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1、華東理工大學(xué)繼續(xù)教育與網(wǎng)絡(luò)學(xué)院學(xué)位英語考試模擬試卷English for Qualification TestPart IUse of Lan guage(10 minu tes)Directio ns:There are 10 in complete dialogues in this part. For each dialogue there arefour choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the dialogue.Then mark the corresponding letter on t

2、he Answer Sheet with a single line through the cen ter.1. Would you like ano ther cup of tea?A. I don ' t want it any more.C. Forget it.2. What ' s the weather like today?A. I like it very much.C. It' s very well.3. Hello,I' m afraid she is not here right now.A. may I speak to Ms. Se

3、reno?B. Don ' t bring me another cupD. No, tha nks.B. It ' s rather windy.D. It looks like it.B. I want to talk with Ms. Sere no.D. I' m calli ng Mr. Sere no.C. I' m going to speak to Ms. Sereno.4. I cannot go out with you today because my mom is sick.A. Not at all.B. I' m sorry

4、to hear that.C. I would very much like to come.D. Certa inly, here you are.5. How is John ' s homework done?A. Good for him.B. Do it by yourself.C. Pretty well.D. As soon as possible.6. Will you come to my graduati on ceremony tomorrow?, but I' ll have to atte nd an importa nt meet ing.A. No

5、, thank youC. I' d love to7.A little.A. Do you speak Germa n?B. No problemD. That ' s all rightB. Shall we speak Germa n?C. How about speak ing some Germa n?D. WhatIan guagedoyouspeak?8. It' s kind of you to give me a ride to the subway station.A. It doesn ' t matter.C. I believe so.

6、B. Fine.D. It was my pleasure.9. Haven ' t you called your family this week?A. Yes, I ' m going to.B. Not yet, but I ' m calling tomorrow.C. I' m sorry, but I have called.D. Yes, but I didn' t find the time.10.Yes. I' d like to have a look at this leather jacket.B. Nice to me

7、et you, Sir.A. What are you look at, Sir?C. You ' re welcome, Sir.D. May I help you, Sir?Part IIRead ing Comprehe nsion(35 min utes)Directio ns:There are 4 passages in this sect ion. Each passage is followed by somequesti ons or unfini shed stateme nts. For each of them there are four choices ma

8、rked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresp onding letter on the An swer Sheet.Passage OneQuesti ons 11 to 15 are based on the follow ing passage.With in fiftee n years Brita in and other n ati ons should be well on with the buildi ngof huge in dustrial complexes fo

9、r the recycli ng of waste. The wordrubbish could lose itsmeaningbecauseeveryth ing which goes into the dumpswouldbe made intosomethinguseful.Even themost dangerous and unpleasantwasteswould provideen ergy if nothing else.The latest project is to take a city of around half a millio n in habita nts an

10、d discover exactly what raw materials go into it and what go out. The aim is to find out how much of these raw materials could be provided if a plant for recycling waste were built just outside the city. This plant would recycle not only metal such as steel, lead and copper, but also paper and rubbe

11、r as well.Anothernew project is being set up to discover the best ways of sorting andseparati ng the rubbish. When this project is complete, the rubbish will be processed like this: First, it will pass through sharp metal bars which will tear ope n the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed

12、; the n it will pass through a powerful fan to separate the lightest elements from the heavy solids; after that founders and rollers will break up everyth ing that can be broke n. Fin ally, the rubbish will pass un dermagn ets (磁鐵)which will remove the bits of iron and steel; the rubber and plastic

13、will then be sortedout in the final stage.The first full-scale gia nt recycli ng pla nts are perhaps fiftee n years away .In deed, with the grow ing cost of tran sport ing rubbish to more dista nt dumps, some big cities will be forced to build their own recycling plants before long.11. The phrase “

14、should be well on with. ” ( Para. 1 ) most probably meansA. have completed what was startedB. get ready to startC. have achieved a great deal inD. put an end to12. What is NOT mentioned as a part of the recycling process described in Para.3?A. Break ing up whatever is breakable.B. Sharpe ning metal

15、bars.C. Separating light elements from the heavy ones.D. Sortingout small pieces ofmetal.13. What ' s the main reason for big cities to build their own recycling plants?A. T o make better use of rubbish.B. To cope with air polluti on.C. To get raw materials locally.D. To get big profits frompla

16、nts.14. Accord ing to the passage, the first full-scale huge recycli ng pla nts.A. have begu n to operateB. will take the place of dista nt dumpsC. will not facilitate rubbish tran sportati onD. will probably be in operation in fifteen years15. The passage is mainly about.A. a cheaper way to get en

17、ergyB. the choice of locati on of recycli ngpla ntsC. new ways of recycli ng wastesD. theprotect ionofenvironmentPassage TwoQuesti ons 16 to 20 are based on the follow ing passage.People across the world use Airb nb to offer their homes to travelers usually for anightlyfee. The home-sharing service

18、provides some people a way to makemoney while they work other jobs.The compa ny announced recen tly that one of its most popular professi ons amongthosecityextraAmerica n Airb nbhosts is teach ing. The in formatio n came from an Airb nb study to find out what industries its American hosts work in. T

19、he study found that almost 10 percentof U.S. Airbnbhosts in 2017 identified themselves as teachers or in the field ofeducation. The home-sharingservice estimated it has about 45,000 active teacherhosts in America. In addition, the study says there are an estimated 75,000 other hosts living in househ

20、olds with a teacher.American teacher hosts earned more than $160 milliondollars from Airbnbin2017, the compa ny said. That i ncludes about $54 milli on earned duri ng the summer alone. The average amount earned by teacher hosts in dividually was $6,500 in 2017.The study did not provide data from hos

21、ts about why they choose to become part of Airb nb. But the compa ny no ted that many teachers in America face difficult econo mic situati ons. Airb nb says additi onal earnings from hosti ng can help.The U.S. Departmentof Educationreported this year that 94 percent of publicschool teachers said the

22、y had spe nt their own money on some classroom supplies in the 2015-2016school year. It also reported that the average pay for public schoolteachers in 2015-2016 was lower than in the 1990-1991 school year whe n the in flati onrate was con sidered. Some states had even higher rates of teacher hosts

23、tha n Airb nb's estimated n ati onal average.Airbnb spokesman Christopher Nulty told The Atlantic magazinethat thehome-sharing industry was not a total solution for the current problems facing many teachers. But he said he thought Airbnb could be an“ important tool” to help teachersmake extra mo

24、ney and give them“the respect and dignity ” they had earned.The report on the number of teacher hosts comes as Airbnb continues to face opposition by activists and officials in some areas. U.S. critics of the company say the service is driving up rental market prices in several cities. Elected offic

25、ials in some areas have proposed or approved rules to limit the in flue nce of the service. Hotel compa nies have also protested that the bus in ess prese nts un fair competiti on.16. Accord ing to the text, Airb nb is.A. one of the most popular professi onsB. a home-shari ng serviceC. a hotel compa

26、 nyD. an in formati on compa ny17. Teachers choose to become part of Airb nb because of.A. their econo mic difficultyB. respect and dig nityC. the lack of classroom suppliesD. the high ren tal price18. Airb nb is opposed by some people or orga ni zati ons except.A. officialsB. the Departme nt of Edu

27、catio nC. activistsD. hotel compa nies19. We can lear n from the passage that Airb nb.A. can solve teachers ' econo mic problemsB. drives up ren tal market prices in most citiesC. helps teachers find a new jobD. might be an “ importa nt tool ” for teachers to make money20. The writer ' s att

28、itude towards Airbnb is.A. approvedB. in differe ntC. n eutralD.opposedPassage ThreeQuesti ons 21 to 25 are based on the follow ing passage.When you ' re a teenager with little life experienee, it' s easy to build your entire lifearound what other people think. It can feel normal to let your

29、 friend' s ideas of what 's cool dictate (支酉己)the clothes you wear, how you behave yourself, and even the music you like. While this pressure is sometimes intern al, tee nagers are known formaki ngeach other feel ashamed if they don' t conform to social norms. And as we all know,young ad

30、ults can be absolutely brutal in how they treat each other not only thosewho are different, but even those who try really hard to fit in.Sadly, adulthood isn ' t always a whole lot better in this respect. Not only will you experienee pressure to look your best, but you' ll be forced to eithe

31、r keep up withor ignore the Joneses all throughout adulthood. That' s right, even adulthood has itsgroups of cool kids, rich kids, outsiders, and rebels. And sometimes, the way some one else spe nds their money can make you feel like you should be doing the same thing, too. After all, most peopl

32、e still want to fit in; it doesn' t matter whether they ' re 15 or50.But, should you give in to peer pressure and waste your hard-ear ned dollars? If you truly want to get ahead financially and build a successful, impressive life the answer should be a resounding“ no. ” The opportunities to

33、spend money as anadult are nearly limitless, but they will drain your bank account if you give in every time.And at the end of the day, keep ing up with your friends as an adult is just as poin tlessas it was in high school.Adulthood is a journey,not a race. Those who collect the most materialposses

34、sions don ' t earn a prize no ribbon, no trophy,nothing . So, why does it feel likewe n eed to compete?I' ll tell you why: Because every commercial on televisi on, on li ne, and the radio isaimed at gett ing us to spe nd our mon ey. Every ad campaig n on Earth was created to convince us that

35、 what we have is not eno ugh, and that we n eed this item or that service and that we ' re depriving (使喪失)ourselves and our families if we don ' t buy it.Don ' t believe the hype (大肆宣傳).You have nothing to prove, and you ' ll be a lot better off if you ignore the commercials, your fr

36、ien ds, and the hype, and do what is best for you.21. What does the author say about teenagers'inclination (傾向性)in their personallives?A. To try to look cool.B. To be stron gly in flue need by theirpeers.C. To live their own way.D. To show others that they ' ve grownup.22. How may young adul

37、ts treat each other, according to the passage?t join their groups.A. They may support each other in the face of challe nges.B. They may ignore those who donC. They may fight with each other for opportunities.D. They may put pressure on others to make them fit in.23. What does the author discuss abou

38、t adulthood experiences?A. Most adults ' need for acceptanee by groups.B. Different stages of adults 'developme nt.C. A variety of interests to pursue with others. D.Most adults ' constantfear ofcompetiti on.24. Why does the author think it is pointless to keep up with one' s friends

39、?A. An adult should no Ion ger think like a high school kid.B. An adult should know his own un limited opport un ities.C. It' s an endless competition until one uses up his money.D. It ' s not your bank account that says about your success.25. What reason does the author give for adults '

40、; competitionfor materialpossessi ons?A. Spending money brings us pleasure.B. We hope for more and better thin gs.C. Commercials en courage our con sumpti on.D. Competition brings out what ' s the best in us.Passage FourQuesti ons 26 to 30 are based on the follow ing passage.New Yorkers are grad

41、ually getting used to morepedaling (騎車的)passengers onthose shining blue Citi Bikes. But what about local bike shops? Is Citi Bike rolli ng upriders at their expe nse?At Gotham Bikes in Tribeca, man ager W. Ben said the shop has see n an in crease in its overall sales due to the bike-shareprogram. &q

42、uot;It' s getting more peopleon theroad, ” he said. James Ryan, an employee at Danny ' s Cycles also said Citi Bike is a good opti on for people to ease into bik ing in a city famed for its traffic jams and aggressive drivers. “ They can try out a bike without committ ing to buying one,” he

43、said.Ren tals arenot a big part of the bus in ess at either GothamBikes or Danny ' sCycles. But for Frank ' s Bike Shop, a small bus in ess on Grand St., the bike-share program hasbee nbadn ews. OwnerFrank Arroyosaid his ren talbus in ess hasdecreased by90 %si neeCiti Bike wasrolled out last

44、month. Arroyo 's main ren talcustomers are Europea n tourists, who have since bee n draw n away by Citi Bikes.However, Ben said the bike-share is good for bike sales at his shop.“ People haveused the bike- share and realized how great it is to bike in the city, the n decide that they want someth

45、 ing nicer for themselves,” he no ted.Christia n Farrell of Waterfr ont Bicycle Shop, said in itially he was concerned about bike-share, though, he admitted," I was happy to see people on bikes. ” Farrell ' s earlyconcerns were echoed by An drew Crooks, owner of NYC Velo.“ It seemed like a

46、greatidea, but one that would be difficultto implement, ” Crooks said of Citi Bike. Heworried about inexperieneedriders ' lack of awareness of riding rules and strongn egative react ion from non-cyclists. However, he said, it' s still too early to tell if hisbus in ess has bee n impacted.26.

47、 What is the author ' s chief concern about the increasing use of Citi Bikes in NewYork?A. How non-cyclists will resp ond to it.B. Whether local bike shops will suffer.C. Whether local bike bus in esses will oppose it.D. How bike riders can be en sured the safety.27. What happe ned to Gotham Bik

48、es as a result of the bike-share program?A. It found its bike sales un affected.B. It shifted its bus in ess toren tals.C. It saw its bike sales on the rise.D. t ren ted more bikes to tourists.28. Why is the bike-share program bad news for Frank' s Bike Shop?A. It cannot meet the dema nd of the

49、bike-share program.B. Its customers have bee n draw n away by Citi Bike.C. Its bike prices have to be lowered again and again.D. It has to compete with the city' s bike rental shops.29. Why did An drew Crooks think that the bike-share program would be difficult to execute?A. Inexperieneed riders

50、 might break biking rules.B. Conflicts might arise among bike rental shops.C. Traffic con diti ons might worse n in the dow ntow n area.D. There are not eno ugh lanes to accommodate the bikes.30. What is the general attitude of local bike shops towards Citi Bike?A. Approvi ng.B. Negative.C. I ndiffe

51、re nt.D.Wait-a nd-see.Part IIIVocabulary and Structure(25 minu tes)Directions:There are 25 in complete sentences in this part. For each sentence there arefour choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the senten ce. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a

52、 single line through the cen ter.31. many years later did she lear n the real cause of her pare nts' divorce.A. HardlyB. Not on lyC. Not un tilD. Never32. The waitress was sothat Jane didn' t tip her.A. cruelB. rawC. rudeD. remote33. Racing takes everything you' ve got intellectually, em

53、otionally, and.A. spirituallyB. virtuallyC. practicallyD. physically34. Although theof the build ing has n' t suffered, the surface is badly damaged.A. structureB. con stituti onC. makingD. form35. We should havein ourselves and we will make it if we have a try.A. conq uestB. con fide neeC. conv

54、enienceD. con duct36. I looked at Tom ' s pictures and found some of them so funny that I couldn' t helpA. chok ingB. groa ningC. chuckli ngD. yaw ning37. Do you know the woma n over there?Yes, she ' saunt.A. Lily and lucyB. Lily ' s and Lucy ' s C. Lily ' s and LucyD. Lily a

55、ndLucy ' s38. There are fifty pupils in the class,of them are League members.A. AllB. EveryC. EitherD. Neither39. We have only five mon ths to makefor the trip to the South Pole.A. realizati onsB. suggesti onsC. inven ti onsD.preparati ons40. I ' m not sure if I' m going to Tim ' s p

56、arty; I may go to the concertA. onlyB. in steadC.soonerD. better41. To reduce weight, I am now lear ning to play golf with my bus in essplays like a professi on al.A. followerB. part nerC. associateD. allia nee42. You have to know what is right for you and the n go for itwhat others maysay.A. regard

57、less ofB. in pursuit ofC. in stead ofD. for the lack of43. We may say he stoodfreedom and justice all his life.A. forB. onC. outD. up44. Most of the old buildings were pulleddownin this areaso that blocks of newapartme nts could beA. put asideB. put onC. put offD. put up45. I bought a big refrigerator, which occupied aboutof the kitche n space.A. two fiveB. sec ond fifthC. two fifthsD. sec ond five46. Don ' t tell anybody about it. Keep ityou and me.A. a


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