



1、1 / 16吉林省伊通滿族自治縣第三中學校等2017-2018學年高二英語下學期期末聯(lián)考試題(掃描版)2017-2018學年下學期友好學校期末聯(lián)韋試題高二英語蠹事項:I, *戌&備徑葉b 12(1.滿分I坯丁 -2眾試暮皆為第I奉(選莽龍)如第II卷(非遶擇理】崗部金.M I底逸出査秦ifl 2B ii+上冋忌題叩灼選頂涂黑-不密耳在蒂I .,昭1|砥崟請寫在芥趙卡上.艾舉時耳曼容亀卡。第1卷CK共刖分)第-部分聽力共兩節(jié),満分酣井)第一節(jié)$小題I悔小週I分嵩井工分)聽下直5段對話.毬段科話后有_個小尊,從題中新給的兒氏C三牛選項中逸冊嚴桂烷ML聽主毎段對話后,標AWW秒忡的時間來回菩

2、有關小施和碉讀下小尊“毎就對話僅讀一迫。IWhen dx$ die rahi、reason si an?A. In January.6. In kebrwnC lnNovember.2. What wrong wadi the nuni footT:A. It1! hmB. IPs salry.C. Its tasieZ-3. What is Jennifer leanitngin school Fhjir.X. To make ulpiure.B. Tti ukc pictures.C. To dniw.4 Which roam has lhe manfirustled dcccriting

3、?A. f lie living rcom.B. The hjihrcom.C Iltc kicchen.5. Where are the speaTs1A. At a hospitalB. En a classroon).C. At a bail field.茁二節(jié)f其Id小題匕毎小期15分,満分22_5分)嘴下面3段村話或甦白匚每段對詁或蝕白后占兒個小題從趙中所辭的A、氐匚三個逛血 屮選出園住選頂=聽邯段對話武竝白前*你將有吋聞閱讀各卜小題,何少題5桂鐘:聽茫常*吝 小蹈將搐出5秒鐘的件捽時間4毎懂對話或獨白讀兩遍”聽第&段村料,回等第6 7 JS-6.Whtrru ilwSEIi

4、n ijJgcsl(pinA Io a thealcr,R. T(i a restaimttit.C. Tn a enftw shop.7,How does Hila fed *buit the plan?A. E肚ikd,D. huJifkreiitC. Disappoinird.2 / 16聽第7段村料,網(wǎng)答第乩題*IJ|I* WhH、 川(l;】k help Annie HZ、( Icini her Mpartment. B Water her planls.C, Feed her dog.i) Wh.it曲will (lark go lo?Vune?s house?A Chi Mond

5、ay*B. On Thursday.C+On Friday昕第5!投材料,回答第1至口題。“ What was the program mainly nhovt?,. Horses and wars.R. Horses froin different countriesC. Ditlerenr uses MIICTS鬥.What seems to surprise the man?A People use horses for fun.B. Horse races take place everywhere.C. Horses arc still used for hard labor12.

6、What will the woman do this weekend?A. Work on a iarni.11 Ahcnd a wedding.C. Go horst riding.聽第9段材料,回答第13至16題匸13. Where is the island?A. It is in Asia.B. It is in the Pacific Ocean.C. It is olllhc coast of Europe.14 Why did the man choose to go to the island?A- h*s free of pollulion* B. It s noi 1”a

7、way*C.Its small.15, What does the woman think of the island ?A. BeautifulB. Wild.C bnusuak16. How many people live on the island now?A. EightB-恥vemG Six.1聽第10段材料,回答第17至20題。卜Who are the announcenients uF?A, The manager.B - 1 he employees ( The customers.lx. What time does the store usually close?丸At

8、five o*clock.At eight o clix:kLC. Al ten uklock-19. What item is free for another one it you buy oct?A. Womens dresses.B. Mens suits.C. Shoes.20, What does the speaker suggest pcopb,n tlie entA. Go to a cafe.B 1 cave the shop由片C, BUYsome music X3 / 16ifi第訶映io如4 / 16境 御分 聞詢円林 ou take a bus? 5 miiiuic

9、sfl 15 minutesC. 25 minutesD No bus can be taken2 ; YR| -Aitl go back home from w ork in Brennan, Which of the Iblkiwing bus will you take ?、7:3() pmH. 6:0()amC 5:45 pmD. 6:20 pm24. Where should passengers buy lheir tickds?A. From the bus driver.B,On the bus after gening on尢D, At the station before

10、boarding.RScience ficiKin wriiers create imaginary worlds TlicWJVthings work in your ituaginary worlds will lx h;i ou to be familiar uith (he scientific principles and inventions ihai arerrliiied to)om creation I or example, if)Wrt riling about human living on a pl u.dAtil) /cr(t iJi.itily. then yim

11、 ntedto know ihectlts ol zero gu ih ut) the himiiin bvd、I hen VIIIJ liu c !n liLure inn ihv txatl rules of ycur imaginary worlds And you lia c to Ibllou themII humans are able to breatlic underwator in Chapter 1, your character cantdrow nin a swimming pool烏英訥Hl 10 GOI j;40 pm (7aYsin the RailwayC. F

12、BHTIthe condutior.5 / 16(kLick The I oil owing issues: the historv- of the world, the geography, what possibilities; H offers, hziVLiythirig orks in thisnewreality, and how all of these fictor; atfed the way vour characters think, fctl jiidne&cT to things. You dont have to tell your readers all

13、the rules in the first chapter. But ycu hjw to let readerknow enough ty understand wlmfs going on. This also allows you to work ou( Sgiil problems and cont radicticnii before you start writing. hen you arc writing, retnember ta make it feel real. YOHare inviting readers lo visit aIIMworld* 11心w ill

14、want Lu be ible lo see, hear, led. smtL and even usic what its like. Whether your novel is pboui it urld Without dismast! or an undiscovered pkuiel. help your readers tcel like thtx re adnally there.-譏hats the relationship between Actual science and science fiction?A. Science liciion promotes the de

15、clopment of achial lienee.B- Science fiction often reflects the development of actual science.(.Acmal science limits the iiiiaLjiii.ilion described in lienee fictionD+ Actual science provides basic principles for science ticlion,26.The second paragraph is niairily developedb _A, making comparisonsB.

16、 giving examplesU following the time orderD. analyzing causes27.Which of the fiUawing statemnis is TRUE?A.It is necessary to do some scientific etperimente befiore writing science fiction.B.It is more difficult to write science fiction than ordinary detective novels.C Readers of sc ience fiction act

17、ually pretend the enters1rules arc true.D It is great to leave some contradictions m your science liction.2K The passage is mainly about_.A. howtodo scientific research (_ what ioexpect from science fkiionWomen make better drivers than men for ntany reans. Why is that? If you ask me, rd like to say,

18、mcnknowthat women are better drivers but do not have the courage to admit the truthwomen are高.英諂筲4頁Gti&頁)H how to raise interest in scienceD. hos lo write science fidionpreparation work for the novel is to map out its worlds in gneal detail- You xhouhl6 / 16queens nflhe n.KidI nhke men, women st

19、op Ibr dirvetions when血丫hu亡noi because we dnn+t get pulled over as rrcqucntly. Wedont speed. We hjve more intdligeiKC than enekssly to pul our lives ns well能the lives ofthers in danger.Mv Lirgesi issuew ithnvik drivers is ho a majuriLy of diem drive wilh one hand on t)e whf;el nd thtother hanti dici

20、ng only God knows wlial. The scat is backed as far as possible, and Theyre tohlly怡的intoloud music beyond a necessary IcvcL Ybu dont ever see women driving! lik thatI Icel that the above evidence more ihan proves my points that woniub arc nul only better driven buf alsosafer dri5cn than tncit We wome

21、n rule the road. Ohtiind men, if you warn to smitw亡criticizing 批評)women for being bad drivers, bring it on.29. If a woman driver feels losU she willd_ .A. stop die ear utid ask people Ibr helpB. take the wrong turns at a highC. tel the mnn next to iier (o shut upD. drive aimlessly for hours without stopping3()According to Paragraph収men drivers _- worries the wr


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