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1、大連工業(yè)大學本科畢業(yè)設計(論文)網(wǎng)上訂餐系統(tǒng)THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ONLINE MEAL ORDERING SYSTEM設計(論文)完成日期 2014 年 5 月 25日學 院: 信息科學與工程學院 專 業(yè): 網(wǎng)絡工程 學 生 姓 名: 班 級 學 號: 網(wǎng)絡101-18 指 導 教 師: 評 閱 教 師: 2014年 6 月ABSTRACTThis paper analyzes the system each function of the design, implementation process, clearly illustrates sy

2、stem design idea, system planning, etc. Software design part adopts the object-oriented software design method, using UML standard modeling and design for the main part of the system, adopts B/S structure, using MyEclipse10 development tools, combined with the Java programming language, Tomcat7.0 as

3、 a server, using JDBC to connect to the database, the struts 2 framework to jump between pages. Support system background using MySQL as a database server, dynamic, interactive online reservation system. System main function implements the administrator of food management, users' personal basic

4、information maintenance, order management, specials menu management; User registration personal basic information, retrieve password, the menu information query and order dishes; Menu login, query information, and evaluation of food function module. The realization of the system for order management

5、 work effectively and provide a convenient, improve the work efficiency. Keywords: B/S;MyEclipse 8.5; MySQL; JAVA; Strust2目 錄摘要IAbstractII引 言1第一章 項目概述21.1 現(xiàn)狀概述21.2 系統(tǒng)業(yè)務流程3第二章 系統(tǒng)需求分析52.1 需求陳述52.2 USE CASE建模62.2.1 定義參與者62.2.2 Use Case圖72.3系統(tǒng)功能描述9第三章 總體設計113.1 系統(tǒng)結構113.2 軟件架構113.2.1 架構設計目標123.2.2 軟件架構設計

6、123.2.3 軟件架構類圖18第四章 詳細設計194.1 系統(tǒng)交互圖194.1.1系統(tǒng)架構類交互圖194.1.2 參與者與模塊間的交互204.1.3 系統(tǒng)協(xié)作圖224.1.4 系統(tǒng)狀態(tài)圖234.1.5 系統(tǒng)活動描述244.2 業(yè)務邏輯對象類設計254.2.1 發(fā)現(xiàn)業(yè)務邏輯類254.2.2 業(yè)務邏輯對象類圖254.3 數(shù)據(jù)庫設計264.3.1 數(shù)據(jù)庫概念模型設計264.3.2 數(shù)據(jù)庫表結構設計274.4 開發(fā)環(huán)境的選擇294.4.1 系統(tǒng)開發(fā)工具29 4.4.2 數(shù)據(jù)庫的選擇294.4.3 系統(tǒng)網(wǎng)絡架構設計30第五章 編碼315.1 概述開發(fā)工具及源程序代碼315.2 源程序習慣說明325.3

7、 源程序代碼34第六章 測試386.1 測試原則及測試方法概述386.2 測試項目測試用例416.3 軟件測試結論446.3.1 軟件能力446.3.2 缺陷和限制456.3.3 建議456.3.4 測試評估及總結45第七章 結論46參考文獻47致謝48引 言隨著科學技術的進步,社會節(jié)奏越來越快,網(wǎng)絡的迅猛發(fā)展,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)信息技術已日益成為獲取信息的最佳方法。餐飲這一行業(yè)也面連著巨大的挑戰(zhàn),網(wǎng)上訂餐主要是針對工薪階層還有大學生這些特殊群體,白領們在中午時間或者晚上高峰時間就餐,由于時間的緊湊,不能很好地享受美味,所以網(wǎng)上訂餐,這樣既可以提前訂餐不浪費中午休息的時間,還可和同事加深感情,更可以每天換


9、在科學管理的具體實現(xiàn)方式和方法中,最有效率的工具就是應用餐飲管理軟件進行管理。將應用軟件用于現(xiàn)代的餐飲業(yè),解決了傳統(tǒng)的筆上記賬,統(tǒng)計,對于核算方式計費等費時費力的難題,這種方式既容易操作,又不會出錯誤,提高了餐飲業(yè)管理水平。第一章 項目概述1.1 現(xiàn)狀概述科學技術在不斷發(fā)展,計算網(wǎng)絡機通信行業(yè)讓人們?nèi)藗兊臏贤ㄔ絹碓奖憬?,使今天的社會進入了以計算機為核心的社會,網(wǎng)絡通信的出現(xiàn)給我們諸多方面帶來了無限的商機與便利(比方說餐飲業(yè));計算機與網(wǎng)絡的普及也使人們對web的設計和外觀要求越來越嚴格,完美而動感的畫面給人們更好的視覺感受,因此,網(wǎng)站作為一個企業(yè)的代表需要精心設計。餐飲業(yè)經(jīng)營者也就可以利用自己



12、生機,在眾多行業(yè)中立于不敗之地。1.2 系統(tǒng)業(yè)務流程經(jīng)過前期調(diào)研分析和綜合其它各方面相關理論知識,現(xiàn)歸納網(wǎng)上訂餐系統(tǒng)的業(yè)務流程如下:1 .用戶進入登錄頁面后,可以選擇是否注冊個人信息,如果選擇注冊,即可進入注冊信息界面,注冊個人信息,成為會員;如果選擇不注冊,則可進入非會員通道。2. 用戶注冊后,如果忘記密碼,可以找回個人密碼。3. 用戶成功登錄后,即可進入訂餐頁面,首頁顯示的是今日特價菜,用戶可以訂購特價菜,也可以選擇其他菜式進行訂購。4. 用戶選好菜式后,可將其加入購物車,完成訂單。5. 用戶可以對自己選購的或者未選購的菜品進行評價,可以增加其他用戶對菜式的了解。6. 管理員在后臺數(shù)據(jù)庫進

13、行菜品的添加加,修改和刪除,同時還可設定今日特價菜。同時管理員也對會員進行管理。根據(jù)以上總結出來的業(yè)務流程,結合在學校學習到的java web知識,經(jīng)過對需求調(diào)研的總結,給出網(wǎng)上訂餐系統(tǒng)的業(yè)務流程圖。業(yè)務流程圖用于描述現(xiàn)系統(tǒng)各項業(yè)務處理過程,并結合業(yè)務流程圖詳細、詳實地說明業(yè)務處理過程中數(shù)據(jù)的采集、輸入、提交、存儲、加工的方法及算法、輸出的數(shù)量及形式等。業(yè)務流程圖的圖例如表1.1,網(wǎng)上訂餐系統(tǒng)業(yè)務流程圖如下圖1.1所示:表1.1業(yè)務流程圖圖例符號名稱說明處理可以改變數(shù)據(jù)的值或建工組件輸入輸出數(shù)據(jù)的輸入與輸出人員使用程序的人或系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)流指明數(shù)據(jù)流動方向賬冊、報表用于記錄數(shù)據(jù)的紙質(zhì)文檔網(wǎng)上訂餐系統(tǒng)

14、的開發(fā)主要圍繞以上的業(yè)務流程進行,開發(fā)過程采用面向?qū)ο蟮木幊趟枷爰笆褂胘ava開發(fā)語言,詳細的開發(fā)過程見如下章節(jié)。圖1.1 網(wǎng)上訂餐系統(tǒng)業(yè)務流程圖第二章 系統(tǒng)需求分析2.1 需求陳述為了開發(fā)出真正滿足用戶需求,軟件產(chǎn)品首先必須進行需求分析。對軟件需求分析和了解是軟件開發(fā)成功的關鍵,不論項目人員把設計和編碼工作做得多么的出色,不能真正滿足用戶需求的程序只會令用戶失望,從而不斷地修改軟件給開發(fā)者帶來煩惱。需求陳述為以下工作提供了良好的機制;了解客戶需要什么,分析需求求,估計可行性,討論決定合理的方案,無歧義的詳細說明方案,確認規(guī)格說明,管理需求最終將這些需求轉化為可運行的軟件系統(tǒng)。根據(jù)調(diào)研分析得知



17、置對象中的屬性方法,使他能夠更精確的表示事物的客觀屬性,為系統(tǒng)分析提供假設條件。2.2 USE CASE建模2.2.1 定義參與者參與者(actor)是指與系統(tǒng)無關的、需要利用與系統(tǒng)交互的東西,包括人、設備、外部系統(tǒng)等。根據(jù)網(wǎng)上訂餐系統(tǒng)的需求可以確定2個參與者,即:管理員主要維護用戶基本信息管理,菜單信息管理,訂單管理,以及菜品評論信息管理。用戶主要的功能是注冊個人信息,登錄,找回密碼,訂購菜品,以及進行菜品評論。2.2.2 Use Case圖用例圖定義:由用例(Use Case)、參與者(Actor)和它們之間的關聯(lián)所組成的用于描述系統(tǒng)功能的動態(tài)視圖稱為用例圖。用例圖(User Case)是

18、被稱為參與者的外部用戶所能觀察到的系統(tǒng)功能的模型圖,呈現(xiàn)了一些參與者和一些用例,以及它們之間的關系,主要用于對系統(tǒng)、子系統(tǒng)或類的功能行為進行建模。用例圖展示了用例之間以及同用例參與者之間是怎樣相互聯(lián)系的。用例圖用于對系統(tǒng)、子系統(tǒng)或類的行為進行可視化,使用戶能夠理解如何使用這些元素,并使開發(fā)者能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)這些元素 您好,為你提供優(yōu)秀的畢業(yè)論文參考資料,請您刪除以下內(nèi)容,O(_)O謝謝!A national survey was recently launched to evaluate the eye 

19、;health of Chinese children andteenagers.On June 6, China's annual National Day for Eye Care, the China Youth Development ServiceCenter and Zhejiang Medicine, a leading listed&

20、#160;Chinese pharmaceutical company, jointlyannounced the kickoff of the survey.In about one month, a questionnaire compiled by top eye care medical experts in China willbe distrib

21、uted through multiple online partners, including H, as well asthrough offline survey events held in universities, middle schools and primary schools acrossthe country.A report will

22、 be released based on the survey statistics and analysis, and most importantly,guidelines for parents and youth on how to care for the eyes and prevent myopia  

23、agrowing problem in China's digitized society, will also be attached on the report."Myopia is not only a disease that makes people see things blurrily, but also 

24、leads to severecomplications, such as glaucoma (increased pressure within the eyeball), and can causeblindness," said Zhou Yuehua, an established eye care specialist with Beijing&#

25、160;TongrenHospital."It is very important for parents and children to know about the risk and care for their eyes."There are about 450 million myopia patients in Chi

26、na. Among Chinese myopia patients,30million are severe patients, according to ZhouThe prevalence of myopia among high school and college students is more than 70 percent,and t

27、he situation is continuously worsening, he added.Sun Zhu, director with the China Youth Development Service Center, said long hours ofstudy, lack of exercise, especially outdoor

28、60;activities, and attachment to electronic screen aresome of the top reasons behind the widespread myopia problems, and the increase ofyounger patients, although China has made

29、60;great progress in improving the hardwarefacilities and lighting conditions in schools.He said he hopes the survey will alert people on the threatening situation, and also h

30、elpmedical experts to better guideline parents and children's behaviors to care for eyes, basedon the timely and factual statistics the survey collected.A series of follow-up&#

31、160;events will also be held in six cities, including Jinan in Shandongprovince, and Changsha in Hunan province, to educate people on how to care for eyes afterthe s

32、urvey started. More and more Chinese are jogging to get and stay fit. Most joggers will run alone, but some will jog with friends or even coaches. The Beijing Olympic Forest Park is one of the most popular spots. It is packed with runners in the afternoon, usually after work, and at weekends. J

33、ogging after a whole day's work can be a way to unwind. It is true for He Wenjun, whose workplace is right near the forest park. She discovered her athletic aptitude at the age of seven, when she began playing tennis. Then she turned to jogging, and she has persevered with it for 10 years. "

34、;I come to jog almost every day after work, whenever I have time. I think jogging is good for my health. And for me, a girl, it helps me to achieve to eternal goal, to keep slim," He said. He says she prefers jogging alone, so she can focus better. She loves jogging, even during Beijing's s

35、moggy days. "If the smog is severe, I'll hold off jogging for a while. But if I really want to get away from work, I'll wear a mask, or just ignore the smog and go on jogging," she said. For those who are not so athletic, jogging also has its attractions. Wu Houbin started roughly

36、two years ago, when he was severely obese. Within two months, his weight dropped from 82 kilograms to 64 kilograms. The success helped him recover health, and he has made friends. "Jogging does not require speed, but stamina. If you want to stick to the game, you need to take it as a mission, a

37、 habit, and then eventually a hobby," Wu said. But persevering with jogging is not always easy. Jogging is beneficial for heart-lung function, and the skeletal system, but doctors say improper technique damages the joints, especially the knees and ankles. "Excessive jogging wears down the

38、body, and harms one's health. Poor technique harms the muscles and skeleton, and can cause secondary injures. And, jogging in a bad environment can cause circulation problems," said Lu Zhiyong, attending doctor, Sports Hospital, General Admin. of Sports.Dr. Lu has some tips for joggers, and

39、 those who are thinking of taking it up.He says people should first evaluate their physical condition, to decide the amount and type of exercise, and jogging in the open air is better running on a treadmill. Conrad Macao will run special programs for the entire month of October this year to support

40、the Hong Kong Cancer Fund's Pink Revolution, an annual campaign that seeks to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research, the hotel recently announced. A major sponsor of the campaign for three years in a row, Conrad Macao has pledged to donate a portion of its proceeds to the fund, in

41、cluding those collected from selling its popular bear and rubber duck merchandise, in limited pink editions. Pink is the theme for floral arrangements and decorations in the hotel in October. In addition, on Fridays that month, members of the management and staff will add something pink to their uni

42、forms, regular e-mails and handwritten guest cards. "Breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer among women in Hong Kong and is also of significant concern in Macao and around the world, regardless of age," general manager Bede Barry said in a statement. The hotel has enlisted the

43、support of a number of international and local celebrities to help drive the cause, including South Korean actor Jung Suk Won. This year, a lucky guest who stays at the hotel during the campaign and also donates money for the cause will win a necklace specially designed by Arte Madrid, a Spanish jew

44、elry brand. Women should strive to balance quality of work and life, and have children at a young age. As a doctor I see much suffering because of this imbalance. Xiao Ying, 36, works for a large law firm. Her job means lots of travel, a heavy caseload and a large number of meetings, so her schedule

45、 is hectic. She has been pregnant twice, but had abortions on both occasions because she felt her busy, high-pressure career wasn't conducive to raising a child. She planned to have children once she had achieved career success so she could provide a stable environment for her baby. After 10 yea

46、rs, Xiao felt the time was right, and she tried to conceive for about six months, but was unable to become pregnant. I conducted comprehensive physical checkups. The results suggested that Xiao's ovarian function has declined and a bilateral oviduct blockage has occurred, meaning that in vitro f

47、ertilization is her only option. So, after reducing her workload, Xiao underwent IVF treatment. Luckily, she got pregnant after just one treatment cycle, but later experienced vaginal bleeding, and rushed to the hospital. I told her to rest and carry on with the treatment (to prevent a miscarriage).

48、 As Zubin Zarthoshtimanesh, a yoga guru, demonstrated postures at a high school stadium in Dujiangyan city, Sichuan province, some 200 students sat on colorful mats watching him closely. It was part of the first India-China international yoga festival in the provincial capital, Chengdu, in Southwest

49、 China, where more than 1,000 fans from home and abroad gathered for lessons from 20 leading practitioners of the ancient Indian regimen, from June 17-21. Yoga is to India what perhaps tai chi is to China. Many countries other than India and China, also held the first World Yoga Day on June 21, afte

50、r the United Nations last year agreed to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's suggestion that a special day be marked in the year for the global practice of the stress-busting regimen, which is already a multibillion dollar industry in the United States. Modi said in the speech: "Yoga is a

51、n invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition. . It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature."Zarthoshtimanesh, who runs his own yoga center, Iyengar Yogabhyasa, in the Indian financial capital of Mumbai, says: "Chinese students ar

52、e very respectful. For me, all students are the same no matter what their race is and where they come from. The most important thing is to remove mental walls." Zarthoshtimanesh learned yoga from the late Yogacharya Iyengar and traveled with the master to different countries. Consulate General

53、of India in southern China's Guangzhou city organized the Chengdu festival. A terrifying wooden bridge in China has just been replaced by a glass one. This, the worlds longest glass-bottomed walkway, is located in Shiniuzhai Geopark in Hunan, and spans 300m (984f) and is 180m (590f) above ground

54、. The floor is made of double-layered glass that is 24mm (0.94in), and is reportedly 25 times stronger than regular window glass. The bridge had previously been made of wood, linking the two peaks of Stone Buddha Mountain, but 11 engineers working 12 hours a day converted it to glass. Previously, yo

55、u were considered brave if you steeled yourself to cross the wooden walkway; now, with its glass bottom, the bridge is already being referred to as “hero bridge.” The popular chain's longtime executive chef embraces mapo tofu and other exotic elements for the burger-driven menu, Liu Zhihua repor

56、ts.At the age of 37, Shanghai native Lin Zhengu has become a star as a Western cuisine chef in the Chinese metropolis, a city that has a wealth of Western restaurants. The executive chef of Blue Frog Bar and Grill, a popular burger-based restaurant and bar chain on the Chinese mainland, Lin is the s

57、oul of the restaurant franchise's team of more than 550 chefs. Many of the franchise's most popular dishes are his brainchild. Lin says his secret of success is innovation rooted in experience: He spends months every year traveling and eating worldwide, seeking new ingredients and inspiratio

58、ns that could improve the offerings of Blue Frog restaurants. The restaurant chain regularly launches a new seasonal menu, usually featuring eight new dishes with fresh ingredients. The best-selling seasonal dishes later replace the least popular items on the regular menu, which is usually updated i

59、n late fall and boasts a selection of about 40 dishes. "Food should have no boundaries," Lin says. "As long as the food tastes good and is healthy, it doesn't really matter where it originates or how it is cooked." Lin likes to give the American-style restaurants' menu so

60、me culinary touches from other countries, such as China and Mexico, and customers love such innovation, he says. He started his career as an apprentice in a Chinese kitchen in 1993. By chance he learned from a French chef in 1994, and soon became enamored with the world of Western food. During the n

61、ext couple of years, he received strict training in Western culinary art from French, Chinese and German chefs. That was rare for a Chinese chef in the 1990s, he saysand so was being a Chinese chef who spoke fluent English. When an American entrepreneur invited him to join in his startup Blue Frog i

62、n 2000, Lin didn't hesitate to resign from a five-star hotel to work in the new restaurant with just five chefs, eager to explore the excitement of a life that had yet to unfold. Since that Shanghai launch, Blue Frog has opened 24 branches in seven cities across China, including Beijing, Tianjin

63、, Chongqing and Nanjing in Jiangsu province. The new menu for this fall, which was launched in early September, showcases how flavors of East and West meet to create a variety of delicious burgers and other entrees in the cozy, soft-lit restaurants. I liked the mapo burger best. Just imagine the flavorful combination of the hot, mildly numb-spicy mapo tofu sauce and grilled 100-percent Australian beef patty, along with a slice of cheddar cheese and a side of french fries. The sav


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