的否定結(jié)構(gòu)后面,只能用 will you?2We never dared to ask him a question,_?(A)did we           

72、                                   (B)didn't we(C)dared we           &#

73、160;                               (D)daredn't we【簡析】(A)在反意疑問句中,如果陳述部分包含有no,never,hardly,scarcely等詞,這部分就算否定,問句中要用肯定形式。3Amy:You must do as I tell y

74、ouKaren:Oh,I must,_?(A)should I                                            (B)mustn&#

75、39;t I(C)ought I                                              (D)must I【簡析】

76、(D)在肯定句后面用肯定的疑問句尾,是表示驚奇和 憤怒。4Everyone wants to see the picture,_?(A)don't they                                    &#

77、160;     (B)do they(C)doesn't he                                        

78、0; (D)does he【簡析】(A)anybody,anyone,everybody,everyone,nobody, no one,somebody及someone作主語時,和單數(shù)第三人稱動詞連用。不 過,當再次涉及到這些詞時,特別是在口語中,我們常用they,them,their;而在比較正式的文體里,一般是用 he,him和his(指的不一定 是男性)來代替they等詞,故(D)也對。5Tom isn't a diligent student,for it is the third time he has been late,_?(A)wasn't it                          


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