匯編淺析高考英語作文指導―― 議論文_第1頁
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匯編淺析高考英語作文指導―― 議論文_第3頁
匯編淺析高考英語作文指導―― 議論文_第4頁
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1、2012年全國高考模擬參考部分高考英語作文指導 議論文Knowledge ObjectivesTo help the students to learn the basic writing skills on Argumentative Composition Compentence ObjectivesTo help the students to grasp their basic writing skillsTo practice writing skills.(detailed information& general ideaEmotion Objectives To cul

2、tivate the love of writingTeaching approach: Communicative approachTeaching Aids: Multi-MediaDifficult points :Teaching procedures:I. Pre-task: RevisionLead-inII. While task:Learn some basic writing skills on Argumentative Composition(一) 英文議論文的結構特點 漢語寫作對文章結構的要求不是很高,如開頭段應該包括什么、論題句應該在什么時候出現(xiàn)、文章的結尾是否必須總

3、結全文等等。而英語寫作要求文章結構必須十分嚴謹,文章各個部分的功能都要十分清晰,開頭、中間和結尾都有嚴格的要求。簡而言之,英語議論文共有三大特點:1、 觀點鮮明的開頭;2、 緊扣主題的結尾;3、 有主題句并且銜接自然的中間段落。所以,既然高考英語考的是英語文章,大家就應該遵循英文議論文的寫作思路和習慣:表示支持則旗幟鮮明地支持;表示反對就徹徹底底地反對,而不能采取“墻頭草兩邊倒”的做法。(二)英語議論文寫作要點:straight:開門見山,直來直去。brief:文章“簡為貴”,要抓住要點,簡明扼要。coherence: 文理通順,前后連貫。division:詞匯、句子、段落要分配使用得當,劃分

4、要清楚,避免使用重復字句和片段。ambiguity:盡量不用可能會引起歧義的詞語或句子。Key :用適當?shù)年P鍵詞突出主題,每段都應有主題句。omit:合理刪除多余的不必要部分。sentence pattern:句型要盡量多樣化。tense:動詞時態(tài)要正確、一致、變化合理。(三 英語議論文寫作手法1. 引言段高考英語議論文的引言可以有兩部分組成:現(xiàn)象+觀點?,F(xiàn)象就來自作文題目。所以學生必須要理解題目中的每句話,把題目中的中文用英語表達出來就能成為不錯的開篇。然后再開門見山地亮出自己的觀點。2. 主體段要想寫好英語議論文,就要講究好的論證方法。一般說來,有兩種方法可采用,一是邏輯說理,即“曉之以理

5、”;一是從感情上打動他人,即“動之以情”。這兩種方法并不是孤立地出現(xiàn),往往是你中有我,我中有你。除此以外,我們還可以運用: 引證法(即引用一些名人名言、成語、格言、諺語燈作為論據(jù) ; 例證法(即舉例來進行論證 喻證法(用比喻的方法來論證事理,把深奧、抽象的事理表述得淺顯易懂,使文章既生動又形象 對比論證法(通過對事物的正反兩個方面的對比來分析論證,使文章的表達效果更強烈,給人留下深刻印象 歸納法 (從分析典型,即分析個別事物入手,找出事物的共同特點,然后得出結論。 推理法 (從一般原理出發(fā),對個別事物進行說明、分析,而后得出結論 駁論法 (先列出錯誤的觀點,然后加以逐條批駁,最后闡明自己的觀點

6、 。在主體段中,務必要牢記應采用先分后總的手法先亮出主題句,然后再用發(fā)展句充實段落。你必須圍繞著引言段的觀點展開,千萬不能讓人覺得的的文章段落之間沒有銜接。此外,在主體段中要恰當?shù)厥褂眠^渡詞,有明顯的層次感,引領閱讀者一層一層地根據(jù)你的分論點走向最終你要闡述的觀點。3. 結尾段結論,用一、二句話來結束文章,做到首尾呼應。一定要再次澄清你的觀點,切記與引言段的觀點一致,建議用不同的詞句法表達一個意思。(四 、英語議論文范文Private TutorsWith the development od science and society , more and more students are k

7、een to takeon private tutors.Some people think taking on a private tutor is good for students in some ways. Thetutor can answer the students questions individually and carefully and give them detailedadvice; some private tutors assign their students more exercises to do and the studentswill learn ex

8、tra knowledge from their tutors; it is known to us all that a good andexperienced teacher can help his students to review their lessons in a very good way sothat they can have a better understanding of the knowledge learned in class, which is helpto them in their examinations.But every coin has two

9、sides. Some people look upon it with disapproval. They holdthe opinion that the students rely too much on their tutor and they even take little noticeof what their own teacher says in class; the private tutor assigns them to do a lot ofextra exercises, thus occupying plenty of rheir spare time and t

10、hey will be too worn out;contrary to what their parents hope, their studies become worse than before.So it is hard to say whether taking on a private tutor is good or not. It all dependson the individual. But in my opinion, if you want to take on a private tutor, you shouldchoose one carefully since

11、 he or she will have a great impact on your studies.Money for EducationIn my opinion, it is worthwhile to spend more of the money in order to have thechildren better educated.First , as there are more than 40 or even 50 students in a class, in most cases,teachers can not take care of all the student

12、s in class. Therefore many students haveto attend spare time classes or even go to the tutors to make up for this.Second , we are now in the 21stcentury. With the development of society, only thosewho have a good education are more likely to get good jobs. So the more we learn now,the more chances w

13、e will have in the future. Of course we will get a high pay.In a word, spending money on education is certainly rewarding. III. Post-task ( Each composition 120-150 words請你談談在學習上遇到困難時,如何想辦法去解決,如何克服這些困難?IV . Sentence patterns:I think/believe thatThe point is that.In my opinionFrom my point of viewAs

14、for meAs far as I am concernedWe must recognize thatThere is no doubt thatThe main reason is thatAs we all knowV . Summary: VI. Assignment: ( Each composition 120-150 words1. 每一位高三的學生都面臨著巨大的壓力。對壓力,高三的學生看法不一,有的害怕壓力;但有的卻認為壓力不是件壞事。請你談談你的看法。2 .2010年世博會將在上海舉行。為了辦好這次國際盛會,上海市將進一步改善環(huán)境。與此同時, 提高市民的素質和修養(yǎng)也勢在必行,

15、因為文明的舉止在國際交往中非常重要。作為年輕人,我們自身也存在著一些不文明行為。請例舉你所觀察到的2-3種不文明行為(如:大小便后不及時沖刷;隨地亂扔紙屑、廢物;隨地吐痰;插隊)并就此做出評論或提出建議。Feed-back高考英語書面表達常用詞匯句型集錦舉例:for example,for instance,take for example,such as,like ,and so on,so on and so forth,and so on and on and on, etc. 等。說明:that's to say,in other words,namely ,等。因果:so ,

16、for ,therefore ,as a result,thus ,because ,because of,thanks to,owing to,due to 等遞進:then ,besides ,in addition, furthermore ,moreover , what's more等。順序:firstly , secondly ,thirdly , finally ;in the first place,in the second place, in the third place,To begin with,then ,furthermore ,finally ;to s

17、tart with, next , in addition,finally ;first and foremostbesides , last but not least;most important of all,moreover ,finally (以上為時間順序)in the front of,in front of ,before , behind , at the back of, on the right/left(of ),tothe right /left of,on the other side of ,in the center of ,in the middle of ,

18、at thebeginning of ,at the end of ,by the side of ,on the top of ,at the foot of ,on the bottom of,inside ,outside , upstairs , downstairs (以上為空間順序)轉折:nevertheless ,however ,although , though , but ,on the country,after all, oppositely 等。 總結: in short, in a word, in general, generally speaking, fina

19、lly ,at last,as far as I know,in brief, briefly speaking, in the end, as a matter of fact, in reality, in fact, on the whole,in conclusion, on account of this, therefore 等。強調: really , indeed ,certainly ,surely ,for sure, above all等。對比: in the same way,just as,in common with, compared with,on the on

20、e handon the other hand, for one thing for another,similarly 等。平行:and ,both and ,as well as,as well,neither nor or ,either or ,not onlybut also等。二、書面表達的??汲S镁湫驮趯嶋H的英語寫作中,我們應該掌握一些常用的句型以便在實戰(zhàn)中發(fā)揮作用。高考英語書面表達的句式基本上都是簡單句,就是復合句也大都是極普通的常用句式或句型。先討論簡單句的使用情況。所謂簡單句式在英語中無非是三種基本句型及其擴充。一類是S.+V.+O.式,例如,I like English

21、and computer best. (NMET1996)I started school from 1984 to 1990.(NMET1996)二類是S.+V.+Adv.式,例如, My parents live in the country.(NMET1993)The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle. (NMET1997)三類是S.+V.+Pre. 例如,My name is Li Hua.(NMET1996)The playground is now in front of the school.(NME

22、T1999)It was 7:15 on the morning of February 8,2000. (NMET2000)高考英語書面表達中的復合句式多為帶時間狀語從句的復合句和帶賓語從句的復合句,其他如強調句型、帶定語從句的復合句、帶主語從句的復合句、 條件句、讓步或轉折的句式等, 也是常見常用??嫉膹秃暇湫问?。有些復合句式幾乎年年都考。復合句雖可化簡,但就一篇文章而言,若全是簡單句,無一復合句或難句起采,難見考生功力,得高分就不容易了。所以,該用復合句或難句表現(xiàn)的,而且自信沒什么問題,就應大膽寫出來, 考生切記。1. 帶時間狀語從句的復合句It's also possible

23、a pickpocket stole your money while you were shopping. (2004北京卷)這類時間狀語從句不僅考得頻繁,而且連詞when , while , as , before , after 甚至by the time都考到了,時態(tài)上現(xiàn)在時、過去時、過去進行時和過去完成時等都出現(xiàn)了。而且有些年份帶時間狀語從句的復合句還同時出現(xiàn)多次。因此我們建議廣大考生應加強訓練這類復合句,在高考中盡量少犯錯誤。2. 帶賓語從句的復合句I think this is a good chance for you to show your singing talent,

24、and how well you've learned Chinese. (NMET2004, I )I am so sorry that I won't be able to attend the lecture on American history tomorrow afternoon.(NMET2004, III )I would also think that the growth population should be brought under control so that we'll have a betterhometown in future.

25、(2004江蘇卷)3. 帶定語從句的復合句If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help. (NMET2004, I )As is shown on Chart 2, only 10% of the time is taken up with sports activities. (2004北京卷)4. 其他 強調句型 It was our brave Ah Fu who had saved my little sister. (NMET1993) 帶主語從句的復合句 Here is how yo

26、u can find us On the other side, where the playground used to be now stands another new building-our library. (NMET1999) so that 句型: I became so impatient that I had to go to explain my difficulty. (2004 廣東卷) I am so sorry that I won't be able to tomorrow afternoon. (NMET2004, III) The noise was

27、 so loud that I couldn't go on studying. (2004 廣東卷) 讓步或轉折: I don't know about others, but I used to have to work even at weekends doing homework and attending classes as well. (NMET2001) Although the city is modern and convenient, there are still some problems, such as air pollution, crowdedness and noise. 條件句: If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help. (NMET2004, I) 三、書面表達開頭和結尾的寫作 1.書面表達的開頭俗話說萬事開頭難。其實,一點也不難。高考英語書面表達的開頭句一般已 為你寫好。你要做的是分段縮進重起第二段。注意千萬不要接著已寫


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