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1、2008年廣東省初中畢業(yè)生學業(yè)考試【精品】英語(含答案)說明:1.全卷共10頁,考試用時90分鐘(其中聽力考試約15分鐘),滿分為120分 中聽力部分30分)。2 .答題前考生必須將自己的姓名、準考證號按要求填寫在密封線左邊的空格內, 并將姓名和準考證號寫、涂在答題卡指定位置上。3 .試卷分試題和答卷,4個選項以下(含4個選項)的選擇題答案在答題卡上作答 超過4個選項的選擇題和非選擇題的答案在答卷上作答,寫在試題上的答案 無效4 .使用答題卡作答,必須用規(guī)定的鉛筆將答題卡上對應的小題所選的選項涂黑。5 .非選擇題須用黑色或藍色字跡的鋼筆、圓珠筆按各題要求答在答卷上,不能用鉛筆和紅筆。6 .考試

2、結束時,將試題、答卷和答題卡一并交回。一、聽力理解(本大題分為A、B、C、D四部分,共25小題,25分)A、聽句子(本題有5小題,每小題1分,共5分)B、聽對話(本題有10小題,每小題1分,共10分)C、聽短文體題有5小題,每小題1分,共5分)D、聽填信息(本題有5小題,每小題1分,共5分)。請將答案寫在答卷相應題目的答題位置上。本題聽兩遍。二、單項填空(本大題有20小題,每小題1分,共20分)在每小題的四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳答案,將其字母編號填寫在答卷相應題目的答題位置上。若 用答題卡答題,則將答題卡上對應題目所選的選項涂黑。26. youngest leader in Chi

3、na is man called Lu Hao .A. The; a B. A; the C. A; a D. An ; all27. 一 John, is Henry your twin brother? Oh, yes. He is twenty minutes than me.A . heavier B . elder C. taller D. older28. 一 Is that dog?- No . is white .A . his; His B. her; Itis C. he; His D . her; Her29. The old man began to learn to

4、drive a car at the age ofA . sixtyB . the sixtiethC. sixty years oldD . sixties30. I hear that he will be back two weeks ' timeA . at B . in C. after D. for31. 一 I ' m afraid I can ' t go to the ptmtyorrow一 you told me you would . What' s happened?C. Or32. It takes more time to go th

5、ere by ship than by bus. It ' s by train of the three .A . faster B. the fastest C. fast D. much fast33. mothers both work in the same hospital .A . Tim and Peter ' s B Tim ' s and Peter C. Tim ' s and Peter D'. sTim and Peter 34. 一 do you send an e mail to your cousin?Sometimes.

6、A . How long B. How much C. How often D. How soon35. 一 Don' t kick balls on the road, boys!A . We will B. We shall C. We won' t D. We aren ' t36. It ' s raining heavilyWe have to the sports meetA .put offB . join inC. hold onD . takepartin37. I don ' t think Ken did such a stupid

7、 thing?A .do IB. did IC. did heD . doeshe38. 一 Jackson, I haven ' t seen you these daysI for the coming English test .A . am preparing B. will prepare C. prepare D. have prepared39. 一 you your dictionary?- No . So I have to buy a new one today.A . Did; findB. Have; foundC. Are ; findingD . Had ;

8、 found40. More than two schools in the citv next year .A . are builtB. were builtC. have builtD . will be built41. Doctor Wang often asks ustoo much meat.A . don' t eatB. not eatC. not to eat D . doesn ' t eat42. Both Jim and Kate in Beijing now . They both from America .A . is; comeB. are;

9、comeC. is; comesD . are; comes43. Tim will call me as soon as he my package.A . receive B. will receive C. receivedD. receives44. 一 We don,t know.It is said that he was born in Canada .A . what heisB. when he was bornC. where he comes fromD . if he lives here45. I have bought the camera was advertis

10、ed on TV .A . whatB. whyC. whichD. who三、完形填空(本大題有10小題。每小題1分,共10分)通讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小題所給的四個選項中,選出一個最佳答案。將其字母編號填寫在答卷相應題目的答題位置上。若用答題卡答題,則將答題卡上對應是目所選的選項涂黑。Do you often think of your parents? You may say , “ Of course I 46. I buy a present for my mother on MotherDay and on Father ' s Day I cyvfatmer 4

11、7, too. " But what ahout the other days of the year?I have a friend whose parents live in another city . One day 1 went to see her. We had a niceconversation. Then she wanted to 48. So she dialed(撥號)the number, but then she putdown the phone. After about fifleen 49, she dialed the number again

12、, MomHiLater I asked , " 50 did you dial the number twice?” She smilpdrents are old and 51 . They call ' t get closeto the telephone quickly . I always do so when I call them . I just want to give them 52 time to answer the call .”My friend is a good girl . She is 53 thinking about her pare

13、nts . You also want to be a54 child , right? Please always remember to 55 your parents in every situation , not just on some important days .46. A. willB. doC. won' tD. don' t47. A . a cakeB. a kissC. some moneyD. a present48. A . make a callB . pay a visitC. have a restD. go for a walk49. A

14、 . secondsB. minutesC. hoursD. days50. A. HowB. WhatC. WhyD. When51. A. fastB. slowC. healthyD. careless52. A. littleB. quickC. noD. enough53. A. alwaysB. neverC. seldomD . sometimes54. A . badB. cleverC. goodD . sick55 A . think ofB. look afterC. ring upD. 1isten to四、閱讀理解(本大題有15小題,每小題2分,共30分)閱讀下列短文

15、。并做每篇短文后的題目。從每小題所給的四個選項中,選出能回答所提問題或完成所給句子的最佳答案,將其字母編號填寫在答卷相應題目的答題位最上。若用答題卡答題。則將答題卡上對應題目所選的選項涂黑。T。make surr you enjoy your visit to th? Hajuper Hot Spring A? and that yoa are safe during your visit* plense tnkfrtiiEib to read tlie following: Do n&t place tout head under tht hoi .乳看 beewuce it may

16、 be bad fcr your h«oltk Do not rim ai4tmd b«caue tht Hgr% may h電 sbppcrj, Dd not leave jour chiltlren 3??诳?Do not leave rut 1?0力臚 about.Just O£k one of our workerc to Igk after your things, D* not eoi or drink anything in the me*becvtiEe w« want u keep here dean.Thcrft is si plat

17、e for you to eat and have soft drinks when you wont to h»ve a rifct, Do not bring into the anflhi ng made of because it may be easily br&ken when you fall。 Do not faring my hard drinks into the aT*亂 Do not tmok* in the area. Do not »tav m the wiuJight fi>r iwkng.We hojjw that you wi

18、ll ©甫cy yo迎r yi等it h日1"/56.A . to ask people to visit the springsB . to make visitors know the areaC. to tell visitors what not to doD.to tell the visitors to have a restThe purpose of this notice is57.A . visitorsB. childrenC.workersD . managersThe notice is written for58.A . bring angthi

19、ng into the areaB.have soft drinks in the areaC. look after children in the areaD.sit in the sun for long in the areaPeople are not allowed to59.A . How long visitors can stay in the areaB. What visitors cannot bring to the areaC. Who looks after the visitors things 'D. Whether smoking is allowe

20、d in the area60.The Chinese meaning forslipperyB.濕滑的C.狹窄的D.冰涼的is NOT mentioned in the noticeEvery day , it is easy to see advertisements in English all around us . Look at your own bags and clothes , and at the bags and clothes of your classmates. How many different advertisements can you see which

21、use English words?Often bags and clothes show the name of the company that made them . This is a popular form . A special picture or symbol called a logo(標識語)is sometimes used. Logos appear on many different products(產品).They are popular because when you see a logo, it is hard to forget that product

22、 or company .It is common to see advertisements on TV and hear them on the radio . Most advertisements are very short . Sometimes theadvertisers use a short sentence which is easy for people to say and remember. Nike , for example, has a simple English remember it.sentence which is used all around t

23、he world : "Just do it.Advertisements often use funny situations as well . It is simple toAll advertisements are designed(設計)to make people buy a product. An advertisement for a soft drink , for example, might show a group of young people who are having fun . The young people are al1 drinking t

24、he soft drink . Advertisers are saying to you, “ Why don ' t you buy this drink and b*e these people?You can be young and modern ”You might think that advertisements are not after you , bul the next time you buy a soft drink , ask yourself this question : Why am I buying this particular( 特另U 的)p

25、roduct?61. From the passage, we know that.A . all the advertisements around us are written in EnglishB . many bags have the name of the company that made themC. having soft drinks makes a person young and modernD . advertisements are only after young people62. A good logo is .A . easy to rememberB .

26、 a useful productC. difficult to understandD . easy to buy63. People are most likely to remember an advertisement that is .A . in English B . long C. funny D. famous64. All advertisements are designed to.A . sell you something you don ' t wantB . make you young and modernC. make you buy the prod

27、uctD . show you what you need to buy65. The best title of this passage may be.A . Advertisements for Bags and ClothesB . Advertisements on TV and RadioC. Advertisements About SportsD. Advertisements Around UsC請閱讀以下左欄人員的相關信息,然后與右欄的廣告相匹配。并將最佳選項的字母編號填寫在指定位置上。66. Lari)姓h a Imvely atid kind gid. hopes th

28、at she can help tin: vliildrvn who lo chancre in go to school.67. Uu Hong is going back 加 her home ion for the summer vactiuDu She will buy h camera. She wall take aomr photon and ahuw them to 11rbrwliensKv relums.68. Mr, and Mrs. Smith wanl In have h rclajiing hoii<iay out of the bus city, l/hey

29、 tike Lu stay m a 燈感"黜(古典的)building.69. m jimn in vrry intek:Mfd in p&udu肚 hul hv knows little aboul them. Hr wani 巾口 barmg omr iMxikn nn pandi.70. Mi Im will puy 60 yuHn to w戶 an American trivir wilh hiAP Wkkets Hotel4 200 year - old coiiiitry house in th caunln- south tn th戶 rity M Rome w

30、irh 30 Mmoms. Three pmridrd a d”. Open ail year ehjiU,H. fitj LibraryThe la立聞 library jn Uw ht酬 with over 7Q f 000 bwks of di fit rent kinds in it. wu big reading nram® which cm hold 2 b 000 Traders On from 9 : 00 am to 7 : 00 pm . Monday to Saiurduy.C, Sunny MuseumAn Mt show from August let (o

31、 20th. Over 300 paintings by world kinuu HrtiNs will be in il.Dr CunepriA conerrt in Jinma Thrak-r vh July lOlh. Sorin' Liniou4 lingers tn Chinn will -ing in the concert, 'he niuticy for ik/ tirkng M-iII h# iiwrl for ih戶 ptwr c hiklrt.L. Sniin|> ComprtidunIlie H口list: al Culture N 山。cily

32、will hold a Ainring competition in (Jctobftr, Thofle who like singing can take jturt in Hir roitipjiriurb.F. 口前/ Cinema"Siinv White", a cfliiiwn by Pisnry, *il be shown tn Dadi Ciinenifl neii Suiidny Ticket Prieej V 40. Half %r children)C, Ckiwn Digital (數(shù)碼)CameraA Canon digital catneni wi

33、th I million gk (象素)is on siig for 2, SOO ytmn in I'inhe Siinhrmiirk*,l in f ;用1里山陽一 五、看圖短文填空(本大題有10小題,每小題1.5分,共15分)閱讀下面短文,并借助上下文和插圖補充所缺信息。每個空只能填寫一個形式正確、意義相符的單詞。請將答案 填寫在答卷相應題目的答題位置上。Tom was a poor boy . He made a living by cleaning leather( 皮革) 71 for others in the street. Tom was also a 72 boy

34、. One day, a rich man 73 Miser appeared in front of Tom.He watched his 74 shoes for a while , and then, looked at Tom . Tom knew this kind of peopl well . They love money but hate to spend it.Tom said, “Let me_J5_your shoes, sir. Only two pence(便士),sir.Mr. Miser shook his head and walked away .Tom t

35、hought for a second and then called out ,I ' eblctean it for nothing .TIs time Mr . Miser agreed . And soonone of his shoes was shining brightly .When the rich man put his other shoe on the stool( 凳子),Tom said he would n' clean it for Him 76 he was paid tw0 pence for his work . Mr. Miser was

36、 very 77. He refused to pay anything and went away .But to his 78, the well cleaned shoe was so bright that it made the other one look even dirtier . Mr. Miser looked round. People in the street were 79 at him .Finally the rich man 80 and gave Tom two pence. In a very short time his two shoes shone

37、brightly .六、讀寫綜合(本大題分為A、B兩部分,共20分)請將答案填寫在答卷相應題目的答題位置上。A .信息歸納(共5小題。每小題1分)下面是一篇摘自上海中學生英文報網站的報道。請仔細閱讀該報道,按信息表中項目要求在答卷上的信息表中填寫信息。Depending on yourselfGrowing up is not always easy . When we face difficulties , a spirit of depending on yourself ismore useful than crying forhelp. That' swhat Hong Zha

38、nhui ' s story of growfrom boy to man with family hardship tells us.Hong was born in 1982 in a poor family in Xihua County( 縣),Henan Province . When he was only 11 , his father became badly ill and one day he came back with an unwanted baby girl . A year later, Hong' s mother left homeShe no

39、 longer wanted to live such a poor life and face her sick husband . So everything hard fell onto th e young boy ' s shouldetrs take care of his father and the sister Chenchen, and to go on to study.Although his life was hard , Hong didn ' t go away from his father and siste He worked in part

40、 time jobs to feed his family . He climbed tall trees to get birds' eggs foH e)w aslikeer two hours at weekends to themarket to buy different things to sell around his school . A few years later, he studied at a college. To take care of Chenchen, he worked hard to rent(租)a room near his college

41、for her , and send her to school.After Hong ' s story went publi(he became a hero in people; s eyesBut Hong refused offers from others . He said he felt encouraged by kind offers , but he could depend on his own work .Through his hard life , he has grown up from boy to man .From : Shanghai Middl

42、e School English Online Information Card81. Hong' s sptri82. Hong' s birthplace83. Hong' s age when his mother left home85.84. The distance between Hong ' s school and the marketThe way Hong fed his familyB.書面表達(本題15分】你看了這篇報道后.感受如何?請結合報道的內容。用英語寫一篇80個詞左右的日記.內容包括:1、簡要說明洪戰(zhàn)輝同學的事跡;2、談談你的看法和認識(至少三點)。日記開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。請將日記寫在答卷相應的位置上。SaturdayJune 12thCloudyT


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