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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上小學英語六年級下冊堂堂清訓練題Unit 1 How tall are you?第一課時一、判斷每組單詞是(T)否(F)同類。( )1.A.young B.tall C. old( )2.A.small B.big C. than( )3.A.meter B.hall C. short( ) C. him( )5.A.long B.taller C.old 二、按要求完成下列各題。1.邁克比約翰更高。(根據(jù)漢語完成句子)Mike is _ than John.2.the tallest that is hall this dinosaur in

2、(連詞成句)_ 3.She is 1.64 meters. (對畫線部分提問)_ _ is she?第二課時一根據(jù)首字母填入合適的單詞1. This pencil is l_ than that one.2. This skirt is s_ than that one.3. My father is o_ than my mother.4. Im t_ than my brother.5. Im ten years old. Im y_ than you.二對話排序( )1.Im 1.61 meters.( )2.Oh!Im taller.( )3.How tall are you?( )4

3、.Youre older than me too第三課時一、 根據(jù)圖片提示填空。  1.A:What _ are your shoes?                          B: My shoes are size 38.   2.A:I wear size 35 shoes.          

4、;                       B:I wear size 37 shoes.Your feet are _ than mine.二、根據(jù)上下文,補全對話W: _ size are your shoes, Mike?M: Size 7.W: Oh! Your feet are bigger _ me. My shoes are size 37.M: Really? You look _ than me.W: But I think

5、 you are heavier than me. How_ are you?M: Im 48 kilogram.W: Yes, youre heavier. Im 46 kilogram.第四課時一、選出各單詞缺少的字母或字母組合()1.h_vier    A.ea     A.our   B.all   C.oll()3、str_g

6、#160;   C.on二、根據(jù)漢語提示,寫出英語單詞1. Wu Yifan is _ (更強壯的)than Sarah.2. ZhangPengs feet are _(更大的)than Mikes.3. John is _(更瘦的)than his brother.第五課時一、把字母重新排列起來,組成單詞。1.                               &

7、#160;     _2.                 _3.              _4.               _5.             

8、;  _二、 單選我最棒。 (  )1. The sun _down every day.            A. go    B. going   C. goes(  )2. Your shadow is getting _.         A. low and lower  B. longer and longer&#

9、160; C. longer and long(  )3. Mike and his family _going on a trip.           A. is     B. am          C. are                     

10、              第六課時一.按要求完成句子。   1.My shoes are size 38. (對劃線部分提問)   _ 2. They are heavier than him. (改為一般疑問句)   _ _ heavier_ him?3.My feet are smaller than yours. (改為同義句)   Your feet are

11、 _ than _. 二閱讀理解。   Hello!Im Mike. Im from America. Im 12 years old. This is Ann, my sister and this is Bill, my brother. Ann is 3 years older than me, but she is thinner than me. Bill is 10 years old. He is stronger than me. Im 1.58 meters. He is 1.60 meters. Im 51 kilograms. He is 2

12、 kilograms heavier than me.1. Where does Mike come from?_2.How old is Ann?_3.Who is taller, Mike or Ann?_4.How heavy is Mike?_5.Whos stronger than Mike?_                        Unit2 Last weekend第一課時一根據(jù)漢語提示將句子補充完整 

13、 1.They went fishing _(和朋友們)yesterday.2.- Did he _ _ _ (呆在家里)yesterday?- Yes,_ _(他是). 3._ _(.怎么樣)her weekend?二單項選擇。1.- What _you do last weekend?   -I watched TV.      B.were      C.did2.What _ Mike usually do every da

14、y?      B.did       C.does3.My mother _ TV last night.   A.watched        C.watching   第二課時一看圖片,寫出他們昨天都做了什么        

15、0;  二讀一讀,連一連。  1.What did you do yesterday?       A.No,he doesnt.  2.How was her weekend?             B.By plane.  3.Did you stay at home?           C.It was good.&#

16、160; 4.How did you go to Hong Kong?     D.I watched TV.  5.Does your father go fishing?    E.Yes, I did.         第三課時一.單項選擇。1. Let _ carry this bag.  A. I        B.  me 

17、      C. my2.-_ did you do last weekend?-I stayed at home.  A. What        B. Who          C. Where3.The film is _ .  A. interested       B. interesting     

18、60; C. interests4.Its _ than walking.         B. Faster          C.the faster5.Did you have a cold the day before yesterday?A.Yes,I didnt.       B. No,I did.        C.Yes,I

19、 did.二用括號里詞的適當形式填空。1.Jack often _ (play)football on the weekend.2.What _ you _(do) last Monday?3.Tom _ (be)happy yesterday.4.Yesterday I _ (stay) at home and _ (watch)TV.5.Mary _(sleep) well last night.                      

20、    第四課時一看圖,填入所缺單詞。1.-_ did Amy do yesterday?  -She _ _ _.2.-Did she _ _ _last night?  -Yes, _ _.3.-_ ChenJie _ _ last weekend?  -Yes,_ _.二翻譯1.你上周末做什么了 ?_2.我看電影了。_3.昨天晚上你看書了嗎?                  &#

21、160;          第五課時一按要求完成句子。1.I went fishing yesterday.(對劃線部分提問)  What _ you _ yesterday?2.He watched TV last night.(對劃線部分提問)  _did he _TV?3.Amy had a cold last Monday?(改為一般疑問句)_Amy _ a cold last Monday?(改為一般疑問句)二閱讀短文,并補全句子。   Sarah is

22、from America. She went to Canada last winter holiday. She went to a park. She went skating and took many pictures. Her friend Kate went to China last summer holiday. She learned Chinese from her Chinese friends. She went to a park, ate good food, and climbed a mountain .She took many pictures too. T

23、hey were all happy.1. Sarah went to _ last winter holiday.  2. Her friend Kate went to _.  3. Kate went to park,_ and _.  4. Sarah went to _ but Kate didnt.5. They _ all happy.                     


25、0;          第六課時一選出不同類單詞1.(  )  A. cleaned     B. stayed     C. last2. (  )   A. slept        B. saw        C. wash3. (  

26、;)   A. magazine     B. lamp       C. read4. (   )  A. better       B. faster     C. fixed三連詞成句1.    how,   weekend,   was,   your  (?)_?2.

27、I, to,  the,  magazine,  want, buy, new (.)_.3. we,  tea,  drank,  the,  in,  afternoon(.)_.Unit 3 Where did you go?第一課時一選出不同類單詞(    ) 1.A.mule    

28、        ) 2.A.cound            B.fell                 C.go (    ) 3.A.Labour Day       B.chil

29、drens Day      C.Turpan(    )                       C.fall二補全對話A: I _off my bike last Saturday and _ my foot.B: _ you all right?A: Im OK n

30、ow.B: Where _ you go?A: I went to Mt.Tianshan, Xinjiang.                                                        

31、60;     第二課時一圖文匹配。                 A.hurt my foot                 B.go fishing                  

32、;C.ride a horse                  D.go camping                E.ride a bike                         

33、   二單選我最棒。1.-What happened?-I _ my bike last Sunday.A.fell off       B. fall off        C. fell2.-_ did you go?  -Beijing.A.What      B. How      C. Where3.Come and look _ my photos _ t

34、he Labour Day holiday.; went      B. to; from         C. at; from4.I hurt my leg. So I _ come to school yesterday.A./   B. dont      C. didnt第三課時一把句子補充完整。        from&

35、#160;       of      off        over        by     1.Where did you go _the winter holiday?2.Beijing is far_ here.3.We went there _ train.4.I took lots _ pictures.5.I fell _ my

36、bike and hurt my foot.二單項選擇。1.-_was the beach?-It was so beautiful.A.What      B.How         C.Where2.-_ did she go there?  -She went _ by plane.A.How,/      B.How,to      C.Where,/3.-What _ he do las

37、t Sunday?-He _ swimming in the lake.    A.did; went      B.does; goes         C.did; goes                             第四課時一根據(jù)圖片寫出相應短語的過

38、去式形式。        _      _       _     _二重新給下列句子排序,組成一段合理的對話。A.I went there by train.B. Where did you go on your holiday?C. Did you eat good food ?D.I went to Beijing.E. How did you go there ?F. Yes, I did.G. W

39、hat did you eat ?H.I ate Beijing duck.第五課時一選出不同類單詞(   )1.A.bikes       ) 2.A.went           B.bought      

40、;       C.see(   ) 3.A.took         )4.A.about           B.for        &#

41、160;       C.her(   ) 5.A.rode           B.fall               C.come二用所給詞的適當形式填空。1.Did you_ (play)football yesterday?2.Aid you clean the room? B:Yes,I _.(do)  3.I wa

42、shed _(I)clothes last night.4.Bob was hungry. He _(want)eat some food.5.Jim _(have)a dog two years ago. It liked _(lick)_(he).                              第六課時一選出不同類單詞(   )  &#

43、160;            B. mule                  C. bike(   ) 2.A.words              B. gifts            

44、60;    C. see(   ) 3.A.bought             B. rode                  C. see(   ) 4.A.went camping       B. went fishing      &#

45、160;   C. take pictures(   ) 5.A.winter             B. summer                C. season二閱讀理解,正確寫“T”,錯誤寫”F”     One day, Bill ate up his breakfast and then he washed the dishes.

46、 He slipped and fell off .His clothes got dirty. Then he washed his clothes. But it rained. In the afternoon, it was sunny. He went fishing, but he didnt catch any fish. In the evening, he wanted to have supper. But he found there was no food in the kitchen. Bill read a book. Suddenly, the light did

47、nt work. He had to watch TV. But he was too tired. He fell asleep very soon.(     ) 1. Bill cleaned the window after he ate up his breakfast.(     ) 2. In the morning, it was sunny.(     ) 3. In the afternoon, Bill went fishing.(  

48、0;  ) 4. Bill didnt catch any fish.(     ) 5. Bill fell asleep when he was reading a book.  Unit 4 Then and now第一課時一、選詞填空。      or      in        about       on  

49、60;    at  1. Could you see stars_ night?          2. Tell us _ your school?   3. I was born _ 2005.4. I look it up _ the Internet.5. There were no computers _ Internet in our times.二、 單項選擇。1. There was _ library in his old school.

50、0;   A. not      B. no      C. no a2. Could you _ the moon at night?A. look     B. Watched    C. see3.He _ on the moon at night?A. look up it       B. looked up it       C. look it up4.

51、_ was your mothers school like?A. How                B. What              C. Whats5.Tell _about your family, please .A.I            B. my     

52、60;      C .me第二課時一選出不同類的一項。(   )1.A.last year         B.last month         C.every year (   ) office card          C.hotel

53、(   ) 3.A.want              B.was                C.were(   ) 4.A.looked            B.did            

54、    C.does(   ) 5.A.there                  C.these二根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子。1.去年,我們學校一個體育館都沒有。There _ _ _in our school _ _.2.唐朝沒有出租車。In the Tang dynasty,there _ _ _.3.今年,我們學校有一個新的餐廳。There_

55、 _ _ _ _in our school_ _.4.現(xiàn)在我家有一臺電腦。There_ _ _in my home now.5.五年前,這里只有一個小型建筑物。There_ only a small building here _ _ _.第三課時一.按要求完成句子。1.very, in, active, Amy, is, now, class.(連詞成句)_2.Im wearing a pink shirt.(對劃線部分提問)_二、 單項選擇。1. Today Im _ a white dress.  A. put on      

56、   B. wear         C. wearing2. Before, I _like maths.A. didnt           B. dont      C. doesnt3. I couldnt play the piano _.A. good              B. w

57、ell        C. gooder4. I like _ cycling.A. go                B. to going     C. to go5.How about_?A. swim               B. swiming    

58、      C. swimming第四課時一.根據(jù)首字母提示完成下列各題。1.There was no g_ in my school ten years a_.2.We can play football on the g_.3.I go c_ every day.4.I love to i_and play in the s_.5.Mike often plays in the s_.二、按要求完成句子。1.There was no library in my old school.(改為同義句)There was _ _ _ in my

59、old school.2.I love to go cycling.(變一般疑問句), before, winter, I, didnt .(連詞成句)_                               第五課時一選出不同類的一項。(   )1.A.gym          

60、0;B.dining hall         C.cycling (   )      B.cinema              C.badminton(   )           B.last year           C.last month(   )         


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