



1、牛津小學(xué)英語期末復(fù)習(xí) 6AUnit1-4測試卷姓名_班級_成績_聽力部分一、 根據(jù)你所聽到的內(nèi)容,選出正確的選項(xiàng)。(聽兩遍)10 ( )1A.date B. day C.danger D.duty ( )2A.12 B.12nd C. 12th D.12st ( )3A. fourth B. fourteenth C. fortieth D.four( )4A. phone B. earphone C. telephone D. earphones( )5A. little B. litter C. lift D.rest( )6A. blow B. glow C. grow D. yello

2、w( )7A. glass B. grass C. class D. dress( )8A. apple B. April C. August D. all( )9A. 1月12日 B. 3月14日 C. 2月13日D.3月12 日( )10A. present B. parent C. please D.presents二根據(jù)你所聽到的句子,選出相應(yīng)的答案,將其序號填入題前括號內(nèi)。(聽兩遍)( ) 1. A. They like playing football. B. They have a new football.C. Theyre having a football match.(

3、) 2. A. All right. B. No,thanks. C. Thats OK.( ) 3. A. No, we arent. B. No, we cant. C. Yes, I can.( ) 4. A. On Monday. B. On the 3rd of May. C. At six forty.( ) 5. A. Its my CD Walkman. B. It was in the bookcase just now. C. No, there isnt.三根據(jù)所聽到的對話及問題,選擇正確的答案,并將其序號填入題前括號內(nèi).(聽兩遍)( ) 1. A. To the lib

4、rary. B. To the playground. C. To the classroom.( ) 2. A. The 1st of October. B. The 2nd of October. C. The 3rd of October. ( ) 3. A. No eating and drinking. B. No littering. C. No smoking.( ) 4. A. A blue coat. B. A blue T-shirt. C. A green T-shirt.( ) 5. A. Under the chair. B. Under the desk. C. I

5、n the pencil case.四、聽錄音,填入所缺的單詞。(聽三遍)10%A: What is it today?B:Today is the of .A:Oh,Mums birthday is coming soon.B: her birthday?A:Its on the of July .B:Is it ?Lets make a birthday card for her.A:Good,but my crayon?It here .B:Look, its near the .筆試部分一語音。7%A.判斷下列各組單詞畫線字母發(fā)音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“×”。3 (

6、 ) 1. moment roll ( ) 2. dear year( ) 3. catch watch ( ) 4. blow know( ) 5. cake cat ( ) 6. cartoon roomB.找出下列各組單詞中畫線字母發(fā)音與其他單詞不同的單詞,將序號填入題前括號內(nèi).4 ( ) 1. A. this B. kite C. film ( ) 2. A. bread B. read C. head ( ) 3. A. brother B. sister C. her( ) 4. A. hear C. bear D. near二、詞組互譯 10 1. 禁止停車 _ 2舉行生日聚會

7、_ 3. 剛才 _ 4三副眼鏡_ 5. 四月二日 _ 6. 尋找他們的老師_7.make noise _ 8. pick up the note_9. blow out the candles_ 10. in December_三、選擇填空。10. ( )1.Dont speak loudly . _, please. A. No smoking B. No parking C. Be quiet D. No littering ( )2. The students are _ the race now.A . looking at . seeing . watching D look ( )

8、3. _ your sister at home two days ago?A. Was B. Were C. Are D Is ( )4.It is cold._ your coat.A. Wash B. Take off C. Take on D. Put on ( )5.No parking_ we shouldnt park our car here.A.mean B. means C.meaning D is meaning( )6.The books are on the ground.Please_for me .A.pick up them B.pick it up C. pi

9、ck them up D.pick up it ( )7.We must stay _the bus.A.at B.away C. away from D. here( )8.September is the _ month in a year.A.nine B. nineth C.ninth D.nineteenth( )9. Liu Tao has a new storybook. He is very _ .A. exciting B. excited C. laughing D laugh( ) 10. The photos arent there_, but they were th

10、ere _.A. a moment ago, now B. just now, a moment ago C. now, a moment ago D. a moment ago, just now四、 用括號內(nèi)的詞的適當(dāng)形式填空 9 1. A: Where _ you just now? B: I _ in the teachers office. (be)2. Liu Tao often _ (get) up at six . Its six oclock. But he _(sleep) now. 3. My brothers _ (like) asking _ ( she ) some

11、 questions. 4. _ (not walk) on the grass . 5. What (do) this sign mean?6. You (should) walk on the grass,you _(should) keep off the grass.7.Would you like _ (have ) a rest?8. Thursday is the _(five) day in a week.9.Im a primary school student.Im _,and my Dad is _ (four) 10. It means “No ” . We shoul

12、dnt _(smoke).11、The cartoon is _.The children are very _.(excit)五連詞成句。9%1.  were  moment  they  there   a   ago (.)_ 2.  you  like  puppet  as   present  would  birthday&

13、#160; a   your  (?) _ 3、pick can them up me please you for (?) _ 4、the all are very boys excited (.) _ 5. see park we some public in the can signs (.) _ 6.usually a have birthday do party you (?)_ 六看圖完成對話。9%1. A: Excuse _ , sir. _ I walk _ the grass? B: No, you _. A: Why? B:

14、 Look, it _ _ _the grass. A: Oh, I _ . Thank you.2. A: Wheres the _? B: Its _ the desk in _ _ the computer .A: It isnt there now. B: It _ there a moment _. 3. A: Davids birthday is _.B: _ his birthday?A: Its _ the _ of July .七 將下列句子排列成完整的對話。6%1. a. Id like a birds cage. b. Whens your birthday? c. Wh

15、at would you like as a birthday present? d. Its on the third of August. e. Sure. f. Would you like a bird,too? 2. a. Is it in your school bag? b. It was on the desk just now. c. I cant find my crayon. Where is it? d. Not at all. e. Yes, it is. Thank you very much. f. But it isnt here now. 八閱讀理解A.閱讀短

16、文,判斷下列句子的正誤,用”T”或”F”表示5%Who put ink(墨水) on my chair?Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time. But today he is late. His mother asks him, “Why are you late today?” “I was in the teachers office.” “Why did you go to th

17、e teachers office?” “Because my teacher asks us a question in class, and nobody could answer it, but I can .” “Its good to answer the questions.” “but the questions wasWho put ink on my chair?”(   )1. Tom lives near his school.(   )2. He goes to school and comes back home by bike

18、 every day.(   )3. Today Tom was late for school.(   )4. Tom put some ink on the teachers chair.(   )5. The boy is very naughty(調(diào)皮).B閱讀下面對話,選出正確的答案,并將其序號寫在題前括號內(nèi)。5%A:Hi, Jim. Are you free tomorrow?B:Yes, I am. Tomorrow is Sunday.A:Good. Tomorrow is Mikes birthday. Lets g

19、o to his birthday party.B:Sounds good. Lets buy a nice present for him.A:OK, how about a toy car?B:Oh, no. Mike has so many toy cars. Why dont we buy him a storybook?A:Good idea. Mike likes reading very much. Shall we go to the bookshop now?B:whats the time now?A:Its six thirty.B:Oh, its too late. H

20、ow about tomorrow morning.A:OK. Lets go to the bookshop by Bus No.2.B:Good. Lets meet at nine oclock in front of Lianhua Supermarket.A:All right. See you tomorrow, David.B:See you then.( ) 1. Whens Mikes birthday party?A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.( ) 2. What does Mike have?A. A lot of

21、 toy cars. B. Many presents. C. A new football.( ) 3. When will David and Jim meet?A.At nine on Saturday morning. B. At six thirty on Saturday afternoon.C.At nine on Sunday morning.( ) 4. Which present will Mike get from David and Jim?A. A big cake. B. A storybook. C. A toy car.( ) 5. Does Mike like

22、 reading books and playing with cars?A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. Sorry, I dont know.聽力一據(jù)你所聽到的內(nèi)容,選出正確的選項(xiàng)。(聽兩遍)1、 Whatday is it today?2、 Today is the 12th of January.3、 Tom lives on the fourth floor.4、 I cant find my earphones Where are they?5、 What does it mean?It means you shouldnt litter

23、.6、 Do you have any hobbies ? Yes, I like growing flowers .7、 Can we sit on the grass?No, we cant.8、 Whens your Mums birthdays?It is in April.9、 What day is it today?Its on the 12th of March.10、 Ive got some presents.二 根據(jù)你聽到的句子,選出相應(yīng)的答案,并將其序號填入題前括號內(nèi)。(聽兩遍)1.What are the boys doing ?2.Dont run or jump

24、in the classroom .3.Can we eat and drink in the library ?4.What time do you usually get up ?5.I cant find my CD Walkman.三 根據(jù)聽到的對話及問題,選擇正確的答案, 并將其序號填入題前括號內(nèi)。(聽兩遍)1. M1:The teachers are having a running race now .M2: Shall we go and watch it, Ben ?M1: OK. Lets go, Mike.Q: Where are Ben and Mike going ?2. W1: Whats the date today, Susan ?W2: Its the second of October, Mary.W1: Oh. Tomorrow is my mothers birthday. I want to


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