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1、by 520 Three mainstreamsThree mainstreams in the 1950s in the 1950s1中山裝中山裝tjunktjunk(警察、士兵等的)警察、士兵等的)緊身制服上衣緊身制服上衣Chinese tunic suit(中山裝中山裝)42(布拉吉布拉吉)/skirt 3Lenin coat lenin 列寧裝列寧裝1overalls(工裝褲工裝褲)人人參加勞動,建設新中國。所以人們需要一些像工裝褲那樣耐磨耐臟的衣服。To constrate our new China,everyone was encouraged to take part in l

2、aboring.So they needed some wear-resistance clothes like the overalls.After being elected the national labor model, Huang Baomei as advanced representative of the working class participated in the delegation of the international labor day, which was in Moscow, the Soviet union. 評上全國勞模后,黃寶妹作為工人階級的先評上

3、全國勞模后,黃寶妹作為工人階級的先進代表參加世界國際勞動節(jié)代表團,前往蘇進代表參加世界國際勞動節(jié)代表團,前往蘇聯(lián)莫斯科。聯(lián)莫斯科。When Huang Baomei arrived at the Soviet union, she saw that women were wearing skirt regardless of age. So when she returned , she made two skirts.黃寶妹到了蘇聯(lián),看到婦女們無論年齡大小黃寶妹到了蘇聯(lián),看到婦女們無論年齡大小都穿著布拉吉。所以回國后,她就做了兩件都穿著布拉吉。所以回國后,她就做了兩件布拉吉。布拉吉。 “列寧

4、裝列寧裝”,因列寧在十月革命前,因列寧在十月革命前后常穿而得名。它的式樣為西裝開領,后常穿而得名。它的式樣為西裝開領,雙排扣、斜紋布的上衣,腰中束一根雙排扣、斜紋布的上衣,腰中束一根布帶。腰帶有助于女性身體線條的凸布帶。腰帶有助于女性身體線條的凸顯。顯。 1955年年11月,中國民航有了自己的月,中國民航有了自己的第一批空中小姐,她們的工作服就是第一批空中小姐,她們的工作服就是“列寧裝列寧裝”。 Lenin Coat, named after that Lenin often weared during the October revolution. It is a suit collar o

5、pen, double-breasted coat which is made of twill. A cloth belt is wrapped in the womens waist to highlight their soft lines.In November 1955, the civil aviation in China had its first batch of stewardess.Their work suits were the Lenin Coat.This is small-lapel, four-pocket and five-button coat of th

6、e Zhongshan Suit.這就是小翻領、四袋、五扣這就是小翻領、四袋、五扣的中山裝上衣。的中山裝上衣。Two mainstreams in the 1960s21the military uniform(軍裝)(軍裝)2sailors striped shirt(?;晟溃ê;晟溃﹕trapt帶條紋的帶條紋的中國的六十年代,軍裝盛行。中國的六十年代,軍裝盛行。在那個特殊時期衣服的主要顏在那個特殊時期衣服的主要顏色為藍灰綠,男女都一樣。色為藍灰綠,男女都一樣。IIn the 1960s,the military uniform prevailed over China.At that s

7、pecial time,the main clothing colors were blue,grey and green regardless of gender.In the mid-1960s, striped sailor shirts were common on the street. The shirts were earlier seen in a 1957 Chinese movie featuring stars Zhao Dan and Wang Danfeng.60年代中期,走到大街年代中期,走到大街上放眼一望,一水的藍白上放眼一望,一水的藍白相間橫條紋的?;晟溃ㄋ紫嚅g

8、橫條紋的?;晟溃ㄋ追Q海軍衫)。在稱海軍衫)。在1957年年由趙丹和王丹鳳主演的電由趙丹和王丹鳳主演的電影影海魂?;曛?,著裝就是中,著裝就是?;晟?。海魂衫。4 In the 1970s(的確良)(的確良)dacron dekrn滌綸滌綸12flared trousers 喇叭褲喇叭褲At that time many people felt that the clothes made of Dacron were the most solid and beautiful clothes, which were easy to be dried and crease-resistant .。當時很

9、多人從心里面覺得當時很多人從心里面覺得的確良做的衣服是最結(jié)實、的確良做的衣服是最結(jié)實、最漂亮的衣服,洗了以后最漂亮的衣服,洗了以后最容易干,不起皺褶。最容易干,不起皺褶。Flared trousers are also called bell bottoms.The pants were long enough to cover the heel and swept the floor while walking.喇叭褲也叫喇叭口褲。褲喇叭褲也叫喇叭口褲。褲長一般蓋住鞋跟,走起路長一般蓋住鞋跟,走起路來,兼有掃地的功能。來,兼有掃地的功能。. The fashion items in the

10、1980s2the jeans3bat short and foot tights4suit西裝西裝5aviator glassesevet飛行員戴的眼鏡,飛行員戴的眼鏡,也叫也叫“蛤蟆鏡蛤蟆鏡”the red dress1 蝙蝠衫搭配蝙蝠衫搭配 踩腳褲踩腳褲There is a film called Red Dress Is a Fashion in the Street which was made in the 1980s.After the release of the movie,it started a trend of wearing red dress ,yellow dre

11、ss and other bright colors dress. 有一部拍攝于有一部拍攝于80年代的電影叫年代的電影叫街上流行紅裙子,該電影街上流行紅裙子,該電影上映后,街上就出現(xiàn)了一股穿上映后,街上就出現(xiàn)了一股穿紅裙子、黃裙子還有其他色彩紅裙子、黃裙子還有其他色彩亮麗的裙子的潮流。亮麗的裙子的潮流。As the saying goes, the Jeans can not only save money but also save cloth.那時流行一個口頭那時流行一個口頭禪:牛仔褲,省錢禪:牛仔褲,省錢又省布。又省布。The foot tights are also called fi

12、tness pants.It was popular among the majority of Chinese women.And the trend existed through all over the 1980s.踩腳褲也稱健美褲,它踩腳褲也稱健美褲,它在中國女性朋友中普及,在中國女性朋友中普及,這股潮流流行了很長時這股潮流流行了很長時間,幾乎占了整個間,幾乎占了整個80年年代。代。The first suit was brought by overseas Chinese students .Slowly it became a popular all over the count

13、ry.第一件西裝是海外留第一件西裝是海外留學生從國外帶過來的,學生從國外帶過來的,之后慢慢就在全國流之后慢慢就在全國流行開了。行開了。It was extremely cool to wear a pair of aviator glasses at that time.I think it still looks nice now.當時能戴上一副蛤蟆鏡當時能戴上一副蛤蟆鏡就覺得特別酷就覺得特別酷.我覺得現(xiàn)在戴這個看上我覺得現(xiàn)在戴這個看上去也不錯。去也不錯。1one-step skirt ,miniskirt ,slip dress2T-shirt with messages on it3tu

14、rnip pantstnp蘿卜褲蘿卜褲4platform shoes松糕鞋松糕鞋一步裙、迷你裙、吊帶裙一步裙、迷你裙、吊帶裙In the 1990sThis is the one-step skirt which was popular in the 1990s.Miniskirts were in fashion in late 1990s.迷你裙在迷你裙在90年代末開年代末開始流行。始流行。This is the slip skirt.Owing to the influence of Wangshuo,the T-shirt on which some messages were pri

15、nted was popular among the young people in the 1990s.在在90年代,由于受王朔的影年代,由于受王朔的影響,文化衫開始流行于年輕響,文化衫開始流行于年輕人之間。人之間。The turnip pants are suitable for the women with big large hips and small waist.In the 1990s,it was very into wear a pair of turnip pants regardless of gender.蘿卜褲適合髖骨較大,腰較細蘿卜褲適合髖骨較大,腰較細的女性穿。在

16、的女性穿。在90年代,不論男年代,不論男女,穿一條蘿卜褲就很時尚。女,穿一條蘿卜褲就很時尚。The most popular platform shoes among women is a combination of the classic high-heeled shoes and platform shoes soles heel style.It can make girls look taller and thiner.最受女性歡迎的松糕鞋則是結(jié)合了經(jīng)最受女性歡迎的松糕鞋則是結(jié)合了經(jīng)典高跟鞋鞋跟和松糕鞋鞋底的款式。典高跟鞋鞋跟和松糕鞋鞋底的款式。它可以讓女孩們看起來更高、更瘦。它可以讓女孩們看起來更高、更瘦。In the new century,what is the main fashion elements of the clothing?It is hard for me to answer,for they are extremely various and their style differ each year.But they can be classified


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