2、自查OTHERS (SPECIFY)其他(特定)AUDIT / SELF SURVEY PERFORMED BY :審核/自查執(zhí)行人REPRESENTATIVES / REVIEW代表/審核XXXXXXSUPPLIER供方XXX SUPPLIER SURVEY AND AUDIT FORMXXX供方調(diào)查和審核表ASSESSMENT AREAActualRat ing評估內(nèi)容Poi ntsPoi nts1. 組織機構2. 采購控制3. 進貨材料4. 不合格品控制(過程中和最后出貨)5. 生產(chǎn)線控制6. SPC7. 在線檢驗8. 校驗9. 設備維護10. 文件和圖紙控制11. 最終產(chǎn)品檢驗12.
4、供方調(diào)查和審核表REQUEST FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION糾正措施申請單Supplier resp onse DUE DATE :供方回復到期日:2003.11.30 (將回復傳回 XXX的日期)Supplier response by:Title:供方回復人:職位Audit FindingsSupplier Acti on Pla n供方糾正措施計劃Complete Date預定完成日期審核發(fā)現(xiàn)需改進事項1模治具的管理沒有系統(tǒng)化(如:標識管理、定期校驗、建立履歷檔案等)2張力等在制程中有變化的過程參數(shù), 沒有建立監(jiān)控的方式。3用于指導過程工藝指導的文件不在現(xiàn) 場不宜為使用人員
5、獲得。4原料供方質(zhì)量重大異常問題的糾正措施的及時性、有效性無系統(tǒng)的跟催。建議改進事項1對料片寬度在制程中的穩(wěn)定性,建議 采用SPC的方法(如:X-R圖)進行 控制。2對生產(chǎn)現(xiàn)場的一線員工(如:操作 員、調(diào)試技術人員)進行常規(guī)的培 訓,以提升其綜合素質(zhì)。CORRECTIVE ACTION VERIFICATION糾正措施效果確認(由 XXX稽核員填寫)XXX SUPPLIER SURVEY AND AUDIT FORMXXX供應商調(diào)查和審核表EVALUATION RESULT評估結果GENERAL COMMENTS :概述:XXX SUPPLIER SURVEY AND AUDIT FORMXX
6、X供方調(diào)查和審核表Question (問題)Rat ing Score(評分)01234N/AA QUALITY ORGANIZATION組織機構1.The QA orga ni zati on' resp on sibilities and activities areclearly defined in writing and have clear authority to withhold items that have not met acceptable quality sta ndards.是否將QA部門的職責和權力書面定義,對不符合質(zhì)量要求的項目是否有中止生產(chǎn)的權力2.
7、There is QA man ual and a system for con ti nual update and maintenan ce.是否有持續(xù)更改的質(zhì)量手冊或系統(tǒng)3. The QA orga ni zati on operXXX a defect preve nti on program andhad in vested resources in con ti nuously improv ing qualityperforma neeQA部門是否運行預防系統(tǒng)以持續(xù)改進質(zhì)量狀況4.The QA organization prepares and issues periodic r
8、eports andmaintains records relative to process control yields, topquality problems and customer compla ints status, PPMperforma nee and othersQA部門是否發(fā)岀周期性質(zhì)量報告,包括合格率,質(zhì)量問題,客戶投訴,缺陷分析等。5.Major cha nge, in clud ing material and process cha nge, getcustomer approval before impleme ntati on.重大更改,包括材料和工藝,在執(zhí)
9、行前是否通知客戶,取得批準。6. There is a well defi ned system for repl ying customer compla int, and have the ability to commu ni cate n ecessary in formatio n and data in the customer-prescribed format.是否有良好系統(tǒng)處理客戶投訴,并以客戶規(guī)定的格式進行溝通。7. The QA organization maintains a system for the use and control of in specti on
10、stamps.QA部門是否控制檢驗印章。8. There is plan in effect to become registered in ISO. If yes in dicate time table:是否有計劃通過ISO,請附上時間表:XXX供方調(diào)查和審核表Question (問題)Rat ing Score(評分)01234N/AB PROCUREMENT CONTROL采購控制9. There is docume nted process for supplier survey andevaluation, and a certification process是否有書面程序用于供
11、應商評估和認定10. List of active suppliers that had bee n certified is available for refere nee.是否有合格供應商名單11. Records are available to substa ntiate an adequate supplier rati ng system.是否有供應商評分系統(tǒng)12. Line reject of purchased comp onents are secreted, an alyzed and retur ned to supplier for proper corrective
12、 acti ons.生產(chǎn)線拒用的材料是否隔離、分析、退回供應商13. Supplier has a Material Review Board to act on all incoming rejected materials.是否有MRB用于全部拒收材料14. There is a corrective acti on system in place to correct problems with suppliers.是否要求供應商對不合格材料岀整改報告Total score(得分)out of(總分)COMMENTS :評注:XXX供應商調(diào)查和審核表Ref : OSPR02 Serial
13、 : 01Question (問題)Rat ing Score(評分)01234N/AC INCOMING MATERIAL進貨材料15. Supplier has a legitimate and formalized receiv ing in specti on that checks incoming shipme nts to purchase order requireme nts, refere nee quality specificati ons, and applicable draw in gs.疋否有進貨檢驗部門的檢查進貨材料付合疋單要求、質(zhì)量要求、相關圖 紙要求16.
14、 Receiv ing in specti on history records in dicate lot size, sample size, lot ID, and results.進貨檢驗記錄是否包括LOT ID、SIZE、樣本數(shù)和檢驗結果17. In spected material is adequately ide ntified as to accepta nee or rejecti on.進貨檢驗后的材料是否有明顯的標識(接收、拒收)18. Con trols are adequate to preve nt entry of unin spected stock an d
15、/or rejected material into stock.是否有足夠的控制防止檢驗的材料和拒收材料進入材料倉庫19. Receiv ing in specti on pers onnel have quality assura neeXXX供方調(diào)查和審核表Question (問題)Rat ing Score(評分)01234N/AD NON-CONFORMING MATERIAL, CONTROL (IN-PROCESS AND FINAL)不合格品控制(過程中和最后出貨)20. There is adequate control to ensure that non-conformi
16、ngfini shed products are re-i nspected and re-tested after rework or repair.返工產(chǎn)品是否經(jīng)過重新檢驗21. Supplier has writte n procedures that state the dispositi oning of defective materials and the requited follow-up that in cludes corrective acti on pla ns to improve the process. 不合格品是否有書面的處理程序,包括整改報告22. Non-
17、conforming materials are properly identified and segregated from good Material.不合格品是否于合格品隔離23. There is a Material Review Board that routinely meets to make dispositi on onNon-c on formi ng material.MRB是否用于不合格品處置24. Man ageme nt reviews recurri ng quality problems.最高管理層是否評審反復出現(xiàn)的質(zhì)量問題Total score(得分)ou
18、t of(總分)COMMENTS :評注:XXX供方調(diào)查和審核表Question (問題)Rat ing Score(評分)01234N/AE IN_PROCESS CONTROL生產(chǎn)線控制25. Man ufacturi ng pers onnel have available at each operati on. Upto date instructions that are dated and identifies thecharacteristics to be mon itored by sample size, freque ncy, and method.生產(chǎn)線生產(chǎn)人員配備是否
19、足夠、是否有操作指導書,包括監(jiān)控內(nèi)容、樣本數(shù)、方法等。26. The system has tags, stamps, traveler, etc., to con trol and in dicate the in specti on or process status duri ng in-process fabricati on.生產(chǎn)線是否使用流程卡等標識檢驗狀態(tài)和工序狀態(tài)。27. In-process con trol data is recorded and maintained to qua ntify rMMS for critical processes.生產(chǎn)線控制的數(shù)據(jù)是否加
20、以記錄,使關鍵工序的缺陷可以量化。28. Supplier tracks reworks and scrap, ide ntifies causal factorsand had in place corrective acti on procedures to con ti nuallymon itor progress.對于返工、報廢產(chǎn)品是否記錄返工率,并分析、進行糾正措施以便于持續(xù)監(jiān)控。Total score(得分)out of(總分)COMMENTS :評注:XXX供方調(diào)查和審核表Total score (得分)out of (總Question (問題)Rat ing Score(評
21、分)01234N/AF SPC29. Top man ageme nt supports, un dersta nds and has atte nded SPCtraining sessi ons. List the type of SPC training coursesatte nded.最高管理層是否理解、支持SPC培訓項目列岀SPC受訓者清單。30. Do any employee atte nd SPC course.是否有員工參加 SPC培訓的記錄。31. Supplier identifies and tracks his critical processcharacteris
22、tics with the use of traditional SPC.And about sc.關鍵工序是否有SPC控制,并且針對SCo32. SPC charts and data reflect acti on for out of con trol conditions and are periodically reviewed.SPC數(shù)據(jù)是否定期評審。33. Supplier used statistical approach methods to resolve identified processes, which have high reject rate.是否使用統(tǒng)計方法解
23、決高不合格率的問題。XXX供方調(diào)查和審核表Question (冋題)Rat ing Score(評分)01234N/AG IN-PROCESS INSPECTION在線檢驗34. Is there any in specti on con ducted in process.是否有過程中檢驗。35. Is there any experime nt con ducted before process parameter cha nge.在工藝參數(shù)更改前是否作試驗。Total score(得分)out of(總分)COMMENTS :評注:XXX SUPPLIER SURVEY AND AUDI
24、T FORMXXX供方調(diào)查和審核表Question (問題)Rat ing Score(評分)01234N/AH CALIBRATION校驗36. Is calibrati on system for gage and test equipme nt set up.是否建立校驗系統(tǒng)。Total score(得分)out of(總分)COMMENTS :評注:XXX供方調(diào)查和審核表Question (問題)Rat ing Score(評分)01234N/AIEQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE設備維護37. There is any departme nt resp on sible fo
25、r equipme nt maintenan ce.Is routi ne PM scheduled and performed.是否有某一部門負責設備維護,是否進行常規(guī)PM38. There is a procedure in place to properly mai ntain all tooli ng and the update of related engin eeri ng draw in gs.是否有模具維護的程序,并保證相關圖紙得到更新。Total score(得分)out of(總分)COMMENTS :評注:XXX SUPPLIER SURVEY AND AUDIT FO
26、RMXXX供方調(diào)查和審核表Question (問題)Rati ng Score(評分)01234N/AJ CONTROL OF DRAWING AND DOCUMENT文件和圖紙控制39. Adequate con trols are in effect to assure applicableengin eeri ng draw in gs, cha nge no tices and specificati on are inuse by operati on pers onn el.對于圖紙,文件是否有足夠的控制以保證操作人員使用正確的文件。40. The system preve nts
27、 the use of obsolete specificati on or draw ing.系統(tǒng)是否保證防止誤用過期規(guī)范或圖紙。41. Customer provided specificati on s/draw ings are well con trolledand reviewed with record available.客戶提供的規(guī)范、圖紙是否控制良好,并及時評審,保存評審記錄。Total score(得分)out of (總分)COMMENTS :評注:XXX SUPPLIER SURVEY AND AUDIT FORMXXX供方調(diào)查和審核表Question (問題)Rat
28、 ing Score(評分)01234N/AK FINAL PRODUCT INSPECTION最終產(chǎn)品檢驗42. The correct draw ings and operat ing in structi ons are available in test and in specti on area.測試和檢驗區(qū)域有正確的操作規(guī)范和圖紙。43. Final audits con ducted after parts had bee n packaged and are ready for shipp ing.岀貨前是否保證每批產(chǎn)品都經(jīng)過檢驗。44. Record of audits an
29、d shipments are kept. Retention time is是否保存檢驗記錄,保存時間為:Total score(得分)out of(總分)COMMENTS :評注:XXX SUPPLIER SURVEY AND AUDIT FORMXXX供方調(diào)查和審核表Question (問題)Rati ng Score(評分)01234N/AIPACKING AND SHIPPING包裝和發(fā)貨45. There is a proper place for products wait ing for shipp ing.The place is clea n, well arra nged with applicableide ntificati on.是否有合適的場地存放待運產(chǎn)品,場地是否清潔、整齊堆放,并有適當?shù)臉俗R。46. There is a FIFO syste
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