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1、編輯編輯ppt1/mjuzIn/sent/jurpi:n/klsIkl/sentri/kmpuz/eld/w:ls/n/pi:s/p:/p:fIkt/樂手樂手 n. musician中心中心 n.n. centre歐洲的歐洲的 adj. adj. European經(jīng)典的經(jīng)典的 adj.adj. classical世紀世紀 n. n. century作曲家作曲家 n. n. composer年長的年長的 adj. elder華爾茲舞(曲)華爾茲舞(曲) waltz又一個又一個 pronpron another作品作品 n. n. piece貧窮的貧窮的 adj. adj. poor完美的完美的

2、adj. adj. perfect Words and expressions 編輯編輯ppt2 維也納是位于歐洲中部多瑙河畔的一座古老而美維也納是位于歐洲中部多瑙河畔的一座古老而美麗的城市,它是奧地利首都,也是歐洲古典音樂的中麗的城市,它是奧地利首都,也是歐洲古典音樂的中心。在心。在18世紀,很多音樂家來到維也納學習和工作。世紀,很多音樂家來到維也納學習和工作。 在斯特勞斯家族,有兩位名為約翰在斯特勞斯家族,有兩位名為約翰斯特勞斯的斯特勞斯的作曲家父親和兒子。父親老約翰作曲家父親和兒子。父親老約翰斯特勞斯創(chuàng)作并演斯特勞斯創(chuàng)作并演奏一種古典舞曲,叫華爾茲,他的舞曲讓他聞名于歐奏一種古典舞曲,叫

3、華爾茲,他的舞曲讓他聞名于歐洲。兒子小約翰洲。兒子小約翰斯特勞斯也非常成功!深受歡迎。斯特勞斯也非常成功!深受歡迎。他譜寫了他譜寫了150多首華爾茲舞曲。多首華爾茲舞曲。1867年年 他創(chuàng)作了華他創(chuàng)作了華爾茲舞曲爾茲舞曲藍色多瑙河藍色多瑙河。 莫扎特是另一位非常重要的藝術家。他莫扎特是另一位非常重要的藝術家。他1756年年出生于奧地利,不到六歲就不僅會彈鋼琴,還會拉小出生于奧地利,不到六歲就不僅會彈鋼琴,還會拉小提琴。家人帶著他周游歐洲并在許多城市巡回演出。提琴。家人帶著他周游歐洲并在許多城市巡回演出。他譜寫了幾百部動人的音樂作品,但是他后來變得很他譜寫了幾百部動人的音樂作品,但是他后來變得很

4、貧困,于貧困,于1791年去世年僅年去世年僅35歲。像約翰歲。像約翰斯特勞斯父斯特勞斯父子倆一樣,它是一位偉大的歐洲音樂家?,F(xiàn)在許多人子倆一樣,它是一位偉大的歐洲音樂家?,F(xiàn)在許多人依然認為他的音樂是完美的依然認為他的音樂是完美的。編輯編輯ppt31.在在- 的中部的中部 2.一座古老而美麗的城市一座古老而美麗的城市3.歐洲古典音樂的中心歐洲古典音樂的中心 4.在在18世紀,世紀,5.在斯特勞斯家族在斯特勞斯家族 6.兩位名為斯特勞斯的作曲家兩位名為斯特勞斯的作曲家7.成功并深受歡迎成功并深受歡迎 8.150多首華爾茲舞曲多首華爾茲舞曲 9.另一位非常重要的藝術家另一位非常重要的藝術家1.in

5、the centre of 2.a beautiful old city 3.the centre of European classical music. 4.in the eighteenth century 5.in the Strauss family 6.there were two composers called Johann Strauss 7.very successful and popular.8.over 150 waltzes.9.another very important composer.編輯編輯ppt411.六歲前六歲前 12.帶著他周游歐洲帶著他周游歐洲13

6、.幾百部動人的音樂作品幾百部動人的音樂作品 14.變得很貧困變得很貧困15.年僅年僅35歲時歲時 16.像斯特勞斯父子倆一樣像斯特勞斯父子倆一樣17.一位偉大的歐洲音樂家一位偉大的歐洲音樂家18.依然認為他的音樂是完美的依然認為他的音樂是完美的。 19.音樂之城音樂之城11.before he was six 12.took him around Europe 13.hundreds of wonderful pieces of music14.became very poor 15.when he was only 35. 16.Like Johann Strauss,father and

7、son17.a great European musician18.still think his music is perfect.19.The city of music編輯編輯ppt51.維也納是位于歐洲中部多瑙河畔的維也納是位于歐洲中部多瑙河畔的一座古老而美麗的城市一座古老而美麗的城市2.它它是奧地利首都,也是奧地利首都,也是歐洲古典音樂的中心是歐洲古典音樂的中心。3.在在18世紀,很多音樂家來到維也納學習和工作。世紀,很多音樂家來到維也納學習和工作。4.在斯特勞斯家族,在斯特勞斯家族,有兩位名為斯特勞斯的作曲家,父親和兒有兩位名為斯特勞斯的作曲家,父親和兒子。子。5.他的舞曲讓他聞名

8、于歐洲。他的舞曲讓他聞名于歐洲。 1.Vienna is a beautiful old city on the River Danube in the centre of Europe. 2.Its the capital city of Austria and the centre of European classical music. 3.In the eighteenth century a lot of musicians came to study and work in Vienna.4.In the Strauss family, there were two compose

9、rs called Johann Strauss: the father and the son5. His dance music made him famous all over Europe. 編輯編輯ppt66.兒子小約翰兒子小約翰斯特勞斯也非常成功且深受歡迎。斯特勞斯也非常成功且深受歡迎。7.莫扎特是另一位非常重要的藝術家。莫扎特是另一位非常重要的藝術家。8.家人帶著他周游歐洲并在許多城市巡回演出。家人帶著他周游歐洲并在許多城市巡回演出。9.他譜寫了幾百部動人的音樂作品,他譜寫了幾百部動人的音樂作品,10.1791年去世年僅年去世年僅35歲。歲。11.許多人仍然認為他的音樂很完美。許

10、多人仍然認為他的音樂很完美。6.The son, Johann Strauss the younger, was also very successful and popular. 7.Mozart was another very important composer. 8. His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities. 9.He wrote hundreds of wonderful pieces of music. 10. He died in 1791 when he was only 35

11、.11.many people still think his music is perfect.編輯編輯ppt71.它是歐洲古典音樂的中心。它是歐洲古典音樂的中心。2.在在18世紀,很多音樂家來到維也納學習和工作。世紀,很多音樂家來到維也納學習和工作。3.他的舞曲讓他聞名于歐洲。他的舞曲讓他聞名于歐洲。 1.Its the centre of European classical music. 2.In the eighteenth century ,a lot of musicians came to study and work in Vienna.3. His dance music

12、made him famous all over Europe. 4.Mozart was another very important composer. 5. His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities. 6.He wrote hundreds of wonderful pieces of music. 4.莫扎特是另一位非常重要的藝術家。莫扎特是另一位非常重要的藝術家。5.她的家人帶著他周游歐洲并在許多城市巡回演出。她的家人帶著他周游歐洲并在許多城市巡回演出。6.他譜寫了幾百部動人的音樂作品。

13、他譜寫了幾百部動人的音樂作品。編輯編輯ppt8Module 12 Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music.編輯編輯ppt91. 語言知識目標:語言知識目標:1) 重點單詞重點單詞 musician, centre, European, classical, century, composer, elder, another, piece, poor, perfect, sad2)重點短語重點短語not onlybut also, make sb. adj.2. 語言技能目標:語言技能目標:能聽懂談論西方古典音樂的對話;能用

14、簡短的句子能聽懂談論西方古典音樂的對話;能用簡短的句子談論西方音樂;能寫介紹音樂家的短文。談論西方音樂;能寫介紹音樂家的短文。3. 學習策略和情感目標:學習策略和情感目標:了解西方音樂,增加學習興趣,了解西方音樂家,了解西方音樂,增加學習興趣,了解西方音樂家,學習他們執(zhí)著的精神。學習他們執(zhí)著的精神。編輯編輯ppt10/mjuzIn/sent/jurpi:n/klsIkl/sentri/kmpuz/eld/w:ls/n/pi:s/p:/p:fIkt/樂手樂手 n. musician中心中心 n.n. centre歐洲的歐洲的 adj. adj. European經(jīng)典的經(jīng)典的 adj.adj. c

15、lassical世紀世紀 n. n. century作曲家作曲家 n. n. composer年長的年長的 adj. elder華爾茲舞(曲)華爾茲舞(曲) waltz又一個又一個 pronpron another作品作品 n. n. piece貧窮的貧窮的 adj. adj. poor完美的完美的 adj. adj. perfect Words and expressions 編輯編輯ppt11Recite (背誦)the words(two minutes) 樂手樂手 n. musician 中心中心 n. centre 歐洲的歐洲的 adj. European 經(jīng)典的經(jīng)典的 adj. c

16、lassical 世紀世紀 n. century 作曲家作曲家 n. composer年長的年長的 adj. elder華爾茲舞華爾茲舞 (曲)(曲)waltz舞曲舞曲 dance music又一個又一個 pron. another作品作品 n. piece貧窮的貧窮的 adj. poor完美的完美的 adj. perfect編輯編輯ppt12Check the words1./kmpuz/ _2. /eld/ _3. /p:fIkt/_4. He was born in a _(貧(貧 窮窮的)的)family。5. Vienna is the _(中心)(中心) of European _

17、(經(jīng)典的)(經(jīng)典的) poserelderperfectcenterclassicalpoor編輯編輯ppt13Watch the video and answer the questions. 1. What kind of (種類種類)music are they playing ? 2. What kind of instruments(樂樂器器) are they playing ? 3. Can you guess who wrote it ? 編輯編輯ppt14 Johann Strauss. /juha:n/the younger / jg/小約翰施特勞斯King of the

18、Waltz/w?:ls/ 華爾茲舞之王華爾茲舞之王Johann Strauss the elder / eld/老約翰施特勞斯Father of the waltz/w?:ls/ 華爾茲舞之父華爾茲舞之父Mozart / mutsa:t/genius of music genius of music 音樂天才音樂天才編輯編輯ppt15Skimming 略讀略讀編輯編輯ppt16Para.1 A.the Strauss familyPara.2 B. MozartPara.3 C. ViennaFast reading:Fast reading:Read quickly and matchRea

19、d quickly and matchTips: 1、Look through the questions quickly. 2、Catch the key sentences.編輯編輯ppt17Read again and check () the sentences2 Strauss the younger played the piano, the violin and the organ at the age of six.3 The family took Mozart around Europe.4 Mozart died in 1791.5 Strauss the younger

20、 wrote The Blue Danube. Mozart1.Many composers and musicians came to study and work in Vienna.編輯編輯ppt18Careful reading精讀精讀編輯編輯ppt19(一)Read Paragraph 1 silently and finish the task. ViennaIts a _ old city on the river Danube.Its the_ city of Austria.In the 18th a lot of _ came here.beautifulcapitalmu

21、siciansTips:仔細閱讀相應段落,抓住文章細仔細閱讀相應段落,抓住文章細節(jié),看清任務,帶問題有針對性地找出節(jié),看清任務,帶問題有針對性地找出答案。答案。編輯編輯ppt20(二)Read Paragraph 2 silently and finish the exercises.1. In the Strauss family, there were two composers called Johann Strauss. (翻譯成漢語翻譯成漢語)2. Johann Strauss the elder was famous for his waltzes all over Europe.

22、 (從短文中找出同義句從短文中找出同義句) 在施特勞斯家族有兩個被叫做約翰在施特勞斯家族有兩個被叫做約翰.施特勞施特勞斯的作曲家。斯的作曲家。His dance music made him famous all overEurope.編輯編輯ppt21his music is perfectgreat European musiciannot only the piano but also the violin.in Austria in 1756.He was born1.When and where was he born?2.What instruments(樂器)樂器) did he

23、 play before he was six?(三)Read paragraph 3 silently and answer the questions.He played3.What do people think of him and his music?He was a , and many people still think .編輯編輯ppt22一座古老而美麗的城市一座古老而美麗的城市在歐洲的中心在歐洲的中心歐洲古典音樂的中心歐洲古典音樂的中心在在18世紀世紀許多音樂家許多音樂家使他出名使他出名全歐全歐非常成功且受歡迎非常成功且受歡迎9.另一位非常重要的另一位非常重要的作曲作曲家家

24、10.不僅彈鋼琴而且拉小提琴不僅彈鋼琴而且拉小提琴1.a beautiful old city2.in the centre of Europe3.the centre of European classical music4.in the eighteenth century5.a lot of musicians6.make him famous7.all over Europe8.very successful and popular9.another very important composer10.play not only the piano but also the violi

25、n 編輯編輯ppt2311.帶領某人參觀帶領某人參觀12.在許多國家舉行音樂在許多國家舉行音樂會會13.寫上百首絕妙的音樂寫上百首絕妙的音樂14.一位著名的歐洲音樂一位著名的歐洲音樂家家11.take sb around12.give concerts in many cities13.write hundreds of wonderful pieces of music14.a great European musician編輯編輯ppt241.它是奧地利首都,也是歐洲古典音樂的中心。它是奧地利首都,也是歐洲古典音樂的中心。Its the capital city of Austria an

26、d the centre of European classical music.2.在在18世紀,很多音樂家來到維也納學習和工作。世紀,很多音樂家來到維也納學習和工作。In the eighteenth century a lot of musicians came to study and work in Vienna.3.在斯特勞斯家族,有兩位名為約翰在斯特勞斯家族,有兩位名為約翰斯特勞斯的斯特勞斯的作曲家。作曲家。In the Strauss family, there were two composers called Johann Strauss.4.他的舞曲讓他聞名于歐洲。他的舞

27、曲讓他聞名于歐洲。His dance music made him famous all over Europe.編輯編輯ppt255.莫扎特是另一位非常重要的藝術家。莫扎特是另一位非常重要的藝術家。Mozart was another very important composer.6.家人帶著他周游歐洲并在許多城市巡回演出。家人帶著他周游歐洲并在許多城市巡回演出。His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities.7.他譜寫了幾百部動人的音樂作品他譜寫了幾百部動人的音樂作品.He wrote hundr

28、eds of wonderful pieces of music.8.現(xiàn)在許多人依然認為他的音樂是完美的現(xiàn)在許多人依然認為他的音樂是完美的。Many people still think his music is perfect.編輯編輯ppt26 維也納是位于歐洲中部多瑙河畔的一座古老而美維也納是位于歐洲中部多瑙河畔的一座古老而美麗的城市,它是奧地利首都,也是歐洲古典音樂的中麗的城市,它是奧地利首都,也是歐洲古典音樂的中心。在心。在18世紀,很多音樂家來到維也納學習和工作。世紀,很多音樂家來到維也納學習和工作。 在斯特勞斯家族,有兩位名為約翰在斯特勞斯家族,有兩位名為約翰斯特勞斯的斯特勞斯的

29、作曲家父親和兒子。父親老約翰作曲家父親和兒子。父親老約翰斯特勞斯創(chuàng)作并演斯特勞斯創(chuàng)作并演奏一種古典舞曲,叫華爾茲,他的舞曲讓他聞名于歐奏一種古典舞曲,叫華爾茲,他的舞曲讓他聞名于歐洲。兒子小約翰洲。兒子小約翰斯特勞斯也非常成功!深受歡迎。斯特勞斯也非常成功!深受歡迎。他譜寫了他譜寫了150多首華爾茲舞曲。多首華爾茲舞曲。1867年年 他創(chuàng)作了華他創(chuàng)作了華爾茲舞曲爾茲舞曲藍色多瑙河藍色多瑙河。 莫扎特是另一位非常重要的藝術家。他莫扎特是另一位非常重要的藝術家。他1756年年出生于奧地利,不到六歲就不僅會彈鋼琴,還會拉小出生于奧地利,不到六歲就不僅會彈鋼琴,還會拉小提琴。家人帶著他周游歐洲并在許多

30、城市巡回演出。提琴。家人帶著他周游歐洲并在許多城市巡回演出。他譜寫了幾百部動人的音樂作品,但是他后來變得很他譜寫了幾百部動人的音樂作品,但是他后來變得很貧困,于貧困,于1791年去世年僅年去世年僅35歲。像約翰歲。像約翰斯特勞斯父斯特勞斯父子倆一樣,它是一位偉大的歐洲音樂家。現(xiàn)在許多人子倆一樣,它是一位偉大的歐洲音樂家。現(xiàn)在許多人依然認為他的音樂是完美的依然認為他的音樂是完美的。編輯編輯ppt27精講精練精講精練 我合作我成功我合作我成功In the Strauss family, there were two composers called Johann Strauss: the fath

31、er and the son. The father, Johann Strauss the elder, wrote and played music for traditional dances, called the waltz. His dance music made him famous all over Europe. The son, Johann Strauss the younger, was also very successful and popular. He wrote over 150 waltzes. In 1867 he wrote The Blue Danu

32、be waltz. 典題鏈接典題鏈接:1.We should make our classroom _ (clean) every day.2.The boss always makes the workers _ (work) 12 for hours every day.cleanwork1.make sb./sth. +adj. 使某人使某人/物物The bad news made him very sad.這個壞消息使他很傷心。這個壞消息使他很傷心。 2.make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事使某人做某事make sb. not do sth. 使某人不做某事使某人不做某事 P

33、arents always make their children learn many things.父母總是使他們的孩子學習很多東西。父母總是使他們的孩子學習很多東西。編輯編輯ppt28Mozart was another very important composer. He was born in Austria in 1756. Before he was six, He played not only the piano but also the violin. His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in ma

34、ny cities. He wrote hundreds of wonderful pieces of music. But he became very poor and died in 1791 when he was only thirty-five. Like Johann Strauss, father and son, he was a great European musician, and many people still think his music is perfect.not only but alsotake sb. aroundgive concertshundr

35、eds ofa great European musician when he was 35 years old不僅不僅 而且而且?guī)ьI某人參觀帶領某人參觀舉辦音樂會舉辦音樂會數(shù)百數(shù)百一個著名的歐洲音樂家一個著名的歐洲音樂家當他當他35歲時歲時=at the age of not onlybut also是一個表是一個表并列關系的連詞并列關系的連詞,用,用來連接兩個并列關系的句子成分來連接兩個并列關系的句子成分.注注:連接兩個主語時,謂語動詞需采用就近原則連接兩個主語時,謂語動詞需采用就近原則.1.I can speak not only English, but also French.我不但

36、會講英語,而且還會講法語我不但會講英語,而且還會講法語2. Not only Tom but also Jack likes English.不僅湯姆而且杰克喜歡英語不僅湯姆而且杰克喜歡英語 典題鏈接典題鏈接:Tom likes English .Tony likes English ,too.(合并為一句合并為一句)_ _ Tom _ _ Tony _ English.Not only but alsolikes編輯編輯ppt29language points:1.make2.Not onlybut also_ _ you _ _I _ going to visit the museum t

37、omorrow.Not only his brother but also he _ (come) to see you.3.elder:表示兄弟姐妹之間的長幼關系,作定語。:表示兄弟姐妹之間的長幼關系,作定語。older:指新舊:指新舊/老幼老幼/年齡大小的關系年齡大小的關系My _ brother is 7 years _ than I.編輯編輯ppt30language points:4.give concerts /give a concert 舉辦音樂會舉辦音樂會go to the concert 聽音樂會聽音樂會Wang feng will _ in our city,I will

38、 _.5.EuropeanEuropeGermany is a _ country.Britain is in _.6.perfectperfectly(副詞副詞)She speaks _ English.Practice makes _.熟能生巧。熟能生巧。Mary sings _.編輯編輯ppt31Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.another, elder, European perfect, poor, popularBoth Strauss the _ and Strauss t

39、he younger wrote some very _ music. _ successful composer from Vienna was Mozart, but he became very _ and died at the age of 35. many people think Mozarts music is _. All three were great _ musicians.elderpopularAnother poorperfectEuropean編輯編輯ppt32金句賞析金句賞析:Vienna is the centre of European classical music.His dance music made him famous all over Europe.He played not only the piano but also the violin.His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many cities.編輯編輯ppt33 Have a try:學有所獲學有所獲 1. At the age of 20, he joined the army. (改為同義句)改為同義句) _ _ _ 20, he joined t


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