1、新交互視聽說Book 4聽力原文Unit 1 The Straight StoryVideo1Talia: It's all so incredible, Mom. Im working on a story about one of the national soccer players, Nick Crawford. No, that's the thing. He knows that one of his teammates has framed him. And I believe he's innocent. Knock on door Talia: Loo
2、k, Mom, I have to go. III call you tomorrow, OK? Bye. Yes, yes, me, too. ByeNick: HiI came as soon as I couldWhats up?Talia: Ive been thinking about this all day. Now tell me, again:When and how did you meet this Jackie Baker woman?Nick: Ive already told youShe came up to me at the juice barWe set u
3、p a meetingTalia: RightAt her officeExcept you never went up to her officeNick: Right, so she meets me in the lobby, we shake hands, and she takes me to lunchTalia: Yes, to a little place around the corner, as I recaII. Nick: Right. And then she asks me to endorse a new pair of shoes. Talia: Yeah. Y
4、ou told me theyre called Kicks. Nick: Right. And she explains that I, II have to wear the shoes when I play. And the company will use my name in the ads.Talia: OK. Can you think of anything else?Nick: Well, we did talk about an idea for a Kicks commercialTalia: A commercial? What commercial?Nick: I
5、told you about that, didnt l? They wanted me to be in a commercialVideo2Talia: Hang on a second. You never said anything about a commercial. I wanna hear mo re about this. Dont leave out any details. This could be importantNick: OK. So, over lunch she describes the dealJackie: So, youll wear our sho
6、es when you play. And well use your name in ads. Do that and fifty thousand dollars is yours.Nick: Sounds good. And this will be sometime next year?Jackie: Uh, yeah, thats right. We can work out the details later for this, but well probably want you to appear in a commercial.Nick: Cool!Jackie: In fa
7、ct. I'm working on an idea for a commercial right now. Do you wanna hear about it?Nick: Sure.Jackie: OK. Picture this. Youre sitting in a park. On a bench. Its a beautiful spring day.Nick: So far, So good.Jackie: OK. A young kid comes up to you and says, “Hey! Arent you Nick Crawford, the soccer
8、 star?”Nick: Uhhuh.Jackie: And you say, “Thats me. ”O(jiān)r something like thatNick: RightJackie: And then the kid says, “Wow! Cool shoes! What are they?” And you say, “Kicks. What else?”Nick: Thats it?Jackie: Thats it.Nick: So, all I have to do is sit on the benchand talk to a kid?Jackie: Thats all you
9、have to do.Talia: Thats what I thought! This Jackie person recorded your conversation over lunch. Then she edited the tape, So it sounds like youre accepting a bribe.Nick: Oh. wow!Unit 2 A Hot LeadVideo1Talia: Tony, I need to see you. I have to bring you up to date on the Nick Crawford story.Tony: C
10、ome in. Whats going on?Talia: I just spoke to Nick. He was tricked. The tape was edited. He didnt take a bribe. It just sounds that way.Tony: Well, what does you r audio expert say?Talia: I forgot to tell you. Its definitely Nick's voice. And he said the tape was definitely edited.Tony: But I do
11、nt get it. Whos behind this?Talia: One of Nicks teammates, Dean Bishop. He resents being in Nicks shadow. He wants to be the only star on the team.Tony: Of course! The bottom line is being the star is worth a lot of money in endorsements.Talia: Still. I cant imagineTony: OK. So, now, whats you r pla
12、n?Talia: I have an idea. I need some help from Amy.Tony: Fine. You can have another day on this and we wont run the story yet. But one more thing, Talia, I hope youre not emotionally involved in this story.Talia: Me? Emotionally involved?Tony: I know you wanna clear Nicks name. But if you wanna have
13、 a career in journalism, you have to remember to stay objective.Video2Patty: Hi there. What can I get for you?Amy: How about a large iced tea?Patty: Coming right up.Amy: and a little information?Patty: What kind of information?Amy: Im trying to get hold of someone named Jackie Bishop. I was told tha
14、t shes a member of this club.Patty: Hmm. She used to be, but not any more. She stopped coming here a while ago. Maybe a year ago, even.Amy: Oh. Too bad.Patty: Her brother Dean, the soccer player, works out here, though. I remember seeing him yesterday, around lunchtime. Maybe you could speak to him.
15、Amy: Actually, I'd rather avoid seeing him. It's a little complicated between him and me. if you know what I mean.Patty: Oh, I see. Well, heres an idea. I think Jackies taking acting classes over at the university. Maybe you could catch up with her there.Amy: Shes taking acting classes at th
16、e university?Patty: Mmm hmm.Amy: AhYesThats a great idea. Thanks for the tip. Patty: Oh, likewise! Thanks!Unit 3 Jackie, the ActressVideo1Amy: Talia, are you almost here?Talia: I'm about ten minutes away. Can you see her?Amy: Yes. Shes sitting on a sofa. Hurry up. Classes start in about 20 minut
17、es.Talia: Well, just go over to her and start a conversation Youve done you r homework, havent you?Amy: My homework?Talia: I mean, have you found out what courses shes taking, and everything?Amy: Oh, yeah. I can do a little acting myself, if thats what you mean. Talia: So go act like a drama student
18、, and go and talk to her. III be right there. Amy: Excuse me. Youre in the drama program, right?Jackie: Yes! Oh, hi. Amy: Do you know if Professor Roberts is teaching this semester?Jackie: Yes, he is. Hes fabulous. Im in his improvisation class. In fact. it's tonight. Amy: Oh, great. Jackie: Ive
19、 been taking classes he re for about a year and I think hes been my best teacher.Amy: I know what you mean. Hes veryinspiring.Jackie: Yes, absolutely. Ive become a much better actor since I started taking his classesAmy: Yes, I'm sure you have. Video2Amy: Oh, Im Amy Lee, by the way.Jackie: Hi. J
20、ackie Bishop. Well, thats my real name. My stage name is ackie Baker.Amy: So, do you have an agent?Jackie: As a matter of fact, I spoke to an agent last week. I just sent him a tape. and he thought it was incredible. Amy: Im not surprised. You do seemincredible.Jackie: And my brother knows this film
21、 director. Hes going to introduce me to him. Amy: Oh, thats great! Oh, wait, is you r brother that soccer player?Jackie: Dean Bishop! Thats right. Hes my older brother. We just adore each other! Hes a soccer star, and I'm going to be a movie star! Tonight hes taking me out for a celebration.Amy:
22、 Tonight? Really? What are you celeb rating?Jackie: Oh, justthis thing. Nothing really. Anyway hes taking me to this restaurant near here. Valentinos. Have you ever eaten the re?Amy: Um, noI cant aftJackie: I ate there once, and I saw Madonna.Amy: Wow!Jackie: Yes, can you believe it? It was so excit
23、ing!Amy: I guess you have to go to the right places.Jackie: Absolutely! I even booked the perfect table for people-watching.Amy: Im impressed. You really plan ahead. Youre amazing.Unit 4 A ConfrontationVideo1Talia: Amy! Great to see you again.Amy: You too. Uh, Jackie, this is Talia. Talia, this is J
24、ackie. Jackie: Charmed. Charmed.Talia: Nice to meet you, too.Amy: Talia is a researcher at Newsline.Jackie: How exciting.Talia: Gee, you look so familiar.Jackie: Really? We might have seen each other around campus.Talia: I guess so. Or we may have been in a class together. Im taking journalism class
25、es.Jackie: No, it couldnt have been a class. Im taking acting classes, like Amy.Talia: Oh, well. Ill probably think of it later.Jackie: Speaking of classes, Id better run. I dont want to be late for Professor Roberts.Talia: Hold it. I think I remember where Ive seen you. Jackie: Really?Talia: Yes. T
26、he Gower Building.Video2Talia: Dont you work for a shoe company? Kicks Shoes?Jackie: Im sorry, but you cant be serious.Talia: Oh, I can be quite serious.Jackie: Listen. Ive got to go. It must be time for my class. See you, Amy.Amy: Yes. Bye, Jackie. It was great talking to you. Talia: So what did yo
27、u find out?Amy: Listen to this. Jackie and Dean are going to Valentinos after her class tonight to celebrate. Shes booked a special table.Talia: This is perfect. Great work. You should be proud of yourself.Amy: Thanks, but it was nothing. Piece of cake, in fact.Talia: OK, then. You call Valentinos a
28、nd make a reservation for two.Amy: Oh, wow. Are we going to Valentinos?Talia: Oopsno. I was planning on calling Nick.Amy: I see.Talia: Thanks for being understanding.Amy: After I call Valentinos, is there anything else you want me to do?Talia: Yes. Im going to need your help. We have a lot to do in
29、the next two hours.Unit 5 Talias Brilliant PlanVideo1Talia: Oh, thank goodness you got my message!.Nick: Yeah. Whats going on? Talia: Dont worry. Im not trying to get you to take me out on a date. Im trying to help you save your career.Nick: Oh, that. Yeah, right, I almost forgot.Talia: Be serious.
30、I care about I care about your future.Nick: So do I !Talia: Good, you wore a tie.Nick: Yeah, your message said, wear a tie and a jacket. You look nice, by the way.Talia: Thanks. So do you.Nick: Whats that?Talia: Here. You have to put these on. Nick: Im sorry. Did I miss something here? Is it is it H
31、alloween? Are you really going to make me put these on?Talia: Yes. And thats how youre going to hear their conversation. Theres an earphone in the wig.Nick: Whose conversation?Talia: Jackie and Deans. Theyre having dinner here. Lets go inside.Video2Talia: So, as I was saying, I have a feeling Dean a
32、nd Jackie are going to talk about you as soon as they get here.Nick: Really?Talia: Yup. And ass we have to do is record their conversation. We just need to plant this at their table.Nick: Brilliant! But wait how will you know which table is theirs?Talia: You forget - Im a researcher I asked the mait
33、re d. Thats their table over there. Ill be right back. Nick: OK. Ill watch for Jackie and Dean while you plant the mike.Talia: Good. Just cough or something to warn me if you see them.Nick: OK. Hurry up.Nick coughsTalia: Whew! That was close. Here. Look at the menu. We should order.Nick: Right, thou
34、gh Im not really hungry.Talia: Neither am I.Dean: One more.Nick: Dont look now, but here comes Jackie.Unit 6 Deans Double CrossVideo1Jackie: You are not going to believe what happened.Dean: Ive been leaving messages for you all afternoon! Why havent you called me back?Jackie: Sorry. I left my cell p
35、hone at home.Dean: All right, listen, we need to talkJackie: Dean, dont interrupt! This is serious. I was sitting in the Student Lounge at school when a woman came up to me and started a conversation. SoDean: Wait. I have to tell you something IMPORTANT. We may have a slight problem hereJackie: Dean
36、! I told you not to interrupt!Dean: OK. I give up. What?Jackie: So this woman-Amy-and I were talking when a friend of hers showed up. Then, when Amy introduced us, her friend said I looked familiar.Dean: So?Jackie: So, then she asked me if I worked for Kicks Shoes!Dean: There is no Kicks Shoes.Jacki
37、e: I know that and you know that, but she doesnt knowDean: Hw does she know aboutJackie: Im scared, Dean. She works for Newsline.Dean: Newsline?Jackie: Yes! What if she knows about what we did to Nick Crawford?Dean: Shh! Keep your voice down. What Ive been trying to tell you is that Nick knows every
38、thing! He knows that Im the one whos behind all this. And he even knows about you.Jackie: He knows about me? Oh, no! Look, this whole thing was your idea!Dean: Shh. I told you to keep it down. People are starting to look at us!Video2Jackie: OK. Ill calm down. But, Dean, Im worried. I could get into
39、real trouble.Dean: You? Why, Im the one who sent the phony tape to Newsline.Jackie: Yes, but I was the one who posed as the Kicks executive.Dean: Big deal.Jackie: What do you mean, big deal? I did a superb job. I helped you get Nick suspended!Dean: Yeah. Yean. Youre a great actress. I know.Jackie: S
40、peaking of which, when are you going to introduce me to Byron Walters?Dean: Byron Walters?Jackie: Yes, that film director friend of yours? Remember? The director whos going to make me a star!Dean: Oh, himJackie: You said to be patient, but this is getting ridiculous.Dean: Un, I forgot to tell you. T
41、here is no Byron Walters. He quit the business.Jackie: But he was going to give me my big break, the break thats going to make me a star.Dean: Sorry, Jackie.Jackie: No, youre not. I dont think youre sorry at all-now. but you will be! You tricked me, just like you tricked Nick Crawford. I dont have t
42、o stand for this.Unit 7 Another ConfessionVideo1Nick: I cant believe it! They admitted everything.Talia: And we got it all on tape.Nick: How did you know they were going to talk about me ?Talia: I saw Jacks face when I mentioned Kicks shoes. I knew she would tell Dean about it as soon as she could.N
43、ick: This is fantastic. I am so relieved. I was beginning to think it was all over for me.Talia: Are you ready to go? If we leave now, well still be able to catch Tony.Nick: Look, Talia. The news has been on. Theres nothing we can do to change itTalia: I guess youre right.Nick: Why dont you finish d
44、inner?Talia: But if we leave now, Tony will still be in the office.Nick: Look, Talia. This whole thing is about to be clear up. Why dont we just take a little time now to enjoy ourselves?Talia: Of course. Youre right. Sorry, Nick. And besides, this is Valentinos. And I am with a star!Video2Nick: I h
45、ave a confession to make.Talia: What? You have a confession to make? I thought this whole was over.Nick: No, no. Its not about that. Its about well.us.Talia: Us? Us, as in you and me.Nick: Yes. Do you remember that class we took together in college?Talia: Of course, I remember it. I remember it well
46、.Nick: And do you remember when we were studying together in the libraryTalia: You mean when we were studying for that Shakespeare exam?Nick: Well, I uh I wanted to ask you out.Talia: You did? Wow!. So why didnt you?Nick: Id heard you had a boyfriend.Talia: Oh, no! Well, I had a boyfriend, but we sp
47、lit up during that summer. In fact, we had split up by mid-semester.Nick: You are kidding. I didnt know. Well, I guess I shouldveTalia: Im not seeing anyone now, though, you know.Nick: Well, thenWaiter:Tutto bene? Is everything all right? May I get you uh, un café? Te? Cappuccino?Talia: Ill hav
48、e a cappuccino.Nick: Two.Unit 8 A Lesson LearnedVideo1Talia: Im too late, right? You already aired the story about Nick on the evening news? Tony: No, I decided not to. When I hadnt heard from you, I decided to wait. Talia: Oh, gosh, what a relief. Tony: As a matter of fact, I was just going to call
49、 you. Talia: Well, I am so glad you waited, Tony . Tahdah! Tony: So thats the tape? Talia: Yup. This is the tape that will get Nicks name cleared. Tony: OK. Lets hear it. I have a tape player here somewhere. Amy: So, tell me. Tell me. Talia: It was perfect. I got it all on tape. Jackie said that she
50、 had posed as a Kicks executive . Amy: No!Talia: Yes! And they both admitted that there was no Kicks! Amy: Get out of here! Talia: And Dean actually said that he had sent the tape to us . Amy: Unbelievable! Talia: Wait till you hear them. Hearing is believing! Tony: Talia, let me have the tape. Tali
51、a: Oh, sure. Here. Oh, this is so exciting. Video2Talia: Here it is, the tape that will get Nick reinstated on the team. Just a minute. I must not have rewound it. OK, now listen. Whats going on? Is this tape player working? Tony: Its been working just fine. In fact, I just had it cleaned last week.
52、 Amy: Try another tape and see if that works. Tony: Thanks, Amy. I was just about to try that. Amy: Did you check that the recording light was on? Talia: I was going to check it after I sat down but too much was going on. Tony: Did you press “play” and “record” together? Talia: I dont know! I though
53、t I did! The tape was moving. Tony: You probably just pressed “play.” Talia: This is a disaster. Tony: Sorry, Talia. Im afraid youve just learned a lesson the hard way. Amy: Poor Talia. Talia: Poor Nick! How am I going to tell him?Unit 9 A Canceled CelebrationVideo1Talia: Who is it?Nick: Nick. Here
54、I am! Ready to celebrate.Talia: Didnt you get my message?Nick: No! Whats wrong? Are you OK?Talia: Yeah.No.Nick, I dont know how to tell youNick: What are you talking about?Talia: The tape. I mean, There is no tape. I never recorded Jackie and Deans conversation.Nick: Yes, There it is. I was there.Ta
55、lia: No, I messed it up. I didnt press the right buttons.Nick: Oh, no!Talia: I feel awful. If I had been more careful, we would have had the evidence!Nick: Wow! And we were supposed to be celebrating tonight.Talia: How stupid! I cant believe I didnt press the right buttons! I just wish I had been mo
56、re careful.Nick: And I wish you would stop kicking yourself.Talia: Well, Im supposed to be a professional! And I want to be a reporter!Video2Talia: I wish I could go back and do it over.Nick: Well, you cant. Take it from me. I'm an athlete. I know. You just have to forget whats have done and go
57、on.Talia: Youre right. Whats done is done. Or in this case, whats not done is done.Nick: Look, Talia, if you hadnt done such a good job of covering the story, we never would have known the truth.Talia: How can you stay so positive?Nick: I dont know. Its just my nature.Talia: Well, I wish it were mine. I wish I were that optimistic. So, guess Ill quit my job. Amy can take my place. Shell be a good researcher.Nick:
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