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1、Module 1 HobbiesUnit 1 Whats your hobby?一、興趣愛好的詞組:play computergames, play music, collectstamps, keep pets, makemodelships, read books, take photos, make cakes, plant trees, grow flowers, study plants, listeningtomusic, singing, dancing, drawing, playthepiano, playchess, playbasketball二、句型:1. Whats

2、your hobby?2. Do you like? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.3.Ilove/like4.Ienjoy5. My(favourite) hobbyis6. ismy (favourite)hobby.7. Is your hobby keeping pets? Yes, its. / No, it isnt.三、重點(diǎn)精析:1. love/like/enjoy doing sth 喜歡做某事如:I like listening to music. 我喜歡聽音樂。他喜歡集郵。 _2. My hobby is doing sth 我的愛好是如:My hobby

3、 is reading books. 我的愛好是看書。我爸爸的愛好是拍照。 _3. more than 多于 , 超過 from 來自于如:Ihavecollectedmorethan3hundredstamps from 20 countries. 我已收集了來自二十個(gè)國家的300多張郵票。Jane有九十多本英語書。 _4. every 每一的,每個(gè)的every day 每天 every night 每晚 every year 每年 every Friday 每周五5. during + 時(shí)間 表示在某段時(shí)間里 during day 在白天 during the summer holiday

4、 在暑假期間6. some of + 名詞 中的一些如:Some of the students are from America. 這些學(xué)生中的一些來自美國?!炯磿r(shí)演練】一、 根據(jù)句意及首字母補(bǔ)全單詞。1. I have a m_ plane. It can fly high.2. I like playing music e_ day.3. Does he like c_ stamps.4. I like swimming d_ my holiday.5. Xiaolings hobby is m_ model ships. She has m_ t_ 50 ships.二、選擇。( )1

5、Doyoucollect_,Simon?Astamp Bstamps Cstampes Dstampps( )2_stampismyhobby.ACollect BCollects CCollecting DCollected( )3Myhobby is _Asing Bsinging Csings D singings( )4Doyouhave_stampsfromChina?Asome Bmuch Clittle Dany( )5Thesearesomestamps_Canada.Aof Bfrom Cat Don( )6Isthereabirthday card_me?Aof Bfor

6、Cfrom Don( )7Tinna_lotsofstamps.Ahave Bhas C having Dhaves( )8Doeshelike anystamps?AYes,he does. BNo,hedoesnt like. CYes,he likes. DNo,he dont.三、選詞填空。 about from during than1.Theselettersare_Japan.2.Lotsofstudentsenjoy playing computer games _the winter holiday.3.Itis_onehundredmeterslong.4. There a

7、re more _ 35 students in my class.not do collecting from have5. A:Hello,doyoucollectstamps?B:Yes,_stampsismyhobby.Thesearestamps_Canada.A:Doyou_anystampsfromChina?B:No,I_.四、閱讀短文,正確的寫“T”,錯(cuò)的寫“F”My dad works from Monday to Friday in a bank. he uses the computer to count money. His job is very important

8、 in the bank.Dad is also busy at home. At weekends he cooks dinner. Usually he cooks Italian food. On Sundays he makes five pieces of pizza. Sometimes he cooks chicken and makes Chinese food. My mum watches and helps him. I help my dad, too. I wash the dishes.Many people think it is strange for a ma

9、n to cook. But my dad enjoys his hobby. Cooking relaxes him. He is a weekend cook.( )1. My fathers job is using computer to count money in a bank.( )2. My father usually cooks Chinese food.( )3. I help my father cook dinner and my mother washes the dishes.( )4. My father doesnt like cooking.( )5. On

10、 Sunday he makes four pieces of pizza.Unit 2 His hobby is drawing一、 短語:write stories, do some reading, keep ducks and chickens, draw cartoons二、句型:1. Whats Mikes hobby? His hobby is 2. When does Mike usually draw? He usually draws .3. What does Mike give his friends for their birthday?4. What present

11、 does Amy give to Tom?5. What does she want to do when she grows up? She wants to be a writer.三、重點(diǎn)精析:1. grow up 成長(zhǎng),長(zhǎng)大 want to do 想要做如:When Lucy grows up she wants to be an English teacher. 當(dāng)露絲長(zhǎng)大后,她想成為一名英語教師。當(dāng)我長(zhǎng)大后我想成為一個(gè)畫家。 _2. very much 非常,很,十分如:Mr. Wu can play the piano very much. 吳先生很會(huì)彈鋼琴。Janent很喜歡

12、收集郵票。 _3. begin to do sth 開始做某事他開始學(xué)英語。 _4. be in trouble 有麻煩,處于不幸,陷入困境如:Whenyouare in trouble,theywillhelpyou.當(dāng)你是處在困難中的時(shí)候,他們會(huì)幫助你?!炯磿r(shí)演練】一、單項(xiàng)選擇( )1Thisstampis_China.Ato Bfrom Cin( )2Doyou_stamps?Acollect Bcollecting Cmake( ) 3Janet _lotsofstamps _ 20 countries.A have, in Bhave, from Chas, from( )_atth

13、epoolismyhobby.ASwim BSwimming CSwims ( )5Do you like _ to music?Alisten Blistening Clistens( )6Doyouhave_stampsfromChina?Asome Bmany Cany( )7Collectingstampsismy_.Ahobby Blike Clove( )8Playingfootball_myhobby.Ais Bam Care( )9Therearesomecards_Canada.Ain Bof Cfrom( )10Doyouwant_toChina.A.togo B.go C

14、.going二、用所給詞的正確形式填空。1. I like _ (take) photos.2. This birthday card is from _ (I) mother.3. Amy want _ (go) fishing on Saturday.4. Mike _ (not like) taking photos.5. When Dave _ (grow) up, he _(want) to be a cook.6. _ (draw) isnt my hobby. My hobby is _ (collect) stamps. I have more than 200 _(stamp

15、) from 30 _ (country).7. Mike takes his _ (colour) pencils and _ (draw) a picture.8. Sam likes _ (play) football, but his brother _ (do not) like it三、根據(jù)具體情況回答問題。1、Whats your hobby?_2、Do you love playing kung fu?_3、What do you want to do when you grow up?_4、Whats your fathers hobby?_5、Is your hobby m

16、aking model ships?_6、When do you often read books?_四、寫作。 請(qǐng)談?wù)勀愕膼酆没蚰闩笥训膼酆?,寫一寫,不少于五句話。_Module 2 AbilitiesUnit 3 I can swim very fast一、 詞組:read fast, jump high/far, run fast, sing well, dance well, help children learn, grow food for people, get news for people, make machines for people.二、句型:1. I can swi

17、m very fast.2. What can you do? I can3. Can he run fast? Yes, he can. No, he cant.4. Im good at drawing.5. What are you good at?三、重點(diǎn)精析:1. be good at sth / doing sth 擅長(zhǎng)某事,擅長(zhǎng)做某事他擅長(zhǎng)畫畫。 _2. lets = let uslet sb do sth 讓某人做某事如:Lets go swimming together. 讓我們一起去游泳吧。讓他來幫你。 _3. help sb do sth 幫助某人做某事如:Who can

18、 help children learn? 誰能幫助學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)呢?你能幫我做家務(wù)嗎? _4. for 為了工人能夠?yàn)槿藗兘ǚ孔印?_5. hope to do sth 希望做某事如:I hope to see you again. 我希望再見到你。他希望冬天會(huì)下雪。 _6. praise 贊揚(yáng),贊美,表揚(yáng) praise for 因?yàn)橘澝廊纾篐e praised her for her courage. 他贊美她的勇敢。7. be proud of 自豪,為.而驕傲如:I am proud of being an English teacher. 我為作為一名英語教師而感到驕傲。你的父母為你感到驕

19、傲。 _【即時(shí)演練】一、 用所給的詞的正確形式填空。1. Whatcanyou_(do)?2 .Ican_(clean)theclassroom.3. Mysistercandomanythingsathome, sosheisvery_(help).4. Mymothercan_ (cook)the meal.5. Teachers can _(幫助孩子學(xué)子).6. Lets _(一起去游泳).7. Doctors can _ (幫助病人).8. Are you _ (擅長(zhǎng))playing tennis?9. Workers can _(make) machines for people.1

20、0. He hopes _ (win) a prize for his team.二、從ABC三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選擇合適的答案,把序號(hào)填寫在題前括號(hào)內(nèi)。( )1._canyoudo?A.What B.Who C.Where( )2.-Canyoudance well?-_.A.Icansing well. B.Yes,Ido. C.Yes,Ican.( )3._youhelpfulathome?.A.Do B.Are C.Can( )4.Let her_ the door.A. opens B. closes C. open( )5.Iamagoodboy.Ican_myparentsdosomeho

21、usework.A. helpful B. help. C. helping( )6.Whatcan I do _ you?A.ofB.forC.to( )7.Wecanhelp_. A.her B.she C.he( )8.-Canyourfatherplaybasketball?-_.A.Yes,shecan B.Yes,hecant C.No,hecant.( )9. He often helps _ clean the room .A. meB. IC. my( ) 10. He usually _ animals _ his sister.A. draw, with B. draws

22、, with C. draws, for三、對(duì)答如流。( )1.What can you do? A. Yes, he is.( )2.Do you like swimming? B. No, I cant.( )3.Is he good at singing? C.I can wash the window.( )4.Can you water the flowers? D. Running is my hobby.( )5.Whats your hobby? E. No, I dont. ( ) 6. Does he help him? F. Yes, he does.Unit 4 Can

23、 you do my homework?一、 句型:1、Can you do my homework? Yes, I can. No, I cant.2、Who gives Jiamin a present?3、What will he do? He will become a clown.4、Who can help me?二、重點(diǎn)精析:1、speak + 某種語言如: Can you speak Chinese?2、do ones homework 做家庭作業(yè)他經(jīng)常在晚上八點(diǎn)鐘做作業(yè)。 _3、talk with sb 與某人聊天 talk about 談?wù)撃呈履銈冊(cè)谡務(wù)撌裁矗?_我喜歡跟你

24、聊天。 _4、make sb do sth 使某人做某事如:He always makes me laugh. 他總是讓我大笑。我父母使我每天看新聞。 _【即時(shí)演練】一、選擇題。()1、What _hedoonSunday?A、doB、doesC、is()2、What_youlikeforlunch?A、areB、doC、does()3、Howmanypeoplearethere_yourfamily?A、inB、onC、with()4、Everyone _swimmingverymuch.A、likeB、likesC、liking()5、_timeisitnow?A、HowB、WhatC、W

25、hen()6、Itstime_lunch.A、forB、toC、forhave()7、Shewill_totheparkthismorning.A、goesB、goC、going()8、Canyourbrother_?A、cookB、cookingC、cooks()9、Youcan_inthepark.A、swim B、sleeponthebench C、takeawalk()10、Canyouhelpus _?A、cleantheroom B、cleaningtheroom C、cleanstheroom()11、I can sing _.A、goodB、wellC、bad()12、Cany

26、ouhelp_, Mike?A、heB、himC、his()13、Letshelpyourfather_theflowers.A、waterB、watersC、watering()14、What can he do?.A、He does his homework.B、He can jump high.C、He wants to run.()15、CanItakeabook?A、Yes,ofcourse. B、Yes,youare.C、Yes,Ican. ( ) 16、Amy is good at _.A、 does the long jump. B、do the long jump. C、do

27、ing the long jump.( )17、Can you _Chinese? A、say B、tell C、speak ( )18、The man _ playing kung fu. A、is good at B、are good at B、is good for ( )19、I like _story. A、speak B、tell C、telling ( )20、Lets _ a walk in the park. A、going B、go C、goes二、將問題的編號(hào)寫在相應(yīng)答語前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。()1.Whatsyourfavoritefood? A.Ioftenplayping-p

28、ong.()2.Whatdoyouhavefordinner? B.WehaveEnglishandart.()3.WhatdoyoudoonSundays? C.Ilikefish.()4.Whatdayisittoday? D.Ihavefishandrice.()5.WhatclassesdoyouhaveonMondays? E.ItsWednesday.()6.Whatsshelike? F.Shestallandthin.()7.Whatis your bobby? G.He can run fast. ( ) 8. What can he do? H. His hobby is

29、playing music.三、閱讀理解.根據(jù)下面短文內(nèi)容判斷句子正誤(正確寫T;錯(cuò)誤寫F)。MynamesJohn.Ihaveahappyfamily.Wecandohousework.Myfathercancookthemeals.Mymothercanwashtheclothes.Mybrothercanwashthedishes.Mysistercansetthetable.Icanputawaytheclothes.Ilovemyfamily.( ) 1.TherearefourpeopleinJohnsfamily.( ) 2.Johnhasabrother.Hecansetthe

30、table.( ) 3.Johnsfathercancookthemeals.( ) 4.Johnsclothesaredirty,hisbrothercanhelp.( ) 5.Johnhasahappyfamily.Module 3 Daily lifeUnit 5 Where is Ben?【單詞回顧】 可能_ 找到_ 冰淇淋_ 尋找_做鍛煉_ 在學(xué)校商店_ 做作業(yè)_一、短語:play music, take exercise, do ones homework, eat ice cream, go swimming, read books, winter holiday, summer

31、 holiday, in the music room, in the gym, in the classroom, at the school shop, at the swimming pool, at the library, in the playground, in his study, on the street, on weekdays, after school, after supper二、句型:1. Where is Ben? He is at the swimming pool.2. I often play football after school.3. He lik

32、es skating.4. Does Ben often go swimming? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.5. What do you usually do after school? I usually do my homework.6. Where do you usually go in the afternoon? I usually go to the library.三、重點(diǎn)精析:1. 頻率副詞:always 總是 usually 通常 often 經(jīng)常 sometimes 有時(shí) never 從不2. do ones homework 做家庭作

33、業(yè)3. on weekdays 在工作日 at the weekend 在周末4. play with 玩,玩弄,和為伴如:I want to play with you. 我想跟你一起玩。5. look for 尋找如:What do they look for? 他們?cè)趯ふ沂裁矗?. stare at 凝視,盯著 while 當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)候如:While he is playing computer games, his father stares at him.當(dāng)他在玩電腦的時(shí)候,他的父親盯著他。7. be afraid of sth. / doing sth. 害怕,擔(dān)心,恐懼Dave很害怕

34、狗。 _-我害怕開車。 _8. Does Ben often go swimming? 本句中的主語Ben是第三人稱單數(shù)。在一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)中,當(dāng)主語是第三人稱單數(shù)時(shí),謂語動(dòng)詞也要用第三人稱單數(shù)形式,即在動(dòng)詞原形后面加s或es。注:1)人稱代詞he, she, it是第三人稱單數(shù)。如:She reads English book every morning.2)單個(gè)人名、地名或稱謂主語時(shí)是第三人稱單數(shù)。如 :The dog likes running.3)單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞或“this / that / the + 單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞”作主語時(shí),是第三人稱單數(shù)。如:A horse is a useful ani

35、mal. This book is mine.4)不定代詞someone, somebody, nobody, everything, something等及指示代詞this, that作主語時(shí),是第三人稱單數(shù)。如:Someone is under the tree. This is a pen. 5)不可數(shù)名詞作主語時(shí)為第三人稱單數(shù)。如:The milk is in the glass.動(dòng)詞第三人稱單數(shù)形式變化規(guī)律:1)一般動(dòng)詞,直接在詞尾加s。如:play-plays, want-wants, get-gets, like-likes等。2)以字母s、x、ch或o結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞加es。如:go

36、-goes, do-does, watch-watches等。3)以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞,先把y變i,再加es。如:study-studies, fly-flies等?!炯磿r(shí)演練】一、 將下列短語翻譯成英文。1、在圖書館_ 2、在體育館_3、做家庭作業(yè)_ 4、在游泳池_5、在周末_ 6、在工作日_7、放學(xué)后_ 8、去看電影_9、尋找_ 10、在大街上_11、做運(yùn)動(dòng)_ 12、在書房_二、單項(xiàng)選擇。( )1Isyourphotointhedrawer?_.AYes,Iam BNo,itis CYes,itis DNo,Imnot( )2. _Mr Black? Hesin the gym. AW

37、hereBWheresCWherereDWhereare( )3_underthetree?No,theyarent.AWhereare BWhatis CArethey DIsit( )4Whereareyourbrothers?_. AHeisathome BHeisinhisroom CYes,theyare DIdontknow()5Whatsunderthedesk?_. AItsafootball BIcanseeasetofkeysCTheyareredbox DTheresacat( )4._theseyourparents?A.Am B.Are C.is D.Is( )6.

38、_Jim usually _ after school?A. Do; goes B.does; goesC.Do; goD.Does; go( )7.Anny is _her ruler?A. look at B. looking for C. looks for D. looking( ) 8. _bookis_thefloor. A.An;onB.A;underC.The;underD.The;on( )9. _areyourfriends?Theyare_theclassroom(教室). A.Where;onB.How;inC.Where;inD.Who;in( ) 10. _I as

39、k you questions, please stand up.A. While B. Where C. Who D. What三、句型轉(zhuǎn)換1. never, on, he, takes, weekdays, exercise.(連詞成句)_2.Myhatisonthedresser.(變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧洳⒆龇穸ɑ卮?_ _3.Thenotebooksareonthefloor.(就劃線部分提問)_4WeareinBeijing.(就劃線部分提問)_5. She usually play music after school.(改為否定句并作出肯定回答)_ _四、從II中找出與I意思相同的選項(xiàng)。I欄 II欄( ) 1.Wheres the girl? A. They are in the room.( ) 2.Whats this in English? B. Black.( ) 3.What colour is the bag? C. Yes, he is.( ) 4. Where are the women? D. Yes, its.( ) 5.Is Jacket in the classroom? E. No, he doesnt.( ) 6


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