operational monitoring system九色印刷機器操作簡介._第1頁
operational monitoring system九色印刷機器操作簡介._第2頁
operational monitoring system九色印刷機器操作簡介._第3頁
operational monitoring system九色印刷機器操作簡介._第4頁
operational monitoring system九色印刷機器操作簡介._第5頁
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1、Operational monitoring system for coating machines introduction涂層機的操作監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)涂層機的操作監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)入門篇入門篇 Edge control邊緣控制邊緣控制 Foil position in the coating machine 在涂層機中箔的位置 Meter counter計米器計米器 Running meter 轉(zhuǎn)動米數(shù) Speedometer 速度計速度計 Measurement of speed 測量速度 /Speed control速度控制速度控制Drawing-off air ventilators 空氣通風(fēng)設(shè)備 S

2、pray devices噴霧裝置噴霧裝置 Back-up roller lift off 壓力輥抬高 Level control標(biāo)準(zhǔn)控制標(biāo)準(zhǔn)控制Min./max. lacquer quantity in pump bucket 漆在泵桶中的最小/最大量 Overflow protection防止溢出防止溢出 Prevents the overflow of the pump bucket 防止泵桶中漆的外溢 Viscosimeter黏度計黏度計Viscosity of the lacquer漆的粘性 ExitronUEG-measurement UEG- 度量 Thermocouple熱電隅熱

3、電隅Dryer 烘干機 Wax tub蠟桶 Thermal oil熱油 Pressure regulator with display Vapour pressure 蒸汽壓 帶顯示器的壓力調(diào)節(jié)器帶顯示器的壓力調(diào)節(jié)器 Hydraulic水壓 Air pressure氣壓 Recognition of voids 識別斷檔識別斷檔 Coating layer涂層 Transmission measurement Thickness of layer 層厚 透射測定法透射測定法Edge control邊緣控制邊緣控制Membrane薄膜薄膜 screw 螺桿螺桿hydraulic lines水壓線

4、水壓線air-manometer空氣壓力計空氣壓力計control cylinder控制輥控制輥air pressureAdjusting screw氣壓可調(diào)螺桿氣壓可調(diào)螺桿waste valve for sanitary fittings衛(wèi)生配件的放流閥衛(wèi)生配件的放流閥signalling line信號線信號線Probe探針探針The meter counter indicates the running meters of the foil and can thus be installed both close to the unwinding unit and close to the

5、 rewinding unit.計米表可以顯示箔的轉(zhuǎn)動米數(shù),盡可能安裝在 卸卷裝置和 重卷裝置的附近。In order not to distort the measurement result during drive through surveying wheels it has to be observed that the slippage remains as small as possible為在通過測量輪時不影響測量結(jié)果,.滑動越小越好.When choosing the profile (surface) the consistency of the item to be me

6、asured, its extensibility, thickness and pulling resistance have to be considered.選擇剖面(表面)時,必須考慮該物體的堅固度,可延長性,厚度,以及抗拉力.Furthermore the slippage is also influenced by the width of the leaning surveying wheel, the contact pressure, the tensile stress in the item to be measured and the angle of belt con

7、tact. The position of the surveying wheel should be made so that the direction of the material flux is away from the bearing point of the transmitter.此外,傾斜的測量輪寬度,接觸壓力,物體的張應(yīng)力( 需測量)和皮帶包角的角度也會影響到滑動。為使材料流向遠離發(fā)射器的承受極點,測量輪要仔細安裝.Meter counter計米表計米表Direction of material flux材料流向Surveying wheel測量輪different pr

8、ofiles for surveying wheels測量輪的不同側(cè)面Speedometer/ Speed control 速度計速度計Speedometer generators are used for speed measurement.Same as direct voltage generators they are made with permanent excitation, collectors and brushes or like generators of alternating voltage. As the only task of the speedometer g

9、enerators is the making of voltage they are small. The electric voltage made by these generators is measured in an electronic and shown as speed and number of ups respectively. Speedometer generators are often produced together with the drive motors as one unit.速度計是用來測量速度的.就象直流發(fā)電機和交流發(fā)電機一樣,速度計也需要永久的勵

10、磁和集電極以及電刷.因速度計的唯一任務(wù)就是制造電壓,所以它較小.由此發(fā)電機制造的電壓是以電子測量,以不間斷電流的速度和數(shù)量分別顯示.速度計生成器通常與驅(qū)動馬達作為一個整體生產(chǎn)出來. NNNSSSNGenerator of alternating voltage交流電生成器Spray devices噴涂裝置噴涂裝置Negative pressure zone 負壓區(qū)nozzle top 噴嘴頂端control air 空氣控制pack of needle針束atomizer air 噴霧空氣Material 材料Level control標(biāo)準(zhǔn)控制標(biāo)準(zhǔn)控制Electric connection 電

11、線Oscillation fork 震動叉Test magnet 檢測磁鐵Shift point移轉(zhuǎn)點The oscillation fork is excited in a piezoelectric way. In the air it oscillates with its natural frequency, however, is it touched with liquids, the oscillations change.震動叉是以壓電的方式震動??諝庵幸宰匀活l率震動,但當(dāng)遇到液體時, 震蕩就會發(fā)生變化These changes are evaluated electronic

12、ally and create the shift signal. When the test magnet is put at the point marked, the oscillation fork reacts as if it is covered with liquid.變化是以電子方式進行測量并會產(chǎn)生移轉(zhuǎn)信號,當(dāng)檢測磁鐵放在標(biāo)示處,震動叉就會像被覆蓋上液體那樣產(chǎn)生反應(yīng).Overflow protection防止溢出防止溢出The overflow protection is a so-called float. It consists of a hollow ball in w

13、hich liquid can enter and which is connected to a circuit. In this hollow ball there is another ball which is also connected to the circuit. When there is liquid in the float the circuit is open and the pump is switched-off. However, when the small ball touches the hollow ball the circuit is closed

14、and the pump lifts liquid into the pump bucket.防止溢出裝置又稱 浮子,是一個與電路相連,可內(nèi)盛液體的空心球. 球內(nèi)還有個與電路相連的球.當(dāng)浮子中有液體時,電流是開通的,泵是關(guān)閉的.然而,當(dāng)小球與空心球接觸時,電路斷電,泵將液體壓入泵桶中. Pump bucket泵桶 insert for float 浮子入口Contactsmall ball接觸小球Contact hollow ball接觸空心球Viscosimeter黏度計黏度計The measurement of viscosity is important as the viscosity

15、 influences the coating speed of the lacquer on the printing roller. The measurement is done by an oscillating bar which serves as sensor. This bar is kept in oscillation by constant electric energy. The oscillation amplitude is changing according to the viscosity of the lacquer, and the electronic

16、controls the oscillation and processes the change of amplitudes.As the viscosity highly depends on the temperature the corresponding measurement temperature has always to be indicated.由于粘性會影響到印刷輥上的漆的噴涂速度,所以粘度的測量非常重要.由作為傳感器的振動桿來進行測量. 桿由恒壓電源保持振動.振幅隨漆的粘度而變化.電子控制著振動和振幅的變化。由于粘性受溫度影響極大,相應(yīng)的測量溫度也要顯示.Lacquer

17、 漆Sensor bar傳感器振動桿Lacquer漆?Exitron警報器警報器Emerging combustible gases and steams reach through a sintered metal disc to the measurement chamber. Here a special converter is used which forms an arm of an electric circuit together with a second element. This element, however, is inactive regarding cataly

18、tic. It serves for compensation of fluctuations re temperature, pressure and humidity in the neighbourhood of the sensor. At the catalytic active element the part of gas in the air is combusted more or less intensively - depending on the concentration. By this combustion of gas the characteristic te

19、mperature of the element increases which leads to an increase of the electric resistance. By this the circuit is brought out of balance and current is conducting which is put into relation to the existing gas concentration. 可燃性氣體和水蒸汽通過熔結(jié)金屬盤到達測量室。那有一個特殊轉(zhuǎn)爐與第二元件形成一段電路支路,就接觸反應(yīng)性來說,此元件是惰性的。它用來補償在傳感器附近由溫度、

20、壓力、和濕度造成的震動??諝庵薪佑|反應(yīng)性活躍的元素氣體由含量的多少決定其或多或少的燃燒量。在氣體燃燒時,元素的特性溫度會上升并會引起電阻的上升。至此電路不再平衡,電流工作與現(xiàn)有的氣體含量相關(guān)。Sensor (concentration of solvents in the air)傳感器(空氣中溶劑的含量)Gas warning device 氣體警報裝置 display顯示器Pre-alarm預(yù)警UEG 45%Main alarm警報UEG 50%Thermocouple熱電隅熱電隅The thermocouple consists of the valve and the thermost

21、at which are screwed together through two strap halves. The temperature of the medium to be adjusted creates a pressure in the thermocouple which is corresponding to the actual value. This pressure is transferred through the trunk line (5) on the working medium andre-formed into a force. The change

22、is effected via the adjusting bellows (4) and the working medium pin (2) on the cone bar (1). By turning of the set-point adjuster the reaction point is changed via the spring (3). This results in the following: the valve cone passes through its stroke within a higher or lower range of temperature.

23、熱電隅由閥和自動調(diào)溫器組成,閥和自動調(diào)溫器是由兩段帶子擰緊相連。待調(diào)節(jié)的媒介溫度在熱電隅中產(chǎn)生與實際值相應(yīng)的壓力。壓力通過工作中介的中繼線(5)傳導(dǎo)并重新形成一種力量。變化受調(diào)整箱(4)、圓錐桿(1)上的工作中介栓(2)、的影響。旋轉(zhuǎn)固定點調(diào)節(jié)器,反應(yīng)點可以通過彈簧(3)改變。結(jié)果如下:圓錐閥在溫度范圍內(nèi)完成沖程。LeadingScrew主螺栓主螺栓5Valve spring彈簧閥彈簧閥Discharge bellows排氣風(fēng)箱排氣風(fēng)箱31244Pressure regulator with display帶顯示器的壓力調(diào)節(jié)器帶顯示器的壓力調(diào)節(jié)器The medium to be measure

24、d flows from the left side into the pressure regulator in order to build up in the lower part a pressure in the valve (1). This pressure has an upward effect and is passed on through a plastics diaphragm (2) to a spring (3). Here it causes by a spiral spring a deflection of the hand at the manometer

25、. By the adjusting screw (4) and the spring a counter pressure can be adjusted so that the pressure in the tube does not exceed a certain value.要測量的中介物從左邊流入壓力調(diào)解器,從而在在閥(1)下部中,形成壓力。該壓力有向上的沖力,并由一塑料膜(2)傳到彈簧處(3)。在此,通過螺旋形的彈簧造成壓力器指針的偏轉(zhuǎn)。通過調(diào)節(jié)螺桿(4)和彈簧,計量壓可以調(diào)節(jié)以保證管中的壓力不會超過一定的量。Spring pressure plate彈簧壓力板1234Filt

26、er element濾波件Recognition of voids識別斷檔識別斷檔Colour sensor顏色感應(yīng)器顏色感應(yīng)器Output輸出輸出Stamping foil 印箔印箔This method for recognition of voids is based on a sensor which recognises, stores and distinguishes colours. At the beginning of the production the foil colour is read in the sensor and stored. When there is now a change of colour (void, etc.) during production, the sensor recognises it and passes it on to a monitoring unit. The void is recognised!識別斷檔的儀器為一個可以辨認、儲存、和區(qū)別顏色的感應(yīng)


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