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1、實用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)文案中外文化對比與實務(wù)翻譯考試范圍1漢字(Chinese characters )是世界上最古老的文字之一,也是使用者最多的文字。漢字多達(dá)6萬個,但常用的基本漢字只有 6000個左右。據(jù)權(quán)威專家估計,漢字有5000 多年的歷史,最初源于記錄事情的圖片。從古到今,從甲骨文(Jiaguwen )到我們今天書寫用的楷體(Kaiti ),漢字的形成和結(jié)構(gòu)發(fā)生了很大改變。歷史上,漢字被朝鮮、 日本、越南等國借鑒,因此也促進(jìn)了國際交流。在現(xiàn)代,中國人民用各種方法將漢字輸 入電腦,進(jìn)行信息處理。事實證明,漢字充滿了生機與活力。The Chin ese characters are one of th

2、e oldest characters in the world, andare used by the most users. Chin ese characters are up to 60,000, but only about6,000 basic ones are often used. As authorities estimate, Chinese charactershave a history of over 5,000 years, and they origi nate from pictures for keep ingrecords. From ancient to

3、modern times, the forms and structures of Chinese characters have cha nged much, evolv ing from Jiaguwe n (oracle bone script), toKaiti (regular script) we use no w. I n history, Chin ese characters were borrowedby Korea, Japa n, and Viet nam, thereby improvi ng intern ati onal com muni cati on.In m

4、oder n times, Chin ese people have by many means solved the problem ofin putti ng Chin ese characters into computers to serve in formatio n process in g. Ithas bee n borne out that Chin ese characters are full of vigor and vitality.2. 書法(Calligraphy )是中國文化的精髓。書法在中國隨處可見,與日常生活緊密相連。 書法作品能裝點客廳、書房和臥室。它是將

5、漢字寫在吸水性良好的宣紙(Xuan paper )精彩文檔上,然后將作品貼在一塊鑲有絲綢邊的厚紙上,安上卷軸( scroll )或用畫框裝裱起來 掛在墻上。書法作品通常是一首詩、一幅對聯(lián)或主人很喜歡的座右銘。主人親自書寫的 作品將體現(xiàn)他的愿望、興趣以及文學(xué)或藝術(shù)才華。一幅書法作品可以給自己白色的墻壁增添活力,為賓客友人帶來快樂。Calligraphy is the esse nee of Chin ese culture. It can be found everywherein China, and is closely linked to daily life. Calligraphic

6、works decorate sittingrooms, studies and bedrooms. The Chinese characters are written on Xuan paper which is good at absorb ing ink. The work will be pasted on a piece ofthick paper with a silk edge, and them moun ted on a scroll or put into a pictureframe for hanging on the wall. Usually, a calligr

7、aphic work contains a poem, apair of couplets or a motto the owner likes very much. If the calligraphic work is writte n by the owner himself, it will dem on strate his wish and in terest as well as his literary or artistic tale nt. A calligraphic work can bring vitality to the white wall, pleasure

8、to guests and frie nds.3. 文房四寶(Four Treasures of the Study )是中國書法傳統(tǒng)書寫工具的統(tǒng)稱,包括筆、 墨、紙、硯(inkstone )?!拔姆俊敝傅氖菍W(xué)者的書房。除了這四寶,書房里的工具還 有筆筒、筆架、墨盒、腕托、筆洗、墨塊(inkpad ),這些都是書房必備品。唐宋是書法的繁榮時期,當(dāng)時著名的生產(chǎn)廠商制造的文房四寶被后世學(xué)者高度贊揚。中國傳統(tǒng)文化及藝術(shù)的發(fā)明和發(fā)展與文房四寶密切相關(guān)。在某種程度上,文房四寶代表了中國傳統(tǒng) 文化的重要因素The Four Treasures of the Study, is a generalname

9、of the traditionalwriting tools of Chinese calligraphy, including writing brush, ink, paper andinkstone. The name of“ Wenfang ” refers to a scholar' s study. Besides thesefour treasures, tools used in the study also in clude brush pots, brush rack, ink box, wrist-rest, brush washer and inkpad, a

10、ll of which are necessities of the study. Classical products of the Four Treasures of the Study made by famous producers during the Tang and Song Dynasties, when styles of writing were very prosperous,were highly praised by later scholars. The invention anddevelopment of China' s traditional cul

11、ture and art are closely related to theFour Treasures of the Study. And to some extent, the Four Treasures of the Study represe nts an importa nt eleme nt of traditi onal Chin ese culture.4. 孔子(Confucius )是中國歷史上影響最大、最受尊敬的哲學(xué)家。從公元前100年到20世紀(jì)早期,孔子的理念是唯一一種極大影響中國社會的思想??鬃颖救藦奈磳懴氯?何箴言(teachings )。如果不是他的弟子不辭勞

12、苦記下他的談話和言論,今天孔子將 是無名之輩??鬃拥难哉撛谥袊鴱V為流傳時,因其言論包含正確的哲理,人們接受了他 的言論,歷朝歷代都將其確立為官方思想。儒家思想影響了中國的方方面面,包括教育、政府、公共和個人看法以及禮節(jié)。Con fucius is the most in flue ntialand respected philosopher in Chin esehistory. His ideas have the most powerful and sole in flue nee on Chin ese society from around 100 B.C. till the earl

13、y 20th cen tury. Con fucius n ever wrote dow n any of his own teachi ngs. But for his disciples who took the trouble to record his con versati ons and discourses, Con fucius would have bee n a no body today. Bei ng widespread across Chi na, people accepted the teachi ngs of Con fucius for their soun

14、d pri nciples, and all successive dyn asties made them the official state ideology. Con fucia nism the n affected everythi ng in China in cludi ng educati on, government, public and private attitudes, and etiquette.5. 秦朝是中國歷史上第一個統(tǒng)一的、多民族的、中央集權(quán)的、封建王朝(Feudaldynasty )。盡管秦朝只持續(xù)了15年,但是它在中國歷史上扮演著重要角色,對后續(xù)朝代產(chǎn)

15、生了重大影響。為了鞏固國家統(tǒng)一,維持秦朝永傳萬代,秦始皇在政治、經(jīng)濟、 軍事和文化上進(jìn)行了很多改革。政治上,他宣布自己就是這個國家的皇帝,手握重權(quán)。經(jīng)濟上,他統(tǒng)一了度量衡(weights and measures )和貨幣。另外,他還統(tǒng)一了文字 以及車輪之間的距離。世界奇跡一一萬里長城也是他命令建造的。The QinDyn astywas the firstun itary,multi-nati onalandpower-ce ntralized feudal dyn asty in Chin ese history. Although last ing only for15 years, i

16、t played an importantrole in Chinese history and exerted a greatin flue nce on the follow ing dyn asties. To stre ngthe n the unity of the n ati on and to perpetuate the Qin Dynasty, Emperor Qin Shi Huang carriedout manyreforms in politics, economy, military affairs and culture. In politics, he decl

17、ared himself the emperor of the state in possessi on of all major powers .In economy,he standardizedweights and measures as well as money.In addition, hesta ndardized the writte n characters and the dista nee betwee n two wheels. The miracle of the world, the Great Wall of China, was also built un d

18、er his order.6. 每逢新春佳節(jié),吃餃子(Dumpli ngs )已經(jīng)成為中國的習(xí)俗。究其原因,首先是因為 餃子形如金元寶(gold in got ),人們在春節(jié)吃餃子取“招財進(jìn)寶”之意;二是餃子有 餡,便于人們把各種吉祥的東西包到餡里,以寄托人們對新的一年的祈望。人們常常將 花生、棗和栗子等包進(jìn)餡里。吃到花生的人將健康長壽,吃到棗和栗子的人將早生貴子。 餃子因所包的餡和制作方法不同而種類繁多。即使是同一種水餃,亦有不同的吃法。It ' s a Chinese custom to eat dumplings during the Spring Festival. Thefi

19、rst reason for it is that dumplingsare shaped like gold ingots. People eatdumplings during the Spring Festival, wishing to bring in wealth and treasures.The second reason is that dumplings are stuffed with fillings, allowing people toput a variety of auspicious thi ngs into it, and in this way peopl

20、e pin their hopesfor the n ext year. People ofte n put pea nu ts, Chin ese dates and chest nuts in sidethe dumpli ngs. Those who eat pea nuts will be healthy and live a long life; thosewho eat Chin ese dates and chest nuts will have a baby soon. There are a widevariety of dumpli ngs due to their div

21、erse filli ngs in side and differe nt methods of making. Even dumpli ngs of the same kind have differe nt ways of eat ing.7. 宮保雞丁( Kung Pao Chicken )由雞丁、花生和紅辣椒做成,是著名的傳統(tǒng)川菜。這道菜以晚清時期的官員丁寶楨的名字命名。據(jù)說,丁寶楨很喜歡吃,尤其是“爆炒雞 丁”。丁寶楨在四川做巡撫(governor )時,他常常以爆炒雞丁宴請賓客。為了迎合 四川賓客的口味,丁寶楨改良了他最愛的“爆炒雞丁”,加入了紅辣椒。結(jié)果,辣的雞 丁比以前更美味。

22、丁寶楨后來被授予"太子少?!?Palace Guardian )的官銜,也就是“宮保”。為了紀(jì)念丁寶楨,人們把他最愛的這道菜命名為“宮保雞丁”。Kung Pao Chicke n, made with diced chicke n, pea nuts and chili pepper, is afamous traditi onalSichuan dish. It was namedafterDing Baozhe n,a courtofficial in the lateQing Dyn asty. Itis said thatMr.Di ng was fondof food,es

23、pecially“ stir-fried diced chicken” Whilehewasgover norinSichua nProvince, he often entertained his guests with this dish. In order to cater to hisSichuan guests' taste, Ding improved his favorite “ stir-fried diced chicken”by putting chili pepper into the ingredients. As a result, the dish with

24、 its spicyflavor was more delicioustha n ever. Si nee Di ng was later gran ted the title“ Palace Guardian ” also called Kung Pao, people namedhis favorite di sh“ Kung Pao Chicken ” in order to commemorate him.8當(dāng)我們提到“過年”的時候,你腦子里首先想到的是什么?有紅燈籠、紅對聯(lián)、紅爆竹和紅色的中國結(jié)。的確,紅色對于中國人是不可或缺的一種顏色。中國紅意味著平安、喜慶、和諧、團(tuán)圓,意味著事事

25、順利、祛病除災(zāi)。有人這么形容中國紅:中國紅吸納了朝陽最富生命力的元素,采擷了晚霞最絢麗迷人的光芒,凝聚著血液最濃稠活躍的成分,融入了相思豆(jequirity )最細(xì)膩的情感,浸染了楓葉最成熟的晚秋意象。Wh en we talk about“ Chinese New Year ” , what occurs to your mind first? They are red Ian terns, red couplets, red firecrackers and red Chin ese kno ts.In deed, red is an in dispe nsable color for

26、Chin ese people. Chin ese red means peace, joy, harmony, and reunion; it also means everything goes well and it can drive away ill ness and disaster. Some one describes Chin ese red in this way: Chin ese red absorbs the most dyn amic eleme nt of the rising sun; it picks the most beautiful and charm

27、ing light of sun set glow; it embodies the thickest and most active ingredient of blood; it contains the most delicate emotions of jequirity; and it shapes the most mature imagery of maple leaves in late autum n.9.中國古代四大發(fā)明(The Four Great Inventions )造紙術(shù)、火藥、印刷術(shù)、指南針對全世界產(chǎn)生了巨大而深遠(yuǎn)的影響。紙張的發(fā)明大大促進(jìn)了文明的傳播與發(fā)展?;?/p>

28、 藥的發(fā)明非常偶然,煉丹師(alchemist )在制作長生不老藥(elixir )的時候偶然制成 了火藥。唐代末期,火藥被用于戰(zhàn)爭,13世紀(jì)時傳到了全世界。在唐代印刷術(shù)的基礎(chǔ)上,北宋畢昇發(fā)明了活字印刷術(shù)(movable-type printing ),開啟了印刷史上的偉大革命。中國古人利用天然磁石制成了第一臺可以辨別方向的指南針,大大增強了船只的 遠(yuǎn)航能力。Papermak ing,gun powder,printing and compass are the Four GreatInven ti ons of ancient China that have exerted a great

29、and far-reachi ng impact on the entire world. The invention of paper greatly contributed to the spread and developme nt of civilizati on. The birth of gun powder was quite accide ntal. It was inven ted in adverte ntly by alchemists while attempt ng to make an elixir. Atthe end of the Tang Dyn asty,

30、gun powder was used in military affairs, and wasspread to all over the world in the 13th cen tury. On the basis of pr inting in theTang Dyn asty, Bi Sheng in the Norther n Song Dyn asty inven ted the movable-type printing, which launched a great revolution in the history of prin ti ng. Natural magn

31、ets were made into the first direct ion-finding compass by ancient Chin ese people, which greatly improved a shipn avig'tes ability toover long dista nces.10.白蛇傳(Lege nd of the White Sn ake)是中國古代民間流傳的最著名的故事之一。故事說,因渴望人間生活,白蛇來到人間,與書生許仙結(jié)婚。然而,這樁姻緣遭到僧人 法海的反對。于是,法海將白蛇困于西湖岸邊的雷鋒塔(Leifeng Pagoda )下。這個故事發(fā)

32、生于杭州西湖邊上。直到今天,觀賞景點時,游客仍會想起白蛇的故事。白蛇傳 源于唐代和五代十國時期(the Five Dyn asties and Ten Kin gdoms),明清時流傳下來。后來,這個故事的影響越來越大,成了中國廣為人知的故事。另外,白蛇傳在其他 國家得以流傳,如日本、朝鮮、越南和印度。Lege nd of the White Sn ake is one of the most famous tales spreadi ng outamong folks in ancient China. The tale goes that a white snake came to the

33、huma n world as she was longing for huma n life, and married a scholar n amedXu Xian. However, this marriage was opposed by Fahai, a Buddhist monk. Hethen incarcerated the white snake under Leifeng Pagoda at the bank of theWest Lake. The lege nd happe ned in the West Lake of Han gzhou. Up to now, vi

34、sitors may still recall the story as they view and admire this scenic spot.Lege nd of the White Sn ake origi nated in the Tang Dyn asty, the Five Dyn astiesand Ten Kingdoms, and was handed down through the Ming and Qing Dyn asties. It has later experie need and ever expa nding in flue nee and has be

35、come widely known in China; moreover, it spreads in many countries such asJapa n, North Korea, Viet nam, and In dia.中外文化對比與實務(wù)翻譯考試范圍(二)I. What are prin cipaldiffere ncesbetwee n Chin ese culture andwestern culture?A) Wester n culture is based on in dividualism. For in sta nee, in the US, you always t

36、alk about in dividual rights, in stead of placi ng the whole society above your own self. Chin ese culture is based on masses (collectivism).People place country and family above their own selves.B) Wester n culture is adve nturous and explorati on based. Wester ners like to discover new thi ngs, in

37、ven ti on and expa nd outwards. For in sta nee, bun geejump ingis con sideredadve nturousand com monin wester nculture. Chin eseculture is based on huma nism and people. You will probably find no-one doing such a thi ng in China.C) The West uses law to resolve people and people's relati on ship.

38、 You cann ever find 'law' well-established in Chi na. The Chin ese use ethics and tolera neeto resolve people and people's relati on ship.For 2000 years, China is a landthat's based on huma n relati on ship rather tha n law.D) Wester n culture is based on scie nee, which attempts to

39、resolve peopleand n ature's relati on ship. The Chin ese attempt to fuse the huma n and 'heave n'as one to resolve the relati on ship betwee n man and n atureE) The West uses 'God' and religion to resolve human and spiritualism relati on ship. In case of problems with your own se

40、lf, you just pray to God. TheChin ese emphasize in ter nal cultivati on to resolve huma n and spiritualism.2. What are defi niti ons of the nu clear family and the exte nded family?The nuclear family is a term used to define a family group consisting of apair of adults and their children. Nuclear fa

41、milies are named because it is thenucleus, or central structure, around which other members of the family may an chor.An exte nded family is two or more adults from differe nt gen erati ons of afamily, who share a household. It consists of more than parents and children; itmay be a family that in cl

42、udes pare nts, childre n, ni eces and n ephews, cous ins,aun ts, un cles, gran dpare nts etc.3. What are adva ntages of the exte nded family? (Illustrate at least 4reas on s.)A) It is easy to get an impromptu gathering together. It is easier to have afamily reunion whe n you live close by, because t

43、hat means you can just go withthem any where.B) It makes the family relati on ship grow closer. Livi ng closer means youalso do not miss out on any special eve nts, like birthdays and other gatheri ngs.C) Babysitti ng is no Ion ger an issue. Whe n we go to the office there shouldbe some people who c

44、an take care of our children. No one can replacegran dpare nts or any of the family members who can take good care of them.D) No n eed to cook on some ni ghts. Some old people love to cook for herfamily, eve n on some of the ni ghts whe n we are not scheduled to go to theirplace. They would cook and

45、 ask us to drop by and get our meals to go, alreadypacked in lunch boxes. It saves us time to cook our next meal, not to mentionsav ing us mon ey.4. What are advantagesof the nuclear family? (Illustrate at least 5reas on s).A) Privacy. The couple can keep their privacy in their own house in nuclear

46、families whereas you cannot keep your privacy in a joint family. People can livetheir own way and do whatever they want to. There are no such boun daries set by the elders to follow.B) Financial stability. One can be financially strong because of limited expenses.There are a smaller number of people

47、 in the nuclear family and hence lessexpenses. You cannot have a strong financial stability if you are the only personwho is earning in a joint family.C) Freedom. The elders restrict youngsters not to do certain tasks because theythink this is not good for them. But today ' sjenerationis very sm

48、art. Theyknow what is good and bad for themselves and have eno ugh an alytical power,so they don ' t like to restrict themselves.D) Ease in moving. Whe n you have a nu clear family, you face fewer problemswhile shift ing from a house. You can man age your own thi ngs without disturb ing the live

49、s of other people.E) Avoida nee of stress and discomfort. Somepeople are emoti on al. They can' ttolerate any kind of fun that is on them and in the joint family, one needs tohave much high patienee. But, nuclear families have the advantage that if you live in the compa ny of those with whom you

50、 are very comfortable the n there isno n eed to take any stress and your discomfort also gets vani shed in a mome nt.5. What are eat ing habits in the West?to eacA) Pray and keep silent for a moment, then say“ enjoy your mealother and start eati ng.B) Keep the knife on your right hand and the fork o

51、n your left.C) Never ask for a sec ond bowl of soup.D) Use fin gers whe n eati ng chicke n or other birds.E) Finish eati ng everythi ng on your plate.F) Speak quietly and smile a lot.G) Raise your glasses and take only a sip.6. What differe nces can you get betwee n Chin ese traditi onal festivalsan

52、d wester n on es?A) Chinese traditional festivals originated from the wishes of safety andIon gevity, however wester n ones are associated with religi on, mostly Christia ni ty.B) The major activity in Chinese festivals is eating, however, The major activity is playi ng in western festivals.C) Most

53、of Chinese festivals are aimed at the inheritanee of Chinese traditional merits, while western festivals are aimed at the entertainment.7. What is the origin of the Qingming Festival?The Qingming Festival, also called Tomb-sweeping Day, is a time to rememberthe dead and the dearly departed. More imp

54、orta nt, it is a period to honor andto pay respect to one ' sdecease d ancestors and family members. It falls in early spring.“ Qing Ming ” literally means“ Clear BrightnessIt is popularly associated with Jie Zi-tui(介子推),who lived in Shanxi province in600 B.C. Jie saved his starving lord ' I

55、sfe by serving a piece of his own leg.Whe n the lord succeeded in beco ming the ruler of a small coun try, he in viteds If(寒食節(jié))his faithful follower to join him.However, Jie declined his invitation, preferring to lead a hermithis mother in the mountains. Believ ing that he could force Jie out by bur ningthe mountain, the lord ordered his men to set the forest on fire. But Jie chose torema in where he was and was bur nt to death.To


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