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1、中考沖刺二:完形填空技巧(提咼)I.真題演練。(2014杭州)通讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各題所給的四個選項( A B C和D)中選出一個 最佳選項。At a day Care Centrein Texas, JeSSiCa MCelUre WaS Play ing outside. JeSSiCa'S mother, 1WOrked at the day Care Cen tre, WaS WatCh ing her. SUdde nlyJeSSiCa 2 a nd disappeared. JeSSiCa ' S mother Cried and ran to her.

2、The well in the yard WaS Only eight inchesacross, and a rock alwayS 3 it.BUt ChiIdrenhad moved the rock. 4 JeSSiCa fell, She fell right into the Well.JeSSiCa ' S mother ran to a phone and called 911 for5. Men from the firedepartment arrived. They _6_that JeSSiCa WaS about 20 feet down in the Wel

3、l. Then they told JeSSiCa ' S Parents their 7.“ WeCan' t go down into the Well ” theysaid, "It ' S so small. ” So We are going to dig a hole 8 well. We ll dig down about 20 feet.Then we' ll dig a tunnel(通道)across to JeSSiCa. When We reach her,we' ll bring her through the tun

4、nel.Then we' ll bring her UP through our 9 . ”The men began to dig the hole On a Wednesday morning. Two days later, On Friday morning, they Were10 diggi ng. And JeSSiCa MCCIUre WaS still in the well.All over the world people Waited for n ews of JeSSiCa. They read about her inn ewspapers and WatC

5、hed her rescue(營救)On TV. EVery One_11_the little girl inthe well.At 8:00 p.m. On Friday, the men 12 reached JeSSiCa and brought her UP from the well. Then doctors rushed her to the hospital. JeSSiCa WaS badly injured butShe WaS still_13_.A doctor at the hospital said,“ JeSSiCa is lucky She isVery 14

6、 .She ' S not going to remember this Very well.”Maybe JeSSiCa will not remember her days in the well. BUt her Pare nts, herrescuers, and many Other people around the world will not forget15.After JeSSiCa ' S rescue, One of the rescuers made a metal cover for the well.On the cover he wrote,“

7、To JeSSiCa, With love from all of us.1. A. SheB. whoC. whomD. WhiCh2. A. fellB. sleptC. stoopedD. rose3. A. brokeB. hidC. COVeredD. opened4. A. BeCaUSeB. AlthoughC. IfD. When5. A. adviceB. moneyC. helpD.in formatio n6. A. PrOmiSedB. discoveredC. hopedD. agreed7. A. dreamB. StUdyC. lessOnD. pla n8. A

8、. next toB. along WithC. far fromD. out of9. A. wellB. tunnelC. holeD. yard10. A. stillB. alreadyC. alwaysD. almost11. A. looked afterB. WOrried aboutC. made friends WithD. Stayedaway from12. A. immediatelyB. usuallyC. quicklyD. fin ally13. A. alo neB. asleepC. aliveD .afraid14. A. youngB. popularC.

9、 CIeVerD. Pretty15. A. itB. themC. himD. US(2015濰坊)閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從A B、C D四個選項中選出最佳選項。HOme AlOne is a Very funny 1990 AmeriCan film. It tells a story about a boyWho is accide ntally left alone at home.One night 1 ChriStmaS , the MCAIiSter family meet at their home. They' repla nning to_2_to Pari

10、S for the Coming holiday and are busy gett ingready . 8-year-old KeVin is the youngest child and is fighting With his brothers,SiSterS and his cousins. When he goes to bed , he is so mad that he WiSheS all hisfamily would3. In the morning , everyOne WakeS UP Very4. They are allin a hurry to get to t

11、he airport , so they forget KeVinand he is left alone at home by accide ntAlthough KeVin is alone , he is Very happy at first . HiS terrible family has gone his5 has come true . He WatCheS TV, eats lots of fast food and plays games Hehas a good time . BUt later on, he goes out and hears two _6_men c

12、alled Harry and Mary pla nning to steal from his house. He goes home and pla ns some Very funny WaySto 7 them . ManythingSin the house get broke n as KeVin tries to stop them . Finally , the 8 come and the men are taken away.The house is now a mess,9 KeVin tidies it UP and WaitS for his Parents . Th

13、eyget back from PariS and are Very happy to find that KeVin is10.1 .A . beforeB .afterC .OnD .from2 .A . rideB .driveC .flyD.walk3 .A . run inB .come outC .fall dow nD.go away4 .A . earlyB .lateC .quicklyD.easily5. A. WiSh6. A. brave7. A. killB . planB. niceB. CatChC. PrOmiSeC. badC. PIeaSeD. orderD

14、. honestD . replace8. A. policeB . familyC. armyD . class9. A. orB . butC . soD . as10. A. activeB. quietC . freeD . SafeIl .完形綜合。ADiferentthings usually Stand for different feelings. Red, for example, is thecolor of fire,heat, blood and life. People Say red is an exciting and active color.They asso

15、ciate(使發(fā)生聯(lián)系)red With a Strong feeli ng like1. Red is USedfor Signs of2, SUCh as SToP Signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright,Warm color of_3_in autumn. People Say Orange is a4_ color. They associateOrange With happ in ess. Yellow is the color of 5. People Say it is a CheerfUIcolor. They associa

16、te yellow too, With happ in ess. Gree nis the cool color of grassin 6. People Say it is a refreshing color. In general, people7 twogroups of colors: Warm colors and cool colors. The Warm colors are red, Orange and 8. Where there are Warm color and a lot of light, people usually Wantto be 9. Those wh

17、o like to be With10 like red. The cool colorsare 11 and blue. Where are these colors, people are usually worried. SomeSCientists Say that time SeemS to _12moreslowly in aroom With Warmcolors.They SUggeSt that a Warm color is a good13 for a living room or a14.People who are havi ng a rest or are eati

18、 ng do not want time to PaSS quickly.15colors are better for some OffiCeS if the people working there Want time to PaSSquickly.1. A. SadnessB. angerC. adm ini Strati OnD.smile2. A. roadsB. WaySC.dangerD. PIaCeS3. A. la ndB. IeaVeSC. grassD.mountains4. A. livelyB. darkC. no isyD. frighte ning5. A. Pe

19、aSB. applesC. bananasD.tomatoes6. A. SUmmerB. SPri ngC. autu mnD.Win ter7. A. SPeakB. SayC. talk aboutD.tell8. A. gree nB. yellowC. WhiteD.gray9. A. calmB. SIeePyC. activeD. helpful10. A. the other11. A. gree nB. ano therB. redB. go byC. other OneC. golde nC. go offD. OtherSD. yellowD. go along12.A.

20、 go round13.A. OneB. WayC. factD. matter14.A. factoryB. CIaSSroomC. restaura ntD. hospital15.A. Differe ntB. CoolC. WarmD. AllBCharlie Came from a Poor village. HiS Parents had 1 money to Send him to school When he WaS young. The boy WaS Very sad. Mr. King lived next to him. He found the boy 2 and h

21、ad Pity On him and Ient some money to him. So the boy could go to school. He StUdied hard and 3 all his lessons. When he finiShedmiddleschool, the man in troduced him to his friend in the tow n. And he bega n to work.OnCe Mr. King WaS SeriOUSIy hurt in an accident. Dying, he asked CharIie to take Ca

22、re of his daughter, Sharon. The young man4a nd SeVeraI years later hemarried the girl. He loved her Very much and tried his best to make her happy. He often bought beautiful clothes and delicious food for her. He WaS good at cooking and he cooked_5for her. So She became Very fat and She felt it diff

23、icult towalk. And One day She found there WaS SOmeth ing wrong With her heart. Her husba nd WaS n' t at home and She had to go to6 at once. The doctors looked her overand told her7 eat meat, sugar, chocolate and thi ngs like these. She WaSafraid_8the doctor ' S words and wrote all the names

24、of the food On the paper.When She got home, She PUt the list On the table and9. When She retur nedhome that after noon,She found many kinds of food: meat, SUgar and chocolate in thekitche n. CharIie WaS busy10 there. AS Soon as he SaW her, he Said happily,“ I ' Ve bought all the food you like, d

25、ear!”1.A. noB. someC. muchD.enoUgh2.A. IazyB. CIeVerC. CarefUID. hard3.A. did well inB. WaS poor atC. WaS workingD. WaS goodfor4.A. WaS angryB. thought hardC. agreedD. SaidNo.5.A. a littleB. a fewC. manyD. a lot6.A. restB. sleepC. hospitalD. work7.A. shouldB. wouldC. toD. nOt toD. to teachD. ateD. W

26、riting8. A. to remember B. to forgetC. to CatCh9. A. sleptB. Went outC. cooked10. A. readingB. SeeingC. cookingCMr. Klein told the class that a new StUdent, IneZ would join them soon. He 1that IneZ WaS deaf. She“ talked ” With OtherS by USing Sign Ianguage. Mr. Kleinknew Sign Ianguage, and he decide

27、d to teach 2 StUdents so that they could also “talk ” With Inez.First, they learned to Sign the letters. Someletters Were hard to 3. OtherIetters, SUCh as C, Were easier because the ShaPe (形狀)of the hand WaS the Sameas the ShaPe of the letter.The 4 thing they learned WaS finger-spelling.They Signed

28、One Ietter afteranother to spell a word. They _5_With two-letter words SUCh as at and on. Then they spelled6 words.Fin ally, Mr. KIein ShOWed that7 One Sig n could be USed for a whole word.To make the Sig n for the word fine , a PerS On SPreadS out (張開)the fin gers On One hand,_8_the thumb (拇趾)to th

29、e CheSt (前胸),and moves the hand away from thechest. Signing is not just9 With the han ds. EXPreSSi OnSon the face arealso 10 . The StUdents learned to Sign a question mark by USing expressiOnSOnthe face.When IneZ first entered the CIaSSroom, She looked11. BUt the StUdentsSigned, “GoodmOrning, Inez.

30、” She gave the class a big smile and Signed back, “What a Won derful 12!”1. A. hopedB. SaidC. guessedD. thought2. A. hisB. myC. herD. our3. A. spellB. CheCkC. rememberD. Write4. A. firstB. onlyC. lastD. n ext5. A. metB. StartedC. agreedD. helped6. A. n ewerB. easierC. Ion gerD. nicer7. A. neverB. Pe

31、rhaPSC. stillD. just8. A. joi nsB. fixesC. touchesD. ties9. A. madeB.doneC. give nD. chosen10. A. importa ntB. differe ntC. difficultD. Stra nge11.A. SeriOUSB. SUrPriSedC. frighte nedD. n ervous12.A. welcomeB. Con gratulati OnC. PrOgreSSD. SUCCeSS答案與解析I. 真題演練。(2014 杭州)1. B。根據(jù)句意“在日間護理中心工作的杰西卡的媽媽在照看著她

32、”,本題考查關(guān)系代詞,結(jié)合此處選一個引導(dǎo)定語從句的連詞來修飾先行詞JeSSiCa ' S mother,所以用Who或Whom WhiCh的先行詞只能是物,故用BO2. A°fell摔倒;SIePt睡覺;StooPed彎腰;屈服;rose升起。根據(jù)下文的4 JeSSiCafell, She fell right into the well.可知杰西卡摔倒了。3. C。院子里的井直徑只有 8英寸,一塊巖石總是蓋在上面。broke打破;hid藏;CoVered覆蓋;OPened打開。根據(jù)下文的 but ChiIdren had moved the rock可知一塊巖石蓋著它。4.

33、 D。BeCaUSe因為;Although 盡管;If 如果;When當(dāng)?shù)臅r候。根據(jù)句意“當(dāng)她摔倒的時候,恰巧落到了井里”可知選DO5. CO advice建議;mo ney錢;help幫助;in formation信息。根據(jù)句意“杰西卡的媽媽沖到電話旁打 911請求幫助”可知選 Co6. Bo PrOmiSed許諾;discovered 發(fā)現(xiàn);hoped希望;agreed同意。根據(jù)句意“他們發(fā)現(xiàn)杰西卡在大約 20英尺的水井下”可知選Bo7. DO dream夢想;StUdy學(xué)習(xí);IeSSOn功課;plan計劃。根據(jù)下文消防員的話語可知:“他們告訴杰西卡父母他們的計劃”,故選D。8. A。ne

34、xt to 緊挨著;along With 一道,隨著;far from 離遠;OUt of 出于。根據(jù)句意“井口太小,我們將緊挨著水井再鑿個洞”可知選Ao9. CO well水井;tunnel隧道;hole洞;yard庭院。根據(jù)句意“當(dāng)我們到達杰茜卡 那兒的時候,然后我們將通過我們鑿的洞把她弄上來”。10. AO still 仍然;already 已經(jīng);always 一直;almost幾乎。根據(jù)句意“兩天后,也就是在星期五的上午,他們?nèi)匀辉谕诙础笨芍xAO11. BO looked after 照看;WOrried about 擔(dān)心;made friends With 和交朋友;Stayed

35、away from遠離。根據(jù)上文的“全世界的人都在關(guān)注杰西卡和她的營救直播”,故大家都在擔(dān)心井底下的她。12. D O immediately 立即;USUally 通常;quickly 快速地;fin ally最后。根據(jù)句意“在星期五的晚上 8點鐘,救援人員終于到達杰西卡處,并把她帶出了水井”,可知選Db13. C O alone獨自;asleep睡著的;alive 活的;afraid害怕的。根據(jù)句意“杰西卡傷得很嚴(yán)重,但是她仍然活著”可知選Co14. A o you ng年輕的;popular受歡迎的;CIeVer 聰明的;Pretty 漂亮的。根據(jù)句意“杰西卡很幸運,她年齡小,她將不會很

36、好的記著這件事”可知選Ao15. B。根據(jù)上文 Maybe JeSSiCa Will not remember her days in the WeIl 的 her days in the well ,“但是她的父母,哪些營救人員和世界上其他的許多人將不會忘記那些日子” 故用人稱代詞them代替her days 。(2015 濰坊)1. A。由下文“ for the comi ng holiday”可知,圣誕節(jié)前的一個晚上,MCAIiSter 家人在家聚會。before表示“在之前”,符合文意,故選AO2. Co ride意為“騎”;drive意為“駕駛”;fly意為“飛”;walk意為“走”

37、。由下文“ They are all in a hurry to get to the airport”可知,他們打算乘坐飛機去巴黎。故選CO3. DO run in 意為“跑進”;come out 意為“出來”;fall down意為“摔倒”;go away意為“離開,消失"。由上文“ fighting With his brothers , SiSter ' S and his cousins ” 可知,他希望所有的家人都離開,故選Db4. B o early意為“早,在早期”;late意為“遲,晚”;quickly意為“很快地”;easily 意為“容易地"。

38、由下文“They are all in a hurry to get to the airport”可知,早晨,每個人都起得非常晚,所以他們匆忙趕往機場,故選BO5. Ao WiSh意為“希望”;plan意為“計劃” ;PrOmiSe意為“承諾”;Order意為“訂 單”。根據(jù)上文“ he WiSheS all his family would ”及“ HiS terrible family has gone” 可知他的愿望成真了,故選 Ao6. Co brave意為“勇敢的”;nice意為“好的”;bad意為“壞的”;honest意為“誠實的”。由下文“ Harry and Mary pla

39、 nning to steal from his house”可知,他聽到兩個壞人要進他家偷東西,故選CO7. Bo kill意為“殺死”;CatCh意為“抓住”;PIeaSe意為“請,使高興”;replace意為“代替”。結(jié)合下文的描述可知,KeVin回家計劃了一些非常有趣的方式來抓他們,故選Bo8. A o police意為“警察”;family意為“家人”;army意為“軍隊”;class意為“同學(xué)”。句意為:最終,警察來了,把那兩個人帶走了,故選AO9. C??崭袂熬洹?The house is now a mess ”與后句“ KeVin tidies it UP and WaitS

40、for his Parents”之間存在因果關(guān)系。so意為“因此,所以",符合文意,故選Co10. Db active意為“積極的” ;quiet意為“安靜的” ;free意為“自由的,免費的”;Safe意為“安全的”。句意為:他們從巴黎回來,發(fā)現(xiàn)KeVin很安全非常高興。故選DbIl .完形綜合。A篇1. Bo根據(jù)上文的stro ng feel ing可知an ger最合乎文意。2. C。下文所列舉的例子 SToPSig ns和fireen gi nes都屬于危險信號,故選擇dan ger。3. B。根據(jù)常識,黃色應(yīng)是秋天樹葉的顏色,故應(yīng)選IeaVeS。4. A。下文提到人們把黃色

41、和幸福聯(lián)系起來,說明黃色是一個充滿生機的顏色,故選 lively 。5. C。由常識可知banana通常是黃色的。6. B。綠色是春季里草的顏色,故選SPring 。7. CO SPeak后面往往接某種語言作賓語;Say后面常接說話的內(nèi)容;tell的賓語一般 是人;talk about 意為"談?wù)摗薄?. B。根據(jù)上文對 yellow 的解釋,說明yellow 也屬于Warm color 。9. C。與下文喜歡冷色調(diào)的人相對應(yīng),再根據(jù)上文對各種暖色調(diào)的選擇,active合乎 文意為正確選項。10. Db OtherS 相當(dāng)于 Other people 意為"別的人” 。anOther 指"另一個” 。other One 不可單獨使用,the other one 指"另外的一個”。11


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