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1、III折縫縫紉機mZIGAG SEWING MACHINE使用說明書OPERATION MANUALCD B握細紉wn股佑胃服公司ZOW SeWING MACHINE CO. LTD.、用途1二安全操作事項1三、操作前的注意事項1四、機器的潤滑 1五、針線的選用2六、機針的安裝 2七、換梭心套2八、繞梭心線 2九、梭心的安裝3十、穿面線3十一、線跡長度的調節(jié)4十二、壓腳壓力的調節(jié)4十三、面線張力的調節(jié)4十四、挑線簧張力及行程的調節(jié)4十五、底線張力的調節(jié)5十六、針位的調節(jié)5十七、橫針距(即擺針寬度)的調節(jié)5十八、直縫的可靠鎖緊6十九、皮帶罩的安裝6二十、膝控部件的安裝6二十一.幾種縫紉方法和附件

2、的使用7二十二 機器的維護9二十三.主要技術規(guī)格 9CONTENTS1. Application 12. Secure operation13. Caution befoe operation14. Lubrication15. Selection of needle andthread 26. Inserting of needle27. Replacing bobbin28. Thread the bobbin case 29. The installation of the bobbin310. Thread surface stitches311. Adjust!ng stitch l

3、ength412. Adjusting presser footpressure413. Adjusting needle thread 伽sion:414. Regulate the length and tend ionoftake-up spring415. Adjust bobbin thread tendion516. Adjust needle position517. The adjustment of horizontal distanee518. Locking unit for linear stitching 619. Assemblage of belt cover62

4、0. Munt knee lifter,621. Modes of several sewing stitchandapplication of accessory722. Maintain of machine 9Main specification9用途1. APPLECATION該機廣泛用作服裝、床上用品、鞋邦、毛巾、型鉉爭 的薄、中、厚料曲折縫、曲折剌繡縫或直縫。采用了髙糟度的機械傳動和有效的膝控擺幅部件確 保了形成多種線嶷的完美質艮。Thig series of zigzag sewing machine is used to zigzag, embroidery and locks

5、titch on thin, medium and thick material for garment, bed articles, shoes, towels and wall carpet.Extra accurate mechanical transmission and kneecontrol swing range unit assure many kinds of perfect embroidery stitch二、安全操作事項2. SECURE OPERATION1操作人員須經(jīng)適為培訓并仔細閱讀該使用說明書 后,方可使用;2使用機器時,安全裝置必須安裝齊全;3當拆換機器部件(

6、如:機針.壓腳.針板.送料牙 和梭心等).穿線、崗位上無操作人員或維修工時,必須 關閉電源開關或拔下電源插頭;4機器的維修,調整等工作必須由專業(yè)技術人員進 行;5 電氣設備的使用必須由電工或專業(yè)技術人員進行。1) The operator should be retained, and understand this manual very well before operating2) All security equipenints should be fixed very well wliile running the machine3) Turn off the power or dr

7、aw the power off> while unfixing sew accessories (like needle, presser foot, needle plate, feed dog and bobbin case), winding thread and no operator is at tlie workplace maintaining the machine4) Maintenance and adjustment of the machine should be carried by professional technician.5) The electri

8、city equipment should be managed by wireman or professional technician.三、操作前的注意事項3. CAUTION BEFOE OPERATION為避免機器捆壞,必須徹底注意下列爭項:1 首次使用機器時,必須徹底清洗、充分加油;2檢査電機電壓是否正常.連接相位是否正常;3 上輪一定要輛操作者方向運轉。To avoid the damage of machine, do care of the following:1) Please clean the machine thoroughly, add enough oil bef

9、ore first usage.2) Check the normalcy of voltage connecting oil before first usage3) The upper wheel should rotate in the direction facing the operator.四.機器的潤滑(圏1 2)4. LUBRICATION(Fig.1,2)圖 Figih盤動上輪至加油孔也=加1-2滴油; 2對標油 心 符號處,均加1-2滴油;3對俊輪輪商上“B處*加少量油;4對機頭上蓋標有UAW處充分加油至飽和;5.建議使用2號縫紉機動汕或HT-T機械油做潤 滑油。1) .

10、Rotate the upper wheel to the oil hole add one or two drops of oil.2) . The sign “b” is expected to add one or two drops of uil3) Add a little oil to the sign on the gear.4) . Add enough oil at the sing “A" on the upper cover5) . The suggested lubrication oil is No.2 sewing machine white oil or

11、 HT-T machinery oil.五、針線的選用5. SELECTION OF NEEDLE AND THREADMake sure its long groove faces toward the front Tighten needle set screw 1 securely七、換梭心套(圖4、5)適用類型薄料中厚料厚料最粗針線1206030機針大于 (l/100inin)#10# 12-#16 (80-100)#18-#19 (110-120)機針類型1910-05(135x9)町用其他類型相當?shù)尼樉€根據(jù)不同縫料應選用相應合適的機針及縫線推薦矗閱表】:i? 1Applicable

12、 kind of materialThinMedium heavy materialHeavy materialMax size of thread1206030Needle size(1/IOOmm)#10(80-100)#18 - #19 (110-120)Needle type1910-05(135x9)Otlier equal suitable size tliread usable.Select the apropriate thread and needle according to the different sewing material as following:7.REPL

13、ACING BOBBIN CASE (Fig.4,5)六、機針的安裝(圖3)6. INSERTING OF NEEDL(Fig.3)盤動上輪使針桿上升到最爲位程,松開機針緊固 縹釘1,將機針柄插到須、K槽面向操作者.然后,擰 緊緊固螺釘1°Turning the hand wheel and raise the needle bar to the highest position, then loose the needle rightening screw 1. Insert the needle in the needle bar and push it up as far as

14、 it will go.抬起梭門蓋1.即可取出梭心戀2。裝上梭心套時,要求先拉開梭門蓋I,將梭心套擂入 梭床芯軸2上。使梭心套梭門3與梭床定位槽4柑扣合,然 后放下梭門邕緊壓在梭床上,再合上推板。Raise latch 1. then pick out the bobbin case 2.Open bed slide I and lay the case on the case sthaft 2, while the case hook 3 fit location channel 4, then down the bed slide and press the case and push t

15、he plate八、繞旋心線& THREAD THE BOBBIN CASE(1) 20U23/23D1. 將梭心裝入繞線器的繞線芯軸,推下線咸調節(jié)板 9即可繞梭心線;2. 梭心線松緊度可通過擰緊,松夾線螺母8來實現(xiàn)3. 梭心線左右均勻度可通過移動小過線座10來實 現(xiàn)。1) . Put the shuttle core into the winding shaft, push the thread adjustment plate 9, and wind the shuttle thread.2) . Adjust the screw 8, to change the tendion

16、of the winding thread.3) . Move the pre-ltendion 10 to adjust the thread evenness of the bobbin case.(2) 20U33/43/53/631. 左手孤住上輪,右手將離合螺釘朝A方向轉 動松開。2. 將梭心套入繞線器軸,盡可能地按下,預調 上夾線的張力,上夾線螺母朝+方向轉動時,張力將 増大,朝一方向轉動時,張力將減小。3. 按箭頭C方向推上繞線蜃調書壓板,然后起 動機器繞線,梭心將按B方向旋轉。欲調節(jié)梭心上的繞 線總,先旋松調節(jié)壓板螺釘,向操作者方向轉動調節(jié) 壓板,繞線量將減少,反之,繞線戢將增

17、加,葡整后, 旋緊調節(jié)壓板螺釘。4. 如果繞線不均勻,旋松螺釘,上下移動上夾 線使繞線均勻,然后旋緊螺釘。1) Stop motion of needle by loosening stop- motion screw (1)Hold hand wheel with left hand and turn stop-motion screw toward you with right hand.2) Place bobbin on bobbin winder spindle (3), pushing it on as far as it will go.Pre-tension (1)+More

18、tension-Less tension.3) Push latch (2) in the direction indicated by arrow (A), then start the machineBobbin winder spindle (3) rotates in the direction indicated by arrow(B).To adjust the amount If thread on bobbin, looen screw (4) on latch (2) and swing the latch (2) away from you of toward you, a

19、s required.4) For more thread on bobbin, swing latch (2) away from you.For less thread on bobbin, swing latch (2) toward you, if thread winds unevenly on bobbin, loosen screw (5) and move pre-tension (6) up or9. THE INSTALLATION OF THE BOBBIN (Fig.7,8,9,10)1 梭心裝人梭心套(圖7),將線從長梢2及梭皮1拉出(圖8)2將線拉出梭皮末端和孔2

20、(圖9)3.把線穿過過線孔1,留出60亳米長的線頭(圖 10)。1) Put the bobbin into bobbin case. Pull thread into notch 1 and draw it under tension spring 2.(Fig.7)2) . Draw thread out form slot 2 on end of spring l.(Fig.9)3) . Pass it through bobbin case thread guise (1), allow alx)ut 60nim of thread out of the bobbin. (Fig. 1

21、0)十.穿面線(圖11. 12. 13% 14)10. THREAD SURFACE STITCHES (Fig.11J2J3.14)1.針桿調到饋鳥位兀,然肩從線架上引出線頭依次穿過A、B. C. D、E和F.2 如圖】4由的向后穿線。3引出長100亳米充右的線頭。1) . Raise needle bar to the highest position, then pull the thread out and through A.BCD.E and F.2) . As Fig 14, thread form forward to back.3) Pull about 100mm of t

22、hread out.十一.線跡長度的調節(jié)(圖15)11. ADJUSTING STITCH LENGTH (Fig.15)克線縫線邇長度(即針距)調節(jié)按順時針成逆時針方向旋轉針距旋鈕L+針距變長:- 針距變短。倒順送料的調節(jié)當?shù)鬼槹馐?處于自由狀態(tài)時,機器處于順進料的狀態(tài).當按下倒順扳手2,機器處于倒送料狀態(tài)。按順時針或逆時針方向旋轉止旋螺釘3,可調節(jié)倒 送料的針距長度。+針距變長;- 針距變短,Regulating the stitch lengthTo regular the stitch length, turn feed regulating dial 1 toward left ri

23、ght as required,+to lengthen- to shortenChanging the reverse feedPush lever 2, release for forward feed and down for revere feed.To regulate the reverse stitch length, turn thumb screw 3 toward left or right as required.+to lengthento shorten十二.壓腳壓力的調節(jié)(見圖16)12. ADJUSTING PRESSER FOOT PRESSURE (Fig.

24、16) 順時針旋轉調壓螺釘1,壓力增大。 逆時針旋轉調壓螺釘1,斥力減小。To regulate the presser foot pressre, turn pressure reulatine screw 1. toward loft to十三.面線張力的調節(jié)(圖17)13. ADJUSTING tEDLE HfiEAD TENSION (Fig. 17) 順時針旋轉夾線嫦母1,張力增大. 逆時針旋轉夾線螺母1,張力域小。+張力增大張力彼小Regulate needle thread tendion with tension regulating knob L toward left to

25、 strengthen or right to reduce pressure.+more tension圖 Fig. 17十四.挑線簧張力及行程的調節(jié)(圖18)一less tendion14. REGULATE THE LENGTH AND TEND-L挑線簣張力的調比用螺絲刀旋轉夾線螺釘1,調肖挑線費的張力+張力增大- 張力減小2、挑線簧行程的調吊用螺絲刀旋松夾線器緊定螺釘2,旋轉夾線器組件 3,調節(jié)挑線賢的位盤合適,再緊固螺釘21) . Regulate the tension of take-up springUsing a screwdriver in slot to regulat

26、e take up spring tension by turning stud (1) as required.+more tendion- less tendion2) . Regulate the length of take-up springTo adjust the amount of take-up spring movement, loosen screw 2 and set take-up spring height by turning the entire tendion assembly 3 toward left or right. Then securely tig

27、hten screw 2.十五.底線張力的調節(jié)(圖19)15. ADJUST BO3BIN THREAD TENDION (Fig.19)松開螺釘2,旋轉底線梭皮螺釘1,調彷底線張力。+張力增大-張力減小十六、針位的調節(jié)(圖20)16. ADJUST NEEDLE POSITION (Fig.20)(20U33/43/53/63)此類機器機針充、中、右位M的調節(jié)法,直縫與曲 折縫均相同。只耍將尼、屮、右定位J:手柄移至想耍的 位出.即吋縫岀相應的線跡。注意:機針下右縫料時,不可調幣針位.Regulate tobbin thread tension regulating screwI/?ft,

28、Center and Right needle position settings are available for placement of both straight and zigzag stitching.(Fig20)To position, push lever in and move to desired setting.Do not make any needle position adjustment while the needle is in the fabric.圖 Fig. 20十七.橫針距(即擺針寬度)的調節(jié)(圖21)17. THE ADJUSTMENT OF H

29、ORIZONTAL DISTANCE (Fig.21)當需要調出曲折縫的橫針距某一定值時,可按下 面方法進行:松開擺針扳手定位螺釘2;將橫針扳手3扳至0位(即A位St);鎖緊擺針定位螺釘2;松開擺針定位螺釘1;順時針旋動橫桿扳手3至B位糧;再鎖緊攙針定位螺釘1。If one fixed value between the min-max of curvilinear stitch is needed, the adjustment can be made as follows:1) . Release the horizontal needle set screw 2;2) . Turn th

30、e spanner 3 to Oposition (i.e. A position);3) . Lock the set screw 2;4) . Release the needle set screw 1;5) . Turn left the spanner 3 to B position;十八、直縫的可靠鎖緊(圖22)1&LOCKING UNIT FOR LINEAR STITCHIING (Fig.22)當要作直縫時.應順時針旋轉直縫鋤緊偏心套 “A”向,鎖緊針桿擺動架;當要用曲折縫時,應逆時針旋轉直縫鎖緊備心套 向.使其鎖緊在機売上.確保針桿擺動架松開. Then lock

31、the set screw 1.-6-When linear stitch, turn the linear to “A” direction and locking eccentric sleeve clockwise and secure the needle-bar swaying rack.When the curvilinear stitching made, the eccentric sleeve should be rumed counter-clockwise to aBx, direction and locked securely onto the machine hou

32、sing, the release the swaying rack of the needle bar.十九.皮帶罩的安裝(圖23. 24)19. ASSEMBLAGE OF BELT COVER (Fig.23,24)臺板上:使手輪V形皮帶和皮帶護罩成一直線, 然后擰緊螺釘。臺板下:安裝皮帶舉后電機輪和皮帶要旋轉自如。 注怎 圖 23適用于20U33/43/ 143/457A/457B/457C 圖 24 適用于 20U53/53A/53B/63/53-5。On the table:while the V type belt is line with belt cover, tighten

33、 the screw Under the table: after the assemblage of belt coverm the wheel and belt should rotate freelyFig.24 is suitable for 20U53/53A/53B/63/二十.膝控部件的安裝(圖25. 26. 27)20. MUNT KNEE LIFTER (Fig .25. 26. 27)Remarks: Fig.23 is suitable for 20U33/43/ 143/457A/457B/457C (1) 20U23/23D/33/43/1431457A/B/C/D

34、系列型膝 控部件的安裝。 膝碰塊1的位置應根據(jù)操作者的情況進行調節(jié), 以保證操作方便, 調節(jié)件2的位置,當件2控制件3運動時.則膝 部可以控制機針的擺動;當件2控制件4時,則膝部可 以控制壓腳的提升。(1) 20U23/23D/33/43/143,457A/B/C/D1) . To assure the convenience of operation, adjust the knee lifter knee plate.2) . In the position of No.2, while the No. 2 control the No.3, knee can control the sw

35、ay of needle. While the No.2 conNo】 the No.4, knee can control the lift of press foot.4112圖 Fig.26圖Fig2720U53/53A/53B/63/53-5系列型膝控部件的安裝把膝提畫托架1固定在臺板2下距臺板缺口 145mm 處(ft 25).當調W到按圖26所示,膝控壓腳升降。當調竹到控圖27所示,膝控橫針距。 2OU5S/53A/53B/63/53-51 ) Fix the knee lifter stand to the underside of the table 145mm away fr

36、om the table channel. (Fig-25)2) . While turn to figure 26 shows. Knee controls the presser to lift or down3) . While turn to figure 27 shows, Knee controls the stitch width二十一、幾種縫紉方法和附件的使用20. MODES OF SEVERAL SEWING STITCH ANDAPPLICATION OF ACCESSORY(20U33/43/53/63)1 直繾采用專用的直縫壓腳,針板與送料牙(圖28),比采 用多功能

37、壓腳,針板與送料牙進行直縫、效果更佳。進行直縫時,橫針距必須調至0,采用直縫鎖緊裝 鎖緊“針桿擺動架”,并換上令用壓腳、針板、送料 牙。1. Linear sewingIn case of linear sewing, using the linear sewing presser foot, needle and feeding dog is better than using multi-function ones.(Fig.28)While do linear sewing, the horizontal width should be adjust to 0 position, the

38、 linear locking unit with swaying rack of locking needle shaft can be used in combination wish swaying rack of locking needle shaft can be jsed in combination with special presser foot, needle plate and material feeding tooth.2 剌繡2.Embroidery必須使橫針距在最小最大之間任意調節(jié),把 直針距調至0位,并調整膝控部件(圖27),使膝部控制 機針的擺動。 卸下壓腳

39、針板和送料牙,換上繡花板。 用左手捏累面線線頭,用于朝自己方向轉動上 輪,使底線從針板孔中拉出。 確保內外繃架將縫料甥緊否則會引起跳針,斷 線及縫料皺縮。(圖29)Preparation before embroidery1). It sliould be noted threat any free regulation can be made at the horizontal needle distance between min-max. set the vertical needle distance to 0 position and will adjust the knee-con

40、trol parts to niake-the component control Uie movement of the sway of needle.(Fig.27)2) . Discharge the presser for and needle plate and feeding dog, then change if with embroidering plate.3) . Hold firmly the end of the surface stitches with your left hand, turn the out from the holesof the needle

41、plate.4). To make sure to stretchtightly the material between the internal and external embroidering frames, otherwise, maybe cause skipping and stitches breaking or material creased.(Fig.29)3 拉鏈繾3. ZIPPERED SEWING該縫法采用拉鏈壓腳(圖30)使于針跡接近突出 的邊,并旋松螺釘B,調節(jié)壓腳,使機針位于斥腳的左、 右邊槽人處.可適用于圖31中幾種情況。This mode is prefe

42、rable to make use of zippered presser fool (see Fig.32) in a bid to make the stitches more accessible to the projectiong stitches then release the screw B. regulate the presser foot and set the needle to the presser foot and set the needle to left and right grooves A of the presser foot. The mode is

43、 expected to suit for the following sewing.(Fig.30).圖 Fig. 30圖Fig314 卷邊線4. HEM-WRAPPING MODE卷邊縫采用卷邊壓腳(圖32)拆掉多功能壓腳,換上卷邊壓腳,采用直縫法,針位選擇中間,就可以進行圖33的卷邊縫.In this inode, the hem-wrapping presser foot can be used as we wish (fig.32)Remove the multi-functional presser foot and replace it with the hem-wrapping

44、 one. This is also a mode of bnear sewing with the needle set to the cenrtal position; the hem-wrapping operation can be effected.(Fig.33)圖Fig335 包梗縫5. STEM-WRAPPING MODE進行包??p時.要換上&用的包梗壓腳、針板、送 料牙(圖34),針位選擇中間,橫針距調舀至3mmZ 內,把一條校粗的線宛穿過包梗壓腳的水槽A,就可以 進行包梗縫(圖35)During the sewing with the stem-wrapping m

45、ode, the special stem-wrapping presser foot, needle plate and material feeding tooth should be put into use(fig34), the neelde is set to the central position and the horizontal needle distance set to 3mm, and then run the rougher thread through the small groove A on tlie stem-wrapping presser foot s

46、o that the sewing of this mode will be6 裝飾縫(03 36)6. DECORATION SEW ING (Fig. 36)只要變換左、中、右的針位及熟練控制橫針距,就 可縫出如圖36的圖案。圖 Fig.36If the left。central and right needle positions can be freely cliarigeable and the horizontal needle distance skillfully controlled, the patterns of the decoration sewing will be well achieved 87其他一些實用縫法(圖37)7. OTHER MODES OF PRACTICAL SEWING (Fig.37)The machine should be cleaned pcriokically to remove lint,


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  • 4. 未經(jīng)權益所有人同意不得將文件中的內容挪作商業(yè)或盈利用途。
  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內容負責。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權或不適當內容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


