1、word1 / 18課程教案設(shè)計首頁上課時間:年 月 日上課地點(diǎn):本次課標(biāo)題:Unit 8 A Horse and Two Goats知 識 點(diǎn)八、 內(nèi)容1. Brainstorming: ask students to think of the words/phrases/expressions regarding tlgive n topics2.Listening: listening the recording and answer the questions3. Speaki ng:教 學(xué) 目的 與 要求1. know more words and phrases about mea
2、ns of munication2. know body Ian guage in muni cati on重點(diǎn)八、與難點(diǎn)八、Lear ning to describe body Ian guage in muni catio n教學(xué) 方 法相關(guān)詞匯擴(kuò)大使 用教 具/、黑板聽MP3說word2 / 18教學(xué)過程設(shè)計備注-Brai nstormi ng:1. Expressi ons for un dersta nding/con vey ing messages:un dersta nd, kno w, lear n, acquire (kno wledge, in formati on),
3、have anidea of, take/get the message,be well in formed about somethi ng, get/put themessage across, make on eself un derstood, sth. daw ns on somebody,someth ing occurs to some one someth ing clicks in one s mind2. Expressi ons for failures of muni cati on:be con fused about., get sb. wrong, be igno
4、rant about someth ing, havemisconceptionsabout.,bepuzzling/puzzled,bemystifying/mystifiedmake a faux pas (a culturally embarrass in gmistake) , blun der inetiquette C the formal rules for polite behaviour in society or in a particulargroup:禮儀,禮 節(jié),規(guī)矩3. Expressi ons for emoti onal states:satisfied/dis
5、satisfied, hospitable friendly, weling, and generous to visitors( 人 、 其 行 為)好 客 的,殷勤 的 ,hostile, enthusiastic, beembarrassed/embarrass ing, depressed, low-spirited, moody ofte n cha ngingquickly from being in a good temper to being in a bad tempe 喜怒無常的,,cheerful, delighted, overjoyed4. Expressi ons
6、for body Ian guage:nodding, winking to close and ope n one eye quickly to muni cate somethiror show that something is a secret or joke 乏眼 ,raise ones eye-brows 卬仰 眉毛,stare at somebody, eye con tact, avert on es eyes from somebody, pouto push out your lower lip because you are anno yed or un happy 撅(
7、嘴)on es lips, stick out on es ton gue, make a face, wave, take . i nto on esarms kiss some one on the cheek, his/her eyes speak for herself ., a cloudcross his/her face ., be red in the face, blush, beam5. Expressi ons for differe ntiat ing betwee n various meanin gs:meaning(s), nuances? nu:?a:ns 纟田
8、微差異a very slight, hardlynoticeable difference in manner, colour, meaning etc ? subtlety:of meaning,(fine) shades of meaning shade of meaning/opinion/feeling etc a meaning etcthat is slightly different from other ones = nuance:, tell the slight differencesbetween ., capture the delicate meaning of .,
9、 actions speak louder tha nwordsAdditi onal Activities: Un dersta nding Differe nt Means of muni cati onIn additi on to verbal messages, what other meanscan huma n beings use formuni cati on? List at least two means and expla in how they work.a. Facial expressi onsb. GesturesTo make the meaning of o
10、ur words clear we use body Ianguage. BodyIanguage is a Ianguage without spoken words and is therefore callednon-verbal muni catio n.Liste ninggt,esword3 / 18Questi ons:1.Why did the speaker sit n ext to the door?2. What can you infer about the boys from what the Careers man said to the3. What was ha
11、ppe ning at the back of the hall?4. What happe ned to the rat in the end?Speak ingTopic Tell a story about your middle school lifem?課后記推薦閱讀書目課后作業(yè)情況實(shí)踐活動建議備注word4 / 18課程教案設(shè)計首頁上課時間:年 月 日上課地點(diǎn):本次課標(biāo)題:A Horse and Two Goat text an alysis知 識 占八、 內(nèi)容1. discussion2. text analysis:words and phrasessentence struc
12、turesummary of the story教 學(xué) 目的 與 要求Ensure all the students grasp the knowledge of reading, grammar, cultural informationetc.Ensure that all the students participate in activities and can use English effectively inmuni cati on重點(diǎn)八、與難點(diǎn)1. Some words and phrases in the text; summary of the whole story.2.
13、 Grammar:fixed structures.教講解使黑板學(xué)練習(xí)用方教法具/、教學(xué)過程設(shè)計Pre-reading task: discuss the following questions:1. What do you think might cause mis un dersta nding in muni cati on?備注word5 / 182. What factors are con sidered importa nt in successful muni cati on?Text an alysisPara 1At the entrance of the small In
14、dian the brightly-colored horse.1.At the entrance of the small Indian village of Kiritan, there stood a massive guardian in the shape ofa prancing horse, with his head high proudly, his forelegs in the air and his tail looped up with aflourish.在印度小村基里坦的村口,聳立著她的守護(hù)神的雕像。它是一匹巨大 的,凌空躍起的駿馬。它高傲地昂著頭,前蹄騰空,欲踏
15、云而去,尾 巴用力地?fù)]舞著。Paraphrase At the entrance to the small village of Kiritan in India, there stood a large and heavyguardia n hav ing the shape of a horse spri nging up from its hi nd legs, with his head held high withpride, his forelegs high in the air and his tail curled up spiritedly.massive guardian
16、 : The horse was worshipped by the villagers as a protector of the village. Massivein dicates that the horse is not only large in size, but also heavy in weight. Here is one moreexampleT he new stadium is a massive build ing.his tail looped up with a flourish: The horse s tail curled up spiritedly.
17、A flourish is a decorativedisplay inten ded to make people no tice it.grammatical point In the structure “with his head high proudly, his forelegs in the air ,“ with is used to introduce the acpanying circumstances 伴隨情況,giving more description about theprancing horse 凌空躍起的駿馬.More examples:With all t
18、his work to do, I don t know if I ll have time to go out.With three people away, we ll have to close the office this after noon. massive: a. large, of great size,strong, (of qualities and actions) great a massive monumen t, rocl 巨大的紀(jì)念碑、 大石We must make massive efforts to improve thi ngs.Cf. gia ntgro
19、ssGiant: unu sually large pers on 不同尋常的大人物 ,ani mal, pla nt, bus in ess 商業(yè)巨頭,etc. It can beused in a figurative way 比喻的方式,meaning genius 天才,巨頭.Shakespeare is a gia nt among the poets.Gross: unpleasantly large and fa 肥巴胖臃腫的;something gross 某事不雅 的 u_np!easan_;_spee.chor_be_havior.一 gross 一粗俗的一coarse_I
20、n his old age he became gross through over-eati ng.in the shape / form of: infml. appearing specifically as 以.形式/模型展 現(xiàn)出來She made a cake in the shape of hea 她做了個心形的蛋糕。Idioms in any shape: in whatever form sth. Appears 無論什么形式; 完全地,全然You are wele to share this in formatio n in any shape 歡迎您以任何形式分 享這條信息
21、。in shape: fit 有形的,處于良好狀態(tài)的You ll n ever be in shape un til you eat less and take more exercise.prance: v. (of horse) move jerkily 顛簸地 by raising the forelegs and springing forward from the hindlegs; n. movementidioms prance along / about / around / in / out:move in the specificword6 / 18directi onlo
22、op up : bend sth. into a loop 挽成圈,卷成環(huán) curl upThe hun ter looped up a rope for further use.with a flourish: bold sweeping movement or gesture, used to attract atte ntio n 英勇的揮舞動作或手勢,用于引起注意He ope ned the door for her with a flourish.他瀟灑地為她開了 門。 flourish: n. loud piece of music響亮而細(xì)膩的樂曲A flourish of tru
23、mpets 嘹亮的喇叭聲 marked the Queen s arrival.v.1) prosper 繁榮,興旺,昌盛No new bus in ess can flourish in the prese nt econo mic climate.2) grow healthily 健康成長,茂盛This species of flower flourishes in a warm climate.3) be very active 在某時期活躍而有影響力In Germany the baroque style of art 巴洛克式藝術(shù) flourished in the 17 and
24、l8hcentury .4) wave sth. about in order to attract atte ntion 揮舞某物以引起 注意力He stormed into 橫沖直撞地進(jìn)入 the office, flourishing a letter of plaint 投訴信.2 On this particular day, an old man was drows ing in the shade of a n earby cactus and watchi ng apair of goats graze in this arid soil;grammatical point w
25、atching a pair of goats graze in this arid so The infinitive is bare after verbs,such asfeel, hear, seeand watch.這些動 詞后不定式不加 to.I heard him lock the door.I saw / watched him drive off 把車開走 .Note But seeandhear in the passive 在被動中 take the full infinitive帶 to 的不定式.He was see n to en ter the office.He
26、 was heard to say that his father was gone.他被聽至 U 說他父親不見了走了。drowse: v. be half asleep 半醒半睡 drowsed-drowsed drowsingidiom drowse sth. away: spend time half asleep 昏昏沉沉地消磨時間、昏昏欲睡He drowsed away a hot after noon.炎熱的下午她昏昏欲睡。shade: n. place where there is parative dark ness and cooln essidiom in the shad
27、e of 在陰涼處The trees give some shade from the sun 烈日下, 這些樹帶來一些陰涼。They are sitt ing in the shadeof the big tree 他 們坐在大樹的陰涼下。3 he was disturbed by a motorist, who got out of his station wago 旅行車 at the sight of the statue,and went up to the brightly-colored horse. grammatical point This is a non-defi ni
28、ng relative clause非限定性關(guān)系 從句,and the ma here cant be omitted.wagon: short for station wagon in American English. It refers to a vehicle with removable seats 移動座椅 and an area behind the seats for suitcases, bags, etc. A statio n wag on is bigger tha n anordinary car.word7 / 18disturb: v. to in terrupt
29、 some one so that they cannot continue what they are doi ng 打擾某人Sorry to disturb you , but I have an urge nt messag 緊急的消息.Para 2“Marvelous! He cried, goats are mine and mine only.1 “Marvelous! He cried, pacing slowly around the statue. “真了不起呀!他邊繞著雕像慢慢踱步邊贊嘆著。grammatical point pacing slowly around the
30、 statue and the next sen ten ces Notici ng the oldmans prese nee., not un dersta nding what the other meantare participial phrases 分詞短語used as an adverbia 狀語 to express the acpanying circumstanee 伴隨狀況.pace: v. walk with slow or regular steps 踱步于; 緩慢而行He paced up and down 來來回回; 上上下下 the platform, wai
31、ting for the trai n.The pris oner paced the floor of his cell.那犯人在牢房里來回地走著。2 He wore a khaki-colored shirt and shorts.他身著土黃色短衫短褲 khaki-coloured shirt: yellowishbrown 土黃色的 shirt. Khaki is a type of material 卡其布,which is often used for making armyuniforms 軍服 because it wears well. That s why the old m
32、an took the American for a police officer.3 The old man, not un dersta nding what the other mean t, replied in pure Tamil, his on ly means ofmun ication老頭并不知道對方在說什么。 他用 純正的泰米爾語 他掌握的唯一的語言grammatical point Here his only means of muni cati on is the appositive 同位語 of Tamil.Tamil: a Ianguage spoken in s
33、outh Asian 洲南咅 E4 My name is Muni, and the two goats are mine and mine only.emphasized that the two goats were his property. Hence 因此the relationship between the goatsand the Indian is made explicit. This also shows that he wan ted to make it clear to th“ police officerthat he was a good man.Para 31
34、 The red-faced man gla need at the goats, took out a cigarette, and askec,“ Do you smoke?glanee at: look at,對看一眼、匆匆一瞥 look through 瀏覽She gla need shyly at him and the n lowered her eyes.Gran dfather was gla ncing at the n ewspaper in the Ion ely sitti ng roor 客廳.2“I never even heard of it until yest
35、erday, the old man replied nervously guess ing that he wasbeing questi oned about a murder in the n eighborhoed by this police officer from the gover nment, ashis khaki dress in dicated. questi on: v. ask sb. some questi ons 詢問、審問某人I was questi oned by the police for six hours.They questi oned her a
36、bout her relati on ship with the dead man. indicate: v. to be a sign 暗示,明確A red sky at ni ght in dicates that the follow ing day will be fine.3. “I am sure you must know when this horse was made, said the American tourist, and smiledingratiatingly.paraphrase The American tourist was trying to please
37、 the old man with a frien dly humble smile.ingratiatingly ? n? gre? ? i:? e? t? ?迎合的;討好的;奉承的:respectfully, showing respect, (derog.)attempting to flatte 奉承 or gain favor 討好word8 / 18cfn gratiati ngly is ofte n used disappro vin gly of some one 不贊成某人 who tries to make himselfliked by other people in
38、a humble mann 謙卑的 方式.Another word with similar meaning but differentconnotation is gratefully 感激地,感謝地 ,which is often used in a positive sense.Para 41 The old man reacted to the relaxed atmosphere by smiling himself, and pleaded,react to: v. resp onsePeople can react badly to certain food additives
39、人們對食物添加劑反映強(qiáng) 烈。plead v. 1) to ask for sth. that you want very much in a sin cere and emotio nal way 真誠激動地+fore.g. Civil rights groups pleased for gover nment help .團(tuán)體 / 組織懇請政府 幫助。plead with sb. (to do sth.)2) (law) to state in a court of law whether or not you are guilty of a crime 申訴有罪或無罪e.g.plead g
40、uilty/ not guilty/ innocent 2 Our village has always had a clea n record. Must be the othervillage.一 ParaphraseQu 匸 village. . has .never_hadany. .crime. The .crjm_e .you. referredword9 / 18to must be done by the people of the other village.If some one hasa clea n record 清白記錄,he has no crim inal rec
41、ord or has n ot done anything dish onest or immora 不 道德的.Idiomshave a clean record :沒有犯罪資料,清白無辜的get / keep the record : 澄清是非on record : 記錄在案The city is famous for its clean record.The judges opinion is on record.課后記推薦閱讀書目課后作業(yè)情況實(shí)踐活動建議備注word10 / 18課程教案設(shè)計首頁上課時間:年 月 日上課地點(diǎn):本次課標(biāo)題:A Horse and Two Goat text
42、 an alysis知 識 點(diǎn)八、 內(nèi)容text an alysis: words and phrases sentence structure summary of the story教 學(xué) 目的 與 要求Ensure all the students grasp the knowledge of reading, grammar, cultural informationetc.Ensure that all the students participate in activities and can use English effectively inmuni cati on重點(diǎn)八、與難
43、點(diǎn)八、Some words and phrases in the text; cultural differe nces betwee n China and Wester ncoun tries教學(xué) 方 法講解使 用教 具/、黑板練習(xí)word11 / 18教學(xué)過程設(shè)計Pre-reading task: discuss the following questions:1. List at least three ways of greeti ng2. Are there any differe nces betwee n the ways that people greet each othe
44、reast and west?Text an alysisPara 51 Then he went on to explain at length, uttering each syllable carefully, what brought him to this country, how much he liked it, what he did at home, how he had pla nned for years to visit In dia, thedream of his life and so forth Grammatical point utteri ng each
45、syllable carefully is a participlephrase used as an in serti on.at length : 1at last 經(jīng)過一段時間之后;終于,最后;2in detail 長時間地,詳盡地,充分地At len gth the bus arrived, forty minu tes late.He went on at tedious len gth about his favorite hobby 他 喋喋不休地講述著 他的愛好。idiom at full le ngth: stretch out 全身伸直The dog was lyi ng
46、at full le ngth on the floor 狗狗全身伸直躺在地板上。2 every now and then pausing to smile politely.Grammatical point Here to smile cant be replaced by smiling. Verbs, such as remember pauseare used with a gerund ? d? er? nd 動名詞 whe n the action expressed by the gerund is the previousacti on, and an infin itive
47、 whe n the actio n is a followi ng one. 暫停下來去微笑I forget to mail the letter. The acti on has nt be preformed yet我忘記寄 信了。I forget mailing the letter. The action has been performed but the performer has forgotten it.我忘記寄信了。Para 61 Refer: refer to sb./sth:to men ti on or speak about some one or someth i
48、n e.g. We agreed n everto refer to the matter aga in.Although she did n t men ti on any n ames, every one knew who she was referring to 所指的.2 He thought for a sec ond and the n related in detail that the horse had bee nthere for a very long time and that it would appear as the tenth avatar at theof
49、the Yuga, whe n the world would be destroyed, and the Redeemer would申in the form of a horseto help the good and punish the evil.cultural backgro undavatar ? ?v? ? t?:化身,天神下凡:a god in Hinduismat_the .end oflhe_Yuga:_ _Yuga_is any .pfthe_four.ages_(the. Satya一黃金時代.i. the Treta 特瑞塔年代,the Dvapara 達(dá)瓦帕拉年代
50、,and the Kaii 卡利年代)in Hin duism. Accord ing to Hin duism,these four ages form a cycle, due to be repeated, with each worse than the la 年代、紀(jì)元;印度教in備注endword12 / 18所稱構(gòu)成歷史循 環(huán)的四個時代中的一個the Redeemer: the god who es to save the worlds穌基督;救世主grammatical point Whe n a verb isfollowed by two or more tha n two
51、 that clauses as its objectives, the former that can be omittedwhile the last one ca nt.think for a sec ond = think for a mome nt 想了一會兒Para 71 A conversation leading to mutual mystification followed, with the Indian chattering away aboutvarious avatars of God Vishnu 天神毗濕奴 and the American trying to
52、drive a bargain for thepurchase of the statue. grammatical point Here lead ing to mutual mystificati on is a participialphrase 分詞短語 used as an adjective 形容詞 to modify conversation. with the Indian chatteringawayis a prepositional phrase 介詞短語 used as an adverbia 狀語 to express the acpanyingcircumstane
53、e 表伴隨. paraphrase They continued to talk at cross purpose 南轅北轍chatter away/ on about sth.: 嘮叨; 喋喋不休 go on about sth.Do stop chattering on about the weather when Im trying to read. drive a bargain for: try to get acheaper price for 對講價 bargain: n.1) agreemen 協(xié)議The barga in they reached with their emp
54、loyers was to reduce their wage in return for 作為對.的報答 a shorter working week 縮短工作時間.2) on sale 廉價購置或廉價出售之物It is a barga in.v. discuss price with sb 與 某人討價還價; 談判Never pay the advertised price 廣告價格 for a car; always try to bargain. Dealers bargain withgrowers over the price of coffee.經(jīng)銷商就咖啡價格與 種植商討價還價
55、。idiomsi nto the barga in 力卩之,除夕卜She was a disti nguished scie nti 杰出的科學(xué)家一 and a gifted pain ter 有 才華 的畫家 in to the bargain.bargain something away 犧牲某物尤指以貴物換賤物 The leaders barga ined away the freedomof their people.2 Then he drew from his wallet a hundred rupee 盧比 note 紙幣.rupee ru:? pi: a unit of mo
56、ney in India, Pakistan and some other south Asia n coun tries(印度、巴基斯坦、斯里蘭卡等國的貨幣單位)盧比Para 81 He peered closely at the note, the like of which he had never seen in his life. grammatical pointWhen the relative pronoun 關(guān)系代詞 is immediately after a prepositi on in an objective claus 賓語從句,which is used in
57、stead of that.二一 the .like of _which 一二:一 a. fairly 一 formaLusage, 一 mea.ning_hee notes, of this _ kind/ notes of such a large amount of money . This sentence indicates how poor the old man in the storywas. The expression can have another form the likes of 2 What was this man flourish ing the note f
58、or?flourish: v. wave 揮舞He stormed into the office, flourishing a letter of plaint.3 With a grin, he told the man to go toword13 / 18grammatical point Here with a grin is a prepositional phrase 介詞短語 used as an adverbial toexpress the acpa nying circumsta nces.4 I guess I could go a little higher.para
59、phrase I would be willing to offer more if this price is not to your satisfacti on.go higher: offer higher price 出較高價格5 You d better talk to him yourself, because he goes mad at the sight of me and my goats,go / be mad at:對. 發(fā)火,發(fā)怒,大動肝火The bull went mad at the red cloth.6 The America n followed his l
60、ook and decided it would be sound policy to show an interest in the oldman s pets.paraphrase The America n looked in the direct ion of the old ma ns look anc decided it would be agood idea to pay attention to and show interest in the old mans goats.grammatical point It would be sound policy to show
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