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1、中考英語:句型精講含助動詞之句型Can you speak English?結構問句:Can主詞原形動詞?肯定簡答:Yes,主詞can??隙ㄔ敶穑篩es,主詞can原形動詞。否定簡答:No,主詞cant。否定詳答:No,主詞cant原形動詞。說明此句型意為“某人會嗎?是的,某人會。(不,某人不會)”。can 是<助動詞>,后面必須接原形 <動詞>;當<主詞>是第三人稱單數時,can 的字尾不可加 s;can 的后面,不可接<不定詞> to。can 的否定形,有三種寫法:can not,cannot,cant;can 的<否定句>形式為

2、:<主詞>cant原形<動詞>。Can he speak English? Yes, he can (speak English. 他會講英語嗎?是的,他會講英語。Can Tom play Frisbee? Yes, he can (play Frisbee. 湯姆會玩飛盤嗎?是的,他會玩飛盤。Can Mary ride a bicycle? Yes, she can (ride a bicycle.瑪麗會騎腳踏車嗎?是的,她會(騎腳踏車)。Can you speak Chinese? No, I cant (speak Chinese.你會講中國話嗎?不,我不會講中國

3、話。Can your father cook? No, he cant (cook. 你父親會烹飪嗎?不,他不會烹飪。Can she sing English songs? No, she cant (sing English songs.她會唱英文歌嗎?不,她不會(唱英文歌)。You can never do it again.結構主詞助動詞頻率副詞原形動詞。說明<頻率副詞>通常修飾<動詞>或<形容詞>,當句中出現 be <動詞>時,它位于 be <動詞>之后。當出現<一般動詞>時,<頻率副詞>位于<一

4、般動詞>之前。當句中同時出現<助動詞>與本<動詞>,<頻率副詞>位于<助動詞>之后,本<動詞>之前。Do you always eat lunch at school? 你總是在學校吃午飯嗎?Does John often watch television in the evening? 約翰常常在晚上看電視嗎?You can never do it again. 你絕不可再做那事。He is usually busy. 他通常是忙碌的。She never comes to school late. 她上學從不遲到。I some

5、times speak English at home. 我有時在家說英語。. will + V .結構主詞will原形動詞。說明<簡單未來式>由“will<動詞>原形”構成。未來式常與下列<時間副詞>(<片語>)連用:tomorrow,tomorrow morning(afternoon,evening),the day after tomorrow,next week,next year,next星期幾,tonight,this evening(afternoon),some day(總有一天),one of these days(近兩三天內

6、),How soon?(再過多久?),in時間,如:in a few days(過幾天后),in ten minutes(過十分鐘后)。<簡單未來式>還可由“be going to<動詞>原形”構成。We will eat lunch together tomorrow. 我們明天將一起吃午飯。I will walk home after school this afternoon. 今天下午放學后我將走路回家。Mr. Lin will wash his motorcycle tomorrow morning. 林先生明天早晨將擦洗他的摩托車。Will she cook

7、 dinner this evening? 她今晚要做晚飯嗎?Will they go on a picnic next week? 他們下星期將去野餐嗎?We will not play basketball tomorrow. 我們明天不打籃球。David wont go to the movies with Helen next week. 大衛(wèi)下星期不和海倫一起去看電影。Your brother is not going to study this evening. 你弟弟今晚不讀書。They will have a lot of fun next month. 他們下個月將玩得很愉快

8、。School will begin next Tuesday. 下星期二將要開學。. should/would + V .結構主詞should(would,may)原形動詞。說明should 是 shall 的過去式,當“將要”解釋,通常用于<主詞>是第一人稱 I 或 we;should又當“應該”解釋,表示義務或責任,常用于指“現在或未來”的事情,<主詞>可用任何人稱。 would 是 will 的過去式,當“將要”解釋,通常用于<主詞>是第二人稱或第三人稱; would 又用于表示“愿望”;would 和 like 連用,表示“客氣”的語氣;would

9、 又可用在<疑問句>中,表示客氣的請求。 may 可用于表示“可能性”或“不確定的推測”,中文常譯為“可能,或許”,相當于 perhaps或 maybe;may 可用于<疑問句>表示“請求對方允許”;在否定答句中,may 的<否定式>可以有兩種形式:mustnt 表示“強烈的禁止”,maynt 表示“婉轉的禁止”。You should study hard. 你應該努力讀書。He must be sick today. 他今天一定是生病了。I would like to help you pack. 我想幫忙你捆扎東西。. should not + V .結

10、構主詞should(would,may)not原形動詞。說明should 是 shall 的過去式,當“將要”解釋,通常用于<主詞>是第一人稱 I 或 we;should又當“應該”解釋,表示義務或責任,常用于指“現在或未來”的事情,<主詞>可用任何人稱。 would 是 will 的過去式,當“將要”解釋,通常用于<主詞>是第二人稱或第三人稱; would 又用于表示“愿望”;would 和 like 連用,表示“客氣”的語氣;would 又可用在<疑問句>中,表示客氣的請求。 may 可用于表示“可能性”或“不確定的推測”,中文常譯為“可能,

11、或許”,相當于 perhaps或 maybe;may 可用于<疑問句>表示“請求對方允許”;在否定答句中,may 的<否定式>可以有兩種形式:mustnt 表示“強烈的禁止”,maynt 表示“婉轉的禁止”。He would not lend you his dictionary. 他不愿意把字典借給你。He may not come tomorrow. 他明天不可能(不可以)來。We should not tell lies. 我們不應該說謊。Should/Would you + V .?結構Should(Would,May)主詞原形動詞?說明should 是 sha

12、ll 的過去式,當“將要”解釋,通常用于<主詞>是第一人稱 I 或 we;should又當“應該”解釋,表示義務或責任,常用于指“現在或未來”的事情,<主詞>可用任何人稱。 would 是 will 的過去式,當“將要”解釋,通常用于<主詞>是第二人稱或第三人稱; would 又用于表示“愿望”;would 和 like 連用,表示“客氣”的語氣;would 又可用在<疑問句>中,表示客氣的請求。 may 可用于表示“可能性”或“不確定的推測”,中文常譯為“可能,或許”,相當于 perhaps或 maybe;may 可用于<疑問句>表

13、示“請求對方允許”;在否定答句中,may 的<否定式>可以有兩種形式:mustnt 表示“強烈的禁止”,maynt 表示“婉轉的禁止”。May he do that? 他可能(可以)做那件事嗎?Would you like to go with us? 你想跟我們去嗎?Should they read the newspaper more often? 他們應該更??磮髥??. used to + V .結構主詞used to原形動詞說明此句型意為“以前(常)”。等于“<主詞>would often原形<動詞>”。這是一種表過去的經驗的句構,對比地敘述過去與現

14、在。而“would原形<動詞>”也可表示過去的習慣,但“used to .”比“would .”規(guī)則。Difficult problems used to take hours of work with pencil and paper.困難的問題以前總是需要用筆和紙工作數小時。There used to be a post office there. 以前在那里有一個郵局。I used to (=would often go fishing. 我以前常去釣魚。We used to hear the train whistle at night. 過去我們常會在晚上聽到火車的汽笛聲

15、。He would sit for hours doing nothing. 他常常什么也不做,一坐就是好幾小時。. would like to V .結構主詞would like(sb.)to原形動詞說明此句型意為“想要”。would like 是一種表示意愿的<動詞>,后接<不定詞> to 引導的原形<動詞>?!皊hould like to .”雖有同樣的意思,但較少用于第2,3人稱。Would you like to have a look at the picture? - Yes, I should very much like to.你想瞧瞧這畫

16、嗎?是的!很想!I would like to take a trip around the world toward the end of this year.我想在今年底環(huán)游世界。I would like you to meet Mr. Jones. 我想讓你見見瓊斯先生。I would like him to do it. 我想要他做這事。would rather V1 than V2結構主詞would rather原形動詞1than原形動詞2說明此句型意為“寧愿也不愿”。would rather 和 than 之后都要用原形<動詞>。若 than 之后的<動詞>

17、和 would rather 之后的<動詞>相同,則 than 之后的<動詞>可省略。Id rather take care of the stomachs of the living than (take care of the glory of the dead in the form of stone memorials. 我寧愿照顧活人的肚子,也不愿以石碑的形式來照顧死者的榮耀。They would rather go fishing than stay at home. 他們寧愿去釣魚,也不愿待在家里。I would rather be laughed at

18、than quarrel with him. 我寧愿被嘲笑,也不愿和他吵架。He would rather give away a point than claim an advantage.他寧愿送分數,也不愿要求利益。I would rather fail than cheat in the examination. 我寧愿考不及格,也不愿意考試作弊。I would rather die than live in disgrace. 我寧可死,也不愿忍辱偷生。I would rather remain poor than get money by dishonest means.我寧可安于

19、貧窮,也不愿用不當手段賺錢。. had better + V .結構主詞had better原形動詞說明此句型意為“最好;還是為好”。用 had better 來執(zhí)行和一個<助動詞>一樣的功能?!癶ad better have過去<分詞>”表“最好已經”之意;“had best .”則是“以為最佳”,比 had better 的意思還要強調。You had better consult a doctor soon. 你最好快點去看醫(yī)生。The policeman said to him, "Youd better come with me and tell m

20、e all about the accident."警察對他說:“你最好跟我來,并告訴我這次事故的經過?!盰ou had better have stayed at home. 你留在家里那是最好。Hadnt you better make a market report? 你不認為寫一份市場報告好些嗎?You had better go to the factory and have a look. 你最好到廠里去看一看。You had best not accept the offer. 你最好是不要接納這要求。May you + V .結構May第二、三人稱主詞動詞原形其他說明

21、此句型意為“?!薄ay 此處表示祝福與愿望,多用于書面語中,口語中有時也用,但顯得較莊重。本<句型>的特點是:may 不是在<主詞>后面,而是擺在句子開頭,使全句成倒裝語序,表達出祝愿的意義。May you recover soon! 愿您早日康復!May you succeed in business. 祝您生意興??!May our two parties achieve even greater successes in our business.祝我們雙方在生意中取得更大的成功。may well + V .結構may well + 原形動詞說明此句型意為“理當;

22、大可”。may 是<助動詞>,well 是<副詞>,后接原形<動詞>。若將 well 置于<主詞>前面,可加強<語氣>。You may well find that the end of the book is better than the beginning.你應該會發(fā)現這本書的結尾比開頭好。You may well get angry with him. 你大可對他發(fā)脾氣。She is proud of her son, and well she may. 她以兒子為傲也是應該的。An unlimited arms race m

23、ay well increase the danger of war.無限度的武器競賽當然會增加戰(zhàn)爭的危險性。Since he can play many musical instruments, he may well be called a man of accomplishments. 他能演奏許多樂器,當然稱得上是個多才多藝的人。may as well + V .結構may as well原形動詞說明此句型意為“最好;不妨”。等于 had better,但<語氣>比較委婉。We may as well leave the table after dinner is over

24、. 晚餐后我們不妨離開桌子。You may as well keep it a secret. 你最好將這件事保密。You are not (physically strong, so you may as well take care of your health.你的體格不壯,因此最好注意健康。.may as well . as .結構maymight as well原形動詞 Aas原形動詞 B說明此句型意為“與其 B 倒不如 A”。相當于“had better A than B”。“may as well . as”實現的可能性較大,而“might as well . as”實現的可能性

25、較小。Since it is raining hard, you may as well stay here as leave.既然雨下得這么大,你與其離開倒不如待在這兒。You might as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to him.你借他錢不如把錢扔到海里去。You might as well not know a thing at all as know it only a little.只知道一點點,不如完全不曉得。I may as well die as marry him.我與其嫁給他,倒不如去死算了。(我若嫁給他

26、,很可能去死。)I might as well die as marry him.我與其嫁給他,倒不如去死算了。(我不太可能嫁給他,也不太可能去死。)You might as well talk to a stone as try to argue with a stubborn woman.你與其跟一個倔女人爭吵,還不如對一塊石頭說話。You might as well advise me to give up my fortune as my argument.你勸我停止辯論,倒不如勸我拋棄一切財產。You might as well ask the tree for help as re

27、quest him to reduce the price.你與其要他減價還不如求助于一棵樹。. must have V-ed .結構主詞must have過去分詞說明此句型意為“一定曾經”。本<句型>是對過去之事做肯定之推測,而“must原形<動詞>”是對目前或將來之事做推測。Anyway, he must have eaten a lot because now he is fat.無論如何,他一定吃了很多東西,因為現在他胖了。You must have mistaken her for her sister. 你一定是把她誤認為是她的姊妹了。They must h

28、ave left. 他們一定是離開了。The rubbing must have worked. 搓揉一定是有效了。They must have read the article. 他們一定讀過這篇文章。You must have seen him before. 你以前一定見過他。He must have forgotten my name. 他一定忘了我的名字。He must have told you about it. 他一定告訴過你這件事。Tom must have taken your dictionary by mistake. 湯姆一定是弄錯了才拿了你的字典。The poet

29、must have been very young when he wrote this poem.詩人寫這首詩時一定非常年輕。. may have V-ed .結構主詞maymight have過去分詞說明此句型意為“很可能曾經”。表示對過去之事做不太肯定的推測。而“maymight原形<動詞>”是對現在或未來事物做推測。might have 所表示的可能性要比 may have 低一些。He may have overslept this morning. 今天早上他或許睡過頭了。The tea is hot; he may have been here before. 茶還熱

30、著,不久前他很可能在這里。He may have known the truth; otherwise he wouldnt be so angry now.他當時很可能知道事情的真相,否則他不會這么生氣。The boy might have known the truth, but I am not quite sure.這男孩當時也許知道真相,但我不很確定。. cannot have V-ed .結構主詞cannot have過去分詞說明此句型意為“不可能曾經”。是對過去之事做否定的推論,此時一定要用 cannot have 或 cannot,不能使用 must not have 或 mu

31、st not。而“cannot原形<動詞>”是對目前或將來之事做否定的推論。She cannot have written the letter herself. 這封信不可能是她自己寫的。He is honest, so he cannot have stolen my money.他是個老實人,所以他不可能偷了我的錢。He cannot have caught a cold, because I saw him dancing with Mary the same day.他不可能感冒,因為當天我還看到他跟瑪麗跳舞。. would have V-ed .結構主詞would ha

32、ve過去分詞說明此句型意為“原本會但卻未如此”。用以表示“與過去事實相反”的<假設語氣>。He would have attended meeting, but upon learning that he had no time, he dropped the idea.他原本要出席會議的,但知道沒有時間,就打消了這個念頭。I would have told you the truth, but you didnt give me a chance.我本來要告訴你事情的真相,但是你不給我機會。I would have done it, but I had no time. 我本來要

33、辦這事的,可是沒時間。She would have married him, but when she learned that he was a rascal, she parted with him.她本來會嫁給他的,但知道他是個流氓后,她就離開他了。. could have V-ed .結構主詞could have過去分詞說明此句型意為“原本能夠但卻未如此”。He could have bought the car, but soon his company went bankrupt.他本來能買那輛車的,但沒多久他的公司就倒閉了。He could have finished it on

34、 schedule, but somehow he fell behind.他原本能按預定進度做完這件事的,但不知怎地卻落后了。I could have done it if I had wanted to. 如果我那時想做,我能做得到的。. should have V-ed .結構主詞shouldought to have過去分詞說明此句型意為“原本應當但卻未如此”。此<句型>表示沒有實現之過去的行為、狀態(tài),含有講話者的責難或遺憾之意。You should have spoken up in the meeting. 會談時你實在應該發(fā)言(然而你卻沒有)。He should at least have come to say good-by. 他至少也該來道個別(然而卻沒來)。He ought to have kept his promise. 他原本應該遵守自己的諾言


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