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1、Module 8 Time offUnit 1 1.It' s so quiet here that I can even hear the birds singing!這里這么安靜,以至于我甚至能聽見鳥兒在唱歌! so.that.引導結果狀語從句,意為“如此,·以至于.”,so后應接形容詞或副詞。 This book is so interesting that everyone in our class wants to read it.這本書是如此有趣以至于我們班每個人都想看。He did so well that the workers all spoke highl

2、y of him.他干得如此出色,以至于工人們都稱贊他?!就卣埂吭趕o.that.結構中,當主句和從句的主語一致,但主句是肯定句,從句是否定句時,可簡化成 enough to do sth.或too. to do sth.結構。與 enough to do sth.轉換時,形容詞或副詞應變?yōu)榕c之意義相反的詞,且前面用否定形式。 He is so young that he can' t go to school. =He is too young to go to school. =He is not old enough to go to school.他還沒到上學的年齡。 hear

3、 sb. doing sth.聽到某人正在做某事,表示聽到動作正在進行丁。I hear her crying in the room.我聽到她在房間里哭?!就卣埂?1) hear sh. do sth.聽到某人做某事,表示聽到動作已經(jīng)完成或經(jīng)常發(fā)生。She often hears her father play the violin.她經(jīng)常聽到父親拉小提琴 (2)用法類似的結構有:see/ watch sb. do sth.看到某人做某事;see/ watch sb. doing sth.看到某人正在做某事。 例3 Jim is always so busy he has little tim

4、e for his family. A. if B. until C. that D. which例4 同義句轉換 The box is so heavy that we can' t carry It. The box is heavy for us carry例5 When I came in, I heard the baby (cry). 2. I can hardly believe were in the city center. 我?guī)缀醪幌嘈盼覀兪窃谑兄行摹?hardly adv.幾乎不,幾乎沒。 I'm so tired. I can hardly walk!

5、我太累了。我?guī)缀醪荒茏吡? It was dark. We could hardly see anything.天黑了。我們幾乎什么也看不到。 hard, hardly hard和 hardly用作副詞時,意義完全不同: ()hard努力地,刻苦地,在句中作狀語,常修飾動詞work, study等,表示肯定意義。 Study hard, and you will catch up with others.刻苦學習,你就會趕上別人的。 (2) hardly簡直不,幾乎沒有,在句中修飾動詞,表示否定意義,是一個否定副詞,含有 hardly的句子常為否定句 There is hardly water

6、 in the river.河里幾乎沒水了。 He could hardly believe his own eyes.他簡直不能相信他自己的眼睛 例6.Did you go to the cinema last go to the cinema. -Oh no, I go to the cinema. The tickets, you know, are too expensive. A. always B hardly C. usually D. often 3. Then I can point out the sights of Beijing for you.然后我能為你們指出北京的

7、景點。point out表示的是給某人指示方向、要點或錯誤等,意為“指出”,Out是副詞。Will you please point out the man who saved the boy's life?請你指出那個救了男孩性命的男人好嗎?【拓展】(1) point at習慣上表示指向離說話人較近的事物,意為“指著”,at是介詞,著重于指的對象 The teacher pointed at the blackboard and said, "You must look carefully. 老師指著黑板說:“你們必須看仔細”。(2) point to多用來表示指向離說話人

8、較遠的事物,意為“指向”,to也是介詞,著重于指的方向。 As he started the operation, the hour hand of the clock pointed to9.他開始手術時,時針指向九點。 例10 根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子(1) 老師指出了我家庭作業(yè)里的許多錯誤。 The teacher many mistakes in my homework(2)他指向河對岸的房子說:“那是我家”。 He the house on the other side of the river and said, "that's my home 4.ldon'

9、 t think they allow people to swim in the lake。我認為他們不允許人們在湖里游泳。 allow的用法(1) allow sb. to do sth.意為“允許某人做某事”。 My mother allows me to play football at weekends.我媽媽允許我周末踢足球。(2) be allowed to do sth.意為“被允許干某事”。 The children are allowed to play on the playground between lessons.允許孩子們課間在操場玩。(3) allow doin

10、g sth.意為“允許干某事”。 They allow smoking here.他們允許在這里抽煙。 allow. let 兩者都表示“讓,允許”,但 allow后可以直接跟動名詞形式。跟動詞不定式短語作賓語補足語時,let后省略to, allow后不省略。They don t allow taking photos in the museum.他們不允許在博物館里拍照。 They won't allow him to leave the country. = They won' t let him leave the country.他們不會讓他離開這個國家。例12根據(jù)漢語

11、意思完成句子(1)我們不允許學生在河里游泳。 We don't in the river. (2我們不允許在這兒游泳。 We don't here. 5.Let' s not waste any more time.我們不要再浪費時間了。 let sb. do sth.意為“讓某人干某事”; let sb. not do sth.意為“讓某人不要干某事”,否定詞否定的是后面的不定式Grandparents let me not play football in the street.我祖父母不讓我在街上踢足球。waste為動詞,意為“浪費Dont waste water

12、.不要浪費水?!就卣埂?1) waste time/ money on sth.意為“在上浪費時間/金錢”。The girl wastes too much money on clothes every year.這個女孩每年在衣服上浪費太多錢。(3) waste time/ money(in) doing sth.意為“在干某事上浪費時間/金錢”。My mother tells me not to waste too much time in playing computer game.我媽媽告訴我不要浪費太多時間玩電腦游戲。 例15. My teacher lets me (not sit

13、) down. 例16根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子不要在這個問題上浪費時間了。 Dont the problem. 針對性訓練I.根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子1.歡迎來到我們村子。 our village.2.這本書很有趣,人人都想看看。 This book is everyone wants to read it.3.我聽見她正在房間里唱歌。I in the room.4.埃及以巨大的金字塔聞名。 Egypt its grand pyramids.5.你能在這幅地圖上指出它來嗎? Could you please on this map.6.請允許我給你打這個電話。 Please you.7.你能大點聲說嗎

14、?我?guī)缀趼牪灰姟?Could you speak ? I can hear you.單項填空 8. A British high school is going to allow students (start)lessons in the afternoon.9. Prince George is lovely that many people like him very much.10. There is a bird the top of the tree.11. Why not (has)a picnic in the park this weekend? 12. Please let

15、 the girl not (leave) the house alone13. We mustn't waste time in (have) meeting. Unit 2 1 promised to write,so.我答應寫信,所以 promise to do sth.許諾做某事。 He promised to write soon.他許諾很快寫信。固定搭配·(1) promise not to do sth.許諾不做某事。 You must promise not to mention it.你必須答應不提及此事。 (2)“ promise+that 從句”意為“許

16、諾 They promised us that they would come.他們答應我們一定會來。 (3) promise sb.sth.(= promise sth.tosb.)許諾某人某物。 I cant give you the book; I've promised it to Susan.我不能把這本書給你,我已經(jīng)答應把它給蘇珊了【拓展】 promise還可以作名詞,意為“諾言”,make/keep/ break a promise許諾/保守諾言/違背諾言。例根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子(1) 他答應要幫助我們。He us. (2)她保證要盡力幫助他。 She her best

17、to help him.2. Some of them look like humans while others look like wild animals.它們中一些看起來像人,而另一些看起來像野生動物。look like看起來像。 The painting doesn't look like her.這幅畫不像她【拓展】 What does sb. look like.?用來提問某人的外貌。What does your friend look like?你朋友看起來什么樣?She' s tall with long hair.她高高的個子,留著長發(fā)。It looks l

18、ike rain.像是要下雨的樣子while為連詞,意為“然而”,表示對比。 He likes playing football while his brother likes playing the piano.他喜歡踢足球,然而他弟弟喜歡彈鋼琴?!就卣埂?1) while為連詞,意為“當.·的時候”,引導時間狀語從句。 A man fell off the tree while I am walking around the lake.當我正在湖邊散步的時候,一個男人從樹上掉下來。(2) while為連詞,意為“與.同時”。 I am watching TV while my m

19、other is cooking in the kitchen.我正在看電視,與此同時,我媽媽正在廚房里做飯。 例2 That mountain in Guilin an elephant. -So it does, it's amazing! A looks up B. looks like C. looks for D. looks after 例3 Daming is doing his homework while his father (read) a newspaper. 3. Tomorrow were going to Dongting Lake, the second

20、-largest freshwater lake inChina.明天我們要去洞庭湖,中國第二大淡水湖。the second-largest意為“第二大”,其結構為:“the+序數(shù)詞+形容詞最高級”,意為“第幾fthe+形容詞最高級”表示“最·之一?!?The Changjiang River1 s one of the longest rivers in China.長江是中國最長的河流之一。例7-It' s one of the things in the world to stay with friends.- I agree. It always makes us r

21、elaxed. A worst B happiest C. busiest D. hardest 針對性訓練1. 用方框中所給詞(組)的適當形式填空 look like, wish, wake up 1. He is sleeping. Don t him .2. The little girl her mother.3. She herself a million miles away.單項填空 4. They promised (finish) before Friday.5.-What does Kylie look like? - A. She is a little shy B. S

22、he is tall C. She likes dancing D. She is a musician6. Did your mother this mornig.A wake up B wake you up C. wake up me D. wake up you .根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子 7.這里很冷,然而蘇格蘭更冷。 It's cold here its even in Scotland.8.他非常激動,走來走去 He was very and .9.這是公園里最高的樹之一。 This is trees in the park.Unit 3 1. he almost got l

23、ost in the forest,.他幾乎在森林中迷路了。 get lost意為“迷路”,相當于 lose one' s way. get在此作連系動詞,與形容詞化了的過去分詞lost連用,構成系表結構,表示狀態(tài)的變化(即動作的結果),其中get表示從一種狀態(tài)向另一種狀態(tài)過渡、變化的動作其含義相當于 become, begin to be或 come to be。We don' t want any of you to get lost.我們不想你們當中任何人迷路He went out and got drunk.他出去喝醉了酒。例1同義句轉換 They got lost i

24、n the mountains last Sunday. They in the mountains last Sunday. 2,not. any more不再 not, any more意為“不再”,相當于 no more,主要用來表示數(shù)量和程度,指某動作不再重復發(fā)生, 所表達的是 never again或“沒有更多”的含義。The baby didn't cry any more. = The baby no more cried.這個嬰兒不再哭了。 He is not a student any more.=He is no more a student.他不再是學生了例2根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子我不在這里工作了 I here . 針對性訓練根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子1. 如果你沒有地圖,你很容易迷路。 If you don't have a map, you will easily. 2.請查一下誰打壞了窗戶。 Please who broke the window.3你不必再考慮此事了 You think about it . 模塊語法探究that引導的賓語從句 (一)賓語從句 賓語從句在句子中作動詞或介詞的賓語,但有時在I' m afraid.等句型中,可用于形容詞之后 He say that he will go back t


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