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1、閔行區(qū) 2019 學(xué)年第一學(xué)期九年級質(zhì)量監(jiān)控考試英語試卷2019、12(滿分 150分,考試時間100分鐘)Part 1 Listening (第一部分 聽力)I、Listening prehension ( 聽力理解)(共 30 分)A、Listen and choose the right picture (根據(jù)您聽到得內(nèi)容,選出相應(yīng)得圖片)(6 分)ABCD1、 2、3、_ 4、5、_ 6、_Liste n to the dialogue and choose the best an swer to the questio n you hear,選出最恰當(dāng)?shù)么鸢?:(8 分)B)John

2、 、B) German、B、(根據(jù)您聽到得對話與問題()7、A) Emily 、()8、 A)Japanese、American、()9、A) 67428657、()10、A) He is swimmi ng 、C) He is asking the way 、()11、 A) She is always ready to help others 、B) She never gives up halfway 、C) She loves her teachers very much 、D) She never loses her temper、()12、A) At school、B) In a

3、shop()13、A) Forty-five dollars 、C) Eighty-five dollars 、()14、 A) He doesn like badminton at all 、B) He is fond of collect ing postcards 、C) His classmate likes playi ng badm intonB)67428637、C) Jerry 、C) Chi nese、D) Linda 、D)C) 64728657、D)64728637、B) He is driving a bus 、D) He is posting a parcel 、C)

4、 In the hospital、D) At a hotelB) Sixty dollars、D) Ninety dollars、閔行區(qū) 2019 學(xué)年第一學(xué)期九年級質(zhì)量監(jiān)控考試D) He has made postcards for years 、C、 Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判斷下列句子就是否符合您聽到得內(nèi)容,符合得用“ T 表示,不符合得用“ F”示)(6 分)() 15、 I stayed at a holiday camp with some f

5、riends last summer 、() 16、 On the last day, we couldn tgo up the mountain because of the heavy snow、() 17、 We felt disappointed as Peter didn t allow us to go up the mountain 、() 18、 We got to the top of the mountain at lunch time though it became foggy 、() 19、 We had to phone Peter when we realized

6、 that we had lost our way in the dark、() 20、 We made a big mistake in the end because we didn t take our guide s advice 、D 、 Listen to the passage and plete the following sentences(聽短文 ,完成下列內(nèi)容。每空格限填一詞 )(10 分)21、 No one messes about in Mr 、 Donald s class and we all _ _、22、 Mr、 Don aid is also a grea

7、t guitar player T mean he is a_、23、 The players attracted much attention and I think they re going to _24、 My grandmother is 78 and _ _ 、25、 My grandmother has done a parachute jump to raise money for a _Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分 語音,詞匯與語法 )II.Choose the best answer ( 選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)么鸢?) :

8、(共 20 分)() 26、 Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from theothers?A) dealB) deathC) peaceD) meaning() 27、 Somebody played _ trick on me by hiding my shoes under the stairs 、A) theB) anC) aD) /() 28、 From now on, we have to reduce the air pollution and care _ ourenvi

9、ronment 、A) forB) ofC) afterD) about() 29、 Peter always has smiles on his face, and he seems to be never angry _others、A) toB) atC) withD) on( ) 30、pared with the earthquake in San Francisco of 1906, the one in Haiti of 2010caused far _ injuries 、A) seriousB) more serious C) most serious D) the most

10、 serious( ) 31、I think one effective _ for me to improve my memory is to have enoughsleep、A) informationB) adviceC) methodD) conclusion( ) 32、I tried lots of different jeans, but _ of them were the right sizes for me 、A) bothB) noneC) allD) neither( ) 33、 As the little boy saw the stranger, he turne

11、d _ into the narrow street whereA) had con tactedB) have con tactedC) would con tactD) were con tact ing)37、 Look! Alice and Peter_ their sitti ng-room with flowers and ballo ons、A) are decorat ingB) decoratedC) decorateD) would decorate)38、 It lbe a great honour if I_to make a speech on the Open Da

12、y 、A) in viteB) was in vit ingC) will be in vitedD) am in vited)39、 _there someth ing wrong with your iPod, you better go and have itrepaired、A) AlthoughB) BeforeC) Un tilD) Si nee)40、 My pare nts lent me the mon ey,_I could n afford the trip to Australia 、A) orB) andC) soD) but)41、_ exciting trip i

13、t was to see the polar bears with our own eyes in North Pole!A) WhatB) What aC) What anD) How)42、 Keep ing little pets helps us bee more resp on sible people,_ ?A) does itB) doesn titC) is itD) isn tit)43、 Because of the convenience of online shopping, we _ buy books withouthav ing to leave the fort

14、 of our homes 、A) canB) shouldC) mustD) n eed)44、-Seeing films is a good way to pass the time on the plane 、-_ I n ever go travelli ng without a book 、A) You are joking、B) I agree、C) I don tthink so、D) Never mind、)45、-Sorry Im late, Jack、 The un dergro und went wrong and there were no taxis aswell、-

15、_ Ive just got here myself、A) What a pity!B) Thats all right、C) Whatsthe matter?D) I am afraid not、III、plete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box、 Each can onlybe used once、(將下列單詞或詞組填入空格。每空限填一詞,每詞只能填一次)(共 8 分)A、set off B、awareC、traditi onalD、grew upHenry Ford is known as mak in

16、g cars、 He was born in 1863 in Michiga n 、 He had 4sibli ngs, and his family owned a farm、 He worked on the farm whe n he was young,but later he was 46 that he loved tak ing things apart to see how they worked, then putt ing themhe lived、A) quietB) paleC) clearly)34、 I tried to call to apologize to

17、Mary, but she refused_A) an swerB) an sweri ngC) to an swer)35、 When talk ing to ladies, we should avoid_their agesA) men ti oningB) to men ti onC) men ti on)36、Because Jack is the only witness to the case, thealready、D) quickly thephone 、D) anD)mentionedlocalpolicemenhimE、professi onalback together

18、 aga in、 He worked on watches a lot, and en ded uphelpi ng many people fix their watches 、 In 1879, whe n he was 16 years old, he _ 47for Detroit to start working with machines, though he came home and worked on thefarm a little, too、 Ford got married to Clara Bryant in 1888, and worked on a sawmill

19、 、 He fin allybecame an engin eer 、 Ford worked for the Edis on lllu min ati ng pany 、 Edis on en couragedhim to keep worki ng on his pla ns for motor-powered horseless carriage(馬車)which could take the place of the 48 one、 Ford motor-powered horseless carriage wascalled the Quadricycle 、He sold the

20、Quadricycle and started his own pany to con ti nue his workmaki ng vehicles 、 He did not stay with the first pany for many years, but started the 49 FordMotor pany 、A、salariesB、no Ion gerC、create D、wheels E、at a timeHe spe nt many years develop ing cars, which were made only a few once 、 Ford was no

21、t thefirst pers on to 50 a car, but he was the one who bega n to make people easily use cars in the UnitedStates 、 His Model T car, released in 1908, made many people want one、 He n eeded to makea lot of cars very quickly 、 His pany, Ford Motor pany, hired skilled workers to work on an assemblyline

22、、 The car would move through the line, and each worker had a job along the line、 One workermight put on 51, while at adiffere nt spot on the line, ano ther worker put on tires 、 Every Model T was pain ted black 、The panycould make many cars 52 this way、 In addition to using the assembly line to prod

23、uce cars, ford wasalso known for pay ing his workers fair53、 Henry Forddied in 1947, but his pany is still around and making cars today 、46、_ 47、_ 48、_ 49、_ 50、_51、_52、_ 53、IV、 plete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括號中所給單詞得適當(dāng)形式完成下列句子)(共 8 分)54、 We are always encouraged to e

24、xpress our own _ naturally in class、 (opinion)55、 They held a party for their cousin _ birthday last weekend 、(twenty-five)56、 A friend of _ visited the village and she really had a good time there.(me)57、 Some people argue teachers aren as importantas before because there is anin creas ing_ of in f

25、ormatio n resources 、 (various)58、We used to visit London once a week, but_we go there twice a week 、(recent)59、 He was _to find his room cleaned and everything arranged in perfectorder、 (surprise)60、 I won der how to start and_the new wash ing machi ne 、(operati on)61、 His 8-year-old son is so_ tha

26、t he can go to school on his own 、(depe nd)V、Rewrite the following sentences as required(根據(jù)所給要求,改寫下列句子。62-67 題,每空格限填一詞。68 題注意句首大寫)(共 14 分)62、 The children read quite a few English magazines last year、(改為一般疑問句)_ the childre n_ quite a few En glish magaz ines last year?63、 China International Import E

27、xpo is held in Shanghai once a year 、(對戈 U 線部分提問)_ is China Intern ati onal Import Expo held in Sha nghai?64、 You can buy paints, glue and other things in the shop 、(改為被動語態(tài))Pain ts, glue and other things can_ in the shop 、65、 The two men man aged to escape from the pris on at last 、(保持句意基本不變 )The tw

28、o men_ in_from the pris on at last 、66、 If he improves his IT skills, he will easily get a job here 、(保持句意基本不變)He_ get a job easily here_ he improves his IT skills 、67、 have left the notebook in the library 、 Kitty said to me、(改為間接引語)Kitty told me that_left the no tebook in the library、68、 to send m

29、essages, is popular, to people all over the world, it, to use on li ne services(連詞成句)Part 3Readi ng and Writi ng ( 第三部分 讀寫)VI、 Reading prehension (閱讀理解):(共 50 分)A. Choose the best answer (根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)么鸢福?2 分)Worldbest beaches: 2019 Trip Advisor award winnersNo、1 Clearwater BeachIt lies in America,

30、 about a forty-mi nute drive west of Tampa 、It impresses travelers with two and a half miles of sugar-white sand, crystal-clearwaters and gentle Gulf wind 、 The beach offers calm, shallow water, making it an idealplaygro und for tourists 、* Bargai n hotel nearby: Pier House 60 Marina Hotel, from $29

31、3 per night* Airfare: As low as $71 round-trip( 往返航程)from Chicago to TampaNo、 2 South BeachPeople watchi ng is a great pastime in MiamisSouth Beach, which draws celebrities( 名 人)andmodels、Travelers love the wide, fine, white sand-covered beaches as well as the surro unding area,known for wild ni ght

32、life and excelle nt restaura nts 、* Bargain hotel nearby: Room Mate Lord Balfour, from $264 per night* Great airfare: As low as $107 roun d-trip from New York to MiamiNo、3 Ka anapali BeachAmong the most visited beaches in West Maui, this area is a popular spot for quiet relaxation orwater sports 、 I

33、tsalso famous for the daily cliff diving ceremony of thebeachs northernmost(最北得)cliffs known as Black Rock 、* Barga in hotel n earby: Laha ina Shores Beach Resort, from $289 per ni ght* Airfare: As low as $382 roun d-trip from San Fran cisco to KahuluiNo、4 Siesta BeachJust south of Sarasota, Siesta

34、Beach on Siesta Key is known for its eight-mile stretch( 伸 展)ofsugar-fi ne white sand 、 It also a great spot for kids to collect seashells and sand dollars、* Barga in hotel n earby: Tropical Beach Resorts, from $295 per ni ght* Airfare: As low as $238 roun d-trip from Newark to Sarasota()69、 Clearwa

35、ter Beach offers the followi ng things except_ 、A) sugar-white sandB) crystal-clear watersC) gen tle Gulf windD) an ideal restaura nt()70、 When you go to South Beach, you can enjoy_ 、A) wild nightlifeB) drawi ng Black RockC) play ing on an ideal playgro undD) daily cliff diving()71、If Mr、and Mrs、Gre

36、e n from San Fran cisco visit Kaan apali Beach, they will payatleast_for the roun d-trip airfare 、A) $382B) $289C) $764D) $671()72、 The differe nee betwee n Siesta Beach and the other beaches is that_ 、A) tourists enjoy an excit ing sportB) fine sugar-white sand covers itC) many famous pers ons visi

37、t itD) childre n have more great fun()73、 If you want to take photos of white sand,_maybe is NOT a good choice 、A) Clearwater BeachB) Siesta BeachC) Ka anapali BeachD) South Beach()74、 We can read the article above probably from a(a n)_、A) story bookB) advertiseme nt C) ic strip D) fictio nB、Choose

38、the words or expressions and plete the passage(選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)脝卧~或詞語完成短文)(12 分)The first thing you rememberMost adults remember little about thi ngs thathappe ned in their very early childhood 、76,some people thi nk that we aren really able to form memories before our fourth or fifth birthdays 、But scie ntist

39、s carry ing out research into early memories have suggested that this is not true 、 Theysay that we do form memories at a very young age 、 However, what we remember about our veryearly lives seems to cha nge as we 77、Researchers in Can ada worked with 140 childre n aged between four and thirteen 、Fi

40、rst, theyasked their participa nts to describe their earliest memories、 The nthey asked them roughly how old they bee n whe nJ remember,when J wasabout three,my motherlooking at mein. my and smiT was maybe fourWe were drivingto our grandmasand ow enr”* Weout of the cur andI cried. A 1rrmchanic camet

41、o help us/Alice, 12Jan, 13the eve nt happe ned、 Next, they asked the kids pare nts to make sure that the eve nt actuallyhappened、 And all the 78 were written down 、 The researchers waited for two years before they wentback to the children and asked them again,Whasyourearliest memory?Nearly all the c

42、hildre n who were aged betwee n four and seve n in thefirst in terview said somethi ng very differe nt in the sec ond in terview 、And whe n the researchers remin ded them of what they d said the firsttime, many of the childre n said, No, that n ever happe ned to me 、 However, many of the children wh

43、o were between ten and thirteen atthe first in terview described exactly the 79 memory in the sec ond interview、This seems to suggest that our memories cha nge in the earlyyears, but that at around the age of ten, the thi ngs that we remember getfixed( 固定得)、The researchers are now look ing in to the

44、 questi on of whychildre n remember certa in eve nts and not others 、 Wesometimesthink that most first or early memories are about very stressful things thathappe ned to us as childre n, because bad things sta nd out in our minds 、But in this study, stressful events were only a small perce ntage of

45、whatthe childre n said they remembered 、 More ofte n, their early memorieswere happy ones 、 The researchers are trying to work out why this is thecase 、We expect the researchers will80more fasc in ati ng things about memories inthe near future、()75、 A) ran forward B) sold outC) broke dow nB) What mo

46、reC) For the time beingD) In factB) build con fide nee C) feel tiredD) get olderB) an swersC) reviewsD) ordersB) sweetC) sameD) shortB) requireC) con trolD) discoverI don believe it! It slip、m、and Im still sitt ing here writ ing this articlefor the school magaz in e! Ive had two weeks to write it an

47、d my teacher wants it tomorrow 、 Shealways c 81 that I leave things to the last minute 、Maybe she right、A month ago, I made up my mind to be more efficie nt thisyear and not to leave things to the last minute 、 But Ive failed、 Ive also beentrying to get fitter for four weeks now 、 Ive started going

48、to the gym 、 Ive taken up karate lessonsand Ive change my diet、 Ive even been going to bed earlier 、 But Im not feeling any fitter、 I feltjust a little()76、()77、()78、()79、()80、Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文得空格內(nèi)填入適當(dāng)?shù)迷~,使其內(nèi)容通順,每空格限填一詞,首字母已給)(14T remember myfirst memory is

49、mysecondbirthday.Therewas a cake withtwocandles.Icouldnki blow thecandles out,旳mydaddiditforme?Mike, IS*1 remember 1was eating anJCCcreamwhenadogcame and hwkitoutofmyhand. L cncd, Iwastwo,IThink?Tom, 10D)sped upC、u 82、 I miss my bad habits 、 Why is leading a better life so hard?Ie just read an artic

50、le on a website and Ive found out that it isnmy fault! In fact, it isnVa nyonefault! It our brains、 They re programmed, therefore, it is difficult to break bad habits、 Therenothing we can do 、Scie ntists have done experime nts that show we use one part of our brain when we think about o83 and ano th

51、er whe n we thinkabout other people、 However, when we think about thefuture us : we use the part of the brain that weusually use to think about other people 、 In other words, the brain sees thefuture youas a differentperson to yourpresent you V And thatwhy we donalwaysfind it easy to make sen sible

52、d 84 in the future whe n we face difficulties、But that notall、Scientists have also found out that it takes around ten weeks toform a good habit 、 For example, if I want to keep fit, it going to take me ten weeks to go to the gymand then it will bee an automatic part of my life 、 That because ten wee

53、ks is the amount of timethe brain n eeds to cha nge and a 85 new ways of behavior as a part of everyday life 、 The goodnews is that once you make it to ten weeks, everything bees much easier、 The bad news is that tenweeks is a really long time, so it easy to give up on (打消)your good pla n s 86、So th

54、ere you are、 Maybe we want to change our ways and bee better people but our brains wonlet us、 Or is this just an e 87? Look! I e finished my article on time、Any thi ng is possible!81、 c_ 82、 u_ 83、o_ 84、d_85、 a_ 86、 s_ 87、e_D Answer the questions( 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答下列問題)(12 分)There was once a boy who was afra

55、id of the dark 、 He thought that his bedroom was filled upwith mon sters whe n it was dark 、But there came a time whe n he was too old to be allowed to keepsleep ing with the light on 、That first ni ght he was filled with fear, his mind full of mon sters、 Therefore, he wentover to his wardrobe to ge

56、t a torch 、 But whe n he ope ned the wardrobe door, he saw a mon ster,face to face, and he let out the loudest scream in the world 、The mon ster took a step backwards, grabbed his colourful hair, stared at the boy with his singlered eye, and started crying! The monster cried for so long that the boy

57、 shock and feardisappeared、 He calmed the monster as much as he could, and started talking to him, ask ing himwhy he was crying, and what he was doing there 、The mon ster told him he lived in the wardrobe, but almost n ever went out, because he wasafraid of the boy、 When the boy asked him why, the m

58、onster told him the boy face seemed to himthe most horrible thing he ever seen with eyes, ears and a nose、The boy felt the similar way aboutthe mon ster with a huge head full of mouths and hair 、The two of them talked so much that they became quite frie ndly, and they came to know thatboth of them had bee n afraid of the thi ng: the unknown 、 To lose their fear, all they had to do wasto get to know each other 、Together they travelled around the w


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