



1、三亞學(xué)院/Sanya University畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計(jì))開題報(bào)告審批表Approval Form for BA Thesis Proposal 專業(yè)/Major:_英語(旅業(yè)商務(wù))_ 填寫時(shí)間/Date: 2014 年/Year 11月/Month 15日/Day學(xué)生姓名/Student Name Li Shasha學(xué)號(hào)/Student No. 0900000000111指導(dǎo)教師姓名Supervisors NameJoseph Smith指導(dǎo)教師職稱/ 講師Supervisors Title Lecturer 題目(中文)Title (Chinese) 論中西文化差異對(duì)翻譯的影響題目(外文)

2、Title (English)The Influence of Western-Eastern Cultural Differences on Translation 選題背景與主題思想/ Background and central idea:The difference between eastern and western countries has been regarded as one of the most important topics of linguistic researches and such differences have been influencing th

3、e various aspects of peoples life. Translation is one of the activities that has been under the deep influence of cultural difference between eastern and western countries. Since translation involves both the target language and the original language, it requires a translator to master not only the

4、language but also the culture of the two country. Therefore, more and more researchers paid their attention to the researches about the difference between eastern and western culture. In this research, the influence of the cultural difference between eastern and western culture will be investigate f

5、rom the following three perspectives: the major differences between the Chinese and western culture, the resources of differences between Chinese and western culture and the strategies employed to cope with the cultural difference in translation. This research is of great significance for the transl

6、ators to improve their translating skills. Besides, this research will give other researchers some enlightenment on making researches on culture and translation. 論文體系、結(jié)構(gòu)/ Thesis organization and structure:In order to analyze the influence of cultural difference between China and western countries sy

7、stematically, this thesis will be divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction of the whole research. The second part is the introduction of cultural difference and difficulties in translation. In the third part, the cultural elements influence cultural differences are analyzed includ

8、ing geography, history, religion and view of life and value. The fourth part is the introduction of the measures taken in translation in order to avoid the misunderstanding caused by cultural differences, including foreignization, domestication, compromise and the method of literal translation toget

9、her with notes. The last part is the conclusion of this research. Following such steps, the research results are revealed step by steps. 1. Introduction1.1ResearchBackground1.2Research significance2. Literature Review 2.1 Previous Studies of Chinese-Western Cultural Differences 2.2 Previous Studies

10、about the Difficulties of Translation 2.3 Summary3. Reasons for the Differences between Chinese and Western Culture 3.1 Geography 3.1.1 Western: Coastal Land 3.1.2 China: Inland3.2History 3.2.1Influence of Capitalism 3.2.2 Influence of Feudalism3.3 Religion 3.3.1Christanity 3.3.2 Buddhism3.4 View of Value and Life 3.4.1 Individualism 3.4.2 Collectivism4. Measures Taken in Translation Aiming at Cultural Diversity4.1 The Strategy of Foreignization 4.2 The Strategy of Domestication 4.3 The methods of Compromise4.4 Literal Translation with notes 5. . Conclusion Refe


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