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1、Bozshakol Copper ProjectClay plantAB偏跨E-House電纜橋架安裝腳手架搭設方案Method statement of AB side building E-House cable tray installation program scaffolding erection窗體底端11373-BD-NFC-3300-MS-OOO-E-0003 0IFRREV#DATEREASONORIGINATORLi XinhuaCHECKEDXia QingAPPROVEDLiu Jianhui目 錄Content1、 搭設方案 1. Installation Meth

2、od2、 風險評估2. Risk Assessment3、 安全管理方案3. Safety Management Method一、搭設方案Installation method 1. 概況 根據(jù)設計圖紙AB偏跨內(nèi)E-House下設置了2000多米電纜橋架及敷設大量的電纜,工作面相當大,工作時間持續(xù)長,而電纜橋架安裝在10米的高空上,為了保障工作人員操作的安全性及不影響地面設備安裝的空間,采取了以下方案搭設腳手架。1. Brief As per the design drawing, more than 2000 m cable trays and huge quantity cables sh

3、all be installed for E-house of AB side building. Beside part of the trays shall be install in 10m high place; for ensure safety of installation personnel and reduce the influence of installation of equipment on ground, the method of scaffold installation shall be adopt as mentioned below: 2. 編制依據(jù) C

4、odes and references2.1 設計圖紙:Design drawings2.2 現(xiàn)場勘測資料 on site survey document3. 施工準備 preparation works3.1 技術(shù)準備 technical preparation 根據(jù)設計圖紙及現(xiàn)場資料,進行圖紙及資料自審和會審工作。 Self check and cross check of drawing3.1.2 圖紙及資料自審、會審后,組織施工班組熟悉施工過程及有關技術(shù)要求,結(jié)合現(xiàn)場實際情況集中進行一次全面技術(shù)交底。 After self check and cross check, organize

5、 the construction team to get familiar with the construction process and the relevant technical requirements, and to give a technical disclosure combined with the actual situation. 3.2 施工部署 Personnel and responsibilities3.2.1 主要施工設備、機具準備 Equipment and tools preparation 設備進場投入使用前進行全面檢修,使設備處于完好狀態(tài)。 Car

6、ry out a overall inspection and maintenance to make sure all the equipment in working condition before putting in use.4. 腳手架的搭設 Scaffolding installation4.1 腳手架材料檢查 Inspection of materials of scaffolding 對到場的腳手架及配件進行檢查,外觀檢查應無損壞及變形。 Insure no deformation and damage for all materials4.2 搭設流程 Installati

7、on Process 4.2.1 場地安全措施的安裝 Installation of safety facilities 設置安全警示標志,設立安全網(wǎng)。 Set safety sign and safety net4.2.2 搭設作業(yè) Installation work 根據(jù)現(xiàn)場位置,利用多臺(至少兩臺)升降機上升至搭設高度將有卡板的腳手架卡在E-House下的PG600工字鋼上,以此為支點進行搭設,骨架搭設完成后繼續(xù)搭設腳手板,完成搭設。 As per the site situation, use at least two elevators to mount scaffold with

8、plate to PG600 I steel under E-HOUSE, then use it as the point to install the frame. After finish the frame installation, amount the plate. 4.2.3 完成搭設,場地清理 House keeping 搭設完成后,多余的材料及廢料及時清理出場,安全警告標示不撤除。 Clean the area after installation, but remain the safety warming sign. 附圖4.2.2(1)附圖4.2.2(2)附圖4.2.2

9、(3)二、風險評估( 腳手架搭設、拆除作業(yè) )工 作 危 害 分析 rick assessment for Removal and Erection of Scaffold工作內(nèi)容(風險項目)Job content(risk item)危害分析Hazard 風險Risk 矯正措施 Correction measures腳手架搭設、拆除作業(yè)Removal and erection of scaffold安全通道 safety access滑倒、跌倒、絆倒slip down, trip down and fall down1、進出通道上禁止擺放材料,保持通道不受阻。The access shall

10、 not have obstacles and keep the good housekeeping2、保證作業(yè)臨邊有必要的防護措施,如安全欄桿 working area shall have protective fence3、保證有符合要求的梯子或作業(yè)平臺 ladder and operating platform shall qualified腳手架搭設拆除作業(yè)erection remove人員高空墜落、材料高空墜物People and materials dropping from higher place1、腳手架搭設、拆除作業(yè)站腳處搭設操作平臺(預防人員墜落)Platform sh

11、ould be erected when remove scaffold to avoid people dropping.2、搭設、拆除作業(yè)遵守拆除作業(yè)工序(預防高空墜物)erected and removed work should according to the descending orders (To avoid dropping from high place)3、遵循腳手架搭設、拆除作業(yè)工序要求,嚴禁違反操作作業(yè) erected and removed for scaffold shall refer to the specification, illegal work is

12、never qualified4、每步搭設、拆除時要及時對材料進行清理,扣件盡量采取麻袋裝取運輸 The materials should be cleaning after the remove work finished; Fastener should be packaged by sacking, pay more attention to the housekeeping is important.5、禁止同一個垂直面上搭設、拆除作業(yè) erected and removed work at the same vertical is forbidden6、腳手架操作期間,下面有人作業(yè)須

13、有足夠的防護 underside worker shall have more enough personal PPE during the scaffold works.7、操作人員不得拋擲工器具與材料 Throwing the tools and materials is not allowedHousekeeping摔倒、跌倒、撞傷、刮傷slip down, trip down, fall down and bruise1、拆除作業(yè)時,邊拆除邊清理 Removed work should be with removing and cleaning2、搭設、拆除作業(yè)時,注意扣件、鋼管等材料

14、的堆碼 Pay more attention to the piled fastener and conduit during the erected and removed work 3、扣件采用箱裝較好,鋼管采用堆放在支撐架上較好(規(guī)格:1.5米*1.5米或1.5米*2.0米)fastener should saved in the box, steel conduit shall piled in the frame (specification: 1.5m or 1.5m*2.0m)物體打擊與墜落 materials dropping and beating人員受傷或死亡 person

15、nel died or injury1、作業(yè)人員佩戴好自己的PPE,特別是安全帽(預防頭部撞傷),須系安全帽帶 Operator shall wear personal PPE, especially the helmet with safety belt.2、遵循搭設、拆除作業(yè)循序,嚴禁自下往上拋投材料,嚴禁同一垂直面同時搭設拆除 erected and removed work shall refer to the descending orders, throwing materials or tools from bottom to the up is forbidden, work

16、at the same vertical is not allowed火源 fire source火災 fire accident1、禁止在現(xiàn)場吸煙 non-smoking in the working site2、做好Housekeeping清理工作 make the good housekeeping work in the site3、配置滅火器 fire stopper should be assembled人的不安全行為personal unsafe situation 不安全狀態(tài)導致人員違章作業(yè) unsafe situation lead to illegal work1、搭設拆除

17、作業(yè)前,要預先做好腳手架搭設拆除作業(yè)許可證的申請 work permit shall prepared before remove the scaffold. 2、由有資質(zhì)的腳手架工進行搭設和拆除 erected and removed work shall work by the qualified people3、腳手架搭設拆除作業(yè)人員在進行作業(yè)前要預先檢查自己的安全防護用品完好,特別是安全帶 Operator shall wear personal PPE, especially the safety belt.4、安全帶采取高掛低用的方式,同時必須要有一個牢靠的錨固點,可以是鋼管,也可

18、以是生命繩 safety belt shall have an anchor fixed point by both of steel conduit and safety rope. 5、腳手架作業(yè)時嚴禁打鬧戲罵 joking and making fun of someone during the scaffold work is not allowed6、劃定維護區(qū)域,并進行維護與隔離 maintenance area should be arranged with insulated functions7、有心臟病、高血壓的人員不得進行腳手架作業(yè) heart disease and h

19、igh blood pressure couldnt implement to the scaffold work.8、組織相關的技能培訓和教育,嚴禁違章指揮 Relevant training skill and education should be have, illegal direct is not allowed9、臨邊操作人員必須系掛全束身安全帶 aside staff must wear safety belt 不安全工作方式導致人員違章unsafe situation lead to illegal work13、腳手架作業(yè)人員必須佩戴工具袋,大工具袋系保險繩,嚴禁拋擲物件

20、scaffold worker should be wear tool bag, large tool bag should tied by safety rope, throwing tools is forbidden14、腳手架作業(yè)時嚴禁隨意攀爬 climbing in the scaffold random is not allowed 15、腳手架作業(yè)時,作業(yè)人員嚴禁坐在平臺孔洞邊緣、騎坐在欄桿上、躺在走道上休息 lie on the ground, side on the railing, sit down beside the hole in the platform is no

21、t allowed during scaffold work.16、使用合格的登高工具-斜道、樓梯等 ladder for the slope and stairs should be qualified安全防護 safety protection沒有按照規(guī)范導致人員違章 not according to the code lead to illegal work1、在夜間、光線不足的地方加強照明 Add more lighting strengthen to the low power area2、防護欄桿高度必須符合要求 fence should according to the spec

22、ification3、平臺、走道、斜道裝設擋腳板 platform, walking access and slope road should have protective foot plate4、作業(yè)周圍孔洞、溝道裝設蓋板或圍欄 hole and trench should have protective cover or fence5、成品倉(粉礦倉)在高空作業(yè)時周圍布設安全網(wǎng) high place working around in the ore bin shall have protective net in final products or ore bin.6、六級及以上大風或

23、惡劣氣候停止露天高空作業(yè) above lever 6 wind shall not working in the high place7、凌凍天氣進行腳手架作業(yè)要注意采取防滑措施 attention to the slip down in frozen day when do the scaffold work8、上下交叉作業(yè)中間搭設隔離層 cross work between up and down shall have insulated coat 沒有按照規(guī)范導致高空落物not according to the code lead to the staff dropping9、平臺、走道

24、、腳手架上堆放物件不超過允許載荷 piled materials over-loading in the platform, walking access and scaffold is not allowed10、切割的工件、邊角余料等應放置在牢靠的地方或用鐵絲扣牢并有防止墜落的措施或廢料及時清理放到地面 cutting components and excessive material should be fixed by iron wire or another, ground should cleaning it.11、點焊的物件不得移動 spot welding components

25、 shall not remove12、交叉施工的隔離層嚴禁隨意拆除 Insulated coat for cross work shall not random remove 疲勞作業(yè)Tired work人員傷害Personnel injury1、合理調(diào)配人力,注意休息prepare workers reasonable with enough resting time2、檢查、觀察、發(fā)現(xiàn)作業(yè)人員疲勞,立即停止作業(yè)Pay more attention to the workers situation and exhausted person should asking stopped to

26、have a rest.腳手架材質(zhì) scaffold material quality鋼管、扣件、木方、跳板Conduit, fastener, wood and springboard 不符合要求導致人身傷害 illegal code lead to Personnel injury1、搭設腳手架材料應符合規(guī)范要求,凡彎曲、壓扁、有裂紋或已經(jīng)嚴重銹蝕的鋼管嚴禁使用 the pipe which bending-rupture, cracked and rusty shall not use in the scaffold materials beside all of them should

27、 according to the specification2、立桿搭設循序:平整地面-鋪設跳板-擺放底座-豎立桿 leveling ground-springboard laying- foundation laying-erect standing bar腳手板鋪設 scaffold board paving1、材料不合要求 unqualified materials 人身傷害Personnel injury1、腳手板應滿鋪,不得有空隙和探頭板 plate should be fully paving, inter space and excessive plate shall not

28、have2、腳手板未滿鋪 non fully paving 2、板與板搭接長度不得小于20CM The plate distance shall not less than 20cm3、腳手板未綁扎或壓條 non fixed or bundling3、腳手板上翻時,應由兩人從里向外按順序進行,工作時掛好安全帶 wear safety belt when rolling the scaffold board with according to the descending orders.腳手架搭設 scaffold erection違章作業(yè) work against regulations人身傷

29、害Personnel injury1、腳手架的外側(cè)、斜道和平臺應設1.0高的防護欄桿(從腳手板上量起)和20CM高的擋腳板,中間防護欄桿高度45CM-50CM(從腳手板上量起),搭設腳手架時,作業(yè)人員要掛好安全帶 exterior scaffold, ramp and platform should have protective fence which 1.0m high and protective foot plate which 20cm high, middle protective fence which high is 45cm50cm, scaffold worker shall wear PPE.2、斜坡道、跳板的坡度不得大于1:3,寬度不得小于1.2M,并釘有防護條,防滑條的間距不得大于30CMThe slope degree of ramp and springboard hall not over 1:3, wide shall not less than 1.2m with studding protective tape, the distance of non-slip strip shall not more than 30cm


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