



1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上新概念英語一冊(cè)測(cè)試(Lesson 21-30) 姓名_ 日期_ 分?jǐn)?shù)_注意:1. 本試卷共九個(gè)大題, 滿分100分。2. 考試時(shí)間 50分鐘。一、 單項(xiàng)選擇:(20分) ( )1. Give _ a book,please. A. me B. my C. I ( )2. Give _ _ pen,please. A. him, hes B. her, her C. her, shes( )3. There are some _ on the table. A. glass B. glass C.glasses( )4. Give _ some books, pleas

2、e. A. we B. us C. our( )5.There is _ book on the desk._ book is good. A. a, An B. a, The C. the, The ( )6. The box is not large. Its _. A. empty B. small C. sharp( )7. There are _boxes_.A. some, floor B. some. on the floor C. any, on floor( )8. - Is this your fathers tie? No, it isnt. _tie is orange

3、. A. Her B. His C. Their( )9. _the door, _ the window. A. Open, dont open B. Open, not open C. To open, dont open( )10. There are _ in the bag. A. an apple B. some apples C. some glass二、從右欄中的英語翻譯中找出與左欄的漢語相匹配的翻譯,把標(biāo)號(hào)填入題前括號(hào)內(nèi)(10分)。 ( )1. the one on the shelf A. 在中間 ( ) 2. the tie on the chair B 在門附近 ( )

4、 3. on the right C 在架子上的那個(gè) ( ) 4. in the middle D 關(guān)上水管 ( ) 5. on the left E 打開門 ( ) 6. near the door F 關(guān)上窗戶 ( ) 7. turn on the TV G 打開電視 ( ) 8. turn off the tap H 在右面 ( ) 9. open the door I 在椅子上的領(lǐng)帶 ( ) 10. shut the window J在左面三名詞變復(fù)數(shù)(10分)1. housewife _2. man _3. woman _4. child _5. box _ 6. city_ 7.

5、potato _ 8. zoo _9. boy _ 10. tooth_四、用a, an, some, any 填空:(10分)1. Is that _ English car? No, its a Chinese car.2. There is _ new pen on my desk.3. There are _ boys, not _ girls in the classroom.4.Are these _ buses?5. She is _ air hostess from Japan.五用介詞填空。 (10分)1._ the kitchen &

6、#160;        2. _ the left        3._ the middle of     4. _ the shelf   5._ the floor       &#

7、160;6. _ the room        7._ the right              8. _ the wall 9._ home           

8、        10._ the bookcase 六、用括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式完成句子: (10分)1. There are two _(pen) in my pencil-box.2. Give _(I ) some newspapers, please.3. Give _(he) his book, please.4. Look at that woman, she is _(Tom) mother.5. These are not _(some) pens.6. -Whats _

9、(you) job?- I am a student.7. -_(who) book is this?- Its my brothers.8. Mr. Smith has(有) two _(son)9. That is _(we) bedroom.10. Look at those _(knife), they are sharp.七、句型變換:(10分) 1. This is my coat. ( 變否定句) 2. There is a desk in the room. ( 變一般疑問句) 3. There is an egg on the table. ( 變復(fù)數(shù)形式) 4. That

10、boy is from China.(劃線提問)5、Your shoes are on the floor. (劃線提問)八改錯(cuò)。 (10分)1. Give I a fork please, Mary.  2.Are these you pens? 3.There is a empty bottle on the table.  4.Give he the coat, please. 5.The pictu


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