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1、En teri ng the Gen erative Shape Desig nWorkbe nchtThis first task shows you how to en ter the Gen erative Shape Desig n workbe nch and open a wireframe desig n p art.王 Before starti ng this sce nario, you should be familiar with the basic comma ndsIn frastructure User's com mon to all workbe nc

2、hes. These are described in theGuide.from the Start menu.1. Select Shape -> Gen erative Shape Desig nThe Shape Desig n workbe nch is dis played.國匚AHA V5 -ParHInsert Tools Window Help匚二已o m必曜IB肉mow辱 PMtl-bXY planeplane-=2乂 p lane -PartBody夠G吐ometric創(chuàng) Set 1毀田申0傀孤芻田0歐園B 告I SSelect 占仃 object or a com

3、mandThe New P art n ame dialog box may app ear depending on the way you customized your sessi on .It p rovides a field for en teri ng the n ame you wish to assig n to the p art, an op ti on that en ables hybrid desig n an two other op ti ons to in sert a geometrical set an d/or an ordered geometrica

4、l set in the p art to be created.If you selectEn able hybrid desig n, the cap ability the n app lies toall the bodies you will create in your CATIA sessi on (and n ot only to the new CATPart docume nt you are openin g). Con seque ntly, if your sessi on contains CATPart docume nts already in cludi ng

5、 traditi onal bodies, the new bodies you will create subseque ntly in these docume nts will po ssibly in clude wireframe and surface eleme nts.To facilitate your desig n, It is therefore recomme nded that you do not cha nge this sett ing duri ng your sessi on.For more in formati on, refer to the Par

6、t Docume nt cha pter in Customiz ing secti on of thePart Desig ndocume ntati on.2SJEnter part n-ame |partlS Enafcle hybrid design CrMte a gecrrwttical set匚r&ate an ordered geometrical set Do not show this dialog at startup2. Select File -> Openand n avigate to the samples directory.3. Select

7、theGetti ngStartedSha peDesig n. CAT Partdocume nt.A wireframe desig n part is dis played:Parti-婆plane瓷=丫7 plane-亦 2M plane-/Pdrt&ody 知寥GeometTi匚創(chuàng)5曰. 1IYou can add the Gen erative Sha pe Desig nTools ->workbe nch to your Favorites, using theCustomize item.For more in formati on, refer to theI

8、n frastructure User'sGuide.If you wish to use the whole scree n sp ace for the geometry, remove the sp ecificati on tree by select ing the View -> Sp ecificati onscomma nd or p ress ing F3.Loft ing, Offsett ing and In tersect ingit;i This task shows you how to create a multi-secti ons and an

9、offset surfaces as -i well as an intersection.4.Click OK to create the multi-sections surface.1.Click the Multi-sectio ns Surfacei aicon '曲The Multi-secti ons Surface Defin iti on dialog box app ears.2.Select the two secti on curves.3.Click with in the Guides win dow the n select the two guide c

10、urves.応鈦ionJ Tang&nt J dosioaPJint |1 PM韜2 ProfiledfjlxiMulti-secUans Surface Definition HII.1 Guides i Spire I Coupling F>.elrnitati 卜忖a I GuideTlSuidI Tangent |Smooth parareters Angular threshold :| 巴曲§ Deviatior :10,001mm0匚藥el P魁vf刖5.Click the Offset icon 琴.6.Select the multi-secti on

11、s surface.7.En ter an offset value of 2mm.The offset surface is dis pl ayed nor mal to the multi-secti ons surface.offset Surface DefinitianSurFace; Iwultksections Surface. 1Offset: pm卩drameters I 5ub-Elennents to remove5moothlng:MoneReverse Direction Both sictes Repeat obiect after OK8.9.Click OK t

12、o create the offset surface.I/Click theIn tersecti oniconPrevie<M13The In tersecti on dialog box app ears.10.Select the offset surface the n the first plane (Plan e.2) to create the in tersecti on betwee n these two eleme nts.F=rEt Elerrwnt:鋼 EKterxl lirear supports For iritersecdon團Intersection

13、DeFinitionSecond Element r |PQne,2 Extend lirear supports For intersection Curves Intersection Wh Conmon Ar閃 嗆suit; a Cur ve O Poirts5urFace-Part rntersection喝ult; contQiFjr O 別和Extrapolatior optiore口 Eittapolate inter sec bon on first el&mertI I Intersect non cq口lanaif* line segmnitsI 鼻1.j| 0 C

14、創(chuàng)relPreview11.The created eleme nts are added to the sp ecificati on tree:Geonietncal Set. 2一爲 Multi-sections Surface, 1 廠倉O嚴匕1Intersect, 312.Sp litti ng, Lofting and Filleti ngThis task shows how to sp lit surfaces the n create a multi-secti ons surface and two fillets.1.Click the Split iconThe Sp

15、lit Defin iti on dialog box app ears.2.Select the offset surface by click ing on the portion that you want to kee p after the sp lit.3.Select the first plane (Plan e.2) as cutt ing eleme nt.4.Click OK to split the surface.Split DefinitionCutting elements,Plane,2Remove1Replace1團Element to cut: | Offs

16、et. 1 Other sideSupport: I Default (None)Elements to remove; Default (None)5.6.7.Elements to keep; |Default (None) Keep both sides Intersections connputation Automatic extrapolationResult:Surface O VolumeHi-ii-ii-ii-iiiB.II4.一二丞匚3匚I P陀血w Rep eat the pr evious op erati ons by select ing the multi-sec

17、ti ons surface then the sec ond plane (Plan e.3) to defi ne the in tersecti on first, the n to cut the surface.Click OK to split the surface.Click the Multi-sectio ns Surfaceicon 令8.The Multi-secti ons Surface Defin iti on dialog box app ears.Select the in tersecti on edges of the two sp lit surface

18、s as secti ons.Multi-sections Surface DentitionXJ兇No SectionI Tang自nt | CtoEing Point |Guides I Spine | Coupling Relimitab' < | 卜No GudeI Tarig&nt |Fepatze I Rfirrovje Add廠Smooth parameters Angular Correction ;|0.5deg Deviation :10.001 mm14.0 OK Ji Qi 匚&K創(chuàng) JII Previe典9.Click OKto crea

19、te the multi-secti ons surface betwee n the two sp litsurfaces.10.Click theSha pe FilleticonThe Fillet Defin iti on dialog box app ears.11.Select the first sp lit surface as the first support eleme nt (S plit.3).12.Select the multi-secti ons surface you just created as the sec ond support eleme nt (

20、Multi-secti ons Surface.3).13.En ter a fillet radius of 3mm.The orie ntati ons of the surfaces are show n by means of arrows.Make sure that the surface orie ntati ons are correct (arrows poin ti ng dow n) the n click OK to create the first fillet surface. eat the fillet ing op erati o

21、n, click ing the icon, the n select ing the sec ond sp lit surface as the first support eleme nt.Select the pr eviously created filleted surface as the sec ond support eleme nt.En ter a fillet radius of 3mm.Make sure that the surface orie ntati ons are correct (arrows pointing up) then click OK to c

22、reate the sec ond filleted surface.The created eleme nts are added to the sp ecificati on tree:rlC-sections Surface. 1J, 沖踏Oflfe比LIntersect. 3I qF Split, 3期 Split. 4-釘寒 Multi-sections Surface,2Filet. 2Swee ping and Filleti ng酒S?匚 This task shows how to create swe pt surfaces and fillets on both side

23、s of the 出出part.You will use the p rofile eleme nt on the side of the part for this. In this task you will also create a symmetrical p rofile eleme nt on the oppo site side of the p art.1.Click the Swept Surface iconThe Swept Surface Defin iti on dialog box app ears.2.Click theExp licitswee p icon.3

24、.Select the pr ofile eleme nt (Cor ner.1).4.Select the guide curve (Guide.1).5.Select the cen tral curve (Sp li ne.1) as the spine.Swept Surface DefinitianProFilet/pe: / - q樹別| a5i±itype; I With reference surface二|Profile:I Corner . 1Gude curve; iGuidelSLrFace:|DeFault (mean plane)Angle卩圧g-Opti

25、onal dements口 Prejection of the guide curve 耳 s wpE已Spine:spline, 1Relimiter 1:Ido sele匚ticinRelimiter 上:利口 seledtioriSmcolh SLAjeeping '= Angular correction: |c 5deg Deviation from guide伺;10-001 mmPosigning 阿泗$曲 Poeltcn nroFile進mm或即&(-I - - - - * 3, 'iI亜二応j p忙血6.7.Click the Symmetry ico

26、nThe Symmetry Defin iti on dialog box app ears.8.Select the p rofile eleme nt to be tran sformed by symmetry.9.Select the YZ plane as refere nee eleme nt.Symmetry Dchnitio n10.11.Element:| Corner. 1Referencet |yz plane Show initial elementResult; e SurFace O VolumeClick OK to create the symmetrical

27、profile element.Click theSwee p iconaga in.12.Select the p rofile (Symmetry.3) and the guide curve (Guide.2).13.Select the cen tral curve (Sp li ne.1) as the spine.14.15.To create a fillet betwee n the side p orti on and the cen tral p art click the16.Sha pe Fillet iconSelect the side swee p eleme n

28、t and the cen tral p orti on of the p art, the n en ter a fillet radius of 1mm (make sure the arrows are poin ti ng up).17.Click Preview to preview the fillet, thenOK to create it.18.Rep eat the fillet ing op erati on betwee n the other swee p eleme nt and the cen tral p orti on of the p art, and en

29、 teri ng a fillet radius of 1mm (make sure the arrows are pointing up).19.Click OK to create the fillet.伽加燦jlfr些百 IfilD1XThe created eleme nts are added to the sp ecificati on tree: i-Geometrkl Set,2pS'-P1ulti-sect»nE Surface, 1'1-; Offset. IIntersect. 3p' J->5plit.3V永汽?印II仁4S&qu

30、ot;:Multi-sect»ns Surface, 2 ._j>-:-">?Fillet.2-,/5ueep.l峠亡 5ymrftetry,3,2 Sweep:L事冋比3let.4-廠3剛20.Usi ng the Historical GraphThis task shows how to use the Historical Grap h's comma nds and con textualcomma nds.事 Open any .CAT Part docume nt.Select the eleme nt for which you want

31、 to dis play the historical gra ph.2.Click theShow Historical Gra phico n3.The Historical Graph dialog box app ears.Historical CwphZryz plane Plane,2 科JO Intersect 1Lire. 2-Point, 2 Port 11In this case, you can exam ine the history of eve nts that led to the con structi on of the Multi-secti ons sur

32、face.1 eleme nt. Each branch ofthe graph can be expan ded or colla psed depending on the level of detail required.The follow ing icon comma nds are available:Add Graph占h Remove GraphReframeSurface or P art graph rep rese ntati onParametersEl ConstraintsAdds a selected eleme nt to the gra phRemoves a

33、 selected eleme nt from thegra phCen ters the graph in the win dowGives a horiz on tal or verticalrepr ese ntati onDisp lays any p arameters associated with the eleme nts in the gra phDisp lays any con stra ints associated with the eleme nts in the gra phRight-click any where in the historical gra p

34、h to dis play the con textualmenu:睦I Hide/Show 曲,opeitesB&frame graphStaph AllFtgfreshExp曰nd AllHide/ShowProp ertiesHides or shows an eleme ntDisp lays the prop erties of an eleme nt4.ReframegraphP ri nt wholeGraph AllClea n Gra phRefreshExpand AllCen ters the graph in the win dowAllows you to obta in a print of the gra phDisp lays the whole gra ph of the p art (as well as the roots and their first paren ts)C lears the graph from the wi ndowRefreshes the gra ph dis playDisp lays the p are nts of the eleme nts in the graph (but not


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