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1、語言學的基本概念1. What is linguistics? (1) The definition: Linguistics is usually defined as the science of language, or, alternatively, the scientific study of language. (2) The main branches of Linguistics: Phonetics 語音學 Phonology 音位學 Morphology 形態(tài)學 Syntax 句法學 Semantics 語義學 Pragmatics 語用學2. General Lingu

2、istics & Applied Linguistics (1) The main difference General Linguistics: 理論研究,研究對象為人類所有語言Applied Linguistics: 應用研究,語言在各個領域的實際應用(2) The main branches of each General Linguistics: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, Pragmatics Applied Linguistics: Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguist

3、ics, Physiological Phonelics, etc. (Page 64, Para1)Note: 上述應用語言學分分支,指的是廣義的應用語言學的分支,狹義的應用語言學只指語言教學3. Important distinctions in Linguistics (1) Descriptive Linguistics V.S. Prescriptive Linguistics Dont say X. a prescriptive command People dont say X. a descriptive statement The distinction lies in pr

4、escribing how things ought to be and describing how things are. Prescriptive Linguistics: 規(guī)定正確的用法,按照此規(guī)定使用語言 Descriptive Linguistics: 語言的實際用法(2) Synchronic Linguistics V.S. Diachronic Linguistics -Saussure Diachronic Linguistics: the study of language through the course of its history. Synchronic Lin

5、guistics: the study of language, which takes a fixed instant as its point of observation. (3) Speech V.S. Writing Speech: communication by word of mouth Writing: symbol of language(4) Langue V.S. Parole Langue: the common possession of a speech community 言語活動中社會成員共同使用的部分,是社會共有的交際工具。Parole: the actua

6、l phenomena or data of linguistics 語言上的實際表現(xiàn)或語料,在具體場合下的具體話語。(5) Competence V.S. Performance -ChomskyCompetence: a language users underlying knowledge about the system of rules of his language Performance: the actual use of language in concrete situations. What we do when we speak or listen. Phonetics

7、語音學1. Definition The study of the pronunciation (including how sounds are made, transmitted, and received發(fā)出,傳遞,感知), description and classification of speech sounds. 比如:p是用什么發(fā)音器官發(fā)出來的?是爆破音還是唇齒音?是元音還是輔音?是輕音還是濁音? Articulatory Phonetics發(fā)音語音學: the production of speech sounds-organs Acoustic Phonetics聲學語音學

8、: the property of sound waves-transmission Auditory Phonetics聽覺語音學: the way in which the listener analyses or possesses a sound wave-perception 2. Classification of English Speech SoundsDifference: whether the air from the lungs meets with obstruction in the throat, the nose, or the mouth when you p

9、ronounce. Consonants (24)Vowels (20)(1) Classification of Consonants Voiced or voicelss 清音或濁音 (8對)Voiced: p, t, k, f, , s, , tVoiceless: b, d, g, v, ð, z, , d Place of pronunciation (分為8類,共24個音標)Bilabial: p, b, m, w (4個)Labiodental: f,v (2個)Dental: , ð (2個)Alveolar: t, d, s, z, n, r, l (7個

10、)Palatal-alveolar: , t, , d (4個)Palatal: j (1個)Velar: k, g, (3個)Glottal: h (1個) Manner of Articulation (分為6類,共24個)Stop: p, b, t, d, k, g (6個)Fricative: f, v, , ð, , , s, z, h (9個)Affricate: t, d (2個)Nasal: m, n, (3個)Lateral: l (1個)Appronimant: w, r, j (3個)注:1. 69頁的表格必須背會,其中一個格子里有兩個音標的,左為清,右為濁2.

11、 描述輔音:一說清濁,二說發(fā)音部位,三說發(fā)音方式 (2)Classification of vowels Monophthongs (12個): i:, i, , :, u:, u, e, , :, , æ, a: Diphthongs (8個: ei, ai, i; u, au, i, e, u注:1. 69頁元音表格必須背會,但忽略tense和lax 2. high,mid,low表示舌頭抬高的高度;front, central, back表示發(fā)此音時舌頭最高部分的位置;tense長元音,lax短元音(只有帶兩個點的才是長元音)。3. 此表可以簡化為:FrontCentralBa

12、ckHigh i: i u:, uMid e, :Lowæ a:Eg. i: high, front, tense vowel u high, back, lax vowel mid, central, lax vowelPhonology音系學1. DefinitionPhonology studies the rules governing the structure, distribution, and sequencing of speech sounds and the shape of syllables. 研究支配語言結構,分部和排列的規(guī)則,以及音節(jié)的形式。比如:p在p

13、oor,soup,spirit里面的發(fā)音有不同嗎?為什么有不同?即便有不同,為什么又永遠不會和g的發(fā)音混淆?2. Phonemes, phones, and Allophones Phoneme:音位,在音系學研究的最基本單位,國際音標中所列舉出來的都有哪些發(fā)音。Phone:音素,語音學研究的嘴基本單位,指人的發(fā)音器官所能發(fā)出的最小的音,指實際的發(fā)音。Allophones:音位變體。指的是同一個音位,在不同的單詞中會發(fā)出不同的音。也就是一個phoneme會有兩個甚至更多的phone。Eg,p在peak和speak中的發(fā)音是不同的。在peak中p的發(fā)音是送氣的,用ph;而在speak中p的發(fā)音是

14、不送氣的,用p表示。所以 p這個phoneme就有了ph和p的音位變體。3. Minimal PairEg: pig,big,dig,4. Phonological process 音位過程Assimilation指一個語音受鄰音的影響而帶有了鄰音的某些或全部發(fā)音特點 判斷:Nasalization, dentalization, velarization全部屬于assimilation的不同情況。所舉的例子全部為逆同化。5. Phonological Rules音系規(guī)則(1)Sequential rule: eg. kite是一個單詞,但是ktie就不能構成一個單詞(2)同化規(guī)則:解讀:/表

15、示在什么情況下,_表示某一音位,如果一個非鼻音之后有一個鼻音,那個這個非鼻音也會變成具有鼻音的特點。(3)增音規(guī)則:eg,為什么不定冠詞a在名詞以元音發(fā)音開頭的情況下全部變成an?a pen,a box,an apple,an hour6. Suprasegmental 超音段指語音問題中超出單音音段以上的方面,主要包括:重音,聲調(diào)和語調(diào)。Morphology1. Definition It studies the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed. It is the systematic

16、 study of morpheme. 詞素/語素2. Morpheme (1)概念:很多詞都可以分為更小的成分。如:Chairman,由chair和man構成;blackboard由black和board構成,birds,由bird和-s構成,checking由check和-ing構成,disappointment由dis,appoint和ment構成。這些更小的成分就叫做morpheme。但morpheme本身不能再做進一步分析,如chair不能再分為ch和air,因為二者和chair沒有任何關系。因此,morpheme是最小的語言單位,不能再進一步劃分為更小的單位而不破壞或徹底改變其詞匯意義和語法意義。(2)分類:free morphine自由語素:能獨立出現(xiàn),獨立構詞,如:bird,check,chair,man,black,borad,appointBound morpheme黏著語素


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