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1、2018年SSC1新增或恢復(fù)收錄刊物列表骨口. 序號刊名ISSN1Jour nal of the Chin ese Society of Mecha ni cal Engin eers0257-97312JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY0019-45223URBAN LAWYER0042-09054JOURNAL OF CERAMIC PROCESSING RESEARCH1229-91625LIBRARY JOURNAL0363-02776TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR DIERGENEESKUNDE0040-74537ACTA VETERINA

2、RIA-BEOGRAD0567-83158JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGICAL SOCIAL WORK1540-40489Ann ali Italia ni di Chirurgia0003-469X10CHILD WELFARE0009-402111NATION0027-837812Oral History Review0094-079813Jour nal of Applied Fluid Mecha nics1735-357214TROPICAL ECOLOGY0564-329515INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLYMER ANALYSIS AND

3、CHARACTERIZATION1023-666X16ANTITRUST LAW JOURNAL0003-605617INDIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY0019-518918Korea n Jour nal of Metals and Materials1738-822819International Journal of Mobile Communications1470-949X20JOURNAL OF MARITAL AND FAMILY THERAPY0194-472X21NBER Macroeco nomics Ann ual0889-336

4、522Tran slati onal Stroke Research1868-448323Jour nal of Pediatric In fectious Diseases1305-770724SEMIOTICA0037-199825RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF THERIOLOGY1682-355926Cli nica y Salud1130-527427Theology and Science1474-670028NOTORNIS0029-447029Acta Phytotax ono mica et Geobota nica1346-756530REVISTA DE LA SO

5、CIEDAD ENTOMOLOGICA ARGENTINA0373-568031Postco lonial Studies1368-879032Tropical Grassla nds-Forrajes Tropicales2346-377533TAIWANIA0372-333X34ACM Tran sact ions on Privacy and Security2471-256635Mitocho ndrial DNA Part B-Resources2380-235936Can adia n Jour nal of School Psychology0829-573537Computer

6、 Assisted Surgery2469-932238Emerge ncy Medici ne Intern ati onal2090-284039CURRENT HERPETOLOGY1345-583440ACTA BIOLOGICA COLOMBIANA0120-548X41Pla nkt on & Ben thos Research1880-824742Veteri nary Research Forum2008-814043Intern ati onal Food Research Jour nal1985-466844Intern ati onal Review of Ec

7、onomics Educati on1477-388045Europea n Jour nal of Futures Research2195-419446Jour nal of Cogn itive Psychotherapy0889-839147ARTHROPODA SELECTA0136-006X48Estudios Atacame nos0718-104349Jour nal of Chin ese Political Science1080-695450Sport in Society1743-043751History and An thropology0275-720652Man

8、 agerial Audit ing Jour nal0268-690253Sport Market ing Quarterly1061-693454Fron tiers in En ergy2095-170155Jour nal of Asia n Economics1049-007856Sociology Compass1751-902057Biofuels-UK1759-726958Youth Justice-A n Intern ati onal Jour nal1473-225459Asia n Jour nal of Crimino logy1871-013160Jour nal

9、of Higher Educati on Policy and Man ageme nt1360-080X61Early Child Developme nt and Care0300-443062Adva nces in Civil Engin eeri ng1687-808663Intern ati onal Jour nal of Low-Carb on Tech no logies1748-131764UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LAW JOURNAL0042-022065JOURNAL OF ETHNICITY IN SUBSTANCE ABUSE1533-26406

10、6ANNALI DI BOTANICA0365-081267Jour nal of Econo mic Methodology1350-178X68Revista de Con tabilidad-Spa nish Acco unting Review1138-489169Preside ntial Studies Quarterly0360-491870Jour nal of Family and Econo mic Issues1058-047671America n Jour nal of Cri minal Justice1066-231672Early Childhood Educa

11、ti on Jour nal1082-330173Swiss Jour nal of Palae on tology1664-237674Prehospital and Disaster Medic ine1049-023X75BioPsychoSocial Medici ne1751-075976Jour nal of Childre ns Orthopaedics1863-252177SCIENCE PROGRESS0036-850478Race and Social Problems1867-174879Artery Research1872-931280Cardiology Resea

12、rch and Practice2090-801681Regi onal Studies in Mari ne Scie nee2352-485582Jour nal of the Economics of Ageing2212-828X83Jour nal of Cli nical Sport Psychology1932-926184Rege nerative Therapy2352-320485Mediterra nean Jour nal of Hematology and In fectious Diseases2035-300686Yale Jour nal on Regulati

13、 on0741-945787Jour nal of Work and Orga ni zati onal Psychology-Revista de Psicologia del Trabajo y de las Orga ni zaci ones1576-596288En vir onmen tal Geotech nics2051-803X89Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics1355-585590Fron tiers in Materials2296-801691Jour nal of Con textual Behaviora

14、l Scie nee2212-144792PsyCh Jour nal2046-025293Lithic Tech no logy#N/A94Philosophy Ethics and Huma nities in Medic ine1747-534195Professional Development in Education1941-525796Adva nces in Con crete Con struct ion2287-530197Progress in Orthod on tics2196-104298Migratio n Studies2049-583899REVIEWS ON

15、 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTUMORI JOURNAusin ess Process Man ageme nt Jour nal1463-7154102Biomass Con vers ion and Biorefi nery2190-6815103HUMAN DIMENSIONS OF WILDLIFE1087-1209104Phot onic Sen sors1674-9251105Intern ati onal Jour nal of Man agi ng Projects in Busin ess1753-837810

16、6Intern ati onal Jour nal of Older People Nurs ing1748-3735107JOURNAL OF ELDER ABUSE & NEGLECour nal of Behavioral Educati on1053-0819109SIAM-ASA Journal on Un certai nty Qua ntificatio n2166-2525110Jour nal of Lati na-o Psychology2168-1678111ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABIL

17、ITY1387-585X112Europea n Jour nal of Inno vati on Man ageme nt1460-1060113Cyberpsychology-Jour nal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace1802-7962114Jour nal of Gastric Can cer2093-582X115Intern ati onal Review of Social Psychology2397-8570116Agronom y-Basel2073-4395117Marketing Intelligence & P

18、lanninan guage and Cogn iti on1866-9808119Health Economics Review2191-1991120Fem inist Media Studies1468-0777121Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders2195-7177122En vir onmen tal Engin eeri ng Research1226-1025123Food Science & Nutriti on2048-7177124Rice Scie nee1672-

19、6308125Psychosocial In terve nti on1132-0559126Jour nal of Brand Man ageme nt1350-231X127Intern ati onal Jour nal of Busin ess Communi cati on2329-4884128Fron tiers of Structural and Civil Engin eeri ng2095-2430129Heritage Science2050-7445130ECOHYDROLOGY & HYDROBIOLOGY1642-3593131Engin eeri ng C

20、on struct ion and Architectural Man ageme nntern ati onal Jour nal of Hyperte nsion2090-0384133Mobile Media & Communi cati on2050-1579134En ergy Susta in ability and Society2192-0567135An imals2076-2615136Semi nars in On cology Nursi nperative Neurosurgery2332-4252138

21、Jour nalism Practice1751-2786139Adva nces in Manu facturi ng2095-3127140Biomedical Jour nal2319-4170141IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine-JTEHM2168-2372142Tourism Man ageme nt Perspectives2211-9736143In sects2075-4450144Pla nning Theory & Practice1464-9357145Intern

22、ati onal Jour nal of En trepre neurial Behaviour & Research1355-2554146Applied Health Econo mics and Health Policy1175-5652147Current Research in Translational Medicine2452-3186148Local En vir onment1354-9839149World Journal of Cli nical Cases2307-8960150Psychology Research and Behavior Man agem

23、e nt1179-1578151Huma n-ce ntric Comput ing and In formati on Scien ces2192-1962152World Journal of Me ns Health2287-4208153Jour nal of Social Marketi ng2042-6763154NPJ Microgravity2373-8065155Territory Politics Gover nance2162-2671156Surface Topography-Metrology and Properties2051-672X157Jour nal of

24、 Orthopaedic Tran slati on2214-031X158Psychology & Sexuality1941-9899159Electr onics2079-9292160Geography Compass1749-8198161Global Ecology and Con servati on2351-9894162Jour nal of Berry Research1878-5093163Jour nal of Manu facturi ng Tech no logy Man ageme nt1741-038X164Sustai nability Acco un

25、ting Man ageme nt and Policy Jour nal2040-8021165Computati onal Particle Mecha nics2196-4378166JMIR SERIOUS GAMES2291-9279167Jour nal of Market ing Man ageme nt0267-257X168QUANTITATIVE IMAGING IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY2223-4292169JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ECONOMICS1369-6998170Jour nal of High En ergy Astroph

26、ysics2214-4048171Intern ati onal Jour nal of Bank Market inntern ati onal Breastfeedi ng Jour nal1746-4358173Adva nces in Nano Research2287-237X174En vir onmen tai Developme nt2211-4645175VIROLOGICA SINICA1674-0769176BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care2045-435X177Communi cati on &

27、 Sport2167-4795178Jour nai of Mathematical Neuroscie nee2190-8567179Forest Ecosystems2095-6355180EPJ Qua ntum Tech no logy2196-0763181Jour nal of the Pediatric In fectious Diseases Society2048-7193182Curre nt Molecular Pharmacology1874-4672183Progress in Earth and Pla netary Scie nee2197-4284184Jour

28、 nal of En terprise In formati on Man ageme nt1741-0398185Jour nal of On cology Practice1554-7477186Immune Network1598-2629187Jour nal of Palaeogeography-E nglish2095-3836188Crop Jour nal2095-5421189Engin eeri ng2095-8099190Jour nal of Hospitality Marketi ng & Man ageme nt1936-8623191Gastroe nte

29、rology Report2052-0034192Sports Health-A Multidiscipli nary Approach1941-7381193Molecular Gen etics & Geno mic Medici ne2324-9269194Jour nal of Product and Brand Man ageme nt1061-0421195Intern ati onal Jour nal of Stem Cells2005-3606196International Journal for Parasitology-Parasites and Wildlif

30、e2213-2244197Eleme nta-Scie nee of the An thropoce ne2325-1026198Zoological Letters2056-306X199IEEE Cloud Computi ng2325-6095200GM Crops & Food-Biotech no logy in Agriculture and the Food Chai n2164-5698201Jour nal of Retaili ng and Con sumer Services#N/A202Diabetes Metabolic Syn drome and Obesi

31、ty-Targets and Therapy1178-7007203Processes2227-9717204Adipocyte2162-3945205Natural Resources Research1520-7439206World Jour nal of Gastr oin testi nal On cology1948-5204207High Power Laser Scie nee and Engin eeri ng2095-4719208npj Vacc ines2059-0105209Earth and Space Scie nee2333-5084210Ope n Forum

32、 In fectious Diseases2328-8957211Moveme nt Ecology2051-3933212Con flict and Health1752-1505213Food Packagi ng and Shelf Life2214-2894214NeoBiota1619-0033215Therapeutic Adva nces in Musculoskeletal Disease1759-720X216HEPATOBILIARY SURGERY AND NUTRITION2304-3881217npj Genomic Medicine2056-7944218Curre

33、 nt Forestry Reports2198-6436219Jour nal of In tellectual Capital1469-1930220Diabetes & Metabolism Jour nal2233-6079221Curre nt Opi nio n in Food Scie nee2214-7993222Pharmaceutics1999-4923223Experime ntal Neurobiology1226-2560224En ergy Research & Social Science2214-6296225EPMA Journal1878-5

34、085226Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Water2049-1948227Therapeutic Adva nces in En docri no logy and Metabolism2042-0188228En vir onmen tal Scien ces Europe2190-4715229npj Biofilms and Microbiomes2055-5008230Computati onal and Structural Biotech no logy Jour nal2001-0370231Jour nal of Adva need Rese

35、arch2090-1232232World Journal of Stem Cells1948-0210233Fron tiers in On cology2234-943X234Cell Discovery2056-5968235Jour nal of On cology1687-8450236Asia n Jour nal of Pharmaceutical Scien ces1818-0876237Can cer Biology & Medici ne2095-3941238Adva need Materials Tech no logies2365-709X239Reacti

36、on Chemistry & Engin eeri ng2058-9883240Cells2073-4409241Therapeutic Adva nces in Chronic Disease2040-6223242Microsystems & Nanoengin eer ing2055-7434243Adva nces in Wound Care2162-1918244En vir onmen tal Inno vati on and Societal Tran siti ons2210-4224245Can cers2072-6694246Acta Neuropathol

37、ogica Communi cati ons2051-5960247Journal of Clinical Medicine2077-0383248World Allergy Orga ni zati on Jour nal1939-4551249mSystems2379-5077250Jour nal of Tissue Engin eeri ng2041-7314251Tran slati onal Neurodege nerati on2047-9158252Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B2211-3835253EBioMedic ine2352-3964254G

38、ENOMICS PROTEOMICS & BIOINFORMATICS1672-0229255IEEE Tran sact ions on Cloud Comput ing2168-7161256Jour nal for Immuno Therapy of Cancer2051-1426257npj Computational Materials2057-3960258Nano scale Horiz ons2055-6756259JAMA Cardiology2380-6583260Dialogues in Huma n Geography2043-8206261Scie nee Adva nces2375-2548262Chem2451-9294263Nature Reviews Materials2058-8437264ACS Earth and Space Chemistry2472-3452265AUSTRAL JOURNAL OF VETERINARY SCI


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