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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上Unit1 Whats the matter?1. Whats the matter?=Whats the trouble?=Whats wrong?你怎么了?2. have a cold感冒;have a stomachache肚子疼;have a sore back嗓子、喉嚨疼;have a fever發(fā)燒;have a toothache牙疼;have a nosebleed鼻出血3. talk too much說的太多,too much后接不可數(shù)名詞,而too many后接可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)。4. lie down and rest 躺下休息5. hot tea w

2、ith honey 加蜂蜜的熱茶6. see a dentist 看牙醫(yī);see a doctor看醫(yī)生;go to a doctor去看醫(yī)生7. take ones temperature給某人量體溫8. sound like 聽起來像9. in the same way 以同一個方式10. go along 沿著走11. see sb doing sth看到某人在做某事12. on the side of the road在路邊兒13. shout for help 大聲求助14. get off下車;get on上車15. have a heart problem 患心臟病16. tak

3、e sb to sw.帶/送某人去某地17. expect sb to do sth期望某人做某事18. wait for the next bus 等下一輛車19. to ones surprise 令某人吃驚的是20. agree to do sth同意做某事21. move sb/sth onto吧人或物抬到22. thanks to 幸虧,由于23. in time 及時24. think about考慮25. save ones life拯救某人的生命26. right away 立刻,馬上27. get into trouble 陷入困境,遇到麻煩28. hurt oneself傷

4、著某人自己;cut oneself切/砍到某人自己29. fall down 摔倒30. go home and get some rest 回家休息31. run it under water用水沖一沖32. feel sick覺得難受/惡心33. get hit on the head 撞了一下頭34. mountain climbing 登山35. be used to sth/doing sth 習慣于(做)某事;used to do sth過去經(jīng)常做某事36. take risks 冒險37. because of+詞語或短語,后不能接句子;because 后只從句38. on th

5、at day 在那一天39. by oneself 獨自地40. be ready to sth 準備做某事41. so that 以便,為了,引導目的狀語從句。而sothat如此以至于42. run out of 用完,一般是人做主語。而run out主語一般是物43. climb down the mountain 下山44. get out of 從出來45. the importance of sth/doing sth(做)的重要性46. be in control of 掌管、管理47. keep on doing sth 堅持做某事48. free oneself 解救自己49.

6、 mind doing sth介意做某事;mind ones doing sth 介意某人做某事50. give up sth/doing sth放棄(做)某事Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks1. clean up 清潔,打掃2. cheer up sb=cheer sb up 使某人振作/高興起來3. give out 分發(fā),發(fā)放;give away分發(fā),贈送4. at the food bank 在食品庫,在食品發(fā)放中心5. come up with 想出(主意或計劃等)6. put off sth/doing sth 推遲(做)某事7.

7、 put up signs 張貼標語8. hand out 散發(fā),發(fā)放9. make plans to do sth制定計劃做某事10. help out with 幫助做某事(強調(diào)結(jié)果);help with也是幫助做某事,但不強調(diào)結(jié)果11. used to be 過去是12. lonely adj. 孤獨的,寂寞的;alone adj./adv. 獨自的,單獨地13. care for 關(guān)心,關(guān)愛14. future dream job 未來理想的工作15. learn more about 更多的了解有關(guān)16. at the age of 在多大年齡時17. try out for 試試,

8、嘗試18. go on a jurney 去旅行19. come true(夢想等)實現(xiàn)20. at the same time 同時21. volunteer to do sth 志愿做某事22. volunteer ones time to do sth 志愿付出時間做某事23. call up sb=call sb up 給某人打電話=give sb a call24. worry about 擔心,憂慮25. raise money 籌集錢26. travel alone 獨自旅行27. run out of 用完,花完,耗盡(一般人做主語);run out意思一樣,但一般用物做主語2

9、8. move to 搬遷到; move sth to 吧某物搬到29. take after (外貌、性格等)像30. fix up 修理、修好31. be similar to 對某人來說是熟悉的;be similar with 人對熟悉32. thank sb for sth/doing sth因為而感謝某人33. give money to 捐錢給34. make it possible for sb to do sth 使得做某事對某人來說成為可能35. make a big difference to ones life 使某人的生活產(chǎn)生很大不同36. be like 像一樣37.

10、 think about 考慮38. normal things 正常的事情39. be excited about sth/doing sth對(做)某事感到興奮40. be able to do 能夠做41. because of 由于,后接詞或詞語;而because 后接從句42. disabled people 殘疾人Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?1.Could you please do sth?請你做某事好嗎2.Could you please not do sth?請你不要做某事好嗎?3.do/wash the dishes 洗餐

11、具4.take out the rubbish 倒垃圾5.fold ones clothes 疊衣服6.Sweep the floor 掃地、擦地板7.make ones/the bed整理床鋪8.clean the living room 打掃客廳9.No problem. 沒問題10.at least 至少11.clean and tidy 干凈整潔12.be angry with sb=be mad at sb 生某人的氣13.solve the problem 解決問題14.throw down 扔下15.sit down 坐下16.in front of 在前面(指某個范圍外的前面)

12、; in the front of 指在某個范圍內(nèi)的前面17.takefor a walk 帶去散步;take the dog for a walk 遛狗18.all the time 一直、總是19.around the house 在家里20.all day 整天21.as+adj/adv.原形,意思是和一樣22.walk away 道教、走開23.so+助/情/系+主語,表示兩個人或物,后者情況和前者一樣,用于肯定句。而neither/nor+助/情/系+主語, 表示兩個人或物,后者情況和前者一樣,用于否定句。24.the next day 第二天25.come home from wo

13、rk 下班回家26.in surprise 吃驚地,用作狀語;be surprised to do sth , be surprised at sth, to ones surprise27.share sth with sb 和某人分享28. as soon as 以就29.hang out 閑逛,游蕩30.pass sb sth=pass sth to sb 把某物遞給某人31.borrow(主語)借(進),一般用borrow sth from32.lend(主語)借(出),一般用lend sb sth=lend sth to sb33.get sth wet 把某物弄濕34.do cho

14、res 干雜活35.go to the movies 去看電影36.help sb with sth =help sb (to)do sth 幫助某人做某事37.invite sb to a party 邀請某人參加聚會; invite sb to a place 邀請某人到某地38.make sb do sth 使/讓某人做某事,類似還有have/let sb do sth39.these days 進來40.have time to do sth 有時間做某事41.a waste of 對什么的浪費42.spendon sth; spend (in) doing sth花費時間或金錢做某事43.in order to do sth 為了做某事44.get good grades 取得好成績45.there is no need for sb to sth 對某人來說沒有必要做某事46.provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb給某人提供某物47.mind doing sth介意做某事; mind not doing


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