1、1. Thel onious Monk, who was a jazz pianist and compo ser rooted in the stride-piano tradition of Willie Smith and Duke Ellington, yet in many ways he stood apart from the main stream jazz rep ertory.,p roduced a body of work bothA.Thel onious Monk, who was a jazz pianist and compo ser both rooted,p
2、 roduced a body of workB.Thel onious Monk, the jazz pianist and compo ser, p roduced a body of work that wasrooted bothC.Jazz pianist and compo ser Thel onious Monk, who p roduced a body of work rootedD.Jazz pianist and composer Thelonious Monk produced a body of work that was rootedE.Jazz pianist a
3、nd compo ser Thel onious Monk p roduced a body of work rooted both2. Desp ite its attractive ness, in vest ing abroad can still p ose big risks, ranging from the poten tial for p olitical in stability in some coun tries to the shortage of regulati ons to protect in vestors and a serious lack of in f
4、ormatio n about in vestme nts in others.to the shortage of regulati ons to p rotect i nvestors and a serious lack of in formatio n about in vestme nts in othersto the shortage of regulati ons to p rotect in vestors and in others a serious lack of in formati on about in vestme ntsand the shortage of
5、regulatio ns to p rotect in vestors and a serious lack of in formati on about in vestme nts in othersand the shortage of regulatio ns to p rotect in vestors to a serious lack of in formatio n about i nvestme nts in othersto the shortage of regulati ons to p rotect in vestors in others and a serious
6、lack of in formati on about in vestme ntsThe studyun dertake nby theDep artme ntof theIn teriorwillin volveexam in ati onandtaggi ng of the Califor nia con dor in order to obta in in formati on about their daily movements,forag ing habits, and sites where they n est.3.CA.B.C.D.E.their daily moveme n
7、ts, foragi ng habits, and sites where they n est their daily movements, foraging habits , and their nesting sites its daily moveme nts, foragi ng habits, and n est ing sites its daily moveme nts, foragi ng habits, and about n est ing sites daily moveme nts, foragi ng habits, and sites in which there
8、 are n ests4. More tha n five thousa nd years ago, Chin ese scholars accurately described the flow of blood as a con ti nu ous circle con trolled by the heart, but it went unnoticed in the West.dA.B.but it wentbut it wasC.D.E.although it wasbut the discovery went although the discovery was5. Based o
9、n records from ancient Athe ns, each year young Athe nian wome n collaborated to weave a new woolen robe that they used to dress a statue of the goddess Athena and that this robe depicted scenes of a battle between Zeus, Athena, and giants. s fatherdA. Based on records from ancient Athe ns, each yea
10、r young Athe nian wome n collaborated to weave a new woole n robe that they used to dressB. Based on records from ancient Athens, each year young Athenian women had collaborated to weave a new woole n robe with which to dressC. Accord ing to records from ancient Athe ns, each year young Athe nian wo
11、me n collaborated to weave a new woole n robe that they used to dressD. Records from ancient Athe ns in dicate that each year young Athe nian wome n collaborated to weave a new woole n robe with which they dressedE. Records from ancient Athe ns in dicate each year young Athe nian wome n had collabor
12、ated to weave a new woole n robe for dress ing6. While some propose to combat widespread illegal copying of computer programs by attempting to change peopie's attitudes toward pirating, others by suggesting reducing software prices to decrease the incentive for pirating, and still others by call
13、ing for the p rosecutio n of those who copy software illegally.A. by suggesti ng reduc ing software p rices to decrease the incen tive for p irat ing, and still others by call ingB. by suggesti ng the reduct ion of software p rices to decrease the incen tive for p irati ng, and still others callC. s
14、uggest the reducti on of software p rices for decreas ing the incen tive for p irat ing, and still others callD. suggest the reducti on of software p rices to decrease the incen tive for p irat ing, and still others by call ingE. suggest reduci ng software p rices to decrease the incen tive for p ir
15、ati ng, and still others are calli ng7. A mixture of poems and short fiction, Jean Too mer' Cane has been called one of the threebest no vels ever writte n by Black America nsthe others being Richard Wright, author ofNative Son, and Ralph Ellis on, author ofIn visible Man .A.B.C.D.Black America
16、ns the others being Richard Wright, author of Native Son, and Ralph Ellis on, author of In visible ManBlack America ns in cludi ng Native Son by Richard Wright andIn visible Man by RalphEllisona Black America n in cludi ng Richard Wright, author of Native Son, and Ralph Ellis on, author of In visibl
17、e Mana Black America n the others being Richard Wright, author ofEllis on, author of In visible ManNative Son, and Ra IphE.a Black America n the others being Richard Wright Native Sdn sind Ralph Ellis onIn visible Man8.the weather.Climatic shifts are so gradual as to be indistinguishable at first fr
18、om ordinary fluctuations inA.B.C.D.E.so gradual as to be in dist in guishableso gradual they can be in dist in guishableso gradual that they are un able to be dist in guished gradual eno ugh not to be dist in guishable gradual eno ugh so that one cannot disti nguish them9. In no other historical sig
19、hti ng did Halley 's comet cause such a worldwide sen sati on as did its retur n in 1910-1911.A.B.C.D.E.did its return in 1910-1911 had its 1910-1911 return in its return of 1910-1911 its return of 1910-1911 did its return in 1910-191110. Accord ing to Un ited States cen sus data, while there wa
20、s about on e-third of mothers with young childre n worki ng outside the home in 1975, i n 2000, almost two-thirds of those mothers were empio yed outside the home.A. while there was about one-third of mothers with young children working outside the homeB.C.D.E.in 1975, in 2000, almost two-thirds of
21、those mothers were empio yed outside the home. there were about on e-third of mothers with young childre n who worked outside the home in 1975; in 2000, almost two-thirds of those mothers were empio yed outside the home in 1975 about on e-third of mothers with young childre n worked outside the home
22、; in 2000, almost two-thirds of such mothers were empio yed outside the homeeven though in 1975 there were about on e-third of mothers with young childre n who worked outside the home, almost two-thirds of such mothers were empio yed outside the home in 2000with about on e-third of mothers with youn
23、g childre n work ing outside the home in 1975, almost two-thirds of such mothers were empio yed outside the home in 200011. Although all the proceedings of the Communist party conference held in Moscow were not carried live, Soviet audie nces have see n a great deal of coverage.A.B.C.D.E.all the pro
24、 ceed ings of the Communist party conference held in Moscow were n ot carried liveall the Communist party conference' s Moscow proceedings were not carried liveall the Communist party conference Moscow pro ceedi ngs have not bee n carried alive not all the Communist party conference Moscow pro c
25、eed ings have bee n carried alive not all the p roceedi ngs of the Communist party conference held in Moscow were carried live12. Sunspo ts, vortices of gas associated with strongelectromag netic activity, are visible asdark spots on the surface of the Sun but have never been sighted onthe Sun '
26、 s po les or equatorA are visible as dark spots on the surface of the Sun but have n ever bee n sighted on B are visible as dark spots that n ever have bee n sighted on the surface of the Sun(C) app ear on the surface of the Sun as dark spots although n ever sighted at(D) app ear as dark spots on th
27、e surface of the Sun, although n ever havi ng bee n sighted at(E) appear as dark spots on the S un ' s surface, which have never been sighted on13 . ? Not only did the systematic clearing of forests in the United States create farmland (especially in the Northeast) and gave consumers relatively
28、inexpensive houses and furniture but it also caused erosion and very quickly deforested whole regions.dA. Not only did the systematic clearing of forests in the United States create farmland (esp ecially in the Northeast) and gave con sumers relatively inexpen sive houses and furn iture,but it alsoB
29、. Not only did the systematic clearing of forests in the United States create farmland (especially in the Northeast), which gave consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furn iture, but alsoC. The systematic cleari ng of forests in the Un ited States, creat ing farmla nd (es pecially in the North
30、east) and giv ing con sumers relatively inexpen sive houses and furn iture, but alsoD. The systematic cleari ng of forests in the Un ited States created farmla nd (es pecially in the Northeast) and gave con sumers relatively inexpen sive houses and furn iture, but it alsoE. The systematic cleari ng
31、of forests in the Un ited States not only created farmla nd (es pecially in the Northeast), giv ing con sumers relatively inexpen sive houses and furn iture, but it14.? So dogged were France s Perkins ' investigations of the garment industry, and her lobbying for wage and hour reform was persist
32、ent, Alfred E. Smith and Franklin D. Roosevelt recruited Perkins to work within the government, rather than as a social worker.A.and her lobby ing for wage and hour reform was p ersiste nt.B.and lobby ing for wage and hour reform was p ersiste nt, so that15.C.D.E.her lobby ing for wage and hour refo
33、rm p ersiste nt, thatlobby ing for wage and hour reform was so p ersiste nt,so p ersiste nt her lobby ing for wage and hour reform, thatA study by the Ocea n Wildlife Camp aig n urged states to un dertake a nu mber of remedies to reverse a decli ne in the shark popu lati on, which includes the establishment of size limits for shark catches, clos ing state waters for shark fish ing duri ng pupping seas on, and requiri ng commercial fishers to have federal shark p ermits.A.which in cludes the establishme nt of size limits for shark catches, clos
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