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1、;.Unit OneInvitationsTeaching ObjectiveIn "Talking Face to Face", learn how to invite friends to attend a party or a dance in oral English.In "Being All Ears", students will fine tune their listening and comprehension skills through exercises relating to inviting people out. In &

2、quot;Maintaining a Sharp Eye", students will learn how foreign people deal with invitations, when one wants to accept or does not accept. In "Trying Your Hand", get some practical experience and writing a invitation and a reply to the invitation one gets.Teaching ProceduresSection I T

3、alking Face to Face1.Warm- up:Patterns and expressions for talking about invitations: Id like to invite you to dinner.我想請你吃晚飯。  Why dont you come and join us for disco?你為什么不和我們一起跳迪斯科? Its very kind of you to invite me.謝謝你邀請我。  How nice of you! Many thanks.你真好!多謝。  Id love to

4、. That would be great.我很愿意去。太好了!  Oh, dear, Im afraid Im busy tonight. Perhaps tomorrow evening? 哦,親愛的,今晚我很忙。明晚也許可以吧?  Could you make it another time, perhaps next Sunday?你能改個時間嗎,下個星期天怎樣?  Its very kind of you, but you see Ill have to prepare for my exam. 非常感謝,可你知道我得準(zhǔn)備考試。  Im sor

5、ry I cant, but thank you all the same.真抱歉,我不能去??蛇€是要謝謝你。  2. Introduction of the samples of invitation cards and letters3. Practice the two dialogues in Follow the Samples4. Practice dialogues according to the given tasks 5. ExercisesSection II Being All EarsSee the textbook.Section III Maintain

6、ing a Sharp EyePassage I Are You Really Being Invited?Text-Related Information The customs of inviting friends vary from country to country. Generally speaking, on formal occasions, the invitation is usually made well in advance. But as for some informal cases, the invitation is usually made orally.

7、 To either of these two invitations, the person being invited should give a clear reply whether the invitation is accepted or not.  Text ExplanationPara. 1 If someone asks if you are free at a certain time and invites you to an event, you are not required to commit yourself until you know what

8、the invitation is for. For example, if you say that youre free and the invitation turns out to be something youd hate to do (a trip to a local sight youve seen ten times), then you will be in a position to take back your acceptance or invent an excuse later. If this happens, tell the person who invi

9、tes you that you have to check and that youll tell him or her later. If an invitation must be refused, most people expect a reason. The following sequence would be appropriate: apology, reason for refusal, thanks for the invitation.Language Points: 1. Explanation of Difficult Sentences1) ., you are

10、not required to commit yourself until you know what the invitation is for.  Analysis: The sentence pattern not. until. means not before a particular time or event.  Translation: 在你尚未弄清楚邀請的具體內(nèi)容之前,你沒有必要答應(yīng)一定參加。Example: Once he starts a job he wont stop until its finished.  Dont move unti

11、l I tell you.  2) For example, if you say that youre free and the invitation turns out to be something youd hate to do, then youll be in a position to take back your acceptance or invent an excuse later. Analysis: Youd hate to do is a relative clause used to modify something. Be in a position c

12、an take either an infinitive clause or an of-V-ing phrase, thus be in a position of having to take back. can be also rewritten as be in a position to take back . Translation: 比如說,如果你說有空,而邀請參加的卻是你不愿意做的事 (到你已經(jīng)去過10次的當(dāng)?shù)鼐包c旅游), 那么你就可以回絕邀請,或者以后再編一個借口。 Example: If you list a few priorities, then you will be

13、 in a position to do things in the right order of priority.  2. Important Words1) commit v. entrust, hand over, make oneself responsible 使承擔(dān)(保證),使作出保證;把交托給  e.g. I think I can come tonight but I wont commit myself till I know for sure.  If you want to be an actor you have to really co

14、mmit yourself to it.  The government claimed to commit itself to improving health care.  The president said that once he had committed to this course of action there was no going back.  2) invent v. discover and create something new 發(fā)明,設(shè)計, 編造e.g. :The fax is arguably the most useful m

15、achine to have been invented since the telephone. I didn't invent the story. Everything I told you is true. 3) appropriate a. proper, suitable 合適的,恰當(dāng)?shù)? e.g. I didnt think his comments were very appropriate at the time.  Ive been invited to her wedding but I havent got anything appropri

16、ate to wear.  Her remarks were considerate and very appropriate to the situation.  Para. 2 When someone asks you to his or her home, it is very clear who is the guest and who is the host, but invitations to restaurants for lunch, dinner, coffee, a drink, etc., sometimes present problems, a

17、nd the customs vary in different parts of the United States. Para. 3 In many instances it is the inviter who pays, as one would expect, but in some instances each one pays his or her own check: You “go Dutch.” This is often the case with friends in informal situations, such as “Lets go and get a bee

18、r” or “Want a cup of coffee?” In some parts of the country, however, some people like to entertain friends by taking them to a restaurant for dinner instead of having dinner at home. In this case the host expects to pay and the guest may offer to leave the tip, which may be declined by the host. (If

19、 so, just let the matter drop.) If the invitation is expressed in fairly casual terms, such as “Lets go to (name of a restaurant) for dinner,” it may be more of a suggestion than an invitation, so you should be prepared to pay your part of the bill.  Language Points: 1. Explanation of Difficult

20、 Sentences1) In many instances it is the inviter who pays.Analysis: This emphatic sentence takes the structure of “it iswho/that”Translation: 在許多情況下,應(yīng)由邀請人付帳單。Example: It was my uncle who sent me the parcel.2) it may be more of a suggestion than an invitationAnalysis: Pay attention the pattern, it is

21、 more ofthan (與其說不如說)Translation: 這樣說更像是建議,而不是邀請Example: Shes more of a singer than a musician.2. Important Words1) instance n. certain situation, circumstance or occasion, case or example 情況,情形,事例 e.g. There have been several recent instances of planes taking off without adequate safety checks. 

22、60;I dont usually side with the management, but in this instance I agree with what theyre saying. In the local industry, for instance, 5 000 jobs are being lost.  2) casual a. informal, not very serious 隨便的,隨意的,非正式的   e.g. It was just a casual comment, I didnt mean it to be taken so seriou

23、sly.   For some people casual clothes mean a shapeless T-shirt and old jeans.  Security around the conference hotel seemed almost casual.  Para. 4If you want to invite someone for a meal at a restaurant, be explicit: “Id like to take you to”Americans should be explicit also, but

24、they often assume you know the local customs in the matter. Ask a friends advice if you are not sure. Language Points: 1. Important Words1) explicit a. clear, definite 清楚的,直率的   e.g. Sheila shouldn't get lost because I gave her very explicit directions how to get there.  She was very e

25、xplicit about what she thought was wrong with the plans. Para.5There are also phrases that sound like invitations but in fact are not. People may say things like: “Well have to get together sometime”or “Youll have to come over and visit us sometime.” You can identify such non-invitations by their ge

26、nerality there is no specific time mentioned, and the word “sometime” is often used. They are often ritual expressions of parting. On these occasions you could respond: “Yes, that would be nice,” or “Id love to”, or something similar, and then let the subject drop. If they do not call you, you could

27、 always invite them for some occasion. Language Points: 1. Important Words1) drop v. fall down, give up, lower 滴,落,下降,變?nèi)? 中斷  e.g. The book dropped from the shelf.  She dropped the tray with a crash.  Drop your voices shes in the next room!  The temperature drops at night.  

28、Prices have dropped since there has been more competition between suppliers.  Can you drop what youre doing and help me with this report?  I dont want to talk about it any more lets drop the subject.  ExercisesSee the textbook.Passage II An Invitation Letter Text-Related Information T

29、his is an informal invitation letter between friends. The tone of this letter is casual. The language is not so formal. This kind of informal invitation letter is often in the third person. For example, “in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay i

30、n England.” “and it would be nice if you could come then, too.” But a formal invitation card is usually written in the third person.Text ExplanationPara. 1 10 November 2002My dear Michael,   It seems ages since we heard from you and even longer since you went to work in China. But recently we h

31、appened to bump into Charlie Wright at a party, and from him we learnt that you and Lucia will be coming to England over the Christmas holidays. So I am writing straightaway to make sure this reaches you well before you leave Shanghai in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few

32、days with us during your stay in England.  Language Points: 1. Explanation of Difficult Sentences1) It seems ages since we heard from youAnalysis: It seems ages since. means “it seems a long time since.”  Translation: 似乎很長時間沒有收到你的信了。 Example: It seems ages since I saw you in Shanghai. 

33、0;2) So I am writing straightaway to make sure this reaches you well before you leave Shanghai in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England.   Analysis: To make sure is an adverbial of purpose, and in the hope, a prepositional phrase

34、used also as an adverbial of purpose.   Translation: 所以我馬上寫信,好讓你在離開上海之前肯定收到這封信 希望你們倆能在英格蘭逗留期間和我們一起住幾天。 Example: I am sending this card to you today to make sure you receive it before the Christmas Day. 2. Important Words1) bump into meet somebody by chance 偶然碰到, 偶然遇到  e.g. We bumped into K

35、ate when we were in London last week.  She bumped into his tray, knocking the food onto his lap.  2) straightaway ad. do without delay, especially it has to be done urgently 馬上,立刻  e.g. Ill come around straightaway with the files. Wed better start work straightaway. Para. 2

36、I am still teaching English Literature in a university and I am getting well along with my colleagues. I also have some Chinese students here, who are very friendly and intelligent.Language Points: 1. Important Words1) colleague n. someone that you work with 同事  e.g. Id like you to meet a colle

37、ague of mine, Jean Michael.  He was never particularly popular with his colleagues.  Para. 3 I imagine you will be spending Christmas with your parents, but surely you will have some time after that before your Christmas holidays end. We shall be having two other friends of ours staying wi

38、th us over the New Year weekend, and it would be nice if you could come then, too. Mike and Rosa Griffiths are old friends and a very nice couple; Im sure you will like them. They used to live in China, too, so we shall have something in common. And if we get some decent weather, we might all go off

39、 one day and visit the Carters Im sure we can get Uncle Arthur to lend us his minibus.  Language Points: 1. Explanation of Difficult Sentences1) I imagine you will be spending Christmas itself with your parents, but surely you will have some time after that before your Christmas holidays end. A

40、nalysis: Surely is used to express that someone is certain or almost certain about something. Translation: 我猜想你將在你的父母家過圣誕節(jié), 但肯定在你的圣誕節(jié)假日結(jié)束之前還會有一些時間。 Example:  These children surely deserve something better than a life on the streets.  2. Important Words1) decent a. of a good enough quality

41、or standard 得體的,像樣的,體面的  e.g. I want to provide my boys with a decent education.  There isnt one decent restaurant around.  Para. 4Theres not a great deal to report from our end. Mary is well and still enjoying her school teaching (at least, I think so); the children are growing up at

42、 a terrifying rate; I am still working for Sandersons and liking it well enough though occasionally pining for the footloose days of long ago. But lets hope you will soon be here to see for yourselves and help us see the New Year in!  Language Points: 1. Explanation of Difficult Sentences1) I a

43、m still working for Sandersons and liking it well enough though occasionally pining for the footloose days of long ago. Analysis: Sandersons here refers to Sandersons company; though is introducing aparticiple clause pining for . and serving as the adverbial of concession. Translation: 我還在桑德森公司工作,而且

44、工作很稱心 雖然偶爾我也渴望從前自由自在日子。   Example: They are working happily with Kents, though sometimes pining for the footloose school days.  2. Important Words1) terrify v. frighten someone severely 威脅,恐嚇  e.g. We terrified the girls with spooky stories.  He terrified her by jumping out at he

45、r from a dark alley.  2) pine for v. strongly desire (esp. something which is difficult or impossible toobtain) 渴望  e.g. Its at this time of year that I start to pine for the snow-topped mountains.  As a young girl, I always used to pine for a more glamorous existence.  Para.5 Id

46、 better stop here now; Im supposed to be spending this evening writing Christmas cards.  Write or phone as soon as you can and come! Love from us all! Yours ever, Richard ExercisesSee the textbook.Section V Trying Your HandApplied WritingInvitation Cards and Declining Letters 1Expressions for E

47、xtending an InvitationWould you like to ? 您愿意嗎?Id like to invite you to 我想邀請你參加?I would like to know if you could come to ? 我想知道你是否能來May I invite you to ? 敬請光臨Would it be possible to join us for? 請問你是否能光臨?Would it be convenient to take part in ? 請問你是否方便參加?I was wondering if you would be interested i

48、n ? 不知你是否有興趣參加?2Expressions for Accepting an InvitationThank you. Ill be happy to come. 謝謝我很高興接受你的邀請Id love to. That would be great. 我很愿意去太好了Thank you for invitation. 謝謝你的邀請Id be glad to come. 我很高興前往3Expressions for Declining an InvitationId  love to, but I cant come. 我很想?yún)⒓樱遣荒軄鞹hank you for y

49、our invitation, but I dont think I can make it.  感謝你的邀請,但我恐怕不能赴約Unfortunately, Im already busy that day. 很遺憾,我那天事情太多了Its very kind of you, but you see Ill have to prepare for my exam. 非常感謝,可你知道我得準(zhǔn)備考試。 Im sorry I cant, but thank you all the same. 真抱歉,我不能去??蛇€是要謝謝你。 Could you make it another time,


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