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1、 表示將要發(fā)生的動作或存在表示將要發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)及打算、計(jì)劃或準(zhǔn)備做某事。的狀態(tài)及打算、計(jì)劃或準(zhǔn)備做某事。tomorrow ,the day after tomorrow(后天后天)soon(不不久久),next( week/Sunday /month /year),this (morning/evening),in a week(一周后一周后)be going to + 動詞原形動詞原形1.肯定句:主語主語bebegoing togoing to動詞動詞原形原形其它其它. .2.否定句:主語主語bebenotnot going togoing to動詞動詞原形原形其它其它.3.一般疑

2、問句:B Be主語主語going togoing to動詞動詞原形原形其它?其它?4.特殊疑問句:疑問詞疑問詞be主語主語going togoing to動詞動詞原形原形其它?其它?肯定句:主語主語bebegoing togoing to動詞動詞原形原形其它其它. .A. 表示表示“打算打算”、“準(zhǔn)備準(zhǔn)備”在最近做某事。在最近做某事。 I am going to put it on the floor. She is going to learn English tomorrow. B. 表示按計(jì)劃、安排將要發(fā)生的事:表示按計(jì)劃、安排將要發(fā)生的事: The meeting is going t

3、o begin at nine. Where are you going to build the road? C. 表示預(yù)言一件事即將發(fā)生:表示預(yù)言一件事即將發(fā)生: Its going to rain! Im not feeling well,Im going to be ill. 否定句主語主語bebenotnot going togoing to動詞動詞原形原形其其它它.在在be動詞后面加上動詞后面加上not George is not going to visit his mother. I am not going to work now. She is not going to l

4、earn English by TV.一般疑問句:B Be主語主語going togoing to動詞動詞原形原形其它?其它?肯定肯定回答Yes,Yes,主語主語+ +be 否定否定回答No,No,主語主語+ +benot注意:將be動詞提至句首,some變any I am going to work tomorrow.Are you going to work tomorrow? She is going to learn English by TV.Is she going to learn English by TV? 特殊疑問句:疑問詞疑問詞be主語主語going togoing to

5、動詞動詞原形原形其它?其它?1、問人用、問人用Who I m going to New York soon. Whos going to New York soon? 特殊疑問句:2、問干什么用、問干什么用What doMy father is going to watch football match with me this afternoon. What is your father going to do with you this afternoon?特殊疑問句:3、問什么時候用、問什么時候用WhenShes going to go to bed at nine. When is s

6、he going to bed? 用所給詞語的適當(dāng)形式填空。用所給詞語的適當(dāng)形式填空。 1Jim and Li Lei _ _(watch)the football match this evening 2_ she _ (have)a Chinese lesson tomorrow? 3What _you _(do)tomorrow morning? I _ (see)my grandparents 4_ they_(go)fishing this Friday afternoon? are going to watchIsgoing to havearegoing to doam going to seeAregoing to go1.We are going to play soccer next Saturday.(變一般疑問句并作否定回答) Are you going to play soccer next Saturday? No,we arent 2.Hes going to tell me all about it(變否定句) He is not going to tell me all about it 3.3.She is going to work


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