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1、2014高考英語單項選擇精英練習(xí)題(21)及答案 【形容詞單項選擇】1.(2011·江西卷)24.-The film is , I have to say, not a bit interexting.-Why? Its _ than the films I have ever seen.【A】A. far more interesting B.much less interestingC. no more interesting D.any less interesting2.(2011·四川卷)12.How are your reccent trip to Sichua

2、n? Ive never had one before.【B】A.a pleasant B.a more pleasant C.a trecst pleasant D.the most pleasant3.(2011·全國II)17Mr. Stevenson is great to work for-I really couldn't ask for aboss. A. better B. good C. best D. still better【A】4.(2011·陜西卷)17.The new stadium being built for the next As

3、ian Games will be the present one。 【B】A.as three times big as B. three times as big asC. as big as three times D. as big three times as5.(2011·江西卷)33.She has tried her best. Please dont be too _ about her job.【D】A.sprcid B.responsible C.unitsual D.parricular6.(2011·湖北卷)23.The old engineers

4、 eyes still shone bright in the wrinkled brown face and his step as he came across the room was_,though slow.【D】A. shaky B. heavy C. casual D. steady7.(2011·湖北卷)24.An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a persons characters however, they are not always_,【C】A. practical B. avoida

5、ble C. permanent D. beneficial8.(2011·湖北卷)25,The state-run company is required to make its accounts as_ as possible for its staff to monitor the use of money.【A】A. transparent B. reasonable C. securer D. format9.(2011·江蘇卷)25In that school, English is compulsory for all students, but French

6、 and Russian are _.【C】AspecialBregionalCoptionalDoriginal10.(2011·浙江卷)9.The professor could tell by the _look in Maris's eyes that she didnt understand a single word of his lecture【B】 A. cold B. blank C. innocent D. fresh11.(2011·浙江卷)16.My schedule is very _right now ,but I'll try

7、to fit you in.【A】 A. tight B. short C. regular D. flexible12.(2011·福建卷)30.Nowedays, increase in childrens creativity,for they are greatly encouraged to drevelop their talents.【A】A.sharp B.slight C.natural D.modest副詞1.(2011·全國II)12. It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it i

8、s_another to play it well yourself.【A】 A. quite B. very C. rather D. much2.(2011·浙江卷)7.Since people are fond of humor ,it is as welcome in conversation as_else.【C】 A. anything B. something C. anywhere D. somewhere 3.(2011·浙江卷)13.I've been writing this report _for the last two weeks ,bu

9、t it has to be handed it tomorrow.【C】A. finally B. immediately C. occasionally D. certainly4.(2011·安徽卷)24.To be great, you proper must be smart, confident, and, _, honest.【B】A. therefore B. above all C. however D. after5.(2011·安徽卷)31. _, I managed to get through the game and the pain was w

10、orth it in the end.【C】A. Hopefully B. Normally C. Thankfully D. Conveniently單項選擇-專題探究 專題探究:單項選擇專題詳解:高考英語單選題目千變?nèi)f化,但萬變不離其宗??嫉闹R畢竟有限。因此研究“高考試題”是最佳途徑并且掌握解題規(guī)律與方法既省時又省力可直擊目標?,F(xiàn)將一些解題方法歸納如下:1題眼法我們要學(xué)會充分利用“題眼”的作用 “題眼”是指題干中的關(guān)鍵詞或關(guān)鍵符號它具有提示信息的作用。一旦抓住了它,就能掌握選擇的依據(jù)。2還原法把倒裝式、強調(diào)式或疑問式的題干變換為陳述句再選就容易多了。3歸類法 根據(jù)句意,把選項分組歸類縮小

11、范圍提高做題的速度和準確性。4推理法 根據(jù)上下文進行邏輯推理在四個選項都可選的情況下要認真閱讀全句,仔細體會其語境,根據(jù)上下文,進行判斷。5排除法 對于難度較大的題一時不知道選哪一個,這時要逐個試填最后,選取組成最好語境的選項??碱}1 They are busy to go on a holiday. A. preparing B. ready C. prepare D. be ready考題2 It was about 600 years ago the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. A. that B. until C

12、. before D. when考題3 Few pleasure can equal of a cool drink on a hot day. A. some B. any C. that D. those考題4 These football players had no strict until they joined our club. A. practice B. education C. exercises D. training考題5 -Im g6ing to the post office. - you're there, can you get me some stam

13、ps? A. As B.While C. Because D. If考題1點撥:答案為A。be busy doing這種用法在中學(xué)教材中反復(fù)出現(xiàn),但仍有不少人選了ready。以上問題的出現(xiàn),說明學(xué)生基礎(chǔ)知識的欠缺和基本功不扎實。 考題2點撥:答案為A。本句的正常語序是:The first clock with a face and an hour hand was made about 600 years ago所以選A,因為我們都知道只有強調(diào)句型去掉it wasthat后,還會保持語意完整??碱}3點撥:答案為c。of后面是單數(shù),共前面不能填someany或those。A、B、D三項、歸為一類

14、。thatthe pleasure of a cool drink,故選C。 考題4點撥:答案為D??疾橐c:單詞辨析。A項表示“實踐”,B項表示“教育”;c項表示“練習(xí)”,D項表示“訓(xùn)練”。根據(jù)上下文, 應(yīng)選D 考題5點撥:答案為B。四個選項均屬連接副詞,都能引導(dǎo)狀語從句,if從句表示條件;這就與前提Im going to the post office相悖as表示“一邊,一邊”與can you get me some stamps矛盾;because從句表示直接原因;while從句表示時間,強調(diào)主句的動作發(fā)生在從句的過程中,從句的謂語動詞多表示狀態(tài)。故選B??偨Y(jié)提示:單選題主要考查語法和詞

15、匯知識的三個方面:(1)英語語法知識(2)時近義詞或習(xí)慣用語辨析(3)日常交際用語。這三方面各有其內(nèi)在規(guī)律,因此了解并掌握這些規(guī)律,就能答好語法和詞匯知識題目。 單項選擇-考題類型回顧1 測試考點2 ( 典型例題分 ) Accustomed to the steep mountains, he had no difficulty reaching the top.A. climbing B. climb C. having climbed D. have climbed1A 點撥:考查動詞accustom的用法。be accustomed to doing sth“習(xí)慣做某事”,在此短語中to

16、為介詞,后面須接名詞或動名詞。由題意“由于習(xí)慣了爬這些陡峭的山脈,他沒有任何困難就爬上了山頂”,而c項having climbed雖是動名詞形式,但是并不是先于謂語動詞發(fā)生的,不能成為正確答案,故選A。 回顧2 測試考點10 (典型例題)Sugar, when with water, dissolves quickly. A. mixed B. mixing C. mix D. is mixed2A點撥:when with water在此結(jié)構(gòu)中,省略了when從句中的主語sugar,同時與動詞mix之間存在被動關(guān)系,所以用mixed,be mixed with“把和混合在一起”。 回顧3 測試

17、考點 10 (典型例題)It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when at the meeting by my boss. A. questioning B. having questioned C. questioned D. to be questioned3c 點撥:題意:“我不好意思說這件事,昨天在會議上老板詢問我時我撒了謊”。whenat the meeting結(jié)構(gòu)中,省略了主語I。且1與question之間為動賓關(guān)系,故選c。 回顧4 測試考點 10 (典型例題) Generally speaking, according to the

18、 directions, the drug has no side effect. A. when taking B when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken.4B點撥:題意:“一般來說,按照說明來服用,這種藥物是沒有副作用的”。when后接一個省略了主語the drug的從句,且drug與take間為動賓關(guān)系,故用過去分詞,所以B為正確答案。 回顧5 測試語法 (典型例題John Smith, a successful business man, has a car. A. large German white B. large white

19、 German C. white large German D. German large white5B點撥:考查多個形容詞修飾同一個名詞。當多個形容詞修飾同一個名詞時,它們的排列順序為;大小。高度長度,顏色,國籍。材料,用途等。故選B。a large white German car“一輛很大的白色德國車”。 回顧6 測試語法 (典型例題)Mr Smith, ofthe speech, started to read a novel. A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; bored D. tiring; boring6A點撥考查形容詞辨析

20、。tired“感到勞累的,感到厭煩的”, bored。感到討厭的”,boring“令人厭煩的”,tiring“令人勞累的”。由題意“Smith厭倦了這個令人討厭的演講,開始讀起了小說”。be tired or對感到厭煩”,故選A。 回顧7 測試考點 9 (典型例題 two exams to worry about. I have to work really hard this weekend. A. With B. Besides C. As for D. Because of7A點撥:because為連詞,后接從句,because of為介詞;后面接名詞或動名詞,as for“至于”為介詞

21、,with為介詞后面可以接with+賓語+賓補這個復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)。由題意“有兩次考試要準備,這周末我必須要努力學(xué)習(xí)”。故選A。 回顧8 測試考點 9 (典型例題I couldn't do my home-work with all that noise A. going on 13. goes on C. went on D. to go on8A 點撥:with為介詞,后面可接賓語+賓補這一結(jié)構(gòu),且aIl that noise與go on之間為主謂關(guān)系,所以用現(xiàn)在分詞。with a11 that noise going on“因為那些響著的噪音”,強調(diào)存在的狀態(tài)。而D項表示“將要弄出噪音”

22、,與語境不吻合,故選A。強化訓(xùn)練備考1測試考點11 Oh, my God! It's just a sea of cars. How can you your car? -That's easy. Mine is colored differently from any other one A. find out B. throw out C. pick out. D. pick up1c 點撥:根據(jù):It's just a sea of cars可知問句是在問“怎么從這么多車中辨認出自己的車”。pick out*'挑選出;辨認出”,而find out“發(fā)現(xiàn)”不

23、符合語境,故選c。 備考2測試考點 9 With textbook prices by more than60% over the past decade in the USA, students have been turn- ing to the Internet for used books, a recent CNN report said. A. rise B. rising C. to rise D. rised2B點撥:考查with+復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)。由題意:“隨著課本價格E升了60多美國的學(xué)生轉(zhuǎn)向網(wǎng)絡(luò)買用過的課本”可知price與rise為主謂關(guān)系。且強調(diào)存在的狀態(tài)故選B。而with

24、prices to rise表示價格將要上升,與題意不符。備考3測試語法 Well. There are so many beautiful pairs of good shoes , but I cannot decide which to buy at present. A. to be chosen B. to choose C. to choose from D. for choosing3C 點撥:I cannot decide which to buy暗示“從中挑選”,應(yīng)用choose from,而B項則表示to choose so manyshoes, 與題意不符。choose與

25、shoes之間存在動賓關(guān)系,但是在此句中暗含動作執(zhí)行者I,故用主動表示被動。故選C。備考4測試考點 5 The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather the helplessness for the crew at sea.A. added to B. added up C. made up D. turned up4A點撥:題意:“船的發(fā)動機出了故障而天氣不好又增加了海上船員的無助”。add to“增加擴大”,而add up表示“把數(shù)加起來”,與題意不符合。備考5測試考點6 -I failed the driving

26、test again. -Don't lose You will pass it sooner or later. A. your heart B. heart C. the heart D. a heart5B點撥:題意:“我又一次沒通過駕駛執(zhí)照考試”,“不要灰心,你遲早會通過的”,lose heart“別灰心,別泄氣”,為固定搭配, 而lose one,heart“愛上某人”。備考6測試考點 3 To our great , the boy was finally rescued from the damaged building. A. surprise B. annoyance

27、 C. relief D. satisfaction6c點撥:題意:“使我們放心的是,這個男孩最終從受損的大樓中被救出來了”。to one's relief“使放心的是使欣慰的是”,選C。to one's surprise“使驚訝的是”。to one's sarisfaction“使?jié)M意的是”,to one's annoyance“使某人惱火的是” 均不符合題意。備考7測試考點1 Im out of job for a long time. -Really? Why not a job at my company? A. apply to B. apply fo

28、r C. find but D. quit 7B 點撥:根據(jù)Im out ofjob for a long time可知,后者建議前者到他的公司去申請工作故用apply for“申請”。而quit“放 棄”apply to“把應(yīng)用到”,均不符合題意。 備考8測試考點 2 -It seems that you have been accustomed to here since you came here. -You are right. It's quite a beautiful place. A. lived B. having lived C. live D. living8D點

29、撥:be accustomed to doing sth"“習(xí)慣做某事”。在此短語中,to為介詞,后面接名詞或動名詞作賓語。 備考9測試考點4 -Who the letter to our door? It's a little boy. A. ppsted B. gave C. delivered D. take9c點撥:考查動詞詞義辨析。post“郵寄”give“給”,deliver “送”,由題意“是誰把信送到門口的?”可知應(yīng)選c。deliver sth to someplace“把送到某處”。備考10測試考點 10 When ; the museum will be

30、open to the public next year. A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed10A點撥:連詞when后面的從句省略了主語the museum,且 museum和complete之間為動賓關(guān)系,故when后接過去分詞,選A。題意為“博物館于明午完工后,將對外開放”。 備考11測試考點 7 " With scientific technology developing so fast, we must with the times or we'll fall behin

31、d. A. keep down B. keep up C. keep off D. keep out11B點撥:考查動詞短語辨析。keep up“跟上”,keep off“隔開,躲開”,keep out“把擋在外面”,由題意:“科技的發(fā)展如此迅速,我們必須跟上時代,否則就會落后”,可知應(yīng)選B。 備考12測試考點 8 -There's a strong pain in my' back. - . We'll take you to the hospital at once. A. Take it easy B. Look out C. Keep quiet D. Neve

32、r mind12A點撥:考查交際用語。Take it easy*'別著急,慢慢來”,look out“當心,留意”,keep quiet“保持安靜”。never mind“沒 關(guān)系”。由題意“我的背特別痛”可知A為正確選項,用來安慰對方。 備考13高考新題型:閱讀填空題 Like many other animals, swallows will fly south when the days turn cold and the leaves from trees begin to fall. They travel many miles to find a warmer winter

33、. This type of travel is called migration. Birds are animals that like to migrate a lot when it is cold. About 600 out of 9,000 kinds of birds do it. They leave in au-tumn and come back during the warm spring months. Many birds don't like the cold. They need food, but plants die and insects hide

34、 in winter. So, they'll only come home the next year when there will be plenty of food for them to eat. But the trip is often hard and not safe. Many birds fly in groups and make noises. Cranes(鶴)fly in groups like the letterv,or in a row. Others travel in pairs or alone. Some can travel a very

35、long way. They fly between lands. For example,the Arctic tern(北極燕鷗)can travel 20,100 kilo- metres. They build a home near the North Pole, go to the Ant-arctic in autumn,and then come back in spring. How do the birds find their way? They look at things like the sun, moon and stars. They never get los

36、t. What is migration?(1)It's animals travel from eold places to warm places to find a They leave In and come back in Why do birds migrate?(2)Because plants and insects (3)There's not much for them during cold wintersHow do birds migrate?(4)The trip is often and dangerousMany travel in and Wh

37、at can we learn from birdsmigration?(5)Animals are born naturally to be able to (答案不惟一)【參考答案】 (1)warm winter;autumn;spring(2)die;hide(3)food (4)hard:groups;make noises (5)suit themselves to the environment 16- It was _ of you to share your food with me. -Thats all right.Asharp Bdull Cmean Dgenerous1

38、7-Tom graduated from college at a very young age. -Oh, he _ have been a very smart boy by then. Acould Bshould Cmight Dmust18He showed signs of exceptional skill at chess, but _ enough , maths is not his thing.Anaturally Bstrangely Cfoolishly Dbadly19A gift is a _ of what a relationship means to us. The best gifts meet the needs of the receiver. Asignal Bmeans Csymbol Drecord20There _ a lot of visitors in his house , he has no time to talk with you. Ahave Bis Care Dbeing21-


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