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1、自己收集整理的精華中英文短文,提高閱讀和翻譯能力1.怎樣才能永遠年輕Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor worry about them. That's why you pay him/her. 一些無關緊要的數(shù)字不要掛懷,包括你的年齡、體重和身高。讓醫(yī)生來操心吧。因為他們收了你的報酬。 Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. 結(jié)交快樂的朋友。整日愁眉不展只能讓你雪上加霜。 Keep

2、 learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop. And the devil's name is Alzheimer's." 學無止境。多學學電腦、手藝、園藝等等。不要讓你的大腦閑置下來。無所事事是魔鬼的加工廠。魔鬼的名字叫“癡呆癥”。 Enjoy the simple things. 享受簡單事物的樂趣。 Laugh often,

3、 long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. 多笑,開懷大笑。上氣不接下氣地笑。 The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive. 有淚就流。在忍耐和傷心過后,要繼續(xù)前行。陪伴我們度過此生的只有一人-那就是我們自己。讓生命鮮活起來。 Surround yourself with what you love, wheth

4、er it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge. 讓你的所愛包圍著你,無論是家人、寵物、紀念品、音樂、植物、愛好,什么都好。你的家就是避風港。 Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help. 珍惜健康:如果它還好端端的,就好好地保護它。如果它反復無

5、常,就調(diào)養(yǎng)好它。如果你已無力改善它了,就請別人幫忙吧。 Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, to the next country, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is. 別踏上犯罪的道路。你可以去逛街,可以到鄰縣去,可以出國旅行,但就是別踏上犯罪的道路。 Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity. 把你的愛告訴你所愛著的人們,把握住每一個表達機會。 AND ALWAY

6、S REMEMBER: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. 千萬記?。憾攘可牟皇呛粑拇螖?shù),而是那些最最難忘的時刻。2. 簡單五招,助你工作有活力We all have those days when all we want is to crawl back in bed for a few more hours. Unfortunately, few of us have that luxury. The following

7、 hints may help you stay energized, or at least get you going until you can make the time for rest。我們都有過什么也不想,只想好好地在床上多呆幾個小時的日子。不幸的是,很少人可以享受這份奢侈。下面幾點提示或者可以幫你保持精力充沛,至少可以讓你在找到時間休息之前繼續(xù)下去。1. Engage in a quick conversation with a high-energy colleague. Their positive energy may refresh you. (Just be care

8、ful not to drag them down!)與精力充沛的同事進行短暫的交談。他們積極的干勁會讓你精神爽快。(只是要小心不要也把他們拖下水)2. Snack more! Having a healthy snack on hand, like a granola bar or fruit can help your blood sugar levels and may provide a healthy boost of energy. (Overeating will do the opposite and drag you down!) Moderation is key!多吃東西

9、。健康的食品如格蘭諾拉燕麥卷或水果可以幫助你提高血液里血糖含量,為你提供健康的能量。(吃得過度會得到相反效果并讓你精力下降),關鍵是適度。3. Exercise. If you know that your schedule does not allow for a visit to the gym today, find a way to move around during your day. Instead of sending an email to your coworker, walk to her desk. It may be a good idea to take the s

10、tairs today, even though you're tired. But try to visit the gym tomorrow. People who exercise get more restful sleep and often feel more energized than those who don't。運動。如果你知道你的行程安排不允許你到健身室做運動,那想辦法讓你自己在一天里多動。與其是發(fā)電子郵件給你的同事,不如走到她的辦公桌前。盡管你很累,但今天走走樓梯也是一個挺好的主意。但是盡量明天去健身室做做運動,經(jīng)常做運動的人會比那些不常做的得到更多休

11、息睡眠,而且感覺更有精力。4. Drink water. "Hydration is critical," says Steven Masley, medical director of the Pritikin Longevity Center in Aventura, Florida. "If you don't hydrate, you're going to feel tired." The majority of your body is made of water; even a slight deficiency can r

12、ob you of your “oomph”!喝水。“水是關鍵”,佛羅里達洲Aventura的普林逖長壽中心醫(yī)學主任StevenMasley說,“如果你不喝水,你會感到疲勞”。你大部份的身體是由水分構(gòu)成;甚至一點點的缺水都會讓你精力溜走。5. Plan a vacation or a staycation. Whether you leave town for a day or a week, having something fun to look forward to will excite you and stimulate energy. Plus, if you're rea

13、ding this, you could probably use a break from your day-to-day routine。計劃一次度假或在家休息。不管你是離家一天或者是一個星期,追求有趣的東西會讓你興奮并積累能量。還有,如果你正在看這篇文章,你很可能在你一天復一天的工作中得到休息。3. 你會為了美去買不合腳的鞋嗎?Nearly four in 10 women buy shoes knowing they do not fit, a poll of 2,000 reveals.一項針對2000人的調(diào)查顯示,近四成的女性在購買鞋子時明知不合腳也會購買。The Society

14、of Chiropodists and Podiatrists found 37% would wear uncomfortable shoes as long as they were fashionable.手足病醫(yī)師學會發(fā)現(xiàn),37%的被訪者表示只要鞋子夠時尚,他們寧愿忍受不適之苦。And 17% of men admit buying shoes in the wrong size.并且有17%的男性承認,他們常會買不合自己尺碼的鞋子。Although 80% of the women said they suffered foot problems like corns or ingr

15、owing nails, only four in ten of the men and women surveyed sought help.盡管80%的女性表示,她們患有雞眼、嵌甲等足病,但僅有四成受訪的男性和女性會尋求醫(yī)療幫助。Lorraine Jones, from the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, said: "Many of us find it hard to resist a bargain and the latest fashion must-have, but it's important to r

16、emember that by buying ill-fitting shoes, you're not only going to end up in discomfort, but you are also putting your health at risk."手足病醫(yī)師學會的羅琳·瓊斯表示,許多人很難拒絕特價商品以及最新必備鞋款的誘惑,但是這些人必須牢記,購買不合腳的鞋子不僅會令自己感覺不適,還會對健康造成危害。Importantly, if your feet hurt something is wrong.最重要的是,腳痛可能是身體某部分不適的信號。A

17、lthough "killer" high-heels can cause problems, slip-on shoes are one of the worst culprits, as they cause the foot to slide forward and cramp the toes.盡管“驚悚級”高跟鞋會導致各種足患,但是無帶、平底輕便鞋更堪稱讓人意想不到的足病的“罪魁禍首”之一,因為穿上這些鞋子走路時腳容易往前滑,由此會導致腳趾抽筋。Worst of all are court shoes, as they are low-fronted, givin

18、g no support to the foot, and tend to be too narrow in the toe.最糟糕的鞋子則是船鞋,因為它們通常為淺口鞋,對腳起不了任何支撐,而且腳趾處過窄。Ms Jones said many people are wearing the wrong sized shoes on a daily basis without even realising it.瓊斯表示,很多人每天穿著并不適合自己尺碼的鞋子,但是卻渾然未覺。Most people in the UK suffer from a foot problem at some point

19、 in their lives, and while many are fairly minor, some can be extremely painful and disabling.英國絕大多數(shù)人在某一階段都會患有足病。雖然多數(shù)足病并不嚴重,但是某些卻可能異常痛苦,甚至導致殘疾。"While not all foot problems can be prevented, a large majority of problems do result from incorrect or poor footwear. It is important to wear shoes in

20、the correct size that are appropriate for the activity you need them for. "“雖然不是所有的足病都可以預防,但多數(shù)足病都是由于不正確鞋碼或者蹩腳的鞋子所致。因此,根據(jù)不同場合、不同活動選擇合適的鞋子以及正確的尺碼是至關重要的?!?quot;That's not to say we shouldn't wear fashionable shoes or high heels, but it does mean that we should give our feet a break and see

21、 an expert if there is something wrong."“這并不是說我們不應該穿時尚鞋子或者高跟鞋,但是這的確意味著我們必須要讓腳休息片刻,如果有問題還必須要請專家診斷?!盕or frequent, everyday wear, women should choose a low-heeled shoe-no higher than 4cm-which has a rounded toe.基于此,女性平日里頻繁穿著的鞋子應當選擇不高于四厘米的低跟鞋,而且鞋子的腳趾部位為圓形。附:COMMON FOOT PROBLEMS 常見足病Corns 雞眼:thick a

22、nd hard areas of skin caused by repeated rubbing and pressure on the skin皮膚長期受摩擦和壓迫導致變厚、變硬Blisters 水皰:caused by friction, usually from ill-fitting shoes由摩擦所致,通常由于鞋子不合腳Bunion 拇囊腫:a painful swelling on the side of the big toe, partly down to the anatomy of the foot and worsened by ill-fitting shoes大拇趾

23、一側(cè)腫痛,由拇趾根部骨頭排列異常所致,鞋子不合腳會使病情加重Ingrowing toenails 嵌甲:made worse by tight footwear, tight hosiery and tight socks即趾甲向內(nèi)長,鞋、襪過緊會使病情加重4. 男人的22個真實想法1. No question need ever be asked through a closed bathroom door if I'm inside. I love you less with each syllable you utter.當我鎖著門呆在衛(wèi)生間里時,千萬不要問任何問題。你多問一句,

24、我少愛你一分。2. When you get angry over some stupid little pointless thing, I question your intelligence.當你為了一些雞毛蒜皮、無關緊要的事情憤怒不已時,我懷疑你的智商。3. Err on the side of hot; we love to show you off. Unless we're meeting my parents.大膽表現(xiàn)你的迷人之處。我們喜歡炫耀你。除非我們要去見我的父母。4. You're really bad at faking it.你真的很不善于偽裝。5.

25、 If you're truly interested in us, don't play hard to get.如果你真的想讓我們感興趣,就別裝出讓人難以接近的樣子。6. Express yourself. It makes us proud, even if someone thinks you're wrong.表達自己的想法。這讓我們感到自豪,即使有人認為你是錯的。7. You look hot in running shoes and shorts. And that top thingy with the stripes.你穿跑鞋和短褲很迷人,還有那件條紋

26、短衫。8. Don't be afraid to ditch the makeup. Natural is sexier.不要害怕卸妝。自然更性感。9. Leave the eyebrows alone. Plucked ain't pretty.讓你的眉毛自己呆著。拔過的眉毛不好看。10. When the game is on, we will pay attention to you if you're nice about it. Bark, and we shut down.當比賽開始時,如果你態(tài)度很好,我們會注意到你。如果你大吵大鬧,我們會對你不加理睬。11

27、. Chicks who drink beer are hot. Better yet: chicks who drink beer and watch the game. Better still: chicks who buy us a beer during the game.喝啤酒的女人很迷人;邊喝啤酒邊看比賽的女人更迷人;看比賽期間幫我們買啤酒的女人最最迷人。12. I just may lie to make you feel good. Don't be angry about this. You really weren't looking for the tr

28、uth anyway.我可能撒謊,但這只是為了讓你感覺好點。不要對此發(fā)脾氣。不管怎樣,你并不是真的想找出真相。13. When you call us at work "just to chat," we're not really listening; we're checking our e-mail.當我們在工作時,你打電話給我們“只是為了聊天”,我們并不是真的在聽;我們可能正在查收郵件。14. A random unexpected grope is always welcome, even in public. Especially in publ

29、ic.我們總是歡迎意想不到的隨意觸摸,即便是在公共場合;特別是在公共場合。15. Make us laugh and we'll want to hang around.逗我們笑,我們會將笑聲傳遞。16. Yes, I laugh really loud around the guys. And I always will, so deal.是的,我在朋友間笑的很大聲。我總會這樣做,這樣感覺很好。17. Sometimes we wonder why any woman would want to be with us, much less someone as amazing as

30、you.有時我們總會納悶為什么有女人想要和我們在一起,尤其是像你這般有魅力的女人。18. Anytime you cook for us, we're happy.你任何時候煮東西給我們吃,我們都很高興。19. We love you even more because you know we need to go out with the guys once in a while.如果你了解我們需要隔三差五地和哥們混在一起,我們會更愛你。20. And we love it when you hang with us guys.你和我們的哥們相處愉快的話我們會很高興。21. Don&

31、#39;t rely on us for keeping you up on the news.不要靠我們幫你關注新聞。22. Never say, "I know you better than you know yourself." Nobody does.千萬不要說,“我比你自己還要了解你?!睕]有人會這樣。5. 浴室驚魂 浴室隱藏的細菌知多少?浴室噴頭隱藏細菌,特別是分支桿菌Mycobacterium avium,對免疫功能損傷、囊性纖維化或是艾滋病(AIDS)病人、接受癌癥治療或近期器官移植病人就生死攸關了。 In what may be the scariest

32、shower news since Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho," a study says shower heads can harbor tiny bacteria that come spraying into your face when you wash. People with normal immune systems have little to fear, but these microbes could be a concern for folks with cystic fibrosis or AIDS, people

33、 who are undergoing cancer treatment or those who have had a recent organ transplant.自Alfred Hitchcock的“驚魂記”以來,在浴室有可怕新聞,一研究說浴室噴頭能隱藏微小細菌,當你洗浴的時候可以噴霧到你的臉上。這對免疫系統(tǒng)正常的人威脅不大,而這些微生物對囊性纖維化或是艾滋病(AIDS)病人、接受癌癥治療或近期器官移植病人就生死攸關了。Researchers at the University of Colorado tested 45 showers in five states as part o

34、f a larger study of the microbiology of air and water in homes, schools and public buildings. They report their shower findings in Tuesday's edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.科羅拉多大學研究人員測試了5個州的45個浴室,這是在居室、學校和公共建筑中空氣和水的微生物學更大研究的一部分。他們報告在國家科學院星期二版公報公布了浴室發(fā)現(xiàn)結(jié)果。In general, is

35、it dangerous to take showers? "Probably not, if your immune system is not compromised in some way," lead author Norman R. Pace says. "But it's like anything else there is a risk associated with it."通常,淋浴有危險嗎?主作者Norman R. Pace 說:“大概不會,如果你的免疫系統(tǒng)正常的話”?!暗拖衿渌虑橐粯?它也伴隨著危險?!?The res

36、earchers offer suggestions for the wary, such as getting all-metal shower heads, which microbes have a harder time clinging to.研究者提出警示,所有的金屬淋浴噴頭,微生物粘附有一定困難。Still, shower heads are full of nooks and crannies, making them hard to clean, the researchers note, and the microbes come back even after treat

37、ment with bleach.People who have filtered shower heads could replace the filter weekly, added co-author Laura K. Baumgartner. And, she said, baths don't splash microbes into the air as much as showers, which blast them into easily inhaled aerosol form.然而,研究人員注意到淋浴噴頭充分隱蔽和有裂隙,使它們清潔困難,甚至用漂白劑處理之后微生物

38、依然存在。人們用過濾淋浴噴頭取代每周過濾,合著作者Laura K. Baumgartner說,像陣雨洗澡不會把微生物濺到空氣中,而沖擊它們形成氣霧就容易被吸入。It doesn't seem as frightening as the famous murder-in-the-shower scene in Hitchcock's classic 1960 movie. But it's something to be reckoned with all the same.沒有看到1960年代Hitchcock經(jīng)典電影中淋浴場令人恐懼的著名兇殺。但某些事情和預料完全一致

39、。The bugs in question are Mycobacterium avium, which have been linked to lung disease in some people.涉及某些人肺病有關的分支桿菌(Mycobacterium avium)。 Indeed, studies by the National Jewish Hospital in Denver suggest increases in pulmonary infections in the United States in recent decades from species like M. av

40、ium may be linked to people taking more showers and fewer baths, according to Pace.另外,丹佛國立猶太醫(yī)院研究提出美國近數(shù)十年肺部感染增加,其中就有M. avium,按Pace所說這與多淋浴少盆浴者有關。Symptoms of infection can include tiredness, a persistent, dry cough, shortness of breath, weakness and "generally feeling bad," he said.他說,感染的癥狀包括

41、疲倦、頑固干咳、呼吸短促、虛弱和全身不適。Shower heads were sampled at houses, apartment buildings and public places in New York, Illinois, Colorado, Tennessee and North Dakota.紐約、伊利諾斯、科羅拉多、田納西和北達科他的居室、公寓樓和公共場所的淋浴噴頭取樣。The researchers sampled water flowing from the shower heads, then removed them, swabbed the interiors o

42、f the devices and separately sampled water flowing from the pipes without the shower heads.研究者從淋浴噴頭流水取樣,然后移開它們,擦凈器具內(nèi)部并把沒有噴頭的管中分別取流水樣品。By studying the DNA of the samples they were able to determine which bacteria were present.通過樣品DNA研究,他們能測定出有細菌存在。 They found that the bacteria tended to build up in the shower head, where they were much more common than in the incoming feed water.他們發(fā)現(xiàn)細菌常常在淋浴噴頭中存在,并且比


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