新概念英語二冊 lesson3 教師版講義_第1頁
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新概念英語二冊 lesson3 教師版講義_第3頁
新概念英語二冊 lesson3 教師版講義_第4頁
新概念英語二冊 lesson3 教師版講義_第5頁




1、輔導(dǎo)課題:新概念2 lesson 3提分第一階段:復(fù)習(xí)上節(jié)課內(nèi)容和遺忘知識點單詞短語聽寫提分第二階段:梳理本節(jié)課知識要點 ,查漏補缺3 Please send me a card 請給我寄一張明信片【課文】Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a f

2、ew lines, but I did not understand a word. Every day I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card

3、!【課文翻譯】明信片總攪得我假日不得安寧。去年夏天 ,我去了意大利。我參觀了博物館 ,還去了公園。一位好客的效勞員教了我?guī)拙湟獯罄Z ,之后還借給我一本書。我讀了幾行 ,但一個字也不懂。我每天都想著明信片的事。假期過得真快 ,可我還沒有給我的朋友們寄過一張明信片。到了最后一天 ,我作出了一項重大決定。我早早起了床 ,買來了37張明信片。我在房間里關(guān)了整整一天。然而竟連一張明信片也沒寫成!【生詞和短語】send (sent ,sent) v. 寄 ,送postcard n. 明信片spoil v. (spoiled or spoilt) v.使索然無味 ,損壞museum n. 博物館publi

4、c adj. 公共的friendly adj. 友好的waiter n. 效勞員 ,招待員lend (lent, lent) v. 借給decision n. 決定whole adj. 整個的single adj. 唯一的 ,單一的提分第三階段:考試考點例題講解 ,掌握解題思路send v. 寄, 送send a letter 寄信send sth. to sb. /send sb. sth. 給某人送寄什么東西send/take children to school:take強調(diào)某人親自送;send那么是通過第三人去送, 如美國的校車 take flowers to his wife 自己送

5、send flowers to his wife 叫店里的人送postcard n. 明信片兩個爆破音在一起 ,前者失去爆破音。這里/t/和/k/前者失去爆破音name card /visiting card 名片Here is my name card. (口語常用, 同時伴隨著遞出的動作)ID card 身份證 ID 身份credit card 信用卡cash card 現(xiàn)金卡, 儲蓄卡, 工資卡(不能透支的那種)spoil(spoiled ,spoilt) v. 使索然無味, 損壞 vt. 弄壞 ,損壞 ,糟蹋The sad news spoiled our weekend. 這不幸的消

6、息使我們沒能過好周末。The rain spoiled the school sports. 這場雨把學(xué)校運動會弄得一團糟。This spoiled my day.What you said spoiled me.His arrival spoiled my holiday. vt. 寵壞 ,慣壞 ,溺愛Dont spoil your children. 不能太慣孩子。His parents spoiled the boy.spoil: 把東西的質(zhì)量變得不好; 生活中不順心的事;寵壞, 溺愛break: 打破; break the windows 打破玻璃damage: 破壞, 程度不一定很重

7、destroy : 破壞, 徹底摧毀以上三個是指物理上的破壞, 而spoil主要指精神上的museum n. 博物館Palace Museum 故宮public adj. 公共的 adj. 公共的 ,公眾的 ,社會的There is a public library in this town.I always sit in public gardens on Sundays. adj. 公開的 ,眾人皆知的Their secret meeting was made public 20 years later. 他們的秘密會晤20年以后才被公開。public house酒吧簡稱pub publi

8、c place 公共場所in public 公開的;in private 私下里的Lets have a conversation in private. 讓我們私下談?wù)?Why not have a conversation in public? 為什么不公開談呢?(當(dāng)面說呢?) n. 公眾 ,群眾 ,群眾The public is/are pleased with his explanation. 公眾對他的解釋很滿意。The museum is open to the public on Sunday.friendly adj. 友好的friendly是形容詞 ,單獨使用時一般做定語;作

9、為狀語表示這個人做什么事情很友好, 用短語in a friendly wayHe is not very friendly to John.She gave me a friendly greeting.He always greets me in a friendly way.以-ly結(jié)尾的形容詞還有l(wèi)ovely ,brotherly ,fatherly ,manly ,motherlywaiter n. 效勞員, 招待員waiter(男效勞員), waitress(女效勞員), 只出現(xiàn)在餐館里chief waiter 領(lǐng)班 I want to see the chief waiter. 我

10、要見你們的領(lǐng)班。shop assistant 商店里的店員attendant n. 其他公共場所的效勞員lend v. 借給 lend to借出:lend sth. to sb/lend sb. sth. Can you lend me $20 please? Ill pay/give it back tomorrow.borrow from借進:borrow sth. from sb./borrow sth. borrow不能用 borrow sb sth. He borrowed my pen yesterday. He hasnt given me it yet.decision n.

11、決定make /take a decision作出決定It was not easy for me to make/take this decision.Are you made/taken a decision?make a big/great decision (big:重大;great:偉大, 更重大)decide v. 決定whole adj. 整個的a whole bottle of milk 一整瓶牛奶the whole ,the whole day 整天 ,two whole weeks 整整兩星期all th ,all the day (the可省略) 整天all of后面如果

12、加代詞, 代詞前面不需要修飾詞;一旦要加名詞, 前面一定要加theall of us;all of the studentssingle adj. 唯一的, 單一的反義詞 : double 雙倍的提分第四階段:拓展延伸 ,思路方法總結(jié) ,縱橫考場【課文講解】1、Last summer, I went to Italy.last: adj. 上一個last summer里的last表示 “上一個 adj. 最后一個 ,表示“最后一個時要加冠詞thethe last day 最后一天 具體到一天及一天的早中晚都要用on2、A friendly waiter taught me a few word

13、s of Italian.Italiani5tAljEn于Italy5itEli : 注意重讀音的位置不同teach sb. sth. 教某人做某事He teaches our English.(錯)He teaches us English.(對)語言不可數(shù), 所以要用a little Italian或a few words of ItalianI can speak a little English/a few words of English.a few可與復(fù)數(shù)可數(shù)名詞連用 ,表示肯定 ,含有some ,a small number of一些 ,少數(shù)幾個的意思。The police wo

14、uld like to ask him a few questions. 警察要問他一些問題。 3、Everyday I thought about postcards. think about/of 考慮, 思考 ,指某一段時間一直在想/考慮某事, think of還可指想到What do you think of?What do you think of TV program last night?What do you think of the weather today? 你覺得天氣怎么樣?think over 仔細考慮 ,反復(fù)思考Whats the weather like toda

15、y?cold, chilly非常非常冷, freezeI'll freeze.我要凍僵了4、I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!spend與表示時間的詞或短語連和時 ,意思為“花時間、“度過spend+時間+地點 : 在什么地點我花費/度過了多少時間I spend three hours in the sea.I spend my weekend at my mother's.I spend three hours in the classroom everyday.I spen

16、d a lot of time in traffic jam.(交通堵塞)spend還可以表示“花錢If we spend all the money, well be poor again.I cant spend any more on this car.提分第五階段:總結(jié)本節(jié)課內(nèi)容 ,溫故而知新【Key structures】一般過去時一般過去時通常表示過去發(fā)生的而現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)結(jié)束的事件、動作或情況。它通常指動作何時發(fā)生 ,而不指動作持續(xù)多久。Do you ever catch a cold in the winter?Yes, I caught a cold last winter.【Sp

17、ecial Difficulties】 直接賓語與間接賓語雙賓語:直接賓語(表示動作結(jié)果 ,動作所涉及的事物)和間接賓語(動作目標(biāo) ,動作是誰做的或為誰做的 ,通常是人)。間接賓語大多數(shù)情況下置于直接賓語之前 ,如果間接賓語在后 ,間接賓主前必須加“to表示動作對什么人做或“for表示動作為什么人而做。give sb. sth./give sth to sb間接賓語在后面時, 其前必須加to(對而言)或for(為而做)??梢苑g為“給、“替、“為的 ,就用for;如果只能翻譯為“給的, 就用to與to相連的give, take, pass, read, sell, buy ,pay ,hand

18、 ,bring ,show ,promise ,offer ,owetake flowers to my wife.與for相連的 buy, order, make, findI buy a book for you .make a cake for youfind sth. for sb.do sb. a favor 幫某人一個忙Do me a favor please./Do a favor for me? 幫我一個忙I do something for you.Can I order something for you?Can I buy you a bottle of beer ? 意

19、為我請你喝杯酒的意思 【Multiple choice questions】4  _a_ him a few words of Italian? The waiter.a. Who taught b. Who did teach c. What did he teach d. Whom did he teach人做主語提問who 對賓語提問whomwho既可以對主語提問也可以對賓語提問, 而whom只能對賓語提問如果對主語提問, 那么句子的語序和陳述句語序一樣;如果對非主語來提問, 那么句子要使用特殊疑問詞+一般疑問句的語序Who/Whom did the waiter teach

20、a few words of Italian?5  He was a friendly waiter. He spoke to the writer _d_ .a. friend b. as friends c. like friends d. in a friendly wayHe spoke to the writer like a friend.in.way :以.方式作為狀語表示這個人做什么事情很友好, 用短語in a friendly way7  He spent the whole day in his room. He was in his room _c_ day.a. the hole b. the all c. all d. all ofall (the) day


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