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1、前言小學英語教與學系列叢書, 根據(jù)九年制義務教育小學英語教學課程標準精心編寫。編者皆為我省優(yōu)秀的教研員和一線教師, 他們有著豐富的英語教學經驗和先進的英語教育教學理念, 能科學地把握學科特點和孩子的心理、學習特點。在編寫的過程中傾注了他們全部的心血, 集精英教師之精華而成就了本系列叢書。它們最顯著的特點是科學、全面而實用。本系列叢書是小學英語師生們首選之佳作。本系列叢書, 系統(tǒng)總結了四、五和六年級共六冊教材所涉及的知識點。包括每單元所有的詞匯、句型和篇章。針對其中的核心詞匯和句型進行了重點訓練和呈現(xiàn), 多方式、全方位進行鞏固和拓展。本系列中的每一冊書, 都力求全面、詳實、系統(tǒng)、科學而有趣。尤其

2、是六年級的書冊, 我們更是精心再精心進行選編。它們都是從歷年小升初的考題中選取、整合和創(chuàng)編而成, 力求做到題型新穎、閱讀題材廣泛而實用。所有題目努力充分體現(xiàn)典型、權威、開放、自主、探究等蘊意, 最大限度地體現(xiàn)題目的全面性、綜合性和創(chuàng)新性。我們六年級系列除了包括每單元的內容外, 還奉獻給大家一份大餐小學英語教與學總冊+12套小升初強化試卷。選擇了本系列叢書, 是大家明智之舉。使用本系列書冊, 孩子們一定練有必得, 練有大獲! 選用本系列叢書, 英語老師工作會得一臂之力, 孩子們的英語學習會如虎添翼! 本系列叢書在編寫的過程中, 編者們認真研討、反復探究、不斷完善, 力爭其成為師生教與學的精品之選

3、。我們在編寫過程中, 難免有疏漏, 甚至不妥之處, 熱忱歡迎廣大師生提出并指正, 以便我們的書冊日臻完美. 敬請聯(lián)系:Walter147147126. com。感謝大家的信任與支持, 這將是我們改進的不竭動力! 世界上沒有最好, 只有更好。我們一直被模仿, 但絕不會被超越! 五年級英語教與學編寫組2020. 1建議:此套資料配合教與學培優(yōu)卷使用效果最佳 目錄基礎默寫版塊UNIT 1 CINDERELLA1UNIT 2 HOW DO YOU COME TO SCHOOL?3UNIT 3 ASKING THE WAY5UNIT 4 SEEING THE DOCTOR7UNIT 5 HELPING


5、IT 1 CINDERELLA57UNIT 2 HOW DO YOU COME TO SCHOOL?73UNIT 3 ASKING THE WAY86UNIT 4 SEEING THE DOCTOR99UNIT 5 HELPING OUR PARENTS112UNIT 6 IN THE KITCHEN124UNIT 7 CHINESE FESTIVALS137UNIT 8 BIRTHDAYS151重要語法解析當人稱代詞或人名后加逗號, 后面緊跟動詞, 一般屬于祈使句, 動詞要用原型; 人稱代詞或人名緊跟動詞, 主語是第三人稱單數(shù)時, 謂語動詞用三單式。 some和any的用法小結在以下句子中使

6、用some:1.肯定句(包括肯定的陳述句和祈使句以及反意疑問句中肯定的陳述部分)。2.持肯定態(tài)度的一般疑問句。3.表示請求或建議的一般疑問句,希望得到對方肯定的答復, 所以也用some。4.特殊疑問句及選擇疑問句。因為特殊疑問句和選擇疑問句并不對some所說明或代替的名詞表示疑問。 在以下句子中使用any:1.否定句(包括否定的陳述句和祈使句以及反意疑問句中否定的陳述部分)。2.含有除not以外的其他否定詞或否定結構的句子。3.一般疑問句(持肯定態(tài)度的除外)。感嘆句是表示喜怒哀樂等強烈感情的句子。感嘆句句末通常用感嘆號, 讀時一般用降調。英語感嘆句常用what和how引導, what和how與

7、所修飾的詞置于句首, 其它部分用陳述句語序。 感嘆句的基本句型: 【句型一】What + (a / an) + 形容詞 + 名詞 + 主語 + 謂語!What a clever boy he is! (他是個)多么聰明的男孩?。hat意為多么用作定語, 修飾名詞, 單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前要加不定冠詞a/an,復數(shù)可數(shù)名詞或不可數(shù)名詞前不用冠詞。What a clever girl she is! 多么聰明的姑娘呀! What delicious food it is! 多么有味的食物呀! What good children they are! 他們是多么好的孩子呀! 【句型二】How + 形容詞

8、/ 副詞 + 主語 + 謂語!How kind you are! 你心腸真好!How beautifully you sing! 你唱得真好聽!動詞短語做主語時, 動詞一般用ing結構; 當單個動詞短語做主語時, 謂語動詞用三單式。例如: Eating too much is bad for us.名詞所有格單詞形式構成方式舉例普通單數(shù)名詞在詞尾加s1.the boys bag 男孩的書包.(boy是單數(shù)名詞)2. Mothers Day 母親節(jié)以-s結尾的復數(shù)名詞在詞尾只加the two boys mother那兩個男孩的母親不是以s結尾的復數(shù)名詞在詞尾加s1.Childrens Day 兒

9、童節(jié) (children本身就是復數(shù)名詞)表共同的所有關系 (表示兩者共有) 即A and Bs的形式在第二個名詞后加sLily and Lucys room. 麗麗和露西的房間(共同擁有一個房間)表示分別所有關系(表示各自擁有)即 As and Bs 的形式在兩個名詞詞尾都加sLilys and Lucys room. 麗麗和露西的房間。(各有各自的房間)s還可以表示某人的家或某個店鋪 如:my aunts(我阿姨家) the doctors (診所) 動詞第三人稱單數(shù)變化規(guī)則。1、一般情況下, 動詞后直接加s, 如:works, gets, reads等。2、以s, x, ch, sh或o

10、結尾的動詞, 在后面加es, 如: goes, teaches, washes等。3、以輔音字母加y結尾的動詞, 把y變?yōu)閕, 再加es, 如:study-studies, try-tries, carry-carries等。4、動詞have遇在主語是第三人稱單數(shù)時, have改為has, 如:He has an interesting book .動詞現(xiàn)在分詞變化規(guī)則。1、 一般情況下, 直接在動詞后加ingworkworking; sleepsleeping; study studying2、一般情況下,動詞以不發(fā)音的e結尾, 要去e加ing:taketaking; makemaking3

11、、一般情況下,最后三個字母為輔元輔且重讀結尾時,要雙寫詞尾字母, 再加ing:cut cutting; putputting; beginbeginning易錯知識點1. 一般情況下, A and B 做主語, 屬于復數(shù);A with B 做主語, 主語是with 前面的A;2. 當morning, afternoon, evening被形容詞修飾時, 一般介詞用on, 由every, each, this, that, these, those等構成的時間短語前不用介詞, 由形容詞last, next等指示代詞修飾的名詞詞組用作時間狀語時, 前面的介詞at, on, in一般省略。3. ch

12、icken,雞肉, 不可數(shù), 翻譯為小雞時, 可數(shù), 復數(shù)為chickens;fish 翻譯為魚肉時, 不可數(shù); 翻譯為魚時, 可數(shù), 單復數(shù)同型。Sweet, 可以做形容詞, 意思是甜的, 還可以做名詞, 翻譯為糖果, 復數(shù)為sweets。要根據(jù)句子或前后文判斷chicken, fish和sweet在句子中的意思, 確定單復數(shù)。4. 注意下面幾個句子的主語和謂語動詞的關系。Mike, come to school early. = Come to school early, Mike. 祈使句. Mike comes to school early.陳述句。My favourtie food

13、 is bread and rice. Rice and bread are my favourite food. (兩種不可數(shù)名詞做主語。)Playing too many computer games is bad for us. (單個動詞短語做主語。)Running and swimming are fun. (兩個動詞短語做主語)名詞被量詞修飾時, 謂語動詞一般和量詞的單復數(shù)保持一致。A box of apples is on the table.Two bags of rice are on the table.5. 表示單數(shù)時, 除去“你you, 我I”, 剩余的全部屬于第三人稱

14、單數(shù)。6. 注意下面兩句and 和or的使用。一般疑問句:Does he like milk and bread? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.選擇疑問句:Does he like milk or bread? He likes milk.或:He likes bread. 7. 人稱代詞用法口訣:人稱代詞分主/賓, 只有八對要區(qū)分。 你(們)、它主/賓同一形, 其余主/賓須分清。謂語之前主格填, 動介之后賓格跟, 口語運用最靈活, 表語也可用賓格。人稱代詞并列現(xiàn), 注意順序禮貌見, 二一、三一、二三一, 第一人稱最謙虛, 若把錯誤責任擔, 第一人稱須當先。動前主格

15、動后賓, 名前形容介后賓;如果名詞含在內, 選用名物代就行。人稱代詞并列用法的排列順序:A.單數(shù)人稱代詞并列作主語時, 其順序為:第二人稱第三人稱第一人稱即:you and I; he /she/it and I; you, he/she/it and IB.復數(shù)人稱代詞作主語時, 其順序為:第一人稱第二人稱第三人稱 即: we and you; you and they; we, you and theyUnit 1 Cinderella一、單詞。prince王子because因為before 在以前l(fā)ate遲的,晚的fairy 仙女clothes 衣服fit合適,合身pick 摘,拾why

16、 為什么let讓mushroom 蘑菇understand明白,理解二、詞組。1. at the princes house 在王子家2. come and help me 過來幫助我3. my gloves /trousers/T-shirt 我的手套/褲子/T恤衫4. go to the party 去參加聚會5. put on 穿上(衣服)6. try on 試穿7. take off 脫下8. be bad for 對有害9. take it off 脫下它10. put them on 穿上它們11. try on the shoe 試穿這只鞋12. try them on 試穿它們

17、13. come back before 12 oclock十二點之前回來14. be sad /happy 傷心/開心15. have a good/great time 玩得開心16. at the party 在聚會上17. have to do sth. 不得不做某事18. have to come home 不得不回家19. visit every house 拜訪每一戶20. fit sb well 很適合某人21. at 12 oclock 在十二點22. put on the English play 表演(演出)這個英語劇23. have a drink 喝飲料24. dra

18、w a dress for her friend 為她的朋友畫一件連衣裙25. read stories 讀故事26. have some snacks 有一些零食27. at a snack bar 在零食店28. thirsty and hungry Bobby 饑渴交加的波比29. in the forest 在森林里30. find some mushrooms 發(fā)現(xiàn)一些蘑菇31. under the tree 在樹下32. pick a big red mushroom 摘了一個又大又紅的蘑菇33. pick up the book =pick the book up撿起這本書34.

19、 pick them up 把它們撿起來35. leave a shoe behind 把一只鞋子留下了36. dont understand why 不明白為什么37. foot hurts 腳疼38. be bad /good for 對有壞處/好處39. have to 不得不,必須40. leavebehind 留下;丟下41. have some nice clothes and shoes 有些漂亮衣服和鞋子42. dont have any nice clothes or shoes 沒有漂亮衣服和鞋子43. put on the new clothes= put the new

20、 clothes on穿上新衣服44. take off his white jacket =take his white jacket off 脫下他白色的夾克衫三、句型。1. There is a party at the princes house, but she cannot go. 王子家里有一個聚會,但是她不能去。2. Why are you so sad, dear? 你為什么這么傷心,寶貝? Because I cant go to the party. 因為我不能去參加聚會。3. Why cant you go to the party? Because I dont ha

21、ve any nice clothes or shoes. 為什么你不能去參加聚會? 因為我沒有漂亮的衣服和鞋子。4. She puts on the new clothes and shoes. = She puts the new clothes and shoes on.她穿上新衣服和鞋子。5. Come back before 12 oclock. 十二點之前回來。6. She has a good time at the party. 她在聚會玩得很開心。7. I have to go now. 我現(xiàn)在不得不走了。8. The prince visits every house. 王

22、子拜訪每一戶人家。9. Many girls try on the shoe, but it doesnt fit. 很多女孩子試穿這只鞋子,但是都不合適。10. She goes home at 12 oclock. 她在十二點回家。11. Whose shoe do the girls try on? 這些女孩試穿誰的鞋子?12. She is having a drink. Its cold and blue. 他正在喝飲料,是涼的藍色的飲料。13. Andrea is drawing a dress for her friend Sue. 安德莉亞正在為她的朋友蘇畫一件連衣裙。14.

23、I like reading fairy tales. 我喜歡讀童話故事。15. I like reading stories about the Monkey King and Nezha. 我喜歡讀關于孫悟空和哪吒的故事。16. Bobby and Sam are in the forest. 鮑比和薩姆在森林里。17. Bobby finds some mushrooms under a tree. 鮑比在一棵樹下發(fā)現(xiàn)了一些蘑菇。18. He picks a big red mushroom. 他摘了一個大而紅的蘑菇。19. He does not understand why.他不明白

24、為什么。20. Because these mushrooms are bad for us! 因為這些蘑菇對我們身體不好。21. She leaves a shoe behind. 她把一只鞋子留下了。四、語法及難點。1. 動副短語用法。put on ,take off(脫下),pick up ,try on 四個詞組屬于動副詞結構,當后面所接的成分是名詞時,名詞放在中間或者后面都可以,但是當所接成分是代詞(it, him, her, them )的時候,代詞必須放在中間。如: put on the blouse =put the blouse on . (the blouse放在on的后面

25、,或者放在put與on之間都可以) put it on(it只能放在中間)。2. Why 與Because 的問句與答句。由why提出的疑問句,回答時要在句子前加上Because。Why are you hungry? Because I dont have anything to eat. 3. 關于why 的兩個重點句型。why not do sth. =why dont sb do sth. (兩個句型一般情況下可以互換)Why dont you go to school? Why not go to school? 4. be good for 對有好處 be bad for 對有壞處

26、5. must與have to的區(qū)別區(qū)別1:must多表示主觀需要或責任感的驅使有必要或有義務去做某事,多譯為“必須”,have to多表示客觀存在的環(huán)境所限,即客觀要求(無奈)而為之,多譯為“不得不干某事例:I must clean the room because they are too dirty. (無人強迫)因為太臟了,我必須要打掃房間。We must be there on time. (責任感的驅使)我們一定準時到達。I have to do my homework now. (不得不做) 我現(xiàn)在不得不做作業(yè)。區(qū)別2:must沒有時態(tài)的變化,而have to有時態(tài)的變化。五、寫

27、作園地。你能用英文講講灰姑娘這個故事, 并寫一寫嗎?請以“Cinderella”為題寫一寫?!緦懽髦笇А孔魑慕Y構展示可能用到的詞匯和句子開頭:寫一寫灰姑娘的日常生活。Cinderella, a poor girl, stepmother, live withCinderella has no new clothes. She has to do many things every day. 中間:寫王子舉辦聚會, 灰姑娘得到仙女的幫助, 她在聚會上很開心。party, prince, clothes, have a great time, A fairy comes and helps her

28、. Cinderella is happy. 結尾:灰姑娘離開時弄丟了一只鞋, 王子憑著鞋找到灰姑娘。12 oclock, leave a shoe behind, tryon, Many girls try on the shoe. At last Cinderella tries it on. It fits well. 【參考范文】CinderellaCinderella is a poor girl. She lives with her stepmother and sisters. Cinderella has no new clothes. She has to do many

29、things every day. There is a party at the princes house. Cinderellas sisters put on nice clothes and go. But she cant, because all of her clothes are old. She is very sad. A fairy comes and helps her. Cinderella puts on the new clothes and goes to the party. She is the most beautiful girl at the par

30、ty. She has a great time. Cinderella is happy. Time goes very fast. She goes back at 12 oclock in a hurry. She leaves a shoe behind. The prince picks up the shoe. Many girls try on the shoe. But it is too big or too small. At last Cinderella tries it on. It fits well. The prince finds Cinderella. Th

31、ey are very happy. 【范文翻譯】灰姑娘灰姑娘是一個可憐的女孩。她和她的繼母、姐姐們住在一起?;夜媚餂]有新衣服。她每天必須做許多事情。在王子的宮殿里有一場聚會?;夜媚锏慕憬銈兇┥虾每吹囊路ゾ蹠?。但是她不能去, 因為她所有的衣服都是舊的。她很難過。一位仙女來幫助了她?;夜媚锎┥闲乱路⒓泳蹠?。她是聚會上最漂亮的女孩。她玩得很愉快?;夜媚锖荛_心。時間過得很快。她在十二點匆忙地回去了。她丟下了一只鞋。王子撿起了鞋。許多女孩試穿這只鞋。但是它要么太大要么太小。最后灰姑娘試穿了它。它非常合適。王子找到了灰姑娘。他們開心極了。Unit 2 How do you come to sch

32、ool一、單詞。near 在附近metro 地鐵ship 輪船basket 籃子by 乘(汽車、火車等)taxi 出租車,的士train 火車city 城市;都市bus 公共汽車;大巴士bike 自行車ride 騎(車)on foot 步行plane 飛機show 給看二、詞組。1. live on Moon Street/ Sun Street 住在月街/日街2. like your/her/ their new home喜歡你的/她的/他們的新家3. near City Library 在市圖書館附近4. come to school by bus/taxi/metro乘公交車/出租車/地

33、鐵來學校5. come to school on foot=walk to school步行來學校6. talk about their features 談論其特點7. live near school 住在學校附近8. live far from school 住得離學校遠9. live in city 住在城市10. live in Sunshine Town住在陽光鎮(zhèn)11. through the trees 穿過樹林12. ride it in the park 在公園騎車13. want to show his bike to Sam 想展示他的自行車給薩姆14. dont thi

34、nk so 不這樣認為15. go to school/ work 去上學/去上班16. talk about public transport談論公共交通(工具)17. too young/old 太年輕/太老18. sit in the basket 坐在籃子里19. go to many cities 去很多城市20. far from 離遠21. get to the park 到達公園22. get there by train 乘火車到達那里23. liveon 住在(街道或樓層)24. livein 住在(國家,城市,鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)等)三、句型。1. How do you come to

35、school? 你們怎么來學校的?She and I come to school by bus. 她和我乘公交車來學校的。2. Do you like your new home? Yes! I like it very much, but its far from school. 你喜歡你的新家嗎? 是的!我非常喜歡它,但是它離學校很遠。3. Where do you live now? I live on Moon Street, near City Library. 你現(xiàn)在住在哪里? 我住在月街, 市圖書館附近。4. Why do you walk to school? Because

36、 I live near school. 為什么你步行來學校? 因為我住在學校附近。5. Su Hai and Su Yang live far from school. 蘇海和蘇陽住得離學校很遠。6. They come to school by bus. 他們乘公交車來學校。7. I live on Park Street. I come to school by taxi. 我住在公園街。我乘出租車來學校。8. Why do you come to school by taxi? Because my father is a taxi driver. 為什么你乘出租車來學校? 因為我的爸

37、爸是位出租車司機。9. Why does she come to school on foot? Because she lives near school. 為什么她步行來學校?因為她住在學校附近。10. He lives in Sunshine Town. She lives far from school. 她住在陽光鎮(zhèn)。她住得離學校很遠。11. Bobby has a new bike. He likes riding it in the park. 鮑比有一輛新自行車。他喜歡在公園騎車。12. Bobby wants to show his bike to Sam. 鮑比想展示他的自

38、行車給薩姆看。13. Bobbys dad does not think so. 鮑比的爸爸不這樣認為。14. How do you go to Beijing? I go to Beijing by plane. 你怎么去北京?我乘高鐵去北京。四、語法。(一)where開頭的特殊疑問句。1. 詢問某人住在哪里: Where do you live? I live in Wuxi. Where does she live? She lives in Wuxi. 2. 詢問某人要去哪里: Where do you want to go? I want to go to Nanjing. Wher

39、e does he want to go? He wants to go to Nanjing. 3. 詢問某人/某個物品在哪里: Where is she? She is in the zoo. Where are they? They are in the zoo. 回答時,用Its/Theyre我們常常要用到一些表示位置的介詞(in, under, behind, on, beside等),如: Its under the desk. Theyre on the desk. 也可以直接說出位于何處,如:On the desk. 在桌上。(二)how開頭的特殊疑問句。詢問交通方式: How

40、 do you come to school? (I come to school) By bus. How does she go to the supermarket? (He goes to the supermarket) By bike. 詢問身體狀況: How is your mother? Shes fine. 詢問年齡: How old is your grandpa? Hes sixty. 詢問某事或某人如何:How is the bike?五、寫作園地。同學們, 學習了本單元你一定能夠描述一下你的家在哪里, 并且告訴我們你怎樣去上學, 你的爸爸、媽媽怎樣去上班了?,F(xiàn)在就請你

41、寫一寫吧?!緦懽髦笇А孔魑慕Y構展示可能用到的詞匯和句子開頭: 介紹家的位置。on Red Star Street, near, far from, My home is near. . . My home is far from. . . 中間:介紹自己如何去上學, 父母怎樣去上班。on foot, by bus, by bike, by car, I usually go to school on foot. Sometimes I go to school by. . . My father goes to work by. . . My mother goes to work by. .

42、 . 結尾:對讀者提出疑問。What about you? Wheres your home?How do you go to school?【參考范文】My new homeMy new home is on Red Star Street. It is near my school. I usually go to school on foot. But sometimes I get up too late. I go to school by taxi. My mother is a nurse. My father is a doctor. They work in the same

43、 hospital. The hospital is far from my home. My father has a car. He drives to work every day. How does my mother go to work? Guess, please. 【范文翻譯】我的新家我的新家在紅星街。它在我的學校附近。我通常步行上學。但是有時我起床太晚了, 我就乘出租車去上學。我的媽媽是一名護土, 我的爸爸是一名醫(yī)生, 他們在同一所醫(yī)院工作。醫(yī)院離我家很遠, 我的爸爸有一輛小汽車, 他每天開車去上班, 我的媽媽怎樣去上班呢?請你猜一猜。Unit 3 Asking the wa

44、y一、單詞。take 乘(汽車等)along 沿著, 順著zoo 動物園over 結束了,完walk 走,步行cinema 電影院supermarket 超市bookshop 書店hospital 醫(yī)院stop 車站street 街道shop 商店full 滿的,飽的二、詞組。1. want/would like to visit Su Hais new home想拜訪蘇海的新家2. get to your home 到達你家3. take the metro 乘地鐵4. get on the metro at Park Station 在公園站上地鐵5. get off at City Li

45、brary Station在市圖書館站下車6. walk to Moon Street步行去月街7. next to it 靠著它,在它隔壁8. come out from 從出來9. cannot find the bookshop 找不到書店10. ask a policeman for help 向警察尋求幫助11. go along this street 沿著這條街走12. turn right at the traffic lights在交通燈處右轉13. go along Moon Street沿著月街走14. on your right/left 在你的右邊/左邊15. get

46、 off the metro 下地鐵16. get to the hospital 到達醫(yī)院17. turn left 向左轉18. in the shoe shop 在鞋店19. like shiny shoes 喜歡發(fā)光的鞋20. know which to choose 知道選哪個/些21. in the US在美國22. want to see a new film 想看一場新電影23. want to go to City Cinema 想去市影院24. wait for the bus at the bus stop在公交站等公交車25. get in a taxi 上了出租車26

47、. too many cars in the street 街上有太多的車27. be over 結束28. name some places in the city 說出城市里一些地方的名字29. ask and give the way 問路和指路30. next to 在旁邊31. ask the way 問路33. get to 到達34. get on 上(車)35. get off 下(車)36. turn right 向右轉37. traffic light 交通燈38. on your right 在你的右側39. ask sb. to do sth. 請某人做某事40. as

48、k for help 向求助41. ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物三、句型。1. She wants to visit Su Hais new home. 她想拜訪蘇海的新家。2. How do I get to your home? You can take the metro. You can get on the metro atand get off(the metro)at. . . . 我怎么才能到達你家呢?你可以乘地鐵。你可以在上地鐵,在下地鐵。3. Theres a bookshop on the street. 在街上有個書店。4. She cannot fi

49、nd the bookshop. 她找不到書店5. My home is next to it. 我家在它隔壁. 6. She comes out from. . . . She is on Sun Street. 她從. 出來, 她在日街上。7. She asks a policeman for help. 她向警察尋求幫助。8. Excuse me, how do I get to the bookshop on Moon Street? 打擾一下,我怎么可以到達月街的書店? 9. Go along this street. Turn right at the traffic lights

50、 沿著這條街走。在交通燈處右轉。10. Then, go along Moon Street. You can see the bookshop on your right. 然后,沿著月街走。在你的右邊,會看到書店。11. How does she get to Su Hais home? 她怎么到達蘇海的家?12. She is in the shoe shop. She likes shiny shoes. 她在鞋店里。他喜歡發(fā)光的鞋子。13. There are so many shoes in. 在里有這么多的鞋子。14. She doesnt know which to choos

51、e. 她不知道選哪一個(些)。15. She wants to see a new film. 他想去看新電影。16. She wants to go to City Cinema. 她想去城市影院。17. They wait for the bus at the bus stop. 他們在公交站等公交車。18. They get in a taxi. 他們上了出租車。19. There are too many cars in the street. 街上有太多的小汽車。20. They get to the cinema by metro, but the film is over. 他們

52、乘地鐵到了電影院,但是電影已經結束了。21. How do you get to these places from your school? 從你的學校怎么到達這些地方?四、語法。1. 名詞所有格的用法。在有生命的名詞后可以直接加s,構成所有格。如: Su Hais twin sister蘇海的雙胞胎妹妹以s結尾的復數(shù)名詞,只要加:如:Teachers Day教師節(jié) the twins parents復數(shù)名詞如果不以s結尾,則在詞尾加s; 如:Childrens Day兒童節(jié)表示幾個人共有的東西,只在最后一個人的名字上加s;如:Jim and Toms father; 吉姆和湯姆的爸爸(兩個人一個爸爸)如果是分別擁有就要在每個名字上都要加上所有格。如:Jims and Toms car 吉姆和湯姆的汽車(每個人都有一輛汽車)表示無生命的東西的所屬,則要用到“of+名詞”結構。如“我臥室的門”: 如:the door of my bedroom 我的臥室的門 the weather of Shanghai 上海的天氣the colour of her skirt 她的短裙的顏色 a photo of his family 他的一張全家福2. 動副結構與動介結構的詞組。(1)put on ,ta


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