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1、原文:New Compete ncies for HRWhat does it take to make it big in HR? What skills and expertise do youn eed? Since 1988, Dave Ulrich, professor of bus in ess adm ini stratio n at theUn iversity of Michiga n, and his associates have bee n on a quest to providethe answers. This year, they' ve release

2、W 2007 Human ResourceCompetencyStudy (HRCS). The findings and interpretationslay outprofessi onal guida nee for HR for at least the n ext few years.“ People want to know what set of skills high -achieving HR people needto perform eve n better,” says UUrrdctoroof the project along withWayne Brockba n

3、k, also a professor of bus in ess at the Uni versity of Michiga n.Con ducted un der the auspices of the Ross School of Bus in ess at theUniversity of Michigan and The RBL Group in Salt Lake City, with regional part ners in cludi ng the Society for Huma n Resource Man ageme nt (SHRM) in North America

4、 and other institutions in Latin America, Europe, China and Australia, HRCS is the Ion gest-r unning, most exte nsive global HR compete ncy study in existenee.“In reaching our conclusions, we' ve looked acrosstha n 400 compa nies and are able to report with statistical accuracy what HR executive

5、s say and do,” Ulrich says.Theesearch continues to dem on stratethe dyn amic n ature of thehuma n resource man ageme nt professi on,say” SHRM Preside nt and CEOSusa n R. Meis in ger, SPHR.“ The findings also highlight what an excit ing timeit is to be in the profession. We continue to have the abili

6、ty to really add value to an organizati on. ”“ HRCSs foundational work that is really important to HR as a professi on, ” says Cyn thia McCague, senior vice preside nt of the Coca-Cola Co., who participated in the study. “ Theyiave created and continue to enhance a framework for thinking about how H

7、R drives organizational performa nee.”What ' s NewResearchers ide ntified six core compete ncies that high-perform ing HRprofessi on als embody. These supersede the five compete ncies outli ned in the2002 HRCSthe last study published reflect ing the con ti nuing evoluti on ofthe HR professi on.

8、Each compete ncyis broke n out in to performa neeeleme nts.“ This is the fifth round, so we can look at past models and comparewhere the professi on is going,” says Evre n Ese n, survey program man ager atSHRM, which provided the sample of HR professi on als surveyed in NorthAmerica. “ Wecan actuall

9、y see the profession changing. Some core areas rema in the same, but others, based on how the raters assess and perceive HR,are new.” (For more information, see“ The CTOmpetlenCentsand”at right.)To some degree, the new compete nciesreflect a cha ngeinnomenclature or a shuffling of the competency dec

10、k. However, there are some key differe nces.Five years ago, HR' s role in managing culture was embedded within abroader compete ncy. Now its importa nee merits a compete ncy of its own.Kno wledge of tech no logy, a sta nd-al one compete ncy in 2002, now appearswithin Busin ess Ally. In other in

11、sta nces, the new compete nciescarryexpectations that promise to change the way HR views its role. For example,the Credible Activist calls for HR to eschew n eutrality and to take a sta nd topractice the craft“ with an attitude.”To put the competencies in perspective, it' s helpful to view them

12、as athree-tier pyramid with Credible Activist at the pinn acle.Credible Activist. This competency is the top indicator in predictingoverall outsta nding performa nee, suggest ing that masteri ng it should be apriority. “ You ' goe to be good at all of them, but, no question, thiscompetency is ke

13、y,” Ulrich says.“ But you can ' t be a Credible Activist wihaving all the other competencies. In a sense, it' s the whole package.“It a deal breaker, agrees Dani Johnson, project manager of theHuma n Resource Compete ncy Study at The RBL Group in Salt Lake City.“Ifyou don ' t come to the

14、 table with it, you' re done. It permeates everything yodo. ”The Credible Activist is at the heart of what it takes to be an effective HRleader. “ Theoest HR people do not hold back; they step forward andadvocate for their position,” says Susan Harmansky, SPHR, senior director ofdomestic restaur

15、a nt operati onsfor HR at Papa Joh n ' Inter nati onal inLouisville, Ky., and former chair of the Human Resource Certification Institute.“ CEOare not waiting for HR to come in with options they want your recomme ndati ons; they want you to speak from your positi on as an expert, similar to what

16、you see from legal or finance executives.”“ Youdon ' want to be credible without being an activist, becauseesse ntially you' re worthless to the bus in ess,” Joh nson says.“ Pbut you have no impact. On the other hand, you don' t want to be an activiswithout being credible. You can be dan

17、gerous in a situation like that.Below Credible Activist on the pyramid is a cluster of three compete ncies:Cultural Steward, Tale nt Man ager/Orga ni zati onalDesig ner and StrategyArchitect.Cultural Steward. HR has always owned culture. But withSarba nes-Oxley and other regulatory pressures, and CE

18、Os relyi ng more onHR to man age culture, this is the first time it has emerged as an in depe ndent compete ncy. Of the six compete ncies. Cultural Steward is the sec ond highest predictor of performa nee of both HR professi on als and HR departme nts.Tale nt Man ager/Orga ni zati onal Desig ner.Tal

19、e nt man ageme nt focuseson how individuals enter, move up, across or out of the organization. Orga ni zati onal desig n cen ters on the policies, practices and structure that shape how the organization works. Their linking reflects Ulrich HR may be placi ng too much emphasis on tale nt acquisiti on

20、 at the expe nse of orga ni zatio nal desig n. Tale nt man ageme nt will not succeed in the long run without an organizational structure that supports it.Strategy Architect. Strategy Architects are able to recog nize bus in esstrends and their impact on the bus in ess, and to ide ntify pote ntial ro

21、adblocksand opportunities.Harmansky, whorecentlyjoined PapaJohn ' s,m spe nddem on strates how the Strategy Architect compete ncy helps HR con tribute to the overall bus in ess strategy.“In my first mon ths here, Itime traveling, going to see stores all over the country. Every time I go to astor

22、e, while my counterparts of the management team are talking about operational aspects, I' m talking to the people who work there. I tofind out what the issues are surro unding people. How do I develop them? Ilook ing for my bus in ess differe ntiator on the people side so I can con tribute to th

23、e strategy.”When Charlease Deathridge, SPHR, HR manager of McKee Foods inStuarts Draft, Va., identified a potential roadblock to implementing a new managementphilosophy, she used the Strategy Architect competency.“ When we were rolli ng out'lea n manu facturi ng' prin ciples at our locati on

24、,administered an employee satisfaction survey to assess how the workers viewed the new system. The satisfaction scores were lower than ideal. I showed ma nageme nt how a n egative could become a positive, how we could use the data and follow-up surveys as a strategic tool to dem on strate progress.A

25、nchoring the pyramid at its base are two competencies that Ulrich describes as “ tablestakes necessarlyut not sufficient.Except in China,where HR is at an earlier stage in professi onal developme nt and there is great emphasis on tran sacti onal activities, these compete ncies are looked upon as bas

26、ic skills that every one must have. There is some disappo inting n ews here.In the United States, respondentsrated significantly lower on thesecompete ncies tha n the resp ondents surveyed in other coun tries.Busin ess Ally. HR con tributes to the success of a bus in ess by knowing how it makes mone

27、y, who the customers are, and why they buy the compa ny ' s products and services. For HR professi on als to be Bus in ess Allies(and Credible Activists and Strategy Architects as well), they should be whatUlrich describes as“ bus in ess literate.” The man tra about un dersta nding thebus in ess

28、 how it works, the finan cials and strategic issuesrema ins asimportant today as it did in every iteration of the survey the past 20 years. Yet progress in this area continues to lag.“ Eve n these high performers don' t know the bus in ess as well as theyshould, ” Ulrich says. In his travels, he

29、 gives HR audie nces 10 questio ns to testtheir bus in ess literacy.Operati onal Executor. These skills tend to fall in to the range of HR activities characterized as transactional or “l(fā)egacy. Policies need to be drafted, adapted and impleme nted. Employees n eed to be paid, relocated, hired, traine

30、d and more. Every fun ctio n here is esse ntial, but as with theBusin ess Ally compete ncy high-perform ing HR man agers seem to view them as less important and score higher on the other competencies. Even some highly effective HR people may be running a risk in pay ing too little attention to these

31、 nuts-and-bolts activities, Ulrich observes.Practical ToolIn con duct ing debriefi ngs for people who participated in the HRCS, Ulrich observes how delighted they are at the prescriptive nature of the exercise. The in dividual feedback reports they receive (seeHow the StudyWas Done ” ) offer them a

32、road map, and they are highly motivated to followit.Anyone who has been through a 360-degree appraisal knows thatcriticism can be jarring. It' s risky to open yourself up to othersyou don ' t have to. Add the prospect of sharing the results with your boss andcolleagues who will be rat ing yo

33、u, and you may decide to pass. Still, itsurprising that highly motivated people like Deathridge jumped at the cha nee for the free feedback.“ All of it is not good,” says Deathridge.“ You have to be willing to f<to it. You go home, work it out and say, Whym I getting this badfeedback?'”But fo

34、r Deathridge, the results mostly con firmed what she already kn ew.“I believe most people know where they' re weak or strong. For me, it wasmost helpful to look at how close others' rati ngs of me matched with my ownassessments. . There' s so much to learn about what it takes to be a gen

35、uinelead er, and this study helped a lot.”Deathridge says the in dividual feedback report she received helped herrealize the importance of taking a stand and developing her Credible Activistcompete ncy.“ There was a situati on where I had a line man ager who wan tedto discipli ne some one,” she reca

36、lls.“In the past, I would n' t havsta nd up as stron gly as I did. I was able to be very clear about how I felt. I told him that he had not done eno ugh to docume nt the performa nee issue, and that if he wan ted to in stitute diseipli ne it would have to be at the lowest level.Let sIn the past,

37、 I would have bee n more defere ntial and said,and do it at step two or three.But I didnt do it; I spoke out stron gly andmy ground.This was the seeond study for Shane Smith, director of HR at Coca-Cola.m see ing some tracti on in the tI did it for the first time in 2002. Now Ive bee n work ing on.

38、Im pleased to see the con siste ncy with my evaluati onsof my performa nee whe n compared to my raters.What It All Mea nsUlrich believes that HR professi on als who would have succeeded 30, 20,eve n 10 years ago, are not as likely to succeed today. They are expected toplay new roles. To do so, they

39、will n eed the new compete ncies.Ulrich urges HR to reflect on the new compete ncies and what they revealabout the future of the HR professi on. His message is direct and un forgi ving.“ Legacy HR work is going, and HR people who don' t change with it will begone. ”till, he remains optimistic th

40、at many in HR are heeding his call.“ Twenty percent of HR people will never get it; 20 percent are really topperform ing. The middle 60 perce nt are movi ng in the right direct ion, Ulrich.Within that 60 perce nt there are HR professi on als who may be at thetable but are not contributing fully,” he

41、 adds. “ That ' s the group I want toto. . I want to show them what they need to do to have an impact.As a start, Ulrich recomme nds HR professi on als con sider in itiati ng threeconv ersati ons.“ One is with your bus in estereaReview the compete ncieswith them and ask them if you' re doing

42、 them. Next, pose the same questio nsto your HR team. Then, ask yourself whether you really know the bus in ess orif you ' re gloss ing on the surface.” Fin ally, set your priorities.: Get working on that Credible Activist!'”Robert J. Grossman, a contributing editor ofHR Magazine , is a lawy

43、erand a professor of man ageme nt studies at Marist College in Poughkeepsie,N.Y.from :Robert J. Grossman , HR Magazi ne, 2007,06譯文:人力資源管理的新型勝任力如何在人力資源管理領(lǐng)域取得更大成功?需要怎樣的專業(yè)知識(shí)和技能? 從1988年開(kāi)始,密歇根大學(xué)的商業(yè)管理教授 Dave Ulrich先生和他的助手們就 開(kāi)始研究這個(gè)課題。今年,他們發(fā)布了一份全新的2007人力資源勝任力研究報(bào) 告2007 Human Resource Competency Study (HRCS),

44、這項(xiàng)研究成果將成為 未來(lái)幾年人力資源領(lǐng)域的專業(yè)指南。Ulrich教授介紹說(shuō),人們想知道什么樣的專業(yè)技能能讓已經(jīng)很成功的人力 資源管理者們表現(xiàn)的更好,”他與密歇根大學(xué)的商業(yè)學(xué)教授 Wayne Brockbank 先生共同領(lǐng)導(dǎo)了這項(xiàng)研究。該項(xiàng)研究由密歇根大學(xué)的羅斯商學(xué)院及鹽湖城的RBL集團(tuán)主辦,并與世界各地的機(jī)構(gòu)進(jìn)行合作,合作伙伴包括北美的美國(guó)人力資源管理協(xié)會(huì)以及拉美洲、歐洲、中國(guó)、澳大利亞等地的研究機(jī)構(gòu)。HRCS是全球范圍內(nèi)現(xiàn)有的最具規(guī) 模、持續(xù)時(shí)間最長(zhǎng)的一項(xiàng)人力資源勝任力研究。Ulrich教授介紹說(shuō):為了達(dá)到 準(zhǔn)確的研究結(jié)果,我們對(duì)400余家企業(yè)進(jìn)行了調(diào)查研究,我們甚至能夠準(zhǔn)確說(shuō) 出HR高管說(shuō)

45、過(guò)什么和做過(guò)什么”。美國(guó)人力資源管理協(xié)會(huì)的總裁兼 CEO、高級(jí)人力資源管理師Susan R.Meisinger女士評(píng)價(jià)說(shuō):這項(xiàng)研究充分表明了人力資源管理這個(gè)領(lǐng)域的不斷發(fā) 展的性質(zhì)。研究結(jié)果同樣也昭示出,現(xiàn)在正是涉足這個(gè)行業(yè)的黃金時(shí)刻。我們 依然能夠真正為企業(yè)創(chuàng)造價(jià)值?!痹鴧⑴c過(guò)此項(xiàng)研究的可口可樂(lè)高級(jí)副總裁Cynthia McCague先生說(shuō):人力 資源勝任力研究是人力資源領(lǐng)域內(nèi)一項(xiàng)非常重要的基礎(chǔ)性研究。它創(chuàng)造并不斷 強(qiáng)調(diào)了一個(gè)框架,讓我們思考HR是如何驅(qū)動(dòng)公司業(yè)績(jī)的?!保ㄒ患?jí)標(biāo)題)關(guān)于新成果該項(xiàng)研究發(fā)布了六項(xiàng)高績(jī)效人力資源從業(yè)人員所具備的勝任力,從而取代 了在2002年HRCS發(fā)布的五項(xiàng)勝任力

46、,這充分表明了 HR這個(gè)領(lǐng)域在不斷發(fā)展 進(jìn)步。每一項(xiàng)勝任力都被細(xì)化為績(jī)效因素。因?yàn)檫@是第五次進(jìn)行這樣的調(diào)查了 ,所以我們可以與過(guò)去的研究結(jié)果進(jìn)行 比較,從而看到這個(gè)行業(yè)的變遷?!泵绹?guó)人力資源管理協(xié)會(huì)的調(diào)研項(xiàng)目經(jīng) Evren Esen這樣說(shuō),她此次負(fù)責(zé)提供北美洲HR行業(yè)的相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)。我們能清楚地感覺(jué) 到行業(yè)的變化。一些核心部分保持不變,而根據(jù)被調(diào)查者對(duì)人力資源領(lǐng)域的評(píng) 價(jià)和看法,其他的部分則是全新的。(更多資訊,請(qǐng)參見(jiàn)勝任力及其組成因 素”) 從某種程度來(lái)說(shuō),新的勝任力反應(yīng)了術(shù)語(yǔ)上的一些變化或者勝任力的重新組 合,然而,新的勝任力還是有一些根本的不同。五年前,HR在文化管理方面的作用被包含在意義更

47、廣闊的勝任力里?,F(xiàn)在 它的重要性是如此突顯,所以被作為一個(gè)單獨(dú)的勝任力提出來(lái)。掌握科技知識(shí) 這在2002年是一項(xiàng)獨(dú)立的能力,現(xiàn)在則被包含在商業(yè)同盟這項(xiàng)勝任力中。其他 方面,新的勝任力讓人們看到了 HR所承載使命的變化。例如,可信賴的行動(dòng) 家”號(hào)召人力資源管理者放棄中立態(tài)度,表明自己的立場(chǎng)一一對(duì)事物擁有自己的 態(tài)度。為了使讀者更好地理解這些勝任力,把這些勝任力看做一個(gè)三層的金字 塔是很有幫助的,而可信賴的行動(dòng)家就是塔尖??尚刨嚨男袆?dòng)家 這項(xiàng)勝任力是獲得出色表現(xiàn)的首要關(guān)鍵因素,這就意味著應(yīng)該將掌握這項(xiàng)勝任力放在優(yōu)先位置。Ulrich教授說(shuō)你必須具備全部的這些勝 任力,毫無(wú)疑問(wèn),這個(gè)勝任力是關(guān)鍵所在

48、。但是,沒(méi)有其他的勝任力,你不可 能擁有這項(xiàng)。從某種意義來(lái)說(shuō),這是一個(gè)整體?!丙}湖城的RBL集團(tuán)的人力資源勝任力研究項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理 Dani Johnson先生也持 同樣觀點(diǎn),這點(diǎn)非常重要,如果你不具備這項(xiàng)勝任力的話,那么你就過(guò)時(shí)了。 這項(xiàng)勝任力已經(jīng)滲透到你工作的方方面面?!笨尚刨嚨男袆?dòng)家這項(xiàng)素質(zhì)是成為高效 HR領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人的核心,最優(yōu)秀的HR人才 并不猶豫躊躇,他們積極進(jìn)取且貢獻(xiàn)良多。CEO們并不希望HR只為他們提供 選擇一一他們想要你的建議,他們希望你能從專業(yè)角度給出建議,就像法律和 財(cái)務(wù)總監(jiān)一樣?!盨usan Harmansk這樣說(shuō)。她是一名高級(jí)人力資源管理師,擔(dān)任美國(guó)肯塔基州路易斯維爾市的 Pap

49、a John國(guó)際連鎖機(jī)構(gòu)的當(dāng)?shù)夭惋嫻镜?高級(jí)人力資源總監(jiān),她之前曾擔(dān)任人力資源認(rèn)證協(xié)會(huì) (Human Resource Certification Institute - HRCI )的主席。Johnson說(shuō)你當(dāng)然不希望自己只值得信賴,但是沒(méi)有行動(dòng)力,因?yàn)檫@樣的 話你在商業(yè)上就沒(méi)有價(jià)值了 。人們都喜歡你,但是,你毫無(wú)影響力。另一方 面,你也不希望自己只具備行動(dòng)力,但是卻不值得信賴。因?yàn)檫@樣會(huì)讓你自己 置于險(xiǎn)境。”在可信賴的行動(dòng)家之下,是三項(xiàng)勝任力:文化干事,人才管家/組織設(shè)計(jì)者 和戰(zhàn)略設(shè)計(jì)師。文化干事HR總免不了與文化打交道。但是,基于Sarbanes-Oxley和其他 條例的壓力,CEO們

50、總是更多地依仗HR來(lái)管理文化事物,這是第一次文化能 力被作為一項(xiàng)單獨(dú)的勝任力列出來(lái)。對(duì)于HR從業(yè)人員和HR部門來(lái)說(shuō),在六項(xiàng)勝任力當(dāng)中,文化干事”這項(xiàng)勝任力的重要性是排在第二位的人才管家/組織設(shè)計(jì)者 人才管理主要包括員工入職、升遷、調(diào)動(dòng)或離職等 事務(wù)。組織設(shè)計(jì)則包括關(guān)于公司如何運(yùn)作的公司政策、實(shí)施和結(jié)構(gòu)等。它們之間的聯(lián)系反應(yīng)了 Ulrich教授的觀點(diǎn),他認(rèn)為,人力資源管理者將過(guò)多的經(jīng)歷放 在了員工需求方面,而忽略了組織設(shè)計(jì)。長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)看來(lái),人才管理如果缺乏組織架 構(gòu)的有效支持,也難于持久。戰(zhàn)略策劃師戰(zhàn)略策劃師能夠敏銳地感知到商業(yè)的趨勢(shì)及其影響,能夠發(fā)覺(jué) 潛在的障礙和機(jī)遇。新加盟Papa John 的H

51、armansky向我們展示了 戰(zhàn)略策劃 師”這項(xiàng)勝任力是如何為整個(gè)商業(yè)戰(zhàn)略做出貢獻(xiàn)的。在我到任的最初幾個(gè)月 里,我的很多時(shí)間都用來(lái)四處探訪我們?cè)诟鞯氐姆植俊T谔皆L分部的時(shí)候,我的管理層伙伴們探討運(yùn)作事宜,我則和那里的員工進(jìn)行交談。我試圖了解那些 與人相關(guān)的事務(wù)。我應(yīng)怎樣培養(yǎng)員工?我盡量利用自己在人力資源方面的商業(yè) 頭腦,以便能為商業(yè)戰(zhàn)略作出貢獻(xiàn)。無(wú)獨(dú)有偶,弗吉尼亞洲Stuarts Draft市的McKee食品公司的HR經(jīng)理,高 級(jí)人力資源管理師,Charlease Deathridge女士發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個(gè)實(shí)施新的管理措施 中的潛在障礙,她運(yùn)用了戰(zhàn)略策劃師”這個(gè)勝任力。我們?cè)诒镜毓S推出了一 個(gè)精益生

52、產(chǎn)管理方案。對(duì)此,我們進(jìn)行了一項(xiàng)民意調(diào)查。調(diào)查結(jié)果顯示員工的 滿意度比我們預(yù)想的要低。我向管理層陳述了如何將負(fù)面因素化為正面因素,我們要如何應(yīng)用這些數(shù)據(jù)和接下來(lái)的調(diào)查,并將其作為一種戰(zhàn)略性工具,幫助 我們達(dá)到成功?!痹诮鹱炙牡撞?,有兩項(xiàng)勝任力,Ulrich教授將其稱為基柱一一必要但不充分”。在這里要特別說(shuō)明一下,中國(guó)的情況比較特殊,因?yàn)橹袊?guó)目前的人力資源行業(yè)還處在一個(gè)相對(duì)初級(jí)的階段,人力資源的精力更多地是放在事務(wù)性工 作中。)這些技巧已經(jīng)被看作是人人都應(yīng)該具有的技能。但令人失望的是,在美國(guó),受訪者給予這兩項(xiàng)勝任力的分?jǐn)?shù)明顯低于其他國(guó)家受訪者所給的分?jǐn)?shù)。商業(yè)同盟 人力資源管理者了解商業(yè)的運(yùn)作,包括客戶是誰(shuí),他們?yōu)槭裁促?gòu) 買公司的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù),HR對(duì)公司的成功運(yùn)做貢獻(xiàn)良多。HR想要具備成為商業(yè) 同盟這項(xiàng)勝任力(可信賴的行動(dòng)家和戰(zhàn)略策劃師也一樣),就必須如Ulrich所 說(shuō),成為一名商業(yè)學(xué)者”。也就是說(shuō)要真正了解商業(yè)一一包括其運(yùn)作模式,財(cái)


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