1、1安徽省 2013 屆咼二英語一輪復習單兀測試題(十六)Unit 16 Stories隨堂演練鞏固1.單詞拼寫I.Social activities (_ 保護)old people from the Ioneliness.【答案】preserve2.Money and other forms of help will be offered to the (_ 受害者)of theflood.【答案】victims3. The doctor noticed a (逐漸的)improvement in his patient.【答案】gradual4. Many a person _(_ 目睹)
2、the car accident.【答案】wit nesses5. An idea ( 想至 U) to methat I should turn to my former teacher for help. 【答案】occurred6.,he was lyin g,for his face was red.【答案】Appare ntly7. As stude nts,we should make full use of our time. _【答案】precious8.Our foreig n trade hasduring recent years.【答案】expa nded9. A cr
3、owdto watch the in teresti ng game.【答案】gathered10. We have a _in exploring space after the rocket“change” was sentinto space.【答案】breakthroughn.完成句子1. 那次特別憂傷的事件給他留下了深刻的印象。That particularly sad eve nt_him.【答案】 left a deep impressi on on2. 我們一拐過彎就看見那城鎮(zhèn)了。The tow n_ as we turned the corner.【答案】 came into
4、 view3. 很多人在觀看著那個倒立的男孩。Many people are watching the boy standing_ _ _【答案】on his head4. 考慮野營時應把天氣考慮在內(nèi)。When considering going camp,we should the weather._ _【答案】take;i nto con siderati on5. 這次考試成績將于星期五下午張貼出來。The exam results will beon Friday after noon.【答案】put up6. 說抱歉也不能彌補你打破花瓶的損失。Saying that you are
5、sorry can t _the damage of breaking thevase.2【答案】make up7. 誠實和辛勤工作有助于一個人的成功和幸福。Hon esty and hard work _ _ one s success and happ in ess.【答案】con tribute to8. 在過去的幾年中,我一直通過電子郵件和我最好的朋友們保持聯(lián)系。During the past few years,I have been_ _ _ _my best friends through emails.【答案】keepi ng in touch with9. 我不知道如何獨立地
6、處理這個問題。I don t know how to _ the problem on my own.【答案】deal with10. 我不得不說我剛才所說的跟你做的沒有任何聯(lián)系。I have to say that what I said just nowwhat you did.【答案】had noth ing to do with川.單項填空I.Police have appealed for to the accide nt.A.o nC.peopleD.wit nesses【解析】句意:警察正在尋求此次事故的目擊者。witness ”目擊者,見證人”?!敬鸢浮緿2.lt n ever
7、me that he might be in trouble.A.happe ned toB.referred toC.reflected toD.occurred to【解析】 句意:我怎么也沒有想到他會遇上麻煩。occur to sb.表示”浮現(xiàn)在某人的腦海中;被某人想到”。注意:ltme that.通常表示”我剛剛想到,”。【答案】D3.ln such freezing weather,water pipes are easy to and water will escape from theA.break;break B.crack;burstC.burst;crackD.break;
8、burst【解析】 句意:在那樣寒冷的天氣里,水管很容易破裂,水將會從裂縫里流出來。第一空可以用動詞 crack 或 burst,表示”爆裂,脹開”;第二空用名詞 crack,表示”裂縫”?!敬鸢浮緾4. They are to meet their new colleague.A.eagleB.kee nC.ambitious D.eager【解析】 句意:他們急切想見到他們的新同事。 根據(jù)后面動詞不定式及句意可判斷此處 為 be eagerto do短語,表示”迫不及待要做”?!敬鸢浮緿5. As younew words in a context,it is a very good me
9、thod for you to guesstheir meanin gs.A.come about B.come acrossC.come out D.come up【解析】 句意:當你在行文中遇到生詞時,猜測它們的意思是個很好的方法。comeabout發(fā)生;come across 偶然碰到;come out 出版;come up 出現(xiàn),發(fā)生?!敬鸢浮緽6. We had planned to finish the work before dark,but we were by a heavy rain.A.held up B.brought upC.made upD.tur ned up3【
10、解析】 句意:我們原計劃在天黑以前干完這項工作,可給大雨耽擱了。hold up 表示”延遲;阻滯”?!敬鸢浮緼7. We must be practical and the cost we make a decisi on.A.tur n out;beforeB.work out;beforeC.figure out; un tilD.come out; un til【解析】 句意:我們應該實事求是地先把費用算出來,然后再作決定。work out 和 figureout 都可以表示”計算出” ;before 引導時間狀語從句,表示”(時間)在”以前”?!敬鸢浮緽8. Why not stay
11、at homethe road is so slippery after the heavy snow?A.si nee thatB.after thatC.then thatD. now that【解析】句意:既然大雪后路那么滑,為什么不待在家里呢?根據(jù)句意可知用 now that表示”既然”,引導原因狀語從句。【答案】D9.1 hate when people talk with their mouths full.A.it B.thatC.theseD.them【解析】句意:我討厭人們滿嘴食物說話。在like,hate,dislike等后跟賓語從句時常用 it 作形式賓語,而將賓語從句放
12、在 it 后。【答案】AlO.This is the sec ond time IA. was put dow nB. have bee n let dow nC. have bee n put dow nD. am let dow n【解析】句意:這是他第二次令我失望了,我永遠都不再相信他了。在this is the+ 序數(shù)詞+time(+that). 句型中,that 后從句用現(xiàn)在完成時。此處let down 表示”令某人失望”?!敬鸢浮緽提升能力達標by him;I shall n ever trust him aga in.I.單項填空1.1 heard you have _ vaca
13、nt position for a secretary.1 ve come to applyfor job.A.the;a B.a;theC./;aD.a;/【解析】 考查冠詞。句意為:”我聽說你有一個秘書的空缺職位,我來申請這份工作?!鼻懊姹硎尽?一個”的含義,用不定冠詞,后面特指申請這個職位,使用定冠詞?!敬鸢浮緽2.1 can t say which wine is best it s aof personal taste.A.affairB.eve ntC.matterD.variety【解析】affair 指要做的事或已經(jīng)發(fā)生的事,常用復數(shù);event 指具有重大意義的事件,也可指日
14、常生活中較重要的事或比賽項目;matter 為需要認真考慮的事情或問題;variety 多樣性,名詞。It s a matter of. 意為”是”的問題”,根據(jù)句意選matter?!敬鸢浮緾3. So big a whale!It weighs 10 tons.Yes.I have n ever see none.A.a heavy B.the heaviestC.a heavier D.a heaviest【解析】 在否定句中用比較級相當于最高級?!敬鸢浮緾4. The 1980san un precede nted in crease in the scope of the electr
15、 onicmedia.A.no ticedB.wit nessedC.predicted D.watched【解析】 句意:20 世紀 80 年代,電子傳媒得到了空前的發(fā)展。witness 表示”是”發(fā)生的地點(時間、組織等)”“見證”?!敬鸢浮緽5. The gover nment work report by Premier Wen covers ay of issues,a ndsocial justice ._A.i n com mon B.i n gen eralC.i n particular D.i n practice【解析】 考查詞組辨析。句意為:溫總理的政府工作報告包含各種
16、問題,尤其是社會公平問題。結(jié)合 a variety ofsocial justice 可知表示強調(diào),in particular【答案】C6. He didn t makeclear when and where the meeting would be held.A.thisB.thatC.itD.these【解析】 本題考查 it 作形式賓語,而 when and where the meeting would be held 作真正的賓語?!敬鸢浮緾7. The coach asked his staff tothe large group of jour nalists wait ing
17、for him to announce his training pla ns.A.adapt toB.atte nd toC.refer toD.appeal to【解析】ad apt to 適應;atte nd to 照顧,關照;refer to 談到,參考;ap peal to 呼吁。這 句話的意思是:教練讓他的手下關照一下那一群等著他宣布訓練計劃的記者。【答案】B8. By the end of last year,another new theme park completedin that area.A.was being B.would beC.has bee n D.had b
18、ee n【解析】by the end of ”到”末為止”,后接表示過去的時間狀語,句子要用過去完成時態(tài);后接表示將來的時間狀語,則句子要用將來完成時態(tài)?!敬鸢浮緿9. How did itthat the car fell off the bridge into the river?A.come out B.come aboutC.come across D.come up【解析】 句意:那輛車怎么會從橋上掉到河里的?come【答案】B10. Do you think it wise for Chinese mothers to try to do everything for their
19、childre n?No,that s _ they re mistaken.A.whereB.whe nC.soD.how【解析】 考查表語從句。答句句意:那是她們的錯誤所在。表示”(錯誤)所在”,故用where?!敬鸢浮緼11.1 fell dow n and broke three of my teeth .I won der how many times I have tocome here and get my false teeth . _A.fixB.fixedC.fix ingD.to fix【解析】get sth.done ”請/讓某事被做”,而非主語自己去做?!敬鸢浮緽12
20、. Because of the financialcrisis,days are gone local 5hotel scharged 6000 yua n for one ni ght.A.ifB.whe nC.whichD.si nee【解析】 考查定語從句。先行詞在后面的定語從句中作時間狀語,故用 wheno【答案】B13. Do you have a minute?I ve got something to tell you.OK,you make it short.A.now that B.if onlyC.so long asD.every time【解析】 句意:你有時間嗎?我
21、有事要告訴你。一一好,只要你長話短說。 根據(jù)語境用 so long as【答案】C14. D on t that all those who get good grades in theexam in ati on will prove to be the most successful.A. take as gran tedB. take this for gra ntedC. take that for gran tedD. take it for gran ted【解析】take it for granted 為固定短語,意為”想當然”,it 為形式賓語,賓語從句 放在后面。【答案】D1
22、5.lt was the third time that he of the changes of the meeti ng.A.had in formedB.had bee n in formedC.has in formedD.has bee n in formed【解析】 在 It was the+序數(shù)詞+time that.句型中,that 后從句應用過去完成時。同【答案】Bn.閱讀理解閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,從每題所給的 A、B、C D 四個選項中,選出最佳選項。Duringthe past fewyears,scientiststhe worldover have suddenl
23、yfoundthemselvesproductivelyen gaged in thetask they once spe nt theirlivesavoid ing writi ng,a ny kind of writ in g,a nd particularly letter writi ng.E ncouraged by electronicmail s surprisingly high speed,convenience and economy,people who never before touched thestuff are regularly,skillfully,eve
24、ncheerfullytapping outa great deal of corresp ondence.Electro nic n etworks,wove n into the fabric of scie ntific com muni catio n these days are theroute to colleagues in distant countries to share data,bulletin boards and electro nic journ als.A nyonewith pers onal computer,a modem and the softwar
25、e to link computers over telephone lines can signon.An estimated five millionscientistshave done so with more joiningevery day,most of them communicating through bundleof interconnecteddomestic and foreignroutes known collectively as the Internet,ornet.Eis start ingto edge out the fax,theteleph on e
26、,over ni ghtmail,a ndof course,la ndmail .Itshri nks time anddista neebetwee nscie ntificcollaborators,i n part because it is convenien tly asyn chro nous (writers can type while theircolleagues across time zones sleep;their message will be wait ing).lf_it is n ot yet speed ing discoveries,it is cer
27、ta in ly accelerat ing communication.Jeremy Bernstei,the physicist and scienee writer,onee called Ethephysicist s umbilical cord (生命線).Lately other people,too,havebeen discoveringitsconn ectivevirtues.Physicists are using it;collegestude ntsare usingit;everybody is using it,a nd as a sig n that it h
28、as come of age,the New Yorker has celebrated itsliberat ing prese nee with a carto on an appreciative dog seated ata keyboard,say ing happily,” On the Internet no body knows you re a dog. ”I._ The reas ons give n below about the popularity of E passage exceptA. direct and convenientB. timeC. moneyD.
29、 available around the clock【解析】從第一段中的 high speed,convenience and economy 可知 A、B C 三項的陳述符合文章的內(nèi)容,文章沒有 D 項的相關信息。【答案】D2. How is the Internet or net explained in the passage?A. Electro nic routes used to fax or corresp ond over ni ght.B. Electro nic routes used to read home and intern ati onal journ als.
30、C. Electro nic routes wait ing for corresp ondence while one is sleep ing.D. Electr onic routes conn ected among millio ns of users home and abroad.【解析】從第二段第一句話和最后一句話可知D 項正確?!敬鸢浮緿3. Which stateme nt is the closest in meaning to the un derl ined sentence in the third paragraph?A. It shri nks time for
31、 com muni catio n and acceleratesB. Although it does not speed up corresp onden ce,it helps make discoveries.C. It quicke ns com muni cati on even if it does not accelerate discoveries.D. The quick speed of corresp ondence may have ill effects on discoveries.【解析】 從上下文可知,這句話的意思是:它(網(wǎng)絡)雖然沒有加速人類的探索發(fā)現(xiàn),但確
32、實加速了人與人之間的交流。【答案】C4. The writer mai nly tells thatin the last paragraph.A. EB. EC. the prese nee of ED. E【解析】從最后一段可知,醫(yī)生、大學生以及我們大家每一個人都在使用網(wǎng)絡發(fā)送郵件,可見使用電子郵件已經(jīng)成了一種趨勢?!敬鸢浮緼川.任務型讀寫認真閱讀下列短文,根據(jù)所讀內(nèi)容在文章后表格中填入恰當?shù)膯卧~。注意:表格中的每個空格只填 1 個詞。Traditi on ally,customers may con sider more about what they buy the product f
33、or.However,the image of product and the consuming circumstaneehave become the keypoints to attract customer aware ness and stimulate their buying needs.Frequently,customersbuy goods just because they are cute,lovely andunique.With a less emphasis on functional utilities,theexperienee and imaginative
34、space are placed into an increasinglyimportant role.The image of product isemphasized,as well as the communication betweenproduc ts and consumers. ” Customerbehavior,which appears to be focused and directed at the object and at pleasure,in fact responds toquite differentobjectives:displacedexpressio
35、n of desire,andtheproduct ion of a code of social values through the use of differen tial sig ns ”(Baudrillard).The reas on for image-orie nted customer behavior is probably that customers lifestylehas been continuously virtualized by paying much attentionto “VirtualReality ” .The evidences can be t
36、raced from computer games and Hollywoodmovies,in which customers preferenee for fleeing reality is perfectly matched.This change requires us to take efforts to enhance product image by integratingstyle,color,taste,shapecreatively,imagi nativelyandmaterial,a ndcom muni catewithcustomersand innovative
37、ly,andenable them to enjoy the distinctiveAneed is not a need for a particular objectas much as it is aneed for differenee” (Baudrillard).The typical example isApple Computer s IMAC,which has strong visual impact and outsta nding dyn amics.Bythis way,customer relati on ship can be set up through ima
38、ge,a nd brand can be treated as living thatcan transform people.Other examples commonly used are DisneyFairylandand LasVegas ,where new experieneeand imaginationare fullydem on strated .In sum,c on sumpti on is n egotiati on,an ever-e nding con versati onheld inthe Ian guages of advertis in g,packag
39、i ng,bra ndin g,fashi on,and en terta inment.More Atte nti on to the Image of ProductMain compArisaiisContextsDifferent aspects-IIn rhepeople think moreabxiut the 2 of the gods.about by people wher thejr areshopping.People Tcxfriy arc more easily by the 4of pnxiiiri and the buyin莒atniosplicrc.Diffrr
40、rntto pro-1 rad iticna 11 y producers may fac-usmore on the functions 1 Lit ill tics of goods.salesNowadiys product isho uld be 6 andthere should be more effective 7 with磴u就omerg續(xù)表Main toinparisiuisContentsMo re details worth norici ngThe 8 for Ltiiagc ccn- tcredhc-haviorInfluenced by computer games andHollywood movicsi pe
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