



1、 894 沈 陽 藥 科 大 學 學 報 第 30 卷 deine, and the codeine metabolites morphine and codeine6glucuronide in healthy Greyhound dogs J J Vet 2010 , 33 : 15 21 Pharmacol Ther, 9 SPOLL C, PEZ C, LACHENMEIE D W Optimized LC / MS / MS analysis of morphine and codeine in poppy seed and evaluation of their fate duri

2、ng food processing as a basis for risk analysisJ J Aqric Food 2006 , 54 : 5292 5298 Chem, 10 鐘大放 以加權最小二乘法建立生物分析標準曲線 J 藥物分析雜志, 1996 , 16 ( 5 ) : 343 的若干問題 346 11 鐘大放, 李高, 劉昌孝 等 生物樣品定量分析方法 Drug Eval es, 2011 , 6 ( 34 ) : 指導原則 ( 草案) J 409 415 12 HU Z, ZOU Q, TIAN J, et al Simultaneous determinaephedrin

3、e, guaiphenesin and chlorphetion of codeine, niramine in beagle dog plasma ueing high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometric detection: Application to a bioequivalence study J J Chromatogr B, 2011 , 879 : 3937 3942 13 BJ K M K, NIELSEN M K, MAKUSSEN L , et al Determ

4、ination of 19 drugs of abuse and metabolites in whole blood by highperformance liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry J Anal Bioanal Chem, 2010 , 396 : 2393 2401 Study on the determination of codeine in Beagle dogs plasma by LCMS / MS WANG Li,JIN Yi,LI Jiayang ,YANG Xiaojing ,YUAN Bo * ( Scho

5、ol of Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang 110016 , China) Abstract : Objective To develop a simple, rapid and sensitive liquid chromatographytandem mass spectromM S / M S ) method for the determination of codeine in dog plasma Methods Protein precipitation etry ( LCw as used for t

6、he sample pretreatment w ith a plasma volume of 200 L The chromatographic separation w as 5 m ) and the mobile phase w as comcarried out on an Agela C 18 analytical column ( 150 mm × 4. 6 mm , posed of methanolw aterformic acid ( V V V = 15 85 0. 5 ) Detection w as carried out by multiple react

7、ion monitoring esults The method w as linear over the range of 0. 2020 g· L 1 and the low er limit of quantiL 1 The intraand interday precision w ere w ithin 11. 5% in terms of relafication ( LLOQ ) w as 0. 20 g· tive standard deviation ( SD% ) The average recoveries w ere betw een 104. 1%

8、 109. 2% M ain pharma1 cokinetic parameters w ere as follow s: t1 /2 ( 2. 9 ± 0. 5 ) h, AUC 0 ( 28. 5 ± max ( 8. 7 ± 3. 4 ) g·L , h · L 1, respectively Conclusions This simple and sensitive LCM S / M S method is successfully ap7. 3 ) g· plied to pharmacokinetic studies of codeine in Beagle dogs after an oral dose


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