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1、江西省2013屆高考英語二輪專題總復(fù)習單選閱讀完形綜合精選資料(七)單項填空1It's often less expensive to buy goods in_quantity, but you'd better examine_quality before buying them.A/; theBthe; /Ca; the Dthe; the 答案:A考查冠詞。第一空in quantity“大量地”;第二空表特指。2Do you_the idea of living a low­carbon life?It sounds tough, but it is a te

2、ndency.Acorrespond to Bapply to Ccater to Dsubscribe to答案:D考查動詞短語。句意:“你支持低碳生活嗎?”“這聽起來很難,但是卻是趨勢。”subscribe to“同意,支持”;correspond to“與相符合,相當于”;apply to “適用于,向申請(或要求)”;cater to“迎合;為服務(wù)”。3Remember, a lesson always_over and over, until you grasp it. It just needs more patience.Agoes up Bturns up Cpicks up

3、Dmakes up答案:Bturn up“出現(xiàn),發(fā)生”;go up“上升”;pick up“撿起,偶然學到”;make up“組成,化妝,編造”。由句意“反復(fù)出現(xiàn)”可知。4My son is addicted to drugs.He isn't hopeless,is he?Yes,_he mends his ways and starts all over.Aif BwhenCeven ifDunless答案:D考查連詞。由答語Yes可知,此處順接he is hopeless,所以再接unless he mends his ways and starts all over。答語句意:

4、是的,他沒有希望了。除非他能改過自新。unless“除非,如果不”。5To her disappointment, what she had devoted herself to_ _in nothing but failure.Aresulting BresultsChas resulted Dresulted答案:D考查句式理解。句意:令她失望的是,她全身心投入的事情最終一事無成。result in“導致”。what she had devoted herself to是句子的主語,因此選謂語動詞,再由句意可知,用一般過去時。6Will you see to_that my birds a

5、re well looked after while I am away?Athem ByourselfCit Dme 答案:C考查句式。句意:你能保證在我不在時照顧好我的小鳥嗎?see to it that.“保證,確保,務(wù)必”。7The 40­somethings found themselves in an embarrassing situation_rapid changes in all aspects of society.Aas a consequence of Bin favor of Cfor the purpose of Dby means of答案:A考查短語

6、。句意:由于社會各方面的迅速變化,四十歲左右的人發(fā)現(xiàn)自己處于了尷尬的境地。as a consequence of.“因為;由于”。8Why do you work so hard day and night?_my parents' expectations.ATo live up to BTo meet the demand ofCTo make full use ofDTo put up with答案:A考查省略。句意:“你為何日夜努力工作?”“(我這樣做)是為了不辜負父母的期望?!?How did the global financial crisis_?I'm not

7、quite sure. Anyhow, it is a very important problem facing us.Acome up Bcome about Ccome along Dcome around答案:B問句意思是“全球經(jīng)濟危機是怎么發(fā)生的?”。come about“發(fā)生”;come up“走上前,被提及”;come along“一起來,進展”;come around“蘇醒”。10These stories expressed the same idea that all individuals,_poor, were capable of becoming wealthy_t

8、hey were hard­working and honest.Ano matter what; as long as Bwhatever; in order that Cno matter how; so long asDhowever; ever since答案:C考查連詞。句意:這些故事表明了同一個主題每個人無論多么窮,只要努力工作,誠實守信,都可以變得富有。第一空填no matter how或者however都可以;第二空填so long as或者as long as,意為“只要”。11If you think there_huge quantities of oil fo

9、r the use of drivers, you are wrong.Ais BareChas Dhave答案:Bthere be結(jié)構(gòu)中be的形式要根據(jù)其后主語判斷。句中huge quantities of oil決定了謂語動詞應(yīng)用復(fù)數(shù),故選B。12How do you like your trip to Hainan?_, I enjoyed it very much, although the weather was hot sometimes.AIn addition BOn the wholeCIn other words DOn the other hand答案:Bon the w

10、hole“基本上;大體上”,符合句意。13Many people hold mistaken beliefs about the reason for cancer,_to think it is environmental factors rather than personal behavior.Adeciding BtendingCcaring Dattempting答案:Btend to“傾向于”;decide to“決定”;attempt to“企圖”。14To_good relationships with your teachers and classmates, you sho

11、uld learn to be on good terms with them.Abring up Badd upCkeep up Dtake up答案:C句意:為了和你的老師和同學們保持良好的關(guān)系,你應(yīng)該學會和他們友好相處。keep up“保持”;bring up“教育,培養(yǎng)”;add up“合計,加起來”;take up“拿起;舉起”。15John was dismissed last week because of his_attitude towards his job.Ainformal BcasualCdetermined Dearnest答案:Binformal“非正式的”;ca

12、sual“隨便的”;determined“堅決的,堅定的”;earnest“真誠的,嚴肅的”。句意:約翰因為他對工作的漫不經(jīng)心而在上周被解雇了。.完形填空In a land far away, once upon a time there was great poverty(貧困),and only the rich could manage without great_1_. Three of those rich men and their servants were_2_together on a road when they came to a very_3_village.The f

13、irst could not stand seeing the poverty,_4_he took all the gold and jewels from his waggons(四輪載重馬車)and shared_5_out among the villagers. He wished them all the best of luck, and he left.The second rich man,seeing the_6_situation, stopped for a short time and gave_7_all his food and drink, since he_8

14、_see that money would be of little_9_to them. He made sure that they each_10_their fair share and would have enough food to_11_for some time. Then, he left.The third rich man, on seeing such poverty,_12_and went straight through the_13_without stopping. The two other rich men saw this from a distanc

15、e and commented with each other_14_the third rich man lacked sympathy. It was_15_that they themselves had been there to offer help.However, three days later, they_16_the third rich man,who was coming in the opposite direction. He was_17_travelling quickly, but his waggons,_18_the gold and valuables

16、they had been_19_,were now full of farming tools and bags of_20_.He was rushing back to help them out of poverty.文章大意:本文是一篇小故事。以三位富人幫助一個貧困的村莊的不同方式,闡明“授人以魚,不如授人以漁”的哲理。1A. loss B. expectations C. success D. problems答案:D文章開篇點明,在一片遙遠而貧瘠的土地上,只有富人才不用費盡艱難勉強度日。此處without great problems相當于without much difficu

17、lty“不用費盡艱難”。2A. standing B. travelling C. gathering D. running 答案:B根據(jù)上下文可知,三位有錢人和他們的仆人們正在趕路(travel),這時他們來到了一個貧窮的(poor)村莊。stand“站立”; gather“聚集”;run“跑”,顯然只有travel“行走”符合題意。3A. faraway B. poor C. different D. ancient 答案:B根據(jù)第一段中poverty和第二段首句說“第一個富人無法忍受看到這樣的貧困”(poverty)可知,此處用poor。4A. unless B. because C.

18、so D. if 答案:C既然第一個富人無法忍受看到這樣的貧困(poverty),所以(so)他從四輪載重車拿出了自己的金銀珠寶分給了村民們。5A. them B. anything C. nothing D. those 答案:A根據(jù)share sth.(out) among sb.“分享某物”可知,此處用人稱代詞them指代前面所提all the gold and jewels。6A. curious B. worrying C. dangerous D. puzzling 答案:B第二個富人看到這一令人擔憂的(worrying)的形式,把他所有的食物和飲料送給了村民(the villag

19、ers)。curious“好奇的”;worrying“令人擔憂的”;dangerous“危險的”;puzzling“令人困惑的”,顯然B項符合題意。 7A. the villagers B. his servants C. the others D. the rest 答案:A根據(jù)上下文可知,第二位富人把他所有的食物和飲料送給了村民(the villagers),而不是the servants(仆人)/the others/the rest(其他人)。 8A. could B. might C. should D. must 答案:A第二位富人之所以把他所有的食物和飲料送給了村民是因為他能(c

20、ould)看得出金錢對這些貧困的村民眼下沒有多大用處。might(或許)/should(應(yīng)該)/must(必須)均不合題意。 9A. interest B. concern C. use D. attraction 答案:Cof little use to sb.“對某人沒有多大用處”。interest興趣;concern關(guān)心,關(guān)注;attraction吸引。10A. returned B. gained C. offered D. received 答案:D第二位富人確保村民們得到(receive)自己公平的那份而且有足夠的食物維持一段時間后,他離開了。11A. remain B. last

21、 C. supply D. share 答案:Blast可以用來表示“持續(xù),維持”一段時間,其他三項無此用法。remain“仍然,保持”;不用來表示“某種狀態(tài)持續(xù)的時間長度”;supply“提供”;share“分享”。 12A. turned back B. set out C. showed off D. speeded up 答案:D此處表明:第三位富人一看到這一貧困,加快了步伐(speed up),一刻也不停地徑直走過了村莊。turn back“轉(zhuǎn)身”;set out“開始,出發(fā)”;show off“炫耀”。 13A. village B. land C. field D. road 答

22、案:A根據(jù)上文.when they came to a_3_village可知,第三位富人一看到這一貧困,加快了步伐,一刻也不停地徑直走過了村莊。所以填 village。 14A. whether B. how C. where D. when 答案:B此處指前兩位富人從稍遠處看到這一情形相互評論第三位富人是多么(how)缺乏同情心啊。用how 引導感嘆式賓語從句,how 修飾動詞lack(缺乏)。15A. good B. certain C. true D. strange 答案:A根據(jù)上下文可知,他們親自在那兒提供幫助是有好處的(good),而不是certain(當然的)/true(真實的

23、)/strange(奇怪的)。16A. welcomed B. met C. accepted D. persuaded 答案:B但是三天后他們遇到了(met)迎面而來的那第三位富人。welcome(歡迎)/accept(接受)/persuade(勸服)不合題意。17A. still B. already C. always D. indeed 答案:A前文說:第三位富人一看到這一貧困,加快了步伐(speed up),一刻也不停地徑直走過了村莊。所以此處指他仍然(still)匆忙趕路。排除already(已經(jīng))/always(總是)/indeed(確實)。 18A. except for B.

24、 instead of C. apart from D. along with 答案:B但是他的四輪車上裝滿了農(nóng)用工具和一袋袋的種子而不是(instead of)原本一直裝載著(carry)的金子和蔬菜。排除except for(除了)/apart from(除了;除了還有)/along with(和一起,以及)。 19.A. loading B. treasuring C. carrying D. earning 答案:C此處用carry相當于be loaded with,意為“裝載著”。20A. food B. jewels C. money D. seeds 答案:D此處用seed“種子

25、”表示第三位富人不同于前兩位“送錢送食物”緩解一時的困境,而是幫助他們種植莊稼,從根本上解決生計問題。.書面表達 “地球一小時”,是為應(yīng)對全球氣候變化所發(fā)起的一項活動,號召每年3月份最后一個周六的20302130,統(tǒng)一熄燈一小時。然而,隨著越來越多國家和城市的加入,其弊端也逐步顯現(xiàn)。假設(shè)你是新華中學的學生李華,請根據(jù)以下要點用英語給某英文報社寫一封信:1指出活動的目的(宣傳環(huán)保);2指出活動的必要性(環(huán)境惡化);3指出活動的弊端(事故和費電);4表達出你的觀點。注意:1.詞數(shù)120150;2可適當增加細節(jié)。Dear_editor,I really hope our environment becomes better and better.Yours faithfully,Li Hua范文借鑒Dear_editor,I_am_glad_to_write_to_you_to_express_my_idea_about_the_activity_Earth_Hour. It's an activity to call on the world to face the challenge of the global warming and take action to protect our environment. Because of human


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