



1、現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)1. 定 義:現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)表示正在發(fā)生或進(jìn)行的動(dòng)作。結(jié)構(gòu)是: be (am, is, are)+動(dòng) 詞現(xiàn)在分詞形式。 (簡寫: be +動(dòng)詞-ing)A、陳述句 (肯定句 )主語be (am, is, are)+現(xiàn)在分詞, 如:I am reading English我. 正在讀英語。 He is writing.他正在寫字。B、一般疑問句Be(Am, Is, Are)+主語現(xiàn)在分詞, 如: Are you singing?你正在唱歌嗎?C、特殊疑問句疑問詞 be (am, is, are)主語現(xiàn)在分詞What are you doing? 你正在干什么 -I am doing my

2、homework.我正在做作業(yè)。2. 標(biāo)志詞: (1) 時(shí)間狀語 now 、at the moment(2) 句前有提示詞 look 、 listen 、look at 3. 動(dòng)詞 -ing 的構(gòu)成規(guī)則( 1)一般情況下,直接加 ing,如: cook-cooking(2)以不發(fā)音的 e結(jié)尾,去 e加 ing,如: make-making, taste-tasting( 3)如果末尾是一個(gè)元音字母和一個(gè)輔音字母, 雙寫末尾的輔音字母, 再加 ing, 如: run-running, stop-stopping(4)以 ie 結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞,先把 ie變成 y 再加-ing。 lie- lying

3、tie -tying die-dying 注意: see-seeing draw-drawing listen-listening現(xiàn)在分詞構(gòu)成口訣現(xiàn)在分詞很好記,動(dòng)詞后綴 -ing。 直接加、去 e 加、雙寫加。 還有一點(diǎn)要注意 ie要用 y來替。現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)用法口訣主語在前 be 在后,現(xiàn)在分詞跟著走,其他成分不可丟。 變一般很簡單,把 be 提到句子前,否定句也不難, be后要把 not 添。 還有一點(diǎn)要注意,動(dòng)作提問 doing 替?,F(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)練習(xí)題一、將下列動(dòng)詞變成ing 形式help_ come_ swim_ eat givefind _ sit _ write_ tie_ make

4、 _play_ clean catch_ walk_ riderun_ draw_ listen_ begin _ dance_watch sleepsee have 二用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. Look ! The boy (read) books.2. The girls(have) breakfast now.3. he (clean) the blackboard? No, he isn ' t.4. Tom(play) football on the playground at the moment .5. Listen! They(sing) in the muisc

5、room.三漢譯英。1. 我們正在看電視。 WeTV.2. Tom 在圖書館看書。 Tombooks in the library.3. 康康在操場上打籃球。 Kang kang basketball .4. 他此刻正在睡覺。 He is sleeping.5. 瑪利亞在做什么? WhatMaria now?6. 你在做作業(yè)嗎?Youyour homework ?四將下列句子改成現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)1. I watch TV every day.I TV now.2. She works in a hospital. She in hospital.3. Do you read this book? y

6、ou this book.4. Tom and Sam have lunch at about twelve.Kitty and Ben lunch at about twelve.5. They clean the room in the evening.They the room now.6. They don ' t play computer games.7. Do they swim ?8. Does she write a letter ?9. What do they look at ?10. He talks to a friend. 五完成下列現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)的句子1. T

7、he students (listen) to the teacher now.2. Li Lei (watch) TV now.3. She (look) at a nice picture now.4. Look! The boys (play) basketball.5. Listen! They (sing) a song.6. A cat (run) up the tree now.7. I (get) up now.8. Her mother (wash) the dishes now.9. He (go) to the park now.10. They (sit) in the

8、 park.11. My mother (clean) the room now.12. She (drink) some milk.13. A cat (sleep) behind the door.14. Billy and Bob (play) football.15. They (have) fun together.六、選擇填空。() 1.What are you doing? I ' m a_n interesting book.A. looking B. seeingC. reading( ) 2. What _ your sister doing? She cleani

9、ng the floor.A. are, isB does, is C. is, is() 3. Kate is _ her green dress now .A. putting onB puts onC wear() 4. Is she_ her homework? No, she_.A do, doesn' t B does,i sn ' t C doing, is D doing, isn 't ( ) 5. Look! The cousins new sweaters.A. are wearingB. wearingC. are wear D. is wear

10、ing() 6. Don' ttalk here. My father and mother .A. is sleepingB. are sleepingC. sleeping D. sleep() 7 Listen! The birds _ in the tree .D are singingA sing B singing C is singing( ) 8. Who over there now?A. drawing B. is drawC. is drawingD. draw( ) 9. The students an English class.A. have B. havi

11、ngC. is having D. are having) 10. Listen! The baby in the room.A. crying B. criedC. is crying D. cries) 11.I am to the radio.A. am listening B. listening C. am listen) 12.She the piano.A is playing B are playing C playing() 13.We on the chair.A. is sittingB. are sitingC. are sitting()14.Lily on the

12、playground.A. am runningB. runningC. is running()15. They in the pool.A. are swimming B. are swiming C. swimming 七句型變換。1. The babies are crying in the room.2. I'm having my breakfast now.3. My sister is making a kite in her room.4. Mary is cooking in the kitchen.5. The students of Class Four are

13、 sweeping their classroom.6. The twins are waiting for a bus. 八、按要求完成句子。1. He is eating dinner. (對劃線部分提問 ) is he ?2. They are reading in the library . (對劃線部分提問 ) they ?3、I'm doing my homework in my study. (對劃線部分提問 )4、Sue is sitting under the tree. 對( 劃線部分提問 )5. she, the window ,open ,now.用( 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)連詞成句 .)6. is, who, the window, cleaning?(連詞成句 )7


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