



1、2-Un i t1 WE27VEBEEN HIT答案綜合教程二本頁僅作為文檔封面,使用時可以刪除This document is for reference only-rar21 year.MarchUnit 1WEVE BEEN HIT!Key to the ExercisesText Comprehension1. Decide which of the following best states the author's purpose of writing.CII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following stat

2、ements are true or false 1-5 F F F T FIV. Explain in your own words the following sentences2. On that morning thousands of people in the WTC were thrown, all of a sudden,into a condition of terrible suffering and uncertainty. Mayblum was one of them2. It seemed that the treme ndous sou nd of the col

3、lapse of the South Tower destroyed the man's hope of climbing down the remaining stairs, and thus took away his remaining energyStructural analysis of the text1. The third part is mainly about how the three men (Mayblum, Ramos and Hong) endeavored to save Victor, a heavyset man2. The last part d

4、escribes the gathering of the survivors It seems to reflect and suggest the answer to the ultimate dilemma: Z/Save yourself, or save another."VocabularyI. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1. burning2. something, a situation or circumstanee, that is dependent on one

5、's location in the building3. in an in termittent manner4. help you5. things are satisfactory up to this point.II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form1. scoffed 2. dilemma 3 collapsed 4 pan demonium5. reassuring 6. rumble 7. glancin

6、g at 8. meet up withIII. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.2. descends/ descended 3. enjoyable 4. expectation5. morality 6. persuasion 7. strong 8. energeticIV. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part in each sentence. 1-4 ADCB 5-8 DCADV. Give a

7、synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used1. amoral, nonmoral 2. disappear 3. wildly 4. uncover, disclose, reveal5. dissuade 6. happily, joyfully, joyously 7 ordinary, common 8. small, thin, slenderVI. Write in each space the adjective form of each given wo

8、rd1. helpful/ helpless 2 childish, childlike, childless 3. active 4. persistent5. revolutionary 6. successful 7. womanly 8. ladylikeGrammarI. Complete the following sentences with would when appropriate Use used towhenever would is not suitable:L would 2. would 3. used to, would 4. used to 5. used t

9、o6. used to 7. would 8. would 9. used to 10. would, would, wouldII. Fill in the blanks with used to (do) or be used to (doing).used to travel 2. was not used to accepting 3. was not used to receiving 4. used to think5. used to living 6. used to say7. didn't used to eat 8. am not used to drivingI

10、II. Explain the meaning of would in the following sentencesinsistenee 2. habitual action 3 probability 4. willingness5. probability 6. polite request 7. improbability 8. capabilityIV. Complete the following sentences using would, should, could or might.1. could, would, might, might, should , might2.

11、 could/would, should, could, might, could, would3. should, should, would, would, couldV. Complete the following sentences with needn't have done or didn't need to do. needn't have carried 2. needn't have bought 3. did n't n eed to tell 4 n eed n'thave had5. needn't have s

12、tood 6. didnt need to hurry 7. didn't need to open 8. didn't need to take9. need n't have washed 10. didr/t need to workTranslationI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.對有些人來說,生死攸關的是此時此刻他們所在的位置一一不僅是哪幢樓, 哪一層,更重要的是大樓的哪個角落。2周圍噪聲震耳,煙霧彌漫,火星四濺,梅布勒姆沒有意識到,他的朋友朱虹 始終就在他身后的樓梯井里。3她一點一點

13、地拼出了哈里逃生的場景:飛機撞擊時,他正在87層。4但是,盡管她絞盡了腦汁,問了無數(shù)問題,她拼出的場景還是在第36層上逐 漸模糊了。II. Tran slate the following sente nces into English, using the words and phrases give n in brackets1. Thanks to modern technology, the film about that ancient battle gives the audienee the illusion of being on the battlefield themsel

14、ves2. That ancient city was devastated by the fire, but fortunately the stone tablet survived 3. The videotape and the story by the woman filled them with sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake4. In that earthquake, we heard many stories of teachers who had refused to leav

15、e their students behind and laid down their lives5. The construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558, but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money.6. In 1980, when I met up with her, she had just returned from abroad with a master's degree7. It was m

16、y first visit to New York, but I managed to find my way to the little firm8. It is hard to make it to the top in the movie industry, but as a director Xie jin did it.Exercises for integrated skills1. DictationWith hope of finding more survivors / of Turkey's devastating earthquake / now all but

17、gone, / the Turkish authorities are turning their attention / to caring for those who have survivedA full-scale relief effort / in the area hit by the earthquake / is finally beginning after days of confusion. / Turkish and foreign volunteers / have been joined by soldiers and the police, / and heav

18、y equipment /sent by nearby cities and by private companies / has been moved to almost every victimized townThe Minister of Housing estimated that / 60,000 buildings had been either destroyed / or seriously damaged in the quake / It is hoped that / within a few days, / many of the homeless / will be

19、 moved / out of the fields and tents / where they were now living. / 42 countries and 38 international organizations / have sent aid to Turkey. / The World Bank had sent $200 million / for housing constructionII. Cloze2. escape 2 of/ about 3 named/ called 4 Iittle/ no 5 fell 6 over 7. station 8 as9.

20、 ground 10. time 11. left 12. expecting 13. sure 14. down 15. rebuildWriting PracticeParagraph development Grouping details1. Chandler's looksSample:Chandler's unusual appearance helps me to recognize him from a hundred yards away He tends to walk with his shoulders back and chin stuck out i

21、n front, and he is quite tall for his age, which makes him stand out among his classmates His dark hair is always combed back but is fairly short and not too wavy, and his eyes have a sort of half-twinkling, half-questioning look He likes to wear dark shirts.2. Chandler's characterSample:Chandle

22、r is not very outgoing He is friendly to newcomers but does not go out of his way to make new friends When with people, he lets others start the conversation, and will laugh at their jokes but seldom tells any himself. He seldom sings songs in public, only humming or whistling alone as he walks Even

23、 when he feels bored in class, he will show it with politeness3. Chandler's interestsSample:Chandler is the artistic rather than athletic or intellectual type. He likes collecting stamps and enjoys making posters Favoring music, he often spends hours at home playing records He also plays trumpet

24、 in the band In contrast, he hates math very much and does not go in much for sports eitherListening ExercisesYou are going to hear three you ng Americans talking about their feelings about the Sept. 11 attacks.A. Listen for the first time. Note down the key adjectives that are used to describe the

25、situation and the speaker's feelings.1st speaker: addicted; heart-wrenching; desperate; unspeakable2nd speaker: important; terrible; overwhelming; overbearing; speechless3rd speaker: saddened; numb; scared; devastated; unreal; unbelievable; crushed; anxious; shocked; grieving; powerlessB. Listen

26、 again. Complete the following passages with the words you hear on the recordi ng.1st speaker: walking across the bridge in the beaut Kill glow of the sunset f seei ng the boats cut waves through the East River, and the mighty subway trains run on their rivers ofsteel, well, I managed to find some inspiration Maybe that's what I need, ju


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