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1、PEP小學(xué)英語(yǔ)四年級(jí)上冊(cè)課文內(nèi)容  Unit 1 My classroomA  Lets learnClassroom 教室 window 窗戶door 門 picture 圖畫board 寫字板 light 燈,管燈Whats in the classroom?教室里有什么?A board, two lights, many desks and chairs.一個(gè)寫字板,兩盞燈,許多課桌和椅子。 Lets  talkHello! Mike. 你好!Mike.Hi, Amy. This is Zhang Peng, our new classr

2、oom.你好,Amy。這是張朋,我們的新同學(xué)。Mike, we have a new classroom. Mike, 我們有一個(gè)新教室。Really? Lets go and have a look. 真的嗎?我們?nèi)タ纯窗?!Wow! Its so big. 哇!它好大呀!We have 6 new lights. 我們有六個(gè)新電燈。Look, this is my new desk. 看,這是我的新課桌。Where is my seat? 我的座位在哪兒?Its near the door. 在門的附近。Lets sayA a   ant   appl

3、e  hand B b   beef   boy    ballC c   cat   cake   car D d   doctor   duck    deskE e   egg   elephant   bed B  Lets learncomputer計(jì)算機(jī) fan風(fēng)扇 wall 墻teachers desk講

4、臺(tái) floor地板Look! This is my classroom. The wall is white. The floor is green. 看,這是我的教室,墻是白色的,地板是綠色的。 Lets talkGood morning! Lets clean the classroom. 早上好!我們打掃教室吧!Good idea! 好主意!Lets clean the desks and chairs. 讓我們打掃課桌和椅子吧。All right. 好的。Let me clean the window. 讓我來(lái)擦窗戶。Let me clean the board. 讓我來(lái)擦寫

5、字板。Look at the picture. 看這幅畫。Its nice. 它很漂亮。Good morning! Miss White. 早上好!Miss White.Wow! Its nice and clean. Good job! 哇!又漂亮又干凈!干得好! Lets sayF f  fish  Frenchfries  farmerG g   girl   goose   goodH h  hot dog  hamburger  hatI i 

6、 ice-cream   icewater  ice Unit 2  My schoolbagA  Lets learnChinese book語(yǔ)文書 English book英語(yǔ)書math book 數(shù)學(xué)書 school bag書包story-book 故事書 notebook筆記本How many books do you have? 你有多少本書?I have 6. An English book, a Chinese book, a math book, anotebook and two story-books.我

7、有6本。一本英語(yǔ)書,一本語(yǔ)文書,一本數(shù)學(xué)書,一個(gè)筆記本和兩本故事書。 Lets  talkHi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag. 你好,陳潔。我有一個(gè)新書包。Really? What colour is it? 真的嗎?它是什么顏色?Its black and white. 是黑色和白色的。Look! 看!Wow! Its a panda! How nice! 哇!是一個(gè)熊貓!太好了!I have many books. An English book, a story-book,and我有許多書。一本英語(yǔ)書,一本故事書,還有A fat

8、panda! 一只肥胖的熊貓!May I have a look? 我可以看一看嗎?Sure, here you are. 當(dāng)然可以,給你。 Read and writeJ j  jeep    jacket jigsaw puzzleK k   kite  key  kangarooL l  lion  lamp  lockM m  man  monkey  mouseN n  nose  nurse  noodlesbag

9、書包pencil鉛筆 pencil-case 鉛筆盒 B   Lets learn2130  twenty-one thirty3140  thirty-oneforty4150  forty-onefiftyHow English books can yousee? 能看見多少本英語(yǔ)書?One, two, three Sorry, too many. 一,二,三對(duì)不起,太多了!  Lets  talkMy schoolbag is heavy! 我的書包很重。Whats in it? 里面是什么?Loo

10、k! 20 story-books, 32 pencils, 8 rulers and 3pencil-cases.看!20本故事書,32支鉛筆,8把尺子和3個(gè)鉛筆盒。Wow! Good ! 哇!好!My schoolbag is heavy, too. 我的書包也很重。Whats in it? 里面是什么?10 sharpeners, 42 crayons, 12 erasers and 35 picturebooks.10個(gè)卷筆刀,42支蠟筆,12塊橡皮和35本圖畫書。Thank you soooooo much! 太感謝了! Read and writeO o  Co

11、ke   OK   open P p  pen   pencil pencil-caseQ q  squirrel  queue  quiet R r  rabbit ruler   ricebook 書ruler 尺子 pen 鋼筆 Unit 3  My friendsA   Lets learnfriends 朋友 long hair 長(zhǎng)頭發(fā)short hair 短頭發(fā) thin 瘦的strong 強(qiáng)壯的 qui

12、et 文靜的My friend is strong. He has short hair. 我的朋友很強(qiáng)壯,他留著短頭發(fā)。Who is he? 他是誰(shuí)? Lets talkMom , I have a new friend. 媽媽,我有一個(gè)新朋友。A Chinese friend? 一個(gè)中國(guó)朋友?Yes.  是的。A boy? 一個(gè)男孩嗎?Yes. He has short black hair and big eyes是的。他有著黑色的短頭發(fā)和大眼睛。Whats his name? 他叫什么名字?His name is Zhang Peng. 他的名字叫張朋。Look,

13、this is his photo. Hes tall. 看!這是他的相片。他很高。Hes strong,too. 他也很強(qiáng)壯。 Read and writeS s  spoon snake  student T t tiger  TV   teacherU u  umbrella under  cup V v vest   violin   vanteacher老師 student學(xué)生 B  Lets learnmusic 音樂(lè) sports 運(yùn)動(dòng) ci

14、ence 科學(xué)painting 繪畫 computer games 電腦游戲My friend likes music。 我的朋友喜歡音樂(lè).My friend likes sports. 我的朋友喜歡運(yùn)動(dòng)。 Lets talkI have a friend. 我有一個(gè)朋友。Boy or girl? 男孩還是女孩?A girl. 一個(gè)女孩。Whos she? 她是誰(shuí)?Guess! 猜一猜!Shes quiet. She likes music. Whats her name?她很文靜。她喜歡音樂(lè)。她的名字叫什么?Her name is Amy. 她的名字叫Amy.I have a fr

15、iend , too. Hes strong. He likessports.我也有一個(gè)朋友。他很強(qiáng)壯。他喜歡運(yùn)動(dòng)。Hes Zhang Peng.他是張朋.Youre right. 你猜對(duì)了。 Read and writeW w  window  watermelon  walkmanX x taxi   box   six Y y  yellow   yo-yo   yachtZ z  zebra   zoo &#

16、160; zipperboy   男孩 girl女孩 friend朋友 Unit 4  My homeA  Lets learnstudy room書房  bathroom衛(wèi)生間bedroom臥室 kitchen廚房 living room起居室This is my home. You can see s bedroom, a livingroom這是我的家。你可以看到一個(gè)臥室,一個(gè)起居室。 Lets  doGo to the living room. Watch TV. 去起居室??措娨?。Go to t

17、he study. Read a book.Go to the kitchen. Have a snack.Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.Go to the bedroom. Have a sleep. Lets talkIs this your bedroom? 這是你的臥室嗎?Yes, it is. 是的,它是。Its very nice. 它很漂亮。I have a new eraser. Its a fish. 我有一塊新橡皮,它是魚。 Hey! Your cat. 嘿!你的貓!Is she in the study? 她在書房

18、嗎?No, she isnt. 不,她不是。Is she in the living? 她在起居室嗎?No, she isnt. 不·, 她不是。Look! Shes here. 看!她在這兒。Shes in the kitchen。 她在廚房。 Read and writehome家 room房間school學(xué)校classroom教室 BLets learnPhone 電話 bed床   sofa沙發(fā)shelf書架 table 桌子  fridge冰箱 Lets doSit on the sofa. Make the be

19、d. Watch TV.Answer the phone. Open the fridge. Set the table. Lets talkOpen the door, please. 請(qǐng)開門。OK! 好的。Where are the keys? 鑰匙在哪兒?Are they on the table? 它在桌子上嗎?No, they arent. 不,他們不是。Are they near the phone? 它們?cè)陔娫捙赃厗??No, they arent. 不,他們不是。Look! They are in the door. 看!它們?cè)陂T上。 Read and wri

20、tedoor 門chair 椅子window窗戶    desk課桌bed床  unit 5  What would you like?ALets learnrice 米飯        fish魚 beef牛肉soup 湯 noodles面條   vegetable蔬菜 juice果汁    bread面包 milk牛奶    chicken雞肉 hotdog熱狗

21、hamburger漢堡包 Lets talkDad, Im hungry. Whats for dinner? 爸爸,我餓了。晚飯吃什么?Wait and see. 等等看。What would you like? 你想吃什么?Id like some rice and soup。 我想吃一些米飯和湯。What would you like for dinner? 你晚飯想吃什么?Id like some fish and vegetables, please. 我想吃一些魚和蔬菜。Everythings ready. 一切都準(zhǔn)備好了。Thanks.多謝!Thank you, dad

22、. 謝謝爸爸。Read and writeWhat would you like?你想吃什么?bread面包  milk牛奶 egg蛋    water 水 B  Lets learnplate盤子 knife小刀 spoon勺子  fork叉子 chopsticks筷子Mom, can I help you? 媽媽,我能幫你嗎?Yes. Pass me the plate, please. 是的,請(qǐng)把盤子遞給我。  Lets doGive me a spoon. Pass me a fork.

23、Wash the plates. Use the chopsticks.Cut with the knife. Let s talkDinners ready! Your forks and knives. 晚飯準(zhǔn)備好了。你的叉子和勺子。I can use chopsticks. 我會(huì)用筷子。Let me try.讓我試一試。Help you self. 請(qǐng)隨便吃。Oops, sorry! 糟糕,對(duì)不起!Let me show you. 讓我做給你看。MmYummy. I like Chinese food. 嗯好吃。我喜歡中國(guó)食物。Me too.我也是。We had a good

24、time。我們度過(guò)了美好的時(shí)光。Thank you。謝謝。Good night! 晚安!See you tomorrow! 明天見1  Read and writerice  米飯  beef牛肉fish魚     chicken雞肉What would you like for dinner? 你晚飯想吃什么?Id like我想吃 Unit 6  Meet my familyALets learnHi! Friends, come and meet my fami

25、ly.你們好!朋友們。請(qǐng)來(lái)認(rèn)識(shí)一下我的家庭。family  家庭 parents  父母 uncle 叔叔,舅舅 aunt阿姨,姑姑baby brother 小弟弟 Lets talkHow many people are there in your family? 你家有多少人?Three .三個(gè)。Who are they? 他們是誰(shuí)?Look! My parents and me. 看!我父母和我。My family has seven members. 我家有七個(gè)人。Seven?My dad, my mom, my brother, my sister, my baby brother and me. 我爸爸,我媽媽,我哥哥,我姐姐,我小弟弟和我。But thats only six. 但是那只有六個(gè)。And my little puppy! 還有我的小寵物。Gee! Read and writefather爸爸mother媽媽brother兄弟sister


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