



1、PEP小學(xué)六年級上冊英語期中精品試題(有聽力mp3格式)班級 姓名 等級 聽力部分一、聽錄音,選單詞。( )1. A. taxiB. shipC. train )2. A. stopB. waitC. go )3. A. northB. SouthC. ninth D.west( )4. A. hospital B. library C. cinema office( )5. A. this morning B.this afternoon C

2、. this evening week( )6. A. newspaper B. comic book C. magazine D.dictionary二、 聽錄音,標(biāo)序號。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、聽音,補(bǔ)充下面對話中缺少的單詞。 1. Amy:How do we go to the _ .Chen:We can go _! Go straight from here,Then _.Its next to the _ Come on!Lets go!Amy:No!Wait a minute.2._ at a red li

3、ght. _ at a yellow light. _ at a green light.筆試部分四、讀一讀,找出劃線部分與前面音標(biāo)發(fā)音不同的單詞 ( ) 1. /i:/A. tree B. beat C. red ( ) 2. /I/A. pig B. bike C. dish ( ) 3. /e/A. get B. me C. seven ( ) 4. /u:/A.who B. use C. juice ( ) 5. / :/A. father B. carC. mask 六、選擇填空 ( ) 1_ there a bank near here ? A. AreB. IsC. Do( )2

4、. I usually go to school _ foot. A. inB. onC. with ( ) 3.The post office is east _ the cinema . A. ofB. ToC. For ( ) 4. You can _ the No.5 bus to the hospital. A. takeB. goC . want ( ) 5. _are you going to do on the weekend? A. WhereB. WhatC. When ( ) 6. In China, drivers drive on the _ side of the

5、road. A. leftB. rightC. front ( )7. _can I get to the Cinema? A.WhatB. HowC. Where ( )8. Walk straight _ three minutes to the shop. A. forB. onC. at( )9. If the traffic light is red, you must _ A. go B. waitC. stop ( 10. Can I go on foot? _ A. sure B. Thank you C. Goodbye 六、連詞成句。 1. park, bike, some

6、times, go ,to, I, by 2.go , this , lets ,the, afternoon,park,to. 3. going to , Im , grandparents , next , visit , my , week 4. can, how, get to, I, supermarket, the ? 5. please, park the, is, where ? 七、將對話補(bǔ)充完整。1. Where is the l_(圖書館)?Its near the _(醫(yī)院).2.What are you going to do on the (周末)?3The b_(

7、書店) is n_ to(與相鄰)the post office. 4. T_ l_(左轉(zhuǎn)彎) at the bus stop .then go straight. 5. The supermarket is o_ t _ r_(在右邊). 6. How can I get to the h_(醫(yī)院)?You can go by No.1 bus. 七、讀短文回答問題,判斷對錯Mike:What are you going to do this afternoon?ZhangPeng:Im going to visit my grandparents.Mike:How do you get t

8、here?ZhangPeng:I get there by subway.Mike:Where do they live?ZhangPeng:Their home is next to the Science Bookstore.I turn left at the traffic lights in front of the subway station,then go straight .Their home is on the left.Mike: Im going to the Science Bookstore this afternoon!I want to buy a new book.ZhangPeng:Lets go together after lunch.( )1.ZhangPeng is going to visit his grandparents.( )2.ZhangPeng is going by bus.( )3.Mike is going to buy a bo


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