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1、 高一學年單詞競賽 初賽 1. 大陸的,大洲的 A. continent B. continence C. continental D. continue2. Whos the man facing me? A. 臉 B. 對付 C. 表面 D. 面向(對)3. 美術館;畫廊 A. galley B. gallery C. garlic D. gallon4. Whats the v. form of “situated”? A. situation B. situate C. situated D. situates5. Which word is equal to “sign”? A. s

2、ymbol B. range C. across D. located 6. Which is not one of the meanings of “project”? A.工程 B.項目 C.規(guī)劃 D.進程7. sculpture A. 結構,構造 B.雕刻 C. 搜索,搜查 D.水手8. architect A.建筑學 B.建筑風格 C. 體系結構 D. 建筑師9. 文明(n.) A. civilize B. civilization C. civilian D. civilized10. Which has the opposite meaning of “modern”?A. anc

3、ient B. present C. fashionable D. recent 11. I sat opposite him during the meal.A.對面的 B. 相反的 C. 在 的對面 D.對立面,反面12. 簽署 A. sigh B. signal C. sign D. sight13. You will have to get your parents agreement if you want to go on the trip. A. a contract made with sb B. the state of sharing the same opinion of

4、 feeling C. the fact of sb allowing it to happen D. the state of having the same number14. _ did you find it? A . Whereas B. Whereabouts C. Wherever D. What15. What factors govern your decision? A.治理 B.營運 C.左右( 行動) D.壓抑,抑制16. The company will send a _ to New York. A. representation B. represent C. r

5、epresentative D. repressive17. an industrial _(工業(yè)地區(qū) ) A. region B. regional C. register D. registry18. I will have a _ lesson this afternoon. A . geographer D. geographical C. geography D. geologist19. Impatience in everything is a feature of our age. A. 引人注目 B.面貌,面容 C. 臉的一部分 D. 特色20. The company _

6、furniture. A. product B. productive C. produces D. producer21. The accident did a lot of_ to the car.A. damagement B. damage C.damages D. harm22. The _ voice made us_.A. frightening; frightening B. frightened; frightening C. frightening ; frightened D. frightened; frightened23.A mass campaign has be

7、en started to help solve it.A.戰(zhàn)役 B.活動、運動 C.公司 D.野營24.Reforming the education system will be a difficult process.A.方法 B.進程、過程 C.變化 D.程序25. The Chinese Central Weather Station can forecast a sandstorm.A. forehead B. foresight C. foresee D. forehand 26. I havent the _ to carry you.A. power B. force C.

8、energy D. strength27.There is a lot of _ on the floor.A. dusty B. dusts C. dust D. dirty28.Which one is not the meaning of “ cycle”?A.循環(huán) B.自行車 C.騎自行車 D. 圓圈29. The inland region has more sandstorms.A. 國內的 B. 內在的 C. 內陸的 D.在里面 30. I have _ work to do.A. a great number of B. many a C. masses of D. a gre

9、at many 31. The root cause of the crime problem is poverty and unemployment. A. effect B. event C. action D. reason32. Which word is not similar to others? A. smart B. fashionable C. popular D. stupid33. vast pains A. large B. limited C. wide D. enormous34. Where can I exchange my dollars for pounds

10、? A. 交談,交易 B. 交火 C. 交換 D.兌換35. In a word, our world is not a completely peaceful one . Which one can replace word? A shell B sentence C remark D nutshell 36. Which one is not the natural disaster? A. hurricane B. tornado C. thunderstorm D. lighting37. I know from my own experience how difficult this

11、 kind of work can be. A. 經驗 B. 經歷 C. 實驗 D. 昂貴38. Didnt it occur to you that he might be late? A.(主意)浮現于腦中 B. 發(fā)生 C. 存在 D. 遭遇39. a tropical climate A. very hot B. cool C. warm D. cold 40. Which one is not similar to others? A. fire B. forceful C. violent D. dangerous 41.The union has voted to strike f

12、or a pay increase of 6%.A. 撞擊、打擊 B.突然想到 C.罷工 D.火柴42. 多霧的 A. foggy B. fogger C. fogbound D. foghorn 43. Which one means “環(huán)境”? A. invironment B .envirenment C .enveronment D. environment 44.precious A.珍貴的 B.先前的/以往的 C.基本的 D.主要的45. An active volcano may erupt at any time. A.灰 B.熔巖 C.巖漿 D.火山46.There is n

13、ow no possibility that he will make a full recovery.A.可能、可能性 B. 機會 C.可選擇的方法 D.潛力47.fortunately means: A. hopefully B. luckily C. lucky D. fortunate48. They broadcasted an urgent storm warning . A.警告, 預告 B.士兵 C.軍艦 D熱身49. The Bible Code, a best-selling book, predicts that World War Three would erupt b

14、efore the year 2000.A爆發(fā) B噴出 C. 發(fā)生 D.點燃50. He apologized again AND again. "You are good people. Please do not think bad of us. I hope this won't ruin your vacation. A毀滅B.衰敗C. 破壞D. 破產51. She _ for his love. A. hungered B. looked C. won D. got52. Live beyond ones _. (入不敷出地生活.)A. hobby B. educa

15、tion C. income D. development53. I am sure China can shake off _ and attain a comfortable standard of living by the end of the century.A. poor B. poverty C. goal D. feature54. He has an income of six _ every month. So he is wealthy.A. zeros B. indexes C. expectancies D. figures55. charity A. 擁擠的 B.

16、慈善團體 C. 位置,所在地 D. 交通工具56. Inhabitant means_. A. soothing baby song B. resident C. products D. giver57. Which one is similar to “similarity”? A. difference B. identical C. simplicity D. likeness58. household A. 家庭用品 B. 家務勞動 C. 一家人,家庭 D. 住處59. Dalian is famous as a _. A. tourism B. tourist C. tourname

17、nt D. tough60. It is necessary to _ young criminals.A. ruin B. complain C. resign D. re-educated61. Shi Yongxin is a famous_ from Shao Lin Temple.A, actor B, monk C, director D, captain62, The site _ from Tang Dynasty . A, dated B, dates C, dates back D, dating63, My friends are in good _.A, conditi

18、ons B, condition C, mood D, state64, “bulletin” means_. A, 海報 B, 短新聞 C, 剪貼畫 D, 報告會65,The American _ War broke out based on freeing the slaves in the 1860s.A, civil B, National C, International D, Civil66, The _ is a place where water is stored. A .reservoir B, resort C, relic D, canal67, He majors i

19、n _.A, engineer B, engines C, enginering D, engineering68, Which is not the meaning of“terminal” ? A, 終端 B.侯機廳 C.終點站 D.期末69,Lu Ban was a great _. A, inventer B, inventor C, invitor D, journalist70, Can you give an_ for his opinion? A, argument B, protest C, argue D, aguement 71. All human beings are

20、 _ (平等的). A. equally B. equality C. equaled D. equal72. Confucius _(強調)the importance of kindness.A. stress B. stresses C. stressed D. stressing 73. Mencius was given an important _(職位) in the government of a state. A. position B. situation C. place D. plat74. The scientist made great _ to the devel

21、opment of the industry. A. contribution B. contributions C. contribute D. contributed75. All of us consider him an _ person. A. honesty B. honest C. honestest D. honested76. Which word means “ 有影響的” ? A. influent B. influence C. influential D. influenza77. Will you do me a _? A. kind B. kindergarten

22、 C. kindness D. kindly78.The police went to the stadium to keep _. A. orderly B. order C. orderliness D. ordered79. Which word means “an idea that influences the way you behave” ? A. principle B. found C. believe D. order80. The boy _ an excuse of his being late for school. A. discovered B. invented

23、 C. discovery D. invention 81.When you enter a hospital, you will find many doctors faces covered with _. A cloth B a cap C a mask D a sandstorm 82. Mr. Wang is a popular teacher, whose class _ is lively.A atmosphere B condition C situation D air 83. What is the opposite of the “active”.A. action B.

24、 activate C. passion D. passive84.Which one is similar to “rubbish ”? A dirt B garbage C garage D pollution 85. We should use materials which can be reused ? Which one can replace reused ? A rejected B recycled C remarked D received 86.If you are back home late, your parents will be anxious about yo

25、u. Which one is similar to anxious ? A frustrated B depressed C frightened D concerned 87 We need adequate _ to prove his guilt. A facts B evidences C evidence D witness88. which one means “抱怨”? A. complain B .complein C. campaign D. complation 89. Which one is not related to others? A. misfortune B

26、. catastrophe C. disaster D. pain90. Which one is not similar to“afraid”? A frightened B horrified C scary D terrific 91. The hall can _( 容納 ) 500 people. Which word cant be used the above sentence ? A. sit B. seat C. hold D. accommodate92. The bridge is under _( 建設中 ). A. construction B. building C. designed D


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