



1、數(shù)詞練習(xí)一單項選擇()1. There aredays in a yearA . three hundred and sixty five B. three hundred and sixty-fiveC. three hundreds and sixty five D. three hundreds and sixty-five ()2. Danny lives inA . room 404 B. Room 404 C . 404 room D . 404 Room()3 . Jim is in.A . class one grade six B . grade one class sixC

2、 . Class One Grade Six D . Grade One, Class Six()4 . The bike cost meyuanA . five hun dred forty B . five hun dreds fourtyC . five hun dred and fortyD . five hun dred fourty()5 . My teleph one nu mber is.A . eighty eight two forty four zero nineB . eight eight two double four O nineC . eighty eight

3、two forty-four zero nineD . eight eight two four four zero nine()6 . Is there any food for us?A . ten B . ten thC . the ten th D . the ten()7 . Mary isgirl .A. an 8 year old B . 8 一 years oldC . the 8 years old D . an 8 一 year old()8 . What day is today? A. June B. TuesdayC . It is hot D . It '

4、s fine()9 . What' s the date today?A . It ' s Saturday . It ' s JuC . It ' s finQ . It ' s JuIy 15()10 . What time do you get up every day?A . It ' s seven o ' cBckSeven o ' clock timeC . At seve nD . On seve n1 . There aredays in a yearA . three hun dred and sixty fi

5、ve B. three hun dred and sixty-fiveC . three hun dreds and sixty five D. three hun dreds and sixty five()2 . Danny lives in.A . room 404 B . Room 404 C . 404 room D . 404 Room()3 . Jim is in.A . class one grade six B . grade one class sixC . Class One Grade Six D . Grade One Class Six()4 . The bike

6、cost meyuanA . five hundred forty B . five hundreds fourtyC . five hun dred and forty D . five hun dred fourty()5 . My telepho ne nu mber is.A . eighty eight two forty four zero nineB . eight eight two double four O nineC . eighty eight two forty-four zero nineD . eight eight two four four zero nine

7、()6 . Is there any food for us?A . ten B . tenth C . the ten th D . the ten()7 . Mary isgirl .A. an 8 year old B. 8 一 years oldC. the 8 years old D. an 8一 year old()8. What day is today?A. June B. Tuesday C. It is hot D . It ' s fine()9. What' s the date today? A. It ' s Saturday Bt '

8、; s July Ct ' s fine. DIt ' s JuIy 15 ()10. What time do you get up every day?A. It ' s seven o ' cloSleBfen o ' clock timeC. At seven D. On seven一、單項選擇1. The tree is tall.A. fourtee n foots B. fourtee n feetC. fourtee n foot D. forty foot2. Fifty plus.A. fourty is nin ety B. for

9、ty is nin etyC. thirty is nin ety D. fifty is nin ety3. There arestude nts in this school.A. four hun dred fifty-twoB. four hun dreds fifty twoC. four hun dred and fifty-twoD. four hun dreds and fifty-two4. My home is aboutaway from the school.A. three hun dred metre B. three hun dreds metresC. thre

10、e hun dred metres D. three hun dred metre5. December isand last month in a year.A.the twelveth B.twelve C.the twelfth D.twelfth6. of the teachers in the school are from colleges.A.Three quarters B.Two-thirdC.Two fifthD.Two-nin th7. There were two world wars duri ngcen tury.A.the twen tiesB.the twen

11、tiethC.twe ntiesD.twe ntieth8n the forties, his father served in the New Army(新四軍),while his mother worked in theRoute Army(八路軍).A. Fourth; Eighth B.Four; EighthC.Fourth; eightD.Fourth; eighth9. We are lear ning now.A.the twen ty-first less onB.Less on Twen ty-firstC.the 21 th lesson D.Lesson 21 st1

12、0. He will stay here for .A.one and half monthB. one and a half monthC. one mon ths and a halfD. one and a half mon ths11. What' s the date today?.It ' sA.nine B.Mo nday C.June 5D.11:0012. Would you like to eat apples?No, tha nk you.A.more two B.two moreC.two ano therD.two else13. He said he

13、 would come back inA.one or two days B.o or two days C.one and two days D.a day and two14. How ofte n do you write to your pare nts abroad?A.Twice a monthB.Sec ond times a monthC.A sec ond time a mon th D.sec ond a time a mon th15. people died in the traffic accidents in the world.A.Thousa nd ofB.Th

14、ousa nds ofC.Te n thousa nds of D.Te n thousa nd of16.ln the 1850s, about was covered by forest in the USA.A.third B.a third C.the third D.a thirds17.This is her birthday, I think.A.twentyB.twentiethC.the twentieth D.the twenty ' s18.September is Teachers ' Day.A.the tenB.te nthC.the ten th

15、D.the ten 's19. There arechildre n in the country school.A. two thousa nd five hun dred and sixtyB. two thousa nds five hun dred and sixtyC. two thousa nds five hun dreds and sixtyD. two thousa nd five hun dreds and sixty20. of the soldiers is about two thousa nd.A. A nu mberB. The nu mber of C.

16、 A great nu mber D. The biggest nu mbers of一、1 5BBCCC6 10ABAAD11 15CBAAB1620BBCAB1. 序數(shù)詞的構(gòu)成及其說明1) 序數(shù)詞第一、第二和第三為first, second和third,其他序列數(shù)詞的構(gòu)成是在基數(shù)詞后加-th。例如:six f sixthseven seventh ten tenth four fourth2)fifth(第五)、eighth(第八)、ninth(第九)和twelfth(第十二)在拼法上有變化。3) 二十、三十等基數(shù)詞變?yōu)樾驍?shù)詞時,要把y變成ie再加-th。例如:twenty twen ti

17、eth5twe ntiiWforty fortiethfC:tiiW4)基數(shù)詞幾十幾變成序數(shù)詞時,表示幾十的數(shù)詞不變,只把表示幾的基數(shù)詞變成序數(shù)詞。 例如:twenty-onetwenty-first forty- five fortyfifth5)第一百、第一千、第一百萬、第十億都是在基數(shù)詞后直接加-th構(gòu)成。例如:第一百hun dredth第一千thousa ndth第一百萬m illionth第十億billionth6)序數(shù)詞的縮略形式是由阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字加序數(shù)詞的最后兩個字母構(gòu)成。例如:1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 21st, 32nd, 40th2. 序數(shù)詞在句子中的應(yīng)用序數(shù)詞在

18、句中主要是充當(dāng)定語,也可以作主語、表語、賓語,前面要加定冠詞the。例如:The first time I came to Chi na, I liked it very much.我第一次來中國,我就非常喜歡這個國 家。The first is always better tha n the sec ond.第一總是比第二好。She will choose the third 她將選擇第三。1. 基數(shù)詞的構(gòu)成及其說明1) 112是獨立的單詞。即:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve2

19、) 1319,多數(shù)在末尾加-teen但應(yīng)注意13、15、18的拼寫形式。例如:13 thirteen14fourteen 15 fiftee n16 sixtee n17 seve ntee n 18 eightee n19 nin etee n3) 從2090整十位數(shù),多數(shù)在詞尾加-ty,但要注意20、30、40、50和80的拼法。例 如:20 twe nty30thirty40forty50 fifty60 sixty70 seve nty80 eighty90 nin ety4) 2199是由幾十和幾合起來構(gòu)成,中間加連字符(-)。例如:21 twenty-one32 thirty-tw

20、o55 fifty -five74 seve ntyfour86 eighty-six99 ninetynine5) 101999等三位數(shù)中,十位數(shù)或個位數(shù)的前面加and。例如:101 a(on e)hu ndred and one230two hundred and thirty513five hun dred and thirtee n678 six hun dred and seve nty999 nine hun dred and linety-nine6) 1,000以上的數(shù),要用計數(shù)逗點,即從個位開始,每隔三位數(shù)加一逗點,第一個逗點處是thousand千),第二逗點處是 milli

21、on(百萬),第三個逗點處是thousand million(英) 或billion(美)(十億)。例如:一千 1,000 a(one)thousand4,596 four thousa nd five hun dred and nin etyix一萬 10, 000 ten thousand18,261 eightee n thousantwo hun dred and sixty-one十萬 100,000 a(one)hundred thousand766,132 seve n hun dred and sixtyix thousa nd one hun dred and thirty-

22、two一百萬 1,000, 000 a(one)million4,538,536 fourmillion five hundred and thirty-eight thousand five hundred and thirty-six一千萬 10,000,000 ten million一億 100,000, 000a(one)hundred million十億以上的數(shù),英美說法不同。十億 10,000,000,000英國 a(on e)thousa nd millio n美國 a(on e)billio n百億 10, 000,000,000 ten thousand million漢語中有百、千、萬、億等單位,而英語中有hundred(百),thousand千),million (百萬)等,但沒有表示萬和億的專門單詞,要用十進位的方法推算出來。例如:thousa nd 千百萬ten thousa nd萬hun


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