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1、中 南 大 學CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY高等教育自學考試英語專業(yè)畢業(yè)論文題 目 題目類別 學生姓名 考 籍 號 單位或?qū)W校 聯(lián)系電話 完成時間A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON CULTURAL CONNOTATIONS OF ENGLISH AND CHINESEPLANT WORDSbyLiu SuyingClass 6,Grade 2011(No.1801030609)Supervisor:Li QingpingJune 2007School of foreign LanguagesCentral South UniversityAcknowledgeme

2、ntsHere add your content.ContentsAbstact . i 摘 要 . iiIntroduction . 1Chapter 1 Literature review . 31.1 Major affective factors in English learning . 31.1.2 External factors . 41.2 Relationship between teachers and students . 51.3 Supporting theories of T-S relationship . 71.3.1 Humanistic Theory of

3、 Study . 71.3.2 Heider's Theory of Balanced Attitude . 81.3.3 Krashen's Affective Filter Hypothesis. 9 Chapter 2 A survey on teacher-student relationship in middle schoolEnglish language teaching . 112.1 Research purposes . 112.2 Research designing . 112.2.1 Subjects . 112.2.2 Instruments .

4、112.3 Investigation procedures . 122.4 Data analysis . 122.4.1 On current state of teacher-student relationship (see appendix A). 122.4.2 The situation about students English learning . 142.4.3 The open-up questions . 182.5 Summary . 19Chapter 3 Implication of constructing harmonious teacher-student

5、relationship . 213.1 Changing the traditional education-concepts of the teacher's . 213.2 Improving teachers self-quality . 223.3 Respecting, loving all the students and treating them equally. . 233.4 Placing hopes on the students and offering them opportunities forsuccess. . 243.5 Establishing

6、right idea towards errors and evaluation . 243.6 Developing colorful classroom activities. . 253.7 Developing democratic atmosphere in class . 26Conclusion . 28Bibliography . 30AbstactThe aim of English teaching is cultivating learners' communicative competence. And the nature of language determ

7、ines that the harmonious relation is much more important in English teaching than in other subjects. This thesis focuses on how the relationship between teachers and students influences English teaching and learning, and tries to find out the ways of establishing a good teacher-student relationship.

8、 The research is carried out by means of analysis, investigation and example illustration. According to the research, we find that teacher-student relationship can really affect the middle school English teaching. Harmonious teacher-student relationship is helpful in carrying out some bilateral acti

9、vities and is good for arousing the integrative motivation in English learning. Meanwhile, harmonious teacher-student relationship harmonizes the classroom atmosphere and optimizes the environment of English learning in the campus. In a word, the goal of foreign language teaching can be more easily

10、achieved by harmonious relationship between teacher-student.Key words: teacher-student relationship, English teaching, affective communication, communicative competence, classroom atmospherei摘 要外語教學的目的是培養(yǎng)學生使用目的語言進行交際的能力,而語言的交際性決定了英語教學更應借助師生之間和諧、默契的情感交流。因此,英語教學對師生關系及師生之間良好溝通的要求都要勝過其它學科。本文采用分析、調(diào)查、舉例等方

11、法,探討在中學英語教學中建立和諧師生關系的意義及其途徑。調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn)師生關系的好壞確實會影響中學英語課堂教學,和諧的師生關系有利于開展外語教學的雙邊活動、營造和諧的課堂氣氛、激發(fā)學生學習外語的興趣,保證了課內(nèi)外外語活動地順利開展,從而優(yōu)化了校園英語學習的環(huán)境。總之,和諧的師生關系能更加順利地實現(xiàn)外語教學的目標。關鍵詞:師生關系,英語教學,情感溝通,交際能力,課堂氣氛iiIntroductionIn July 2001, the old "syllabus" was changed to “curriculum Criteria”. Vice Premier Li Lanqing

12、 said: The problem with the present English teaching and teaching methods is "wasting time rather than efficient." He actually meant that there still existed some obstacles in our present English teaching style. They are as follows:Firstly, traditional English teaching requires our student

13、s to memorize a lot of words and expressions, and grammar items, in order to pass the college entrance examination successfully. Even though they have learnt English for many years, the students are unable to use English fluently and freely and afraid to express themselves in English for lacking of

14、confidence and wide knowledge on one hand; on the other hand, they limit their knowledge on the books with a narrow insight. As a result, their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills can't meet the needs of society. Secondly, there exists a large gap between the teaching of English in m

15、iddle school and advanced English teaching. The teaching materials used by the senior students require them do the mechanical repetition again and again. Thirdly, traditional English teaching is unable to meet the emotional and spiritual needs of the students, resulting in the loss of interest in En

16、glish learning1Therefore, we English teachers should not only teach students functional English, but also emphasize more on practical English, which is what quality-education really means. The Ministry of Education advises teachers that they should make great efforts to do more studying and more res

17、earch into teaching to establish new relationship between teachers and students to meet the demands of English teaching and learning.At present, there are a lot of studies on teacher-student relationship and English teaching respectively, but few of them are focus their attention on the effects of c

18、onstructing harmonious teacher-student relationship on English teaching. This thesis attempts to investigate the issue in the context of Middle School, which results in enhancing students' language output by means of constructing harmonious teacher-student relationship, as well as to explore app

19、ropriate methods of promoting the quality English teaching. With a questionnaire, investigation in Guiyang No.1 Middle School in Chenzhou, the thesis tries to examine the present teacher-student relationship and find out the factors which influence the relationship between teacher and student. There

20、fore, new insights into pedagogical implication and application will be provided.2Chapter 1Literature review1.1 Major affective factors in English learning1.1.1 Students internal factorsDifferent language learners always achieve quite different degrees of success; even they are in the same language

21、environment. The research shows that affective component such as motivation, anxiety, self-esteem, etc. contributes at least as much and often more to language learning than cognitive skills. Just as psychologists define that motivation is an internal process that activates, guides direction to thou

22、ghts, feelings and actions, which used to account for differential success in learning a second language (Selinker, 1972). It makes sense that individuals who are motivated will learn another language faster and more successful. In addition, anxiety can also influence learners' learning in sever

23、al ways. Oxford (1990) holds that a certain amount of anxiety sometimes helps learners to reach their peak, while too much anxiety blocks language learning. Low achievers may feel more anxious and may have more difficulty using or transferring knowledge. In this case, they are more likely to be over

24、ly self-conscious in performance settings, which distract attention from the task at hand. The last but not the least the internal factor which3influences language learning is self-esteem based on a feeling of efficacy-a sense of interacting effectively with one's own environment (Oxford, 1990),

25、 which refers to the evaluation which the individual makes and customarily maintains with regard to himself and indicates the extent to which an individual believes himself to be capable, significant, successful and worthy.” In a word, self-esteem is a personal judgment of worthiness that is express

26、ed in the attitudes that the individual holds towards himself.1.1.2 External factorsIn China, classroom is the main place where the language learning takes place. Creating an ideal language environment for facilitating language learning depends much more on the teacher and the students. In this rega

27、rds, we prefer the word intelligent learning environment for learning environments which include a problem solving situation, a reflective architecture that shows the students what he is doing or even helps him to actively structure his cognitive activities, one or more agents that assist the learne

28、r in his task and monitor his learning.Served as key implementer of educational policy, teachers are engaged in the everyday accomplishment of pedagogic practice as well as the transmission of knowledge and skill, which are also responsible for the everyday management of classroom. The role of the t

29、eacher has been a perennial topic of discussion in the field of general education as well as in4language education. Traditionally they expect to be viewed as authority figures, identified with roles like parent, instructor, director, manager, judge, leader, evaluator, controller, and even doctor, wh

30、o must "cure" the ignorance of the students (Oxford, 1990). Nowadays their new functions are regarded as facilitator, helper, guide, consultant, adviser, coordinator, idea person, diagnostician, and co-communicator. In this process, teachers do not necessarily forsake all their old manager

31、ial and instructional tasks, but exert a tremendous influence over the emotional atmosphere of the classroom in different ways, for example, changing the social structure of the class room to give students more responsibility, providing increased amounts of naturalistic communication and teaching le

32、arners to use affective strategies. Whomever the teacher is regarded as plays the guiding role in teaching and learning.1.2 Relationship between teachers and studentsAccording to Pi (2002), teachers and students are the most active factors in teaching and learning process. Teacher-student relationsh

33、ip is the intermediates which promote the action of education and teaching to carry out smoothly (Mo, 2002). In the past, teachers usually play a leading role in the relationship and affect every aspect of classroom, so the teacher's leadership style determines the relationship style between the

34、 teacher and the students. It has been suggested that there are three types of relationships5between teacher and students, namely, autocratic teacher-student relationship, democratic (harmonious) teacher-student relationship, and indulgent teacher-student relationship. Each kind of teacher-student r

35、elationship has its own characteristics.First, an autocratic leader maintains complete control over the group. The autocratic teacher-student relationship performs like this: the students perform refusal and unsatisfactory emotion to their teacher, refuse to accept the teacher's words and refuse

36、 to cooperate with their teacher. Or the students pretend to obey the teacher, and do what the teacher tell them to do, but they are not really willing to cooperate with their teacher. A laissez-faire teacher performs very little leadership behavior at all. This type of teacher does neither pride of

37、 his or her students' achievement nor worry about his or her students' failure. His or her students also do not like to talk to their teacher and ask for help even when they are in trouble. Students feel lonely and helpless, and most of them lack learning motivation and interesting.Second, a

38、 democratic leader tries to share some of the leadership functions with the members by involving them in decision making about their own functioning. From a group-perspective, the most interesting results of the study concern the comparison of interpersonal relations and group climate in the democra

39、tic and autocratic groups. In these respects,6democratic groups exceed autocratic groups: they are characterized by friendlier communication (Arnold, 2000).Last, the harmonious teacher-student relationship performs mutual understanding and trusting each other between teacher and student. A harmoniou

40、s teacher-student relationship will make learning enjoyable and interesting for the students and teaching worth-while for a teacher. With the communication with the teacher, the students are not afraid to express their opinion, to ask the teacher about new things. The students like to study this cou

41、rse under this kind of teacher-student relationship, and they have the active and happy emotion when they study. So the teacher-student relationship plays an important role in harmonious social life and also in school life. China is challenging examination-oriented education by advocating quality-or

42、iented education. To develop quality-oriented education, we should set up an equal, harmonious and democratic new-style teacher-student relationship.These pioneering results have been reproduced by a great number of studies over the past 50 years, it is certain that harmonious teacher-student relati

43、onship is supported by many theories and practioners.1.3 Supporting theories of T-S relationship1.3.1 Humanistic Theory of StudyRogers, one of the humanistic psychologists, develops an educational7philosophy that emphasizes the importance of forming personal meanings during the learning process and

44、the emotional climate needs for creating such meanings. In addition, he focuses on the emotional relationship between the teacher and the student, which will help students develop their full potential and communicate effectively with one another as they learn subjects matter (Rogers, 1961). In this

45、case, the learner can be the center of education. That is, every student should be treated as special humanity with her or his own affections, not as an object to be given something. While a teacher will be different from the traditional teacher, who will not stress the cognitive knowledge, also doe

46、s not give the so-called "correct answer". Instead, the teacher is just a person who is willing to help the learner seek the possible answers, encourage and facilitate the learning of learners. The task of the teacher is to be a promoter or facilitator.1.3.2 Heider's Theory of Balanced

47、 AttitudeBalance Theory is a motivational theory of attitude change proposed by Fritz Heider, which conceptualizes the consistency motive as a drive toward psychological balance. He proposes that "sentiment" or liking relationships are balanced if the affect valence in a system multiplies

48、out to a positive result (Heider, 1958). For example, a person who likes a person will be balanced by the same valence attitude on behalf of the other. Symbolically, P (+)>O and P< (+) O results in psychological balance. This8can be extended to objects (X) as well, thus introducing triadic rel

49、ationships.This theory is used in language teaching. To achieve the cognitive balance, two conditions will occur: one is that if the student is like the teacher, he will have positive affection to the subject which is taught by the teacher. The other kind of situation is that if the student not like

50、s the teacher, he may have the negative affection to the subject which is taught by the teacher. From this, people can know teacher should pay much attention to the affective regulation between teacher and student (Sun Xin, 1993).1.3.3 Krashen's Affective Filter HypothesisAffective filter hypoth

51、esis is one of Krashen's famous five hypotheses about second language acquisition. He argues that comprehensible input is not enough to ensure language acquisition. When learners are bored, angry, nervous, language learners also have unmotivated or stressed, and they may not be receptive to lang

52、uage input. So they "screen" the input. This "screen" is referred to as the affective filter. Ideally, learners are sensitive to the input that they are currently ready to acquire. Affective states such as anxiety, fear of error, low self-image and so on can reduce this sensitivi

53、ty (Krashen, 1981).The affective filter hypothesis is represented in following diagram (Krashen, 1981).9Affective FilterInputà à Language Acquisition Deviceà Acquired CompetenceIt claims that the effect of affect is "outside" the language acquisition device. It still maintains that input is the primary causative variable in second language acquisition, affective variables acting to impede or facilitate the delivery of input to the language acquisition device.The "affec


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