



1、四年級上冊重點(diǎn)知識課文 頁碼重點(diǎn)句子課文 頁碼P41. Hey, Zhang Peng. We have a new classroom.嗨,Zhang Peng ,我們有一個(gè)新 教室.P42. Really? Let S go and see.真的嗎 起去勾勾.3. What 's in the classroom?-One TV, many desks and chairs.-教室里有什么一臺電視機(jī),許多桌子椅子.4. Where is your picture?-It s near the window.-你的畫在哪里-在窗戶旁邊.P55. classroomwindowdoor

2、教室窗戶門P5blackboardpicturelight黑板圖回?zé)?. Open the door. Turn on the light.Close the window. Put up the picture.Clean the black board.開門.開燈.關(guān)窗戶.掛圖1 擦黑板.十0P67. a-e/ei/cakefacenamemakea-e蛋糕臉名字制作P6a/3c/capmapdadcata帽子地圖爸爸貓P78. - Let s clean the classroom.-OK.-我們一起來清掃教室吧.-好P79. Let me clean the teacher s des

3、k.我來擦講臺桌.10. Let me clean the windows.我來擦窗戶.11. -Let me help you .Thank you.-我來幫你.-謝謝.P812. teacher s desk computer講臺電腦P8fanwallfloor電風(fēng)扇墻壁地板13. This is my new classroom.這是我的新教室.14. The door is orange.The windows are white.門一扇是橘紅色的.窗戶偃多扇是白色的.15. The floor is green. The walls are blue.地板是綠色的.四周的墻是藍(lán)色的.

4、P916. Where is the green book?-It is under the teachers desk.-綠色的書在哪里-在講臺卜面.P917. Where is the kite?-It is near the window.-風(fēng)箏在哪里-在窗戶旁邊.18. The picture is near the kite.圖回在風(fēng)箏旁邊.19. The blue pencil is on the floor藍(lán)色的鉛筆在地板上.P141. -I have a new schoolbag.-Really?-我有一個(gè)新書包.-真的嗎P142. What 's in your s

5、choolbag?-An English book, a maths book, three storybooks and -It s a fat panda.-你書包里用什么-一本英語書,一本數(shù)學(xué)書, 三本故事書-它是一只胖熊貓.P153. a schoolbagtwo schoolbags一個(gè)書包兩個(gè)書包P15a maths booktwo maths books一本數(shù)學(xué)書兩本數(shù)學(xué)書an English booktwo English books _一本英語書兩本英語書a Chinese booka storybooktwo Chinese books _two storybooks _一

6、本語文書一本故事書兩本語文書兩本故事書P164. i-e / ai/likekitei-e / ai/喜歡風(fēng)箏P16fiveninerice五九米飯i /i/bigpigsixi /i/大的豬六P175. Excuse me. I lost my schoolbag.打攪一下,我書包丟了.P176. What colour is your schoolbag?-It s blue and white.-你的書包什么顏色的-藍(lán)色和白色的.7. What 's in your schoolbag ?-An English book, two toys and a notebook .-你的

7、書包里有什么-一本英語書,兩個(gè)玩具和一本 筆記本.8. -Here it is.Thank you so much!-在這里.-非常感謝!P189. a notebooksome notebooks _一本筆記本一些筆記本P18a toysome toys _一個(gè)玩具一些玩具a keysome keys _一把鑰匙一些鑰匙a candysome candies_一塊糖一些糖10. What s in your schoolbag ?-Three key s, two toy s and an English book.-你的書包里有什么-三把鑰匙,兩個(gè)玩具和一本 英語書.P1911. I ha

8、ve an English book and two storybook s in my schoolbag-我書包里什-本英語書和兩本 故事書.P1912. I have two toy s, some cand ies and an egg in my desk.我桌子里有兩個(gè)玩具,一些糖和 一個(gè)雞蛋.P241. I have a new friend.我有一個(gè)新朋友.P242. I have a new friend. He is a boy.-What 's his name ?-His name is Zhang Peng.-我有一個(gè)新朋友,他是一個(gè)男孩.-他叫什么名字-他的

9、名字叫Zhang Peng .3. I have a new friend. She is a girl.-What 's her name?-Her name is Amy.-我有一個(gè)新朋友.她是一個(gè)女孩.-她叫什么名字-她的名字叫Amy.4. He is tall and strong. He is very friendly.他又局乂壯.他還很友好.P255. tall and strongshort and thin又局乂壯又矮又瘦P25friendlyquiet友好的文靜的6. I have a good friend. He is tall and strong.-Who

10、is he ?-His name is Zhang Peng.-我有一個(gè)好朋友.他又局乂壯.-他是誰-他的名字叫Zhang Peng .7. I have a good friend. She is quiet.-Who is she ?-Her name is Amy.-我有一個(gè)好朋友.她很文靜.-她是誰-她的名字叫Amy.P268. o-e/ 叫nosenote便條P26CokeMr Jones可樂瓊斯老師o / /dogmomnot能夠區(qū)分o-e和o的發(fā)音boxnothotP279. I have a good friend. He is a boy.He is tall and thi

11、n.He has glasses and his shoes are blue.我有一個(gè)好朋友.他是個(gè)男生.他局局的,瘦瘦的.他戴眼鏡,他的鞋子是藍(lán)色的.P2710. -Is he Wu Yifan?-Yes, he is. You are right.-他是 Wu Yifan 嗎-是的.你對了.P2811. brown shoesblue glasses棕色的鞋子藍(lán)色的眼鏡P28long hairshort haira green bag長發(fā) 短發(fā)一個(gè)綠色的書包12. My friend has blue glasses.我的朋友有一副藍(lán)色的眼鏡.13. He has short hairb

12、lue glasses/a green bag他有短發(fā)藍(lán)色的眼鏡/ 一個(gè)綠色的書包.14. She has 10ng hairbrown shoes.她有長發(fā)棕色的鞋子.15. His glasses are blue.他的眼鏡是藍(lán)色的.16. Her hair is long.她的頭發(fā)長長的.P381. Ts your cat in the living room?-Yes, she is ./ No, she isn t.-你的貓?jiān)诳蛷d嗎-是的.不是的.P382. -Is she in the study?-Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.-她在書房嗎-是

13、的.不是的.3. Look! She is in the kitchen.看!她在廚房.P394. -Is Amy in the study?-Yes, she is ./ No, she isn't.-Amy在廚房嗎-是的.不是的.P395. bedroomstudyliving room臥室書房客廳kitchenbathroom廚房浴室6. Go to the living room. Watch TV. Go to the study. Read a book. Go to the kitchen. Have a snack. Go to the bedroom. Have a

14、nap. Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.去客廳,看電視. 去書房,看看書. 去廚房,吃點(diǎn)心. 去臥室,小睡會(huì). 去浴室,洗個(gè)澡.P407. u-e/ju:/usecuteexcuse使用可愛的打攪一下P40u /A/upduck區(qū)力ij u-e和u的發(fā)首P418. -Open the door, please.-OK.-請f一下門.-好的.P419. Where are the keys?鑰匙復(fù)在哪里10. *re the keys on the tables?-Yes, they are ./ No, they aren : t-鑰匙復(fù)在桌子上嗎-是的.

15、沒有.11. *re they near the phone?-Yes, they are ./ No, they aren't.-它們在 旁邊嗎-是的.沒有.12. Look! They are in the door.看!它們在門上.P4213. Where are the keys?-They are on the fridge.-鑰匙在哪里-在冰箱上.P4214. tablephonefridge桌子 冰箱bedsofa床沙發(fā)P4315. This is my living room.這是我的客廳.P4316. My books are on the sofa, and my

16、pens are on the fridge.我的書復(fù)在沙發(fā)上,我的鋼筆 復(fù)在冰箱上.17. My bag is under the table, and my glasses are near the phone.我的書包單在桌卜面,我的眼 鏡在 旁邊.18. My keys are on the floor.我的鑰匙復(fù)在地板上.19. The sofa is in the living room.沙發(fā)在客廳.20. The chairs are in the bedroom.%了 M在臥至.P481. Mum, I 'm hungry. What 's for dinner

17、 ?媽媽,我餓了.晚飯吃什么P482. What would you like , Mike?-I d like some soup and bread, please.-你想吃什么,Mike ?-我想野-些湯和面包.3. What would you like for dinner?-I d like some fish and vegetables, please.-你晚飯想吃什么-我想要,些魚和蔬菜.4. Mike would like some soup and bread for dinner. Dad would like some fish and vegetables for

18、dinner.Mike 晚飯想野-些湯和面包, 爸爸晚飯想些魚和蔬菜.5. -Dinner is ready ! -Thanks!-晚飯好了!-謝謝P496. What would you like , Zoom?-I d like some vegetables, please.-Zoom,你想要什么-我想出-些蔬菜.P497. beefchickenfish牛肉雞肉魚肉noodlesricebread面條米飯面包juicemilksoup果汁牛奶湯vegetables蔬菜P508. e/i:/meheshewe我賓他她我們P50e/e/redbedletpencil區(qū)別e的三種發(fā)音e不發(fā)音

19、ricecakeninecuteP519. -Dinner s ready! Help yourself .-Thanks.-晚飯好了!別客氣.-謝謝!P5110. - Would you like a knife and fork?-No, thanks. I can use chopsticks.-你想要一副刀叉嗎-不用了,謝謝.我會(huì)用筷子.11. Would you likesome soup?-Yes, please.-你想野-些湯嗎-好的.P5212. -John, would you like some beef?-Yes, please , and pass me the kni

20、fe and fork please.-John,要來些牛肉嗎-好的,謝謝,請給我遞一下小 刀和叉子.P5213. bowlchopsticks碗筷子spoonforkknife勺子叉子小刀P5314. Would you like some noodles, too?-Yes, thank you.-面條也要點(diǎn)嗎-好的,謝謝.P5315. -Can I have a knife and fork? -Yes, John, but try chopsticks for noodles.-可以給我L副刀叉嗎-好的,John,但是吃面條可以 試一卜筷子.P581. -How many people

21、 are there in your family, Chen Jie?-There are Three. My parents and me.-Chen Jie ,你們家用幾個(gè)人-有三個(gè),我父母和我.P582. My family has six people.我家七八'口人.3. But that s only five.但那只有五個(gè).4. -How many apples are there on the tree?-There are twelve.-樹上有幾個(gè)蘋果-有12個(gè).P595. Hi. Meet my family!嗨,來見見我的家人.P596. They are my parents.他們是我的父母.7. This is my uncle. He is tall.這是我的叔叔,他高高的.8. This is my aunt. She is thin.這是我的嬸嬸.她瘦瘦的.9. familycousinbaby brother家庭,家人表/堂親小弟弟parentsuncleaunt父母叔,舅姨,姑P6010. a/a-e : cat, f an, had, b ag/m ake, case, f ace,


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