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3、tical and B iom ed ical A nalys is , 2007, 43( 3: 1122 1134 16 17 Blewe tt A J, V ar m a D, G illes T, L ibonati J R, Jansen S A. Journal of Pharmaceu tical and B iom ed ical A naly sis, 2008, 46( 4: 653 662 Zhang J H, Pearson T, M a tharoo -Ba ll B, O rto ri C A, W arren A Y, K han R, Barrett D A.

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5、in M ice T issues U sing L iquid Chro m atography / E lectrospray Ionization Tandem M ass Spectrom etry * 1 GU Y an1, 2, SH I X ian -Zhe , Z HAO SuM in1, GU Qun1, LU X in1 , XU G uo W ang1 1 ( CAS K ey Laboratory of S eparation Science for A naly tical Chem istry, D alian Institu te of Che m ical Ph

6、y sics , Chinese A cademy of Sciences , D alian 116023 2 (D ep ar t m ent of Phar m aceuticalA naly sis, School of P har m acy, Shenyang Phar m aceutical U niver sity, Shenyang 110016 Abstract A reversed phase liqu id chrom atography / tandem m ass spectrom etry m ethod w as developed to si m ultane

7、ously ana lyze arach id onic ac id ( AA and its m etabo lites such as prostag land in s( PG s, th rom boxane ( TXB2 , epoxye icosatrieno ic acid s( EET s, d ihydroxyeicosatrieno ic acid s( DHET s and hydroxyeicosatetrae no ic ac id s( HETE s through the correspond ing cyc lo oxygenase , cy tochrom e

8、 P450, and lipoxygenase pathw ays in m ice t issues . E th y l acetate extract io n w as e m p lo yed for sa m ple preparation after sonicatio n in an ice bath , and th e organ ic phase w as dried under vacuum and d isso lved in m ethano l for the LCM S /M S ana ly sis . 22 standard compounds w ere

9、separated w ith in 50 m in usin g a grad ient elution of acetonitrile and w ater w ith 0 . 05 % form ic acid( V /V on a C18 co lum n ( 250 mm 4 . 6 mm, 5 m . PGB1 and deuter ium labeled 15-HETE-d8 and AA-d8 w ere used as interna l standards . M ass spectrom etric detection w as perfor m ed using neg

10、at iv e e lectrospray io nizat ion and mu lt ip le react io n m onitorin g . The m ethod w as validated and show n to be accurate( recovery va lu es 70 . 7 % - 123 . 0 % , prec ise ( RSD < 20 % and sensitiv e ( LOQ 3- 250 g /L . The m ethod w as applied to separate arachidon ic ac id ( AA and its

11、m etabo lites in lu ng , liv er and spleen t issues in m ice and quant ify e icosano id levels in lung t issue . T he results w ere 11 -HETE ( 58 . 3 11 . 6 ng / g , 15 HETE ( 52 . 6 15 . 5 ng / g , PGE2 ( 210 102 ng / g , PGD2 ( 20 . 3 13 . 9 ng / g , PG J2 ( 39 . 2 15. 9 ng / g , TXB 2 ( 58 . 3 28 . 4 ng / g , PGF2 ( 3 . 8 6 . 0 ng / g and AA ( 1980 5


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