八年級上冊完成句子練習(xí) 漢譯英_第1頁
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1、八年級上冊完成句子練習(xí)Unit 1你好,我親愛的朋友,好久不見!Hello, my dear friend! _!你對那條狗做了什么特別的事嗎?Did you _ to the dog?聚會上每個孩子都玩得很愉快。At the party every child_.Rose感覺她自己就是一個神。Jack _ her herself was a god.我喜歡聽TF-BOYS的歌。I_TF-BOYSs songs.由于天冷,大多數(shù)老人和孩子都病了。Most old people and children got sick _ the cold weather.在我們到達(dá)山頂前,我們又步行了兩個小

2、時。We walked for _ before we got to the top of the hill.她的父母太忙了,很少有時間陪她。Her parents were_ they spent little time with her.讓我們盡最大的努力來幫助貧困地區(qū)的孩子們。Lets _the children in poor areas.Unit2你擅長說哪一種語言?_ are you good at speaking?Laura多久鍛煉一次?_ does Laura _?我?guī)缀鯊牟怀訩FC。I_ eat KFC.吃健康早餐對你有好處。It is good for you to _

3、breakfast.周末我喜歡做各種各樣的運動。I like doing all kinds of sports _.FanFan經(jīng)常熬夜玩QQ游戲。Fan Fan often _ playing QQ games.她有時幫她媽媽做家務(wù)。She sometimes help her mother _.媽媽想讓我每天吃健康食物。My mother _every day.我們學(xué)校百分之四十的學(xué)生來自農(nóng)村。_ the students in our school are from the countryside.湯姆總是通過聽音樂來放松自己。Tom always _ to music.我認(rèn)為放松的最

4、佳方式是通過跳舞。I think _ to relax is by dancing.我們班有六十多名學(xué)生。There are _ sixty students in our class.我非常驚訝在這里看到你。I_ to meet you here.對人們而言保持健康很重要。Its very important for people to _.不吃早餐去上學(xué)對我們的健康有害。Going to school without breakfast _ our health.Unit 3瑪麗的頭發(fā)比莉莉的短。Mary _ Lily?,旣惡屠蚶蚨紩勪撉?,但是瑪麗比莉莉彈得好。_ Mary _ Lily

5、 can play the piano, but Mary _ Lily.我認(rèn)為最重要的事情就是開心。I think the _ is to _.你和你姐姐一樣友好嗎?Are you _ your sister?你們班誰更加勤奮?Whos _ in your class?金錢不如知識重要。Money is _ knowledge.我妹妹比我高一點兒。My sister is _ than me.你的妹妹比你更擅長畫畫。 Your sister _ painting than your sister.他們兩個都喜歡游泳。_ like swimming.我們的城市正變得越來越美麗。Our city

6、 is _.我認(rèn)為一個好朋友使我發(fā)笑。I think a good friend _.老師告訴我一個好朋友就像一面鏡子。The teacher told me a good friend _.我妹妹很害羞,因此對于她來說交朋友不容易。My sister is very shy, so its not easy_.他和他弟弟非常不一樣。He is quite _ his brother.在我困難時,杰克總是能給我?guī)椭?,使我感動。When I am in trouble, Jack always _ for my hand and _ me moved.我知道我的父母很關(guān)心我。I know my

7、parents _ me very much.只要你取得好成績,我就高興。_ you can get good grades, Ill be happy.我喜歡我的英語老師,因為他能幫我表現(xiàn)出最好的一面。I like my English teacher, because he helps me _.事實上,我應(yīng)該是一名好的聽眾。_, I should be a good listener.他們兩個都在數(shù)學(xué)方面有天賦。They are _ math.我妹妹比我更外向。My sister is _ than me. Unit 4這座城市里最好的電影院是什么?Whats _ movie theat

8、er in the city.目前為止你認(rèn)為他的英語怎么樣?How do you _ his English _?謝謝你告訴了我這個好消息。Thank you for _ the good news.黃河餐館服務(wù)最友好。Huanghe Restaurant has _.這個廣播電臺離我家很近,坐公交車只有10分鐘的路程。The radio station is very _ my house and it is only_.脫口秀表演正變得越來越受歡迎。Talk shows are getting _.觀眾通常在決定獲勝者方面起著重要的作用。The audience usually _in d

9、eciding the winner.你不能太認(rèn)真對待那些綜藝節(jié)目。You cant _ those variety shows _.這是讓你夢想成真的最好辦法。This is the best way to _ your dreams _.海里生活著各種各樣的魚。There are _ fishes living in the sea.那個小男孩編造了很多故事,例如,他去過月球。The little boy _ many stories. _, he has been to the moon.我們應(yīng)該認(rèn)真對待學(xué)習(xí),因為學(xué)習(xí)在謀生時發(fā)揮著重要的作用。We should _, because t

10、he study _ making a living.這個Ipad雖然最便宜,但是和其他的一樣好。This Ipad is the _, but it is _ the other ones.Unit 5-你認(rèn)為今天的天氣怎么樣?-還可以。 我不介意炎熱的天氣。-What do you _ todays weather?-Its OK. I dont _ the heat.最后我弄清楚了昨天學(xué)校周圍發(fā)生的事情。At last I _ what was going _ around our school yesterday.上周一史密斯太太發(fā)生了車禍。A car accident _ Mrs S

11、mith last Monday.人們可以在旅途中學(xué)到很多東西。People can _ during the travels.在二十世紀(jì)五十年代,他制作了他的第一部影片。_, he made his first film.布朗先生總是樂意幫助別人。Mr. Brown is always _ help others.他有一雙比米奇的還出名的耳朵。He has a pair of ears _Mickeys.木蘭女扮男裝,替父從軍。Mulan _ like a boy and _ to fight in the army.媽媽很高興,因為她的兒子的確做得很好。Mother was very ha

12、ppy because her son really did_.我認(rèn)為他是一個成功的演員。I think he is a _.不幸地是,他弄丟了他的手機。_, he _ his mobile phone.Unit 6我長大了想當(dāng)一名飛行員。I want _ when I _.你能告訴我你為什么如此擅長寫故事嗎?Can you tell me why youre so _ stories?她將要堅持拉小提琴。She is going to _ the violin.我父母想讓我當(dāng)工程師,但我對此沒有把握。My parents want me to be an engineer, but Im _

13、 that.請確保Jim能把藥送到那個老人那里。Please _ that Jim can _ the medicine _ the old man.下周他將要搬到北京去。He_ Beijing next week.上個月我對父母許下了諾言。Last month I _ to my parents.我的決定與我的自我提高有關(guān)系。My resolutions _ my self-improvement.正因為如此,一些人說最好的行動就是沒有行動。_, some people say the best action is to take no action.你知道如何改善與家人的關(guān)系嗎?Do yo

14、u know how to _ your family?我決定盡力趕上其他同學(xué)。I _ to try my best to catch up with other students.在上課的一開始,老師讓我們問問題。_ the class, the teacher asked us to ask questions.Unit 7我認(rèn)為人們家里將會有機器人。I think _ robots in peoples homes.很多人都希望能活到一百歲。Many people hopes to _ 100 years old.將會有更多的污染,環(huán)境將處于極度的危險當(dāng)中。There will be _

15、, and the environment will be _.我們應(yīng)盡一份力來拯救地球。We should _ saving the earth.在將來,學(xué)校將會電子化。_, schools will go electronic.機器人看上去像人,并且和我們做著同樣的事情。Robots _ humans and do the same things _we do.一場暴風(fēng)雨之后,許多房屋倒塌了。After a storm, many houses _.機器人可以為人類反反復(fù)復(fù)地做一些簡單的工作。Robots can do simple jobs for people_.他們幾乎不能相信這消息

16、。They could _ the news.對于我們來說醒來并且知道在哪里很容易。Its_ for us _ and know where we are.有一些男孩正在操場上踢足球。_ some boys _ on the playground.Unit 8我經(jīng)常在家制作水果沙拉。I often _ at home.咱們來做俄式湯吧。_ Russian soup.不要忘了往湯里加些鹽。Dont forget _ some salt to the soup.她完成她的家庭作業(yè)之后,打開了電視機。After he finished his homework, he _ the TV.給我一勺酸奶

17、。Give me _ yogurt.把牛肉和土豆放進(jìn)鍋里,加一些水。_ the beef and _ a pot and _ some water.他們?yōu)樗隽藗€蛋糕。They _ for her.首先,把兩個蘋果洗干凈并切碎。First, wash two apples and _.在中國,我們通常在特別的節(jié)日里吃傳統(tǒng)的食物。In China, we usually eat_ on special holidays.然后,把水果混合物裝滿盤子。Next, _ the plate _ the fruit mix.為了做這份特殊的食物,你需要有魚肉、雞蛋和不同的蔬菜。_ this special

18、 food, you need to have fish, eggs and _ vegetables.把胡蘿卜再煮五分鐘。Cook the carrots for _.昨天我病了,媽媽給我量了體溫。Yesterday I was ill, my mother_.把樹放到坑里并用土將其蓋住。Put the tree into the hole and _ it_ earth.我們正在慶祝祖父的80歲生日。We _ our grandfathers eightieth birthday.他用蘋果把盒子裝滿。He _the box _ apples.Unit 9妞妞不能和我們一起去了,她得準(zhǔn)備考試

19、。NiuNiu cant go with us, she has _ the exam.我不想拒絕她的邀請,我想去她的生日聚會。I dont want to _, Id love to go to her birthday party.他們直到十點才離開。They arent _ ten oclock.不要吃太多甜食,否則你會太胖的。Dont eat _ sweet, or youll be _ fat.把你媽媽帶到聚會上來,為了給她一個驚喜,不要告訴她。Bring your mother to the party _ her _ she can be surprised.請在下周二之前以書面方式回復(fù)此邀請。Please reply _ to this invitation by next Tuesday.后天你有空


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