



1、人物:A:會(huì)展電話營(yíng)銷人員 (李先生) B:參展商(彼特) F: 會(huì)展現(xiàn)場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷人員(劉先生) G:參展商B的助理(瑪麗) C:現(xiàn)場(chǎng)引導(dǎo)人員 D:觀眾 E:展銷人員扮演角色名單:(詹A C 駿B 丘F 飛G 濤D 曹E)(場(chǎng)景1)邀展A:你好,彼得先生。A: Hello, Mr。 Peter。B:你好,李先生。B: Hello, Mr。 Li.A:聽說你公司最近在擴(kuò)大業(yè)務(wù),進(jìn)行順利嗎?A: I heard your company recently in expand

2、ing the business and go smoothly?B:是的,還不錯(cuò)B: Yes, it is fineA:我想邀請(qǐng)貴公司參加我們的汽車展覽,新型車將是這個(gè)展覽亮點(diǎn),也為你公司發(fā)展提供平臺(tái)。A: Id like to invite you to take part in our car exhibition .The new car will be the exhibition highlights and it will

3、 provide a platform for the development of your company.B:哦,我想我們公司會(huì)對(duì)這個(gè)很感興趣。B:Oh, I think our company is interested in it.A好的,你先留下你的聯(lián)系方式 到時(shí)候我們聯(lián)系。A Well, now you should leave your contact way and we will con

4、tact you that time.B 好的! 我的電話號(hào)碼是3853748,B OK! my telephone number is 3853748,A 沒問題,謝謝!A No problem ,thank you。(場(chǎng)景2)考察F:彼特先生和這位女士,你們好,我是李先生的同事劉先生,請(qǐng)問貴公司對(duì)參加我們這個(gè)汽車展有什么看法嗎。F:Hello, Mr Peter and Ms. Im Mr Peter partner,Mr Liu。 What does your company t

5、hink about join in this car exhibition?G :你好。李先生,我是彼特先生的助理瑪麗小姐我們決定參加汽車展,但是我們必須先了解你們的展位價(jià)格與場(chǎng)館再說。G:Hello, Mr Liu。Im Mr Peter assistant Mary, We decide to join in the car exhibition, but we should know about the booth' price and stadium frist.F 你好瑪麗小姐,這個(gè)是我們的日程安排表和場(chǎng)館資料, 7月15號(hào)就開始布置場(chǎng)館。F:Hello,Mary

6、。 This is our schedule and stadium information, and layout of stadium on July 15.B: 我和我的助理討論過,想用靠近門口的展位可以嗎?B:I have talk with my assistant, Can we use the booth near the door?F 當(dāng)然可以,但是相對(duì)于其他展位來說 靠近門口的展位價(jià)格上會(huì)比較貴F: Of course,but relative to the other booth near the door of the booth price will

7、 be more expensiveB貴多少?B:how much more?F 大約25%F:About 25%。G這樣啊,如果能把價(jià)格調(diào)低15%的話 我們打算考慮租用G:Ah,if you can reduced price by 15, we will intend to consider rentingF小姐,在這個(gè)位置會(huì)帶來許多人流,不少參展商都看中這個(gè)位置。F: In this position will bring the number of the flow of people, many exhibitors have taken a fancy to t

8、his position.G這樣吧,我們?cè)趶V告費(fèi)投入方面加大量,這樣可以嗎G:So be it,we investment plus a large number advertising costs,isnt OK?F如果你們的廣告能夠達(dá)到20萬的費(fèi)用,我們會(huì)考慮這個(gè)優(yōu)惠F:If your advertisement could reach 200 thousands, we will consider it.B好的,我們就這么說吧B:OK, no problem!F我們現(xiàn)在到達(dá)這個(gè)展廳了。F:now we arrived at the exhibition hall。B是挺大的,我們的廣告牌

9、是否可以擺到門口處,這樣應(yīng)該會(huì)比較顯眼。B: Its pretty big. Can we put the billboard near the entrance gate? It will be more conspicuousF 可以,但是這費(fèi)用將會(huì)很貴F:Certainly。 but this will be very expensiveG 為了我們公司的發(fā)展,支付這些費(fèi)用是必須的G: In order to development our company, I think pay for these fee is necessary。G在這個(gè)位置上,可以提供多幾個(gè)展

10、架嗎?G:In this position, can you provide for me few more exhibition stand?F 這個(gè)也許不可以,因?yàn)檫@樣會(huì)占很多通道的位置,人流進(jìn)來會(huì)顯得比較擁擠F:It may be not ,because it will occupy many position of the channel and people will more crowed.B: 那我們的展架能做大一點(diǎn)嗎?B:Can we make the display rack bigger?F這個(gè)當(dāng)然沒問題。F:Ok, no problem。B好的,謝謝

11、B:Thank you!F:不客氣F:You're welcome!(場(chǎng)景3)觀展C :早上好,先生,歡迎光臨北京國(guó)際汽車展覽會(huì)C:Good morning, sir。 Welcome to Beijing International automobile exhibitionD :早上好,先生,我想了解一下整個(gè)展覽的情況.D:good morning, sir, I would like to know about the whole show.C 這是我們展覽會(huì)的導(dǎo)游手冊(cè),您可以先看下.C:this is our fair guide book , you can have a l

12、ook.D哦,謝謝。請(qǐng)問寶馬公司的展位在哪里D:Oh, thank you. Excuse me, where is the BMW booth?C在A座6號(hào)展位,沿這條路直走再轉(zhuǎn)右就可以看到了。C:Go straight this way and turn right,you will see the building A booth no。 6 in front of you.D非常謝謝你.D:Thank you very much。C 這是應(yīng)該的.C: Youre welcome(場(chǎng)景4)咨詢E:先生你好 歡迎來到寶馬品牌展位E:Hello, sir。 Welcome to BMW br

13、and boothD你好D:HelloE先生,請(qǐng)您隨便瀏覽,這些都是我們公司推出的新型車.E: Sir, please have a look, these are our company launched the new car。D請(qǐng)問,這臺(tái)寶馬X5有什么優(yōu)勢(shì)D:Excuse me, what advantage does this BMW X5 have?E我們這款新型車的操控性能比較好,也比較舒服,油耗也比其他的車好E: The new car serviceability is good and comfortable, the oil cost is better than othe

14、rs。D價(jià)格多少?D:How much the new car?E180萬.E: 1。8 millionD噢,這個(gè)價(jià)格太貴了D:Oh, this price is too expensiveE這是排量4.4L的,價(jià)格比較貴,這臺(tái)排量是3.0L的,價(jià)格是80萬E:This is the displacement of the 4。4L and the price is more expensive than another. The another is 3.0L and the price is 800 thousands。D好吧,我就要這一臺(tái)。如果我能拉夠10人來買,可不可以送我一臺(tái)。D:O

15、k,I want this one. If I can pull 10 people to buy the new car, can you send me one?E先生,你這要求可能不太合適吧E:Sir,I think your request maybe no Improper。D那需要怎么樣才可以送我一臺(tái)呢?D: How need I do, you could send me one?E如果你拉的客戶平均每人的成交量是200萬的話,我們公司可以考慮送您一臺(tái)。E: If you pull customers on average to the volume of sales is 2 million words, our


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